View Full Version : Random and silly questions

11-08-2009, 13:28
For all those things you were too embarrassed to ask.

I'll start us off: how long with pastry keep in the fridge? If I made some tonight for use on Friday afternoon will it be better to freeze it and take it out Friday morning or will it be fine in the fridge?

11-08-2009, 14:13
I would freeze it myself :)

BB x

11-08-2009, 14:47
I would freeze it myself :)

BB x

Me too :)

11-08-2009, 20:05
freeze it as it will go all dry in the fridge

*sits on Lozza to stop her escaping again*

11-08-2009, 21:43
Is there a way of stopping frest slices of apple going brown really quickly?

I don't have time to cut it up in the morning for work and its always starting to brown (especially round the edges) but lunch :(

11-08-2009, 21:47
Coat in lemon juice, though it does affect the flavour a little (obviously). There are other ways of doing it too apparently (dunno what Graze do, but it works).

16-08-2009, 17:16
Eat it whole? :confused: :p

16-08-2009, 17:24
Eat it whole? :confused: :p


It's when taking it to work! Slices are so much easier :)

16-08-2009, 17:46
Sprinkle lemon juice on it :)

16-08-2009, 18:03
Sprinkle lemon juice on it :)
Battery acid works just as well, and if you steal it out of Stans MR2 battery, it's cheaper too.

16-08-2009, 21:56
ignore me! :D

16-08-2009, 23:44
ignore me! :D
We often do.;)

18-08-2009, 06:19

It's when taking it to work! Slices are so much easier :)
I just shove an apple in my handbag on the way out of the door. I defy you to find anything easier than that :p

18-08-2009, 08:51
And if you want it sliced you already have the flickknife to hand...

18-08-2009, 11:18
Buy an apple corer, then it takes about 8 seconds to cut up your apple "on-site".