View Full Version : Need to crisp up the edges of this image

Joe 90
16-08-2009, 02:02
Hey, I've never been able to get the attached logo to look crisp which really annoys me every time i load up one of our pages.
as you see on our nice new forum;

Trouble mainly being (other than I don't know what technique to use) that i've never had the image in vector form.
It first came to me as a jpg :eek:

anyway, if someone could give it some crisp edges, or tell me how (reference to something online would be great) then i'd be awfully happy :D

*okay, invalid file;


16-08-2009, 02:28
When you say crisp I assume you mean remove the aliasing?

16-08-2009, 05:57

On the main page press "Upload image to trace"

It's an awesome tool, and the first 2 downloads are freeeeeee \0/

16-08-2009, 08:53
Here you go mate, see if any of these tickle your fancy :)



Joe 90
16-08-2009, 15:13
When you say crisp I assume you mean remove the aliasing?


On the main page press "Upload image to trace"

It's an awesome tool, and the first 2 downloads are freeeeeee \0/

thats awesome - thanks.

16-08-2009, 17:22
No problem :rolleyes:


16-08-2009, 17:31
Need to crisp up the edges of this image
10 mns under a hot grill?

Joe 90
17-08-2009, 00:01
No problem :rolleyes:


lol. sorry, wasn't ignoring your input... just went to see how that app worked out and then before I could come back to comment on how it did in comparison to your two my brother had taken over my TV and had the golf on :(

After all that though I've decided that it can't really be improved enough to bother changing all the code to swap it :confused:

thanks though :)

18-08-2009, 14:55
hehe no problem mr show - I was only jesting anway :) Thanks for replying though :)