Joe 90
17-08-2009, 00:07
New game, out in september for PC and Xbox 360, it's a first person shooter and at first glance you'd be forgiven for thinking it was your standard shooter set in the american civil war with average looking graphics and fairly below average AI (they look like they'll stand in one place and shoot, possibly take cover and run away when they start to lose.....nothing special). that is exactly what i thought when i watched the first video, then it pulled something spectacular out of it's otherwise generic bag, oh yes ladies and gents this game isn't just set in the american civil war....... you'll also be fighting in the first world war, the future and against Romans!
from what i can tell so far the story is you're some time travelling soldier that is sent to various battles with the purpose of protecting certain soldiers that have an effect in the future, these soldiers are highlighted by a glowing blue light.
theres some videos and a trailer;
and a demo \o/
played the demo earlier - good fun, but no romans in the demo :'(
from what i can tell so far the story is you're some time travelling soldier that is sent to various battles with the purpose of protecting certain soldiers that have an effect in the future, these soldiers are highlighted by a glowing blue light.
theres some videos and a trailer;
and a demo \o/
played the demo earlier - good fun, but no romans in the demo :'(