View Full Version : Boom Boom Pow

18-08-2009, 13:00
Saw this on digg earlier and thought the lad did excellent, all in 1 take too :D


Joe 90
18-08-2009, 13:49
makes a change to the usual setting for that kind of video!

and that tool with the hat on at the end made me laugh!

18-08-2009, 20:58
A quote from one of his other videos... "I've got balls of stee!l".

I wouldn't go as far as that but he's certainly not bothered about doing what he's done in the middle of a busy store.

20-08-2009, 22:55
haha, nice vid... Im' not keen on the song however...

21-08-2009, 12:55
A quote from one of his other videos... "I've got balls of stee!l".

I wouldn't go as far as that but he's certainly not bothered about doing what he's done in the middle of a busy store.

I'd use the term "got no shame".