View Full Version : Quick Xbox live question

25-08-2009, 18:40
Ok, noob question...

Is an XBox live sub attached to your gamertag or the xbox itself.

In other words, if you have one machine with multiple users, can they all use the same Xbox live sub or do they have to buy one each?

25-08-2009, 18:46
It's linked to the gamertag.
So if you've got two tags on one machine they both need Gold memberships to play online :)
Although you can still use Xbox Live with a silver account, just can't play online and some demos are exclusive to gold members for a certain time.

26-08-2009, 07:45
Yeah that's what I expected and is, to be honest, completely lame.

This is one thing which really puts me off consoles in general. It's bad enough having to pay a subscription to play online but having to pay it multiple times for each person in the house is daylight robbery.

26-08-2009, 09:06
To be fair the xbox is the only console where that is necessary, both the Wii and PS3 have free online, so it shouldn't be something that puts you off consoles all together :)

But yes, i agree it's lame. If a friend comes over and wants to try a game online (in this case it was bf1943) he has to use my account, i spent the whole time staring over his shoulder making sure he didn't team kill too much in order to get me negative rep.

26-08-2009, 09:27
Well, to be fair, a lot of games support taking a guest (or 3) online with only your account. It's not ideal though, particularly if you've got a couple of kids I imagine.

26-08-2009, 11:04
As Daz said, many (I'd say the vast majority) allow for you and a friend to play online with him being a 'guest'. You also get 1 month of membership for every new account created on a new Xbox console (up to 4).

Xbox Live Membership isn't that expensive now at around £26 a year and for what it offers it's much better than the free offerings on PS3 and Wii (and PC IMO), so it does have pros and cons. If the membership was linked to a console it would be far more problematic in the long run. The idea that you can chuck your gamertag on a Memory Unit, take it round a friends and play there is a great thing.