View Full Version : Getting OS X to mount network drives on startup

22-09-2006, 10:55
I recently bought a Buffalo TeraStation Pro (http://www.buffalo-technology.com/products/product-detail.php?productid=140&categoryid=19) for backing up all my stuff to. I knocked up a script on my Mac Mini to copy the stuff I want to be backed up to the TeraStation and set it to run with cron.

All fine so far, but if I reboot the Mac it doesn't automatically connect to the share on the TeraStation so the backup job fails. Any ideas how to get it to connect automagically at startup?

22-09-2006, 10:57
Random suggestion from someone who's never really used a Mac - easier to ftp it? Your backups will happen regardless of the state of the drive mapping.

22-09-2006, 11:00
Not a bad idea that. The ftp daemon on the TeraStation isn't setup too well by default but I think it's just PureFTPD so I could hack about and sort that.

I could even compile OpenSSH on there and use SCP which would be helpful for grabbing stuff off it when I'm away from home.

22-09-2006, 11:03
It runs a *nix os then? Spiffing. SCP would be my preferred option for sure.

22-09-2006, 11:09
Aye, some cut down flavour of Linux. I've installed a modified firmware to let me telnet in (eww) and am currently downloading precompiled OpenSSH binaries.

It's a nice piece of kit actually, I've also got it running a uPnP media server so that I can stream MP3's and internet radio to a Netgear MP101 sitting downstairs.

22-09-2006, 11:44
OpenSSH is installed and I've setup PAT on my router (it was forwarding 22 to the Mac) so that I can grab stuff from it when away from home :)

22-09-2006, 11:44
Problem solved, and new options to boot :)