View Full Version : So just got Halo 3..........

01-09-2009, 20:07
Welcome to 2005 Loki :)

My PSP went tits up over the weekend and I took it back to game and traded the free game in for Halo 3. What should I expect from this game ?? I played the orginal Halo on PC and found it aright. Is it as good as the X360 Guys rave ? And what's the MP like ???

01-09-2009, 20:25
Tbh i thought what i've played is average, however many will tell you it's all about the multiplayer which unfortunately i'm unable to play. This is because of the paid for map packs that keep kicking me off servers, i'm unwilling to pay for them until i know how good the multiplayer is but in turn i'm unable to find out how good the multiplayer is because of not owning them.

Catch 22 if there ever was one.

Keep an eye out for me on live though, i'm not too far into the single player campaign and would be happy to start again if you fancied some coop.

01-09-2009, 20:26
You can play multi player fine with the free to download maps.

01-09-2009, 20:30
You can play multi player fine with the free to download maps.

I did get those admittedly after a long time of trying and failing to get online and tried two servers, both of which kicked me off. At that point i lost my temper with it all, assumed i would never connect, and concentrated on other games. On reflection that was just a tad childish and i should really go back and have another go.

01-09-2009, 20:34

We're both talking about Halo 3 yeah? Halo doesn't have servers, only automatic matchmaking. It's not worth having another go anyway, as it's got pretty poor multi-player compared to Halo 2/CoD4

01-09-2009, 20:38
Whatever it's called it didn't work :p

01-09-2009, 21:16
4 player co-op - Amazing fun.
2 player co-op - Excellent fun.
1 player - Average run of the mill Sci-Fi FPS.

01-09-2009, 22:57
What about proper multiplayer Haly? :p

01-09-2009, 23:06
I haven't really played it enough to have a real opinion on it. Wasn't fussed when I played it for 30mins or so once though, so I stuck with CoD4.

02-09-2009, 02:36
The whole story arc of the series is fantastic and the game thrives on multiplayer co-operative gameplay. The openess of the Multiplayer is also good fun, but I put my time into other games instead sadly. This will be rectified by Halo 3 ODST, which I can't wait for, it's gonna kick ass \o/.