View Full Version : Chili paste?

03-09-2009, 20:10
I've grown a good few chilis this year, mostly cayennes - but have a few tabasco plants too.

I want to make a paste out of the cayennes so that I can keep it for a good while and add it to sauces etc. etc. and all recipes say the same thing

"stick in a blender, with enough vinegar to keep it moist, add some sugar and put in a sterile jar"

What type of vinegar should I be using?

I used balsamic to make the chutney as the recipe was very specific about that, but I think it would be way too strong for using in a plain chili paste.

03-09-2009, 20:14
Last time I made chili paste I used a mixture of white wine and cider vinegar. The end result was lovely!

03-09-2009, 20:42
How handy, I have both in my cupboard! shouldn't need too much though in fairness, should I.

03-09-2009, 21:31
any vinegar. but not balsamic. You need strong vinegar. I can't remember the percentage but I think it maybe be 5%+ a quick google should find it.

Remember to sterilise everything and use google bottling methods to ensure everythings sterile when you seal teh jar.

03-09-2009, 22:36
I made a peri peri style sauce with tomato puree, garlic, chilli and red wine vinegar.