View Full Version : New Stargate series - Stargate Universe

07-09-2009, 10:42
Ooooooh this looks good, says October 2nd for America.


Not heard about this until just now.

07-09-2009, 10:51
Cheers for the heads up Knips, I watched the first couple of atlantis back when Virgin originally had sky but haven't seen it since. Well definitely be watching this.

07-09-2009, 10:54
I only found out about it because Robert Carlyle is on This Morning in a mo, so I googled. Will let you know if they mention dates when he's been on.

07-09-2009, 10:54
Not 100% sure on this one, will still watch it though just to see what they do with it. McGuyver has put on some weight since I last saw him though.

07-09-2009, 10:57
Oooooooooooooo :D

07-09-2009, 10:58
I rather lost the plot after Atlantis S1 and so haven't seen much of the last two seasons of SG-1, or anything recent on Atlantis.

Shame, as I used to enjoy it. Maybe now is the time to try again. :)

07-09-2009, 11:03
October the 6th for us on Sky 1 apparently.

07-09-2009, 11:10
So October 3rd then :p ;)

Just watched the trailer and made me think a lot of Voyager

07-09-2009, 11:26
So October 3rd then :p ;)

Just watched the trailer and made me think a lot of Voyager

Indeed, but if its only a few days later I might hold on.

8pm on the 6th This Morning tells me.

07-09-2009, 12:49
Christ no. My boy is obsessed with Stargate, he locks onto a series and watches it non-stop. He's done Enterprise, Simpsons, Futurama, Scooby Doo and others. I put it down to the autism but it's really frustrating to see the same old crap on the screen every time I go in the room.

07-09-2009, 15:45
Stargate was great until the last 3 series, and Atlantis seemed like a really cheap knockoff so I have really low expectations for this. I'd like to be pleasantly surprised though :)

07-09-2009, 19:24
Stargate was great until the last 3 series, and Atlantis seemed like a really cheap knockoff so I have really low expectations for this. I'd like to be pleasantly surprised though :)

My thoughts exactly. Stargate was good when we were a tiny little defenceless planet that was an annoyance. When we became all powerful it got stupid. All the Asgard weaponry and huge orbital ships was just stupid. I preferred when we were up against the odds, outnumbered and outgunned.

The same happened with Atlantis, interesting at first exploring the base with limited weaponry. Suddenly after a couple of series you have limitless power, the mega badies become wimps and you have the backup of your mega ship. Hence the it died a death.

The concept is interesting, hence they keep refreshing it (and they will do for some time). Think BSG, they will keep coming up with reincarnations. I am prepared to be proved wrong, but my expectations are also low for this.

11-09-2009, 21:03
Really unsure on Universe - looks like a total departure from the previous two series.

I don't blame them for this as it needs to evolve to survive - Atlantis was just trying to re-invent SG-1, both in terms of characters and storylines and ultimately ran out of ideas.

Will reserve judgement until I see it but I don't think it'll bear much resemblance to the Stargate we know and love.

11-09-2009, 22:11
They've been showing long trailers in the movie theaters in advance of this one. Seems like they're pushing for a really big launch, and rather stronger different approach to Stargate. It looks like it could be quite impressive, though I'm getting serious shades of BSG & Voyager in the whole "lost, seeking home" aspect.

What I don't like the look of is that college age genius kid. Why, for the love of all that is good and wonderful in sci-fi, why? It's a crap plot device and it rarely feels natural or logical.

11-09-2009, 23:50
What I don't like the look of is that college age genius kid. Why, for the love of all that is good and wonderful in sci-fi, why? It's a crap plot device and it rarely feels natural or logical.
Shades of Doogie Howser MD!?!

12-09-2009, 00:42
More like Wesley-bloody-Crusher!

12-09-2009, 07:10
More like Wesley-bloody-Crusher!

Maybe he'll lose his place as most hated person in sci-fi :)

12-09-2009, 17:19
More like Wesley-bloody-Crusher!

Exactly :) The writers often just get lumbered with a character they never wanted and don't know what to do with them, and probably won't figure that out for a few seasons at best.

13-09-2009, 20:45
I like Wesley...

Only halfway through season 1 though ;D

14-09-2009, 14:28
Actually that trailer kind of makes it look like Star(Trek)gate Voyager....

Del Lardo
17-09-2009, 11:40

Good article here though it does contain SPOILERS

05-10-2009, 22:41
Watched this Saturday morning.

Impressive :) A rather different approach and the method of involving the SG1 team did feel a little bit contrived, but I guess inevitable with almost any spin-off.

The Last Stargate back story is a bit crap, but meh... I guess they really wanted the kid in there somehow. He wasn't as annoying as he could have been but still is far from wonderful... however I was left with hopes for the future. Kind of Rodney McKay esque without the overwhelming arrogance or quite that level of brilliance.

In general it feels like a Stargate / BSG hybrid stealing the main plotline from Voyager for good effect, pretty much what I was expecting. Story telling offers more to BSG than Stargate, but the end of the opening show gave a feeling it could end up being barely different from usual Stargate "Let's explore the Stargate of the week" stuff. I do have hopes though. Acting almost all round was great, especially Robert Carlyle who's character really, really disturbs me for various reasons. Some lines were delivered in a very interesting manner, possibly a lot different from what the writers imagined but suffices to make his character the most intriguing of the lot. There was a fair emphasis on his character whether because of who the actor is or otherwise that means some of the other main actors were left a bit in the background when they could have been so much more.

06-10-2009, 08:00
I shall be giving it a bash, and from what you've said it sounds promising.

06-10-2009, 18:57
Reminder: 8PM and 9PM tonight - Sky One - double episode.

Don't know if I'll get into it or not (I very rarely watch satellite TV), but I've set Sky+

06-10-2009, 19:11
Im working a nightshift so have set it to record.

06-10-2009, 19:21
so does it start tonight?

06-10-2009, 19:43
so does it start tonight?

Yup, as Mark said, double episode starting at 8pm sky one.

06-10-2009, 20:02
the title sequence has borrowed a hell of a lot from star trek. I am waiting for Picard to start up "Space.... the final frontier".... I can even hear bits of the first star trek film in there

06-10-2009, 20:42
For the record:

I loath flashbacks as a story telling method.

06-10-2009, 22:16
For the record:

I loath flashbacks as a story telling method.

I would add that it's fine when done well but this did pee me off. Just watched the double bill as I was stuck in a hotel. Really rather ::/: about the whole thing. Seriously wooden acting.

How many bloody times must they do a pan of the ship using exactly the same view. Got tiring after 5-6 times of the same panning shot re-used.

The only interesting part was where the senator was going to have a power struggle with the colonel. Except Looks like this colonel will become the next Shepperd. Blonde girl the next Beckett. Kid is a young Rodney with Robert Carlyse as a bungling scientist.

This seems as if it's a last ditch attempt to suck life out of the Stargate formula :(

12-10-2009, 08:53
It seems to be getting better now, just hope that they visit some interesting places in the following episodes. Also,

Wonder who was on the ship that launched from Destiny at the end of episode 3. I swear to God, that if it's the dead congressman I'm going to be severely pissed off.

12-10-2009, 17:38
It seems to be getting better now, just hope that they visit some interesting places in the following episodes

I definitely enjoyed that episode, though I was surprised to find out the long distance communicating stones were real, and maybe Dr Rush isn't quite so creepy. Still wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. I figured it was just too convenient that he was put in charge in the first pair of episodes.

13-10-2009, 20:58
Good episode tonight I thought, who was it leaving at the end though? :huh:

13-10-2009, 21:10
Good episode tonight I thought, who was it leaving at the end though? :huh:

I'm figuring automatic, or another one of Dr Rush's weird stunts, maybe by way of misdirection

02-02-2010, 22:18
Doubt I'll be watching this again because I can't be arsed waiting until April to watch it!

13-06-2010, 20:40
Well ok I caved and have just finished the finale and oh my word!!!! :shocked:

13-06-2010, 20:46
As in it was good or bad?

Am at Sky 1 pace with this.

13-06-2010, 20:47
Good definitely! where are you up to?

13-06-2010, 20:53
Good definitely! where are you up to?

Currently watching the one from 2 weeks ago where Rush thought the blokey was a spy so he's gone back to find out if he is. There was another one last week which I have recorded too.

13-06-2010, 20:55
after the one you saw there is only 2 left

13-06-2010, 20:59
Groovy, looking forward to them now then. Will be back to discuss when i've caught up with you. :)

13-06-2010, 21:05
Will be good to have a chat about it :)

Del Lardo
13-06-2010, 22:44
Watching MoTD and SGU finale after. Nearly didn't bother coming back after the mid-season break as I thought the first half of the series was Panda Pops but second half has been loads better.

13-06-2010, 23:35
It was certainly worth the wait, now things get interesting.

Del Lardo
14-06-2010, 00:11
so then, contract negotiation time ;) They said from the start that everyone was expendable though no doubt they'll be doing some market research to work out who they can't kill off, my vote is for the military chick with the unfeasible large boobies.

Must say that Rush as a character has really grown on me. Found him very irritating to start with but now he's almost become the only voice of reason.

Shame that they have gone down the standard Stargate route of people making the wrong decision then there being 2-3 episodes of cleanup. Blow the airlock in the gate room as they are coming through and it's all avoided, I really can't see any high ranking military official having too much of a problem with that.

15-06-2010, 07:12
/me agrees with Del Lardo

15-06-2010, 20:57
Aaaaarrghhhh!!!! I just watched the finale!

Please tell me they haven't cancelled it! :shocked:

Del Lardo
15-06-2010, 22:52
Aaaaarrghhhh!!!! I just watched the finale!

Please tell me they haven't cancelled it! :shocked:

They've cancelled it!

Only joking ;) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stargate_Universe
A second season of 20 episodes was announced by Syfy in December 2009 and is due to start airing in October 2010.

05-10-2010, 07:05
Just a heads up for people, this starts again at 9pm tonight! :D

05-10-2010, 08:29
Never found time to watch the first season so not sure I'll 'get it', but if I'm about, I'll certainly give it a go. :)

Del Lardo
05-10-2010, 09:30
disappointing. Usual SG bull of it all recovering nicely by the end of episode. The Producers were comparing SGU with BSG when it launched, I have no idea what they were smoking as they are clearly constrained by the usual SG playbook.

01-12-2010, 21:38
So who else has been watching this?

Seems they're now on a mid-season break, just hope it isn't April before it is back again :(

01-12-2010, 21:39
I haven't watched this weeks yet, but yes am still watching, really enjoying it too, this seasons last few episodes have been really good :)

01-12-2010, 23:19
Watching too. It's definitely getting there. Still missing McKay / O'Neill humour.

Del Lardo
01-12-2010, 23:23
Watched the first 5-6 episodes of S2 and really struggling with it again, I'm going to give it another bash but I can't help but feeling that outside of the occasional excellent episode, week to week it's a bit ****.

02-12-2010, 06:16
This week's was pretty good. I only watch by way of bittorrent, though. So hopefully my "this week" is the same as the one everyone else is talking about.

I'm not buying the whole routine that Lou Diamond Phillips told the story of on the seed ship. Just seems way too convenient.

I'm thinking Chloe has done something that's going to pull their arse out of the fire, though. If not, it's going to be interesting to see how they survive this one.

02-12-2010, 08:25
I thought this week's ep had a lot more humour in it than in previous episodes. Most of the humour does revolve around Eli. Here are mine :D

That's Destiny letting us know it's finished assembling the simulation, either that or pie is done

Mr Brody, don't make me come over there

In Ancient, English, Bat signal, whatever else you got

04-12-2010, 03:13
Yeah, they are introducing the funny a lot better!!

11-05-2011, 09:55
Well watched the finale last night and I thought it was a fitting episode considering they didn't know it was cancelled when they filmed it.

If they leave it there I'm rather content but hopefully they'll be more at a later date

11-05-2011, 10:56
Take it you're ahead of me as it only started up again on Sky about 4 episodes ago?

11-05-2011, 11:12
Yeah all things considered it did end well. I am going to miss it. Its the last space based scifi show on TV.

11-05-2011, 11:50
Take it you're ahead of me as it only started up again on Sky about 4 episodes ago?

Yes been watching it the day after the US broadcast :)

You've got some great stuff coming up

Yeah all things considered it did end well. I am going to miss it. Its the last space based scifi show on TV.

The rumours going round is netflix is looking to pick up cancelled shows, so who knows it could be back :D

05-06-2011, 20:10
Now im getting towards the end of this season, (2 episodes left) I cant actually believe they've gone and cancelled it considering how flipping good it has got again the last few eps. :angry:

05-06-2011, 21:31
Now im getting towards the end of this season, (2 episodes left) I cant actually believe they've gone and cancelled it considering how flipping good it has got again the last few eps. :angry:

Too little, too late. The viewing figures were appalling, even after SyFy channel moved it onto their strongest night for viewers. SG:U lost people from the start and never recovered. The writers and producers took too long to figure out what they actually wanted to do with the setting & characters.

05-06-2011, 23:50
Only seen a few so don't feel qualified to comment fully, but I didn't really like the concept, and so never bothered. Since having seen some episodes (while on holiday, of all things) it's definitely 'take it or leave it' territory for me.

Though I seem to have lost interest in the whole genre - along with a lot of other things. :(

06-06-2011, 07:14
Trust me, on the whole its been bloody good. Not sure watching a few episodes would give you a proper picture really.

06-06-2011, 12:49
Too little, too late. The viewing figures were appalling, even after SyFy channel moved it onto their strongest night for viewers. SG:U lost people from the start and never recovered. The writers and producers took too long to figure out what they actually wanted to do with the setting & characters.

Hmmm... thought Matt said it was the opposite, moved to an awful night for figures then taken off on the back of it. Am pretty sure it'll be back, it's the nature of these things. There's no new ideas in Hollywood, so they'll wait til there's a lull and some genius will suggest - "I know, what happened to that SGU thing?"

It was excellent, I really enjoyed it, especially towards the end.

07-06-2011, 00:07
Hmmm... thought Matt said it was the opposite, moved to an awful night for figures then taken off on the back of it. Am pretty sure it'll be back, it's the nature of these things. There's no new ideas in Hollywood, so they'll wait til there's a lull and some genius will suggest - "I know, what happened to that SGU thing?"

It was excellent, I really enjoyed it, especially towards the end.

It was moved to Tuesdays from Fridays, which isn't all that unusual a move either, a bunch of series across many channels do the same thing.
The reality is most shows that make a change to Tuesday pick up more viewers, SG:U did a bit but the figures almost immediately dropped again. There was also a whole lot of adverts for the show on the channel. They promoted the heck out of it.

Tuesdays in the US are considered prime TV viewing days, Glee, Heroes, Lost, White Collar, Royal Pains, The Middle etc. etc. all are broadcast on Tuesdays either from day one or ultimately, based on viewer numbers as they can get a premium for adverts on Tuesdays :) Lost got juggled around a bit as they were relying on it's strength of viewership for boosting other flagging shows.
Fringe has slowly made it's way from Tuesdays to the Friday, which was the main prompt for all the concerns that it might get cancelled :)

Unfortunately you can show all the evidence you like to fans and they just won't accept it, because their show that they loved got cancelled.

07-06-2011, 09:07
Unfortunately you can show all the evidence you like to fans and they just won't accept it, because their show that they loved got cancelled.

I was just saying I'd heard different. I wasn't arguing whether or not it was true. That's probably true of some fans, but I doubt of all. /sweeping generalisations

15-06-2011, 22:20
Just watched the last ep. Can't believe they've cancelled it considering how it ended. :(

15-06-2011, 22:29
Just watched the last ep. Can't believe they've cancelled it considering how it ended. :(

There's some stuff on GW about what would have happened, and how it was going to end, could have been worse!

Spoilers contained:

16-06-2011, 01:55
I was just saying I'd heard different. I wasn't arguing whether or not it was true. That's probably true of some fans, but I doubt of all. /sweeping generalisations

Hmm.. I didn't mean it to come across quite that way. Just tired of seeing on loads of sites, twitter etc. all this venting about Syfy killing off popular shows by large groups of fans who don't listen/won't listen :)

16-06-2011, 14:11
s'alright. I like you so I won't come after you ;)

16-06-2011, 19:16
s'alright. I like you so I won't come after you ;)

He's in Hawaii, though...

This could be an excellent opportunity to charge it to the company ;)