View Full Version : PC World Staff display contempt for customers...

07-09-2009, 19:41
Oh the Ironing! (http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2009/sep/06/currys-pcworld-facebook-customer-abuse)

Now you can't deny that customers at PC World aren't the most savvy of people, however the fact that they are being derided by staff that have very little idea about computers themselves is quite astonishing!

One of my friends, an admitted technophobe, once called me from PC World because he was unsure if he should follow the advice of the staff member there and buy a copy of MS Office for windows to put on the Linux-powered netbook that he was buying... Needless to say he followed my advice and bought the netbook and nothing else :)

And for those who can't be bothered clicking the link, here's what it contains!

Staff at PC World and Currys are using Facebook to launch a torrent of abuse at customers. Offensive comments have been posted on discussion boards by past and present employees, entitled "Really Stupid Customers!" and "Some customers are really, really stupid".

Despite criticising some customers for being "ignorant", many of the group's 3,000 members have posted comments under their real names.

The shops' parent company, DSG, is understood to be investigating in the wake of the revelations. Posters who said they were employed by DSG said some customers deserved to be punched and one asked if they should be allowed to "cattle prod" others.

DSG said: "We have clear guidelines for staff and will investigate any alleged abuse of customers. Delivering excellent customer service is at the forefront of everything we do, so we are very disappointed a small number of our colleagues have made these comments on a social networking website. We will take the necessary action with any staff found to be acting inappropriately."

British Airways took action last November against staff who complained about customers' "stupid American accents" on Facebook. Virgin was also embarrassed when employees referred to some of the airline's passengers as "chavs".

Joe 90
07-09-2009, 19:45
they think their customers are stupid?

Have they forgotten about how stupid they, themselves, are?

07-09-2009, 19:54
The more amusing thing is now the company starts trawling through there and starts booting people out left, right, centre. At the end of the day they are sales staff, not techies (even if they pretend to be). If you are going to slag off your company online, don't use your real name!

The HR people now have some cracking stories of facebook profiles of people that they look up after interview at my place. It's why I keep work and friends very seperate.

07-09-2009, 20:19
Ironing indeed. They're not really the brightest bunch, are they? You never know, DSG might actually come out of this in a better position - the customer-haters will be gone.

08-09-2009, 14:12
According to one PC World staffer who spoke to me, anyone who builds their own PC is a 'technical genius.'
My, how we laughed!

Admiral Huddy
08-09-2009, 14:33
I was reading this free magazine I got on the loo the other day who did a research of PC retailers.. PC world came out top. I was so shocked I forgot to wipe my bum!

Apparently, the person serving the spy, was more interested in their "real requirements" than the budget they had to spend. I'd like to meet this person.

Still I can't grumble, I did mange to pick up a bargain CPU a few weeks ago because they marked it up wrong!

08-09-2009, 14:35
Still I can't grumble, I did mange to pick up a bargain CPU a few weeks ago because they marked it up wrong!

Hmm, maybe they'll prefer teh 'stupid' customers in future rather than the ones who recognise a good deal ;)

Admiral Huddy
08-09-2009, 15:03
I love playing with them! I'm a tease ;)

08-09-2009, 15:52
I was in there the other week, looking at an acer aspire system for my gfs mum. One on display for £420, X3 8550, 3GB RAM, 320GB HDD etc. etc.

'None in stock.'

"What about those boxes there with the exact spec list on them?"

'oh ... erm.... let me check' ... 'those are different, they're £550'

"How does that work?"



08-09-2009, 16:25
That sort of thing will get you in trouble with Trading Standards. Oops.

08-09-2009, 16:41
To be fair, they were different on closer inspection.

One was called X3200, one was called X1300 but so far as I could see, they were identical, even down to the supplied TFT.

08-09-2009, 18:26
That could just be a common retail thing.

sometimes at Blacks, head office decide to mark down certain colours of the same thing, while other colours stay at full price.. etc.

09-09-2009, 02:23
Talking of poor customer service...


09-09-2009, 05:22
Talking of poor customer service...


Amplifying? Gee.. really?

One of the techies at a previous employers seriously told a customer they were concerned over the "System Idle Processes" being at 99% all the time and that the customer might need a faster processor..

09-09-2009, 09:26
One of the techies at a previous employers seriously told a customer they were concerned over the "System Idle Processes" being at 99% all the time and that the customer might need a faster processor..

Oh dear.

Admiral Huddy
09-09-2009, 09:29
To be fair, they were different on closer inspection.

One was called X3200, one was called X1300 but so far as I could see, they were identical, even down to the supplied TFT.

I found this that with their systems and laptops, they have now idea whern it comes to differences say in memory and FSB speeds. One guy I spoke to had no idea - 800MHz?.. no it's 4Gb ;D