View Full Version : Spec me a 360 game?

10-09-2009, 17:42
Hello guys.

It's been a while since I used the 360, and I'm after something new to play but not quite sure what. I'm in to pretty much every genre.

Titles I've recently played -

GTA IV + DLC, Fallout 3, COD4+WAW, Fifa 09, Tiger Woods 10, GoW1+2 a few other major titles which I can't really remember atm.

I've heard Lost Odyssey is good, but what do you guys think of it? Worth getting? Also, I've heard Burnout Paradise is a decent buy.


10-09-2009, 18:20
Bioshock, if you haven't already.:)

10-09-2009, 19:11
Lost Odyssey is really good although the battle system can be a bit annoying.
Blue Dragon is another good RPG but some people find it a bit too kiddy.

I've just started playing Lego Indiana Jones which is a good pick up and play game.

10-09-2009, 19:23
Belmit has mentioned the best 2 Jrpgs.

From your list I'd recommend Mass Effect unequivocably. It's one of the best games on any system from the last couple of years, there's just been some new DLC and the second one is just around the corner.

10-09-2009, 19:37
From your list I'd recommend Mass Effect unequivocably. It's one of the best games on any system from the last couple of years, there's just been some new DLC and the second one is just around the corner.

Absolutely agree, one of the best games on the 360, one of the best games period.

10-09-2009, 23:31
Bioshock, though that is mainly because I'm playing it again now :D

10-09-2009, 23:44
The Orange Box

You can get it for £15, so that's five games for the price of half a one.

For what it's worth I thought Bioshock was better than Mass Effect. That might be partly because I played Bioshock on PC and Mass Effect on X-Box though.