View Full Version : Guitar Hero 5 or Beatles Rock Band?

11-09-2009, 20:56
I have three guitars, GHII, GHIII and GH:WT.

GH5 or Beatles Rock Band?

Will my guitars work on Rock Band?

(all on the 360)

11-09-2009, 20:58
Yeah your guitars will work fine with Rock Band :)

I'd look at the track listing and go with the one you prefer personally.

GH5 does have more tracks but there's still no point to it if you don't want to play half the songs! The same with Beatles Rock Band if you're not fussed about their music (philistine if so ;)).

Oh and Beatles Rock Band is meant to be easier.

11-09-2009, 21:17
GH5 all the way baby

11-09-2009, 22:20
Unless you're a Beatles Fan (or really really like Rock Band), i'd get neither.

The GH5 tracklist is shocking (and with current legal debates may get withdrawn for a bit) and Beatles: RB is obviously all Beatles.

I'm happy with TB:RB, but only because I play a lot of RB, I haven't even entered the thought of GH5.

11-09-2009, 23:27
The Beatles: Rock Band.

I have to say that. I got it today \o/.

11-09-2009, 23:47
I have to say that having looked at the set for GH5 I am tending more towards The Beatles.

I'm not too bothered about the expense of the drums but a mic would be handy, can they be bought separately?

11-09-2009, 23:53
I only just got RB2 :o

11-09-2009, 23:57
I don't have any RB.

12-09-2009, 00:08
I don't have any RB.
The one thing I prefer in RB is the fact the crowd actually sing along as opposed to just cheer in GH.

Simple things and all that.

12-09-2009, 01:04
Just get RB2

The Beatles are an over rated boy band anyway. Outperformed and outclassed by The Who :D

12-09-2009, 01:22
I'm not too bothered about the expense of the drums but a mic would be handy, can they be bought separately?

Yes, you can buy them seperately, they're intended for Lips but work in Rock Band. I also believe you can use your headset you get with the console although it's not as good.

12-09-2009, 01:22
Just get RB2

The Beatles are an over rated boy band anyway. Outperformed and outclassed by The Who :D

Stay off the Whiskey.

12-09-2009, 01:25
You could at least spell Whisky properly :(

And The Who are better :D

12-09-2009, 02:11
You could at least spell Whisky properly :(

And The Who are better :D

I thought you drank Jack Daniels?
Only a crazy man would claim The Who to be better than The Beatles.

12-09-2009, 02:45
GH5 or Beatles Rock Band?

Neither. Buy Rock Band 2, loan or rent Rock Band 1, import all songs into RB2 at the cost of 400 points, and be happy to own the best guitar game ever made (IMO).

12-09-2009, 07:21
Just get RB2

The Beatles are an over rated boy band anyway. Outperformed and outclassed by The Who :D

This !!!!!

12-09-2009, 08:40
Well having never owned a GH/RB game before I'm seriously tempted by the Beatles one but only because I know most of the tracks :D

12-09-2009, 09:39
Just get RB2

The Beatles are an over rated boy band anyway. Outperformed and outclassed by The Rolling Stones :D

Couldn't agree more.

12-09-2009, 09:57
Neither. Buy Rock Band 2, loan or rent Rock Band 1, import all songs into RB2 at the cost of 400 points, and be happy to own the best guitar game ever made (IMO).

Sounds like this could be the way ahead depending on the set lists. Is RB2 easy enough to find these days?

12-09-2009, 10:09
Sounds like this could be the way ahead depending on the set lists. Is RB2 easy enough to find these days?

It's in stock at shopto for £25, it's the last few though so be hasty!

12-09-2009, 10:12
ShopTo have it for 24.99 but it's out of stock. You'll find it for ~£30 online pretty easily :)

It's high on my shopping list actually. Want to trade for something before ODST, will probably be RB2 or Overlord 2.

12-09-2009, 10:19
ShopTo have it for 24.99 but it's out of stock. You'll find it for ~£30 online pretty easily :)

It's high on my shopping list actually. Want to trade for something before ODST, will probably be RB2 or Overlord 2.

The 360 version is still in stock mate. It's just the PS3 version that's sold out.

12-09-2009, 10:58
Tuesday is payday, it'll have to wait.

12-09-2009, 11:54
As Creature already said RB2 all the way and then import the RB1 songs. I'd be happy to post and lend you my copy of RB1 to import the songs.

I like the Beatles but the game is a tad dissapointing, the colours don't work for me. It's fine for a few goes with friends who rarely play these games but thats about it.

RB>GH especially the sloppy GH games of late.

12-09-2009, 12:03
Couldn't agree more.

I see what you did there! :D

Princess Griff
12-09-2009, 18:20
I think Jingo is getting a little obsessed....within the last week he has bought GH world tour, RB2 and drums....and will soon be renting RB1!!!

12-09-2009, 19:49
And The Who are better :D

Maybe...but Clapton is God! :P

12-09-2009, 20:31
I think Jingo is getting a little obsessed....within the last week he has bought GH world tour, RB2 and drums....and will soon be renting RB1!!!

rental not required :)

Princess Griff
12-09-2009, 21:23
rental not required :)


12-09-2009, 22:35
*facepalm* Check PM's :)

11-10-2009, 22:23
Having problems finding Rock Band 2 in stock anywhere at any price less than £35ish. Anyone seen it cheaper and in stock?

11-10-2009, 22:40
Not ordered from here before but £25.99: http://www.powerplaydirect.com/asp/itemdetails.asp?prodID=1768235&currsec=GA&refID=webgains&siteid=1065

Or Amazon has it for £29.99: http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B001J2YQW6/mffindgame-21

Probably the cheapest you're going to find it!

11-10-2009, 23:09
Thanks Haly, ordered.

Now then, who can send me RB1 as a loaner so I can prune the songs off please?

12-10-2009, 01:03
ding ding ding!

I've whored my copy out to I think 4 people so far so one more can't hurt :D

12-10-2009, 09:26
*praises psymonkee's generosity once again* :D

13-10-2009, 12:51
Oh that's great, thank you. What are you needing from me? Postage and address I assume?

13-10-2009, 16:45
address shall be fine :)

Just send me a PM or email <username>@<username>.com :D

15-10-2009, 09:53
I'm looking at the song list here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_songs_in_Rock_Band_2) and there's a lot of the songs I don't seem to have if I go to the quickplay option. Such as Ace of Spades, Go Your Own Way, One Way or Another and others. I've imported the RB1 stuff (thanks Psymonkee) and used the code in the package to get the other freebies.

Are these unlockables?

15-10-2009, 11:49
Yep you need to do some good old fashioned hard work now :p

Pop into career mode and head to challenges. Then play the 5 (I think) decade challenges (60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and 00's) and all the other songs will unlock for quickplay! :)