View Full Version : I'm finally cracking and I need an XBOX

12-09-2009, 19:24
I have resisted for a LONG time but I have finally caved in. My PS2 just isn't any good any more and I need an XBOX 360.

What are the best deals at the moment?

12-09-2009, 19:41
You'll find loads of bundles for the 360 Elite at the moment for £200. Game.co.uk have one with Call of Duty 4 and GTA4, which is probably the one I'd get. The Elite comes with the large hard drive, wireless controller, headset and HDMI connector/cable (I'm just guessing that you haven't done any research and would need to know these things :p).

Edit: Actually, **** that. This is what you need: http://www.zavvi.co.uk/zavvi/10059948.product?affil=BUYAT
Edit2: Even better! http://www.shopto.net/XBOX%20360/BUNDLE/XB2CO25-Xbox%20360%20Elite%20Console%20+%20Premium%20HDMI% 20Cable,%20Bioshock%20&%20Connect%204.html

12-09-2009, 19:58
One game you need to get: Forza 2 :)
Reckon that'd be right up your street and you'd love it. Very cheap to buy these days too.

12-09-2009, 20:02
Alternatively, if you just want to get into it and aren't interested in loads of downloadable content etc. (and aren't too fussy about second hand), I've been thinking of trading in my Premium for an Elite for a while and would happily let the console, both wireless controllers, headset, and 2 play and charge kits go for under £100. Maybe a few games too. All in very good condition. :)

12-09-2009, 20:02
Now games I'm cool with, have tried a lot and know what I like...it's just the actual console purchase I need guidance on

Hmm, liking the black one, would fit in with everything else that's shoved under the telly :D

12-09-2009, 20:04
One game you need to get: Forza 2 :)
Reckon that'd be right up your street and you'd love it. Very cheap to buy these days too.
Absolutely, plus Forza 3 is only a month or so away so perfect preparation for that :)

12-09-2009, 20:09
I really really want to play Forza 3 but I can't bring myself to buy an XBox just for that :(

13-09-2009, 00:52
I have resisted for a LONG time but I have finally caved in. My PS2 just isn't any good any more and I need an XBOX 360.

What are the best deals at the moment?

Xbox360 Elite and any 3 games from:
Call of Duty 4: GotY Edition
Fight Night Round 4
Tiger Woods 2010
Gears of War 2
Grand Theft Auto IV

£220 in store at GAME.

13-09-2009, 03:31
I noticed Morrisons have cut the price of their remaining 60gb Pro consoles...I think ~ £130

13-09-2009, 07:52
I noticed Morrisons have cut the price of their remaining 60gb Pro consoles...I think ~ £130
See that's tempting - as far as I can work out the only benefit the Elite gets me over the Pro is a bigger HDD and a black paint job. Is that right?

Might well pop down there and see what they've got....

13-09-2009, 09:22
Happy for you to nab some of my games when you get one mate :)

13-09-2009, 11:55
See that's tempting - as far as I can work out the only benefit the Elite gets me over the Pro is a bigger HDD and a black paint job. Is that right?

Might well pop down there and see what they've got....

Yep - black + 120 is your only advantage. I only have 20gb free on my 120gb drive but that's only because I have a shed load of games installed that I don't play...

13-09-2009, 12:52

Asda are doing the same it seems, £120. Good price that :)

13-09-2009, 13:05
You see... I'm still not tempted.... However, the more I play on a Wii the more I kinda want one, but I know I'd not use it that much :o

13-09-2009, 17:35
Still normal price at Morrison, I'll check out Asda on payday next week.

13-09-2009, 17:44
Belmit's offer seems pretty good to me.

13-09-2009, 18:00
Hmmm, I'm tempted by an additional xbox for £120 from Asda through working away. If you are worried about the front of the xbox colour you can get replacement fascia's for them. Either that or whip the front off and spray black with that plastic spray paint you can get.

Belmits deal is pretty good (if you don't want it I'll have it :D ) Depends on if you want a black fronted version for £100 more.

14-09-2009, 18:12
Belmits deal is pretty good (if you don't want it I'll have it :D ) Depends on if you want a black fronted version for £100 more.

That deal is for anyone here if they're interested. I'll list the games I have and whoever wants it can pick 2 or 3 to go with it. :)

14-09-2009, 21:00
Belmit's offer is indeed very good - I just never like buying used electricals - TV's, amps, consoles, fridges, anything like that.

Really strange as I have no qualms buying used cars :D

Zirax, it's all yours!

Kate went through every local Asda, Tesco and Morrison trying to get cheap XBOX's. It seems the deals floating around the country are VERY limited and probably only available in certain regions and stores so you will probably strike it lucky geographically speaking or miss out like me.

Ended up getting one from Morrison in town at £139.99 which I'm perfectly happy with (had a mental budget of £150) Now for some games!

Didn't all go smoothly mind you - they sold me an old 20GB one (build date of Nov 07!) by mistake. I only realised after turning it on and checking the capacity, girl at Morrison was very good and exchanged it for a 60GB one with no issues. The girl on the AV counter had given me the display one off the shelf by mistake.

14-09-2009, 21:06
Buy Forza2.

14-09-2009, 21:09
I'll list the games I have and whoever wants it can pick 2 or 3 to go with it. :)

Can I have my copy of mirror's edge back before you do that ;)

14-09-2009, 21:13
Buy Forza2.

If you get nothing else, do this. In fact, prioritise it over breathing.

14-09-2009, 21:17
Way too slow on the recommending Forza 2 front :p

14-09-2009, 21:21
Forza 2, GRID, PGR4, I've played all those, liked them (for different things) and will get them all, Forza 2 first!

I want some good killing games too. I see Bioshock comes very highly recommended, any other killfests I should be getting?

14-09-2009, 21:24
Call of Duty 4 is a top notch shooter :) Left4Dead is fun for killing Zombies, though the sequels imminent.

[edit]Did you get it with a HDMI cable or are you using component? :)

14-09-2009, 21:28
Can I have my copy of mirror's edge back before you do that ;)


14-09-2009, 21:28
Forza 2, GRID, PGR4, I've played all those, liked them (for different things) and will get them all, Forza 2 first!

I want some good killing games too. I see Bioshock comes very highly recommended, any other killfests I should be getting?

Dead Rising :) Lots of killin' :evil:

14-09-2009, 21:33
Dead Rising :) Lots of killin' :evil:
That's exactly what I was going to suggest, zombie killing at its finest and an exceptional game to boot :)

14-09-2009, 21:34
Call of Duty 4 is a top notch shooter :) Left4Dead is fun for killing Zombies, though the sequels imminent.

[edit]Did you get it with a HDMI cable or are you using component? :)
It came with a component cable but yes it has an HDMI port :-)

Thinking about it, if I want HDMI quality picture and 5.1 through my home cinema setup, I'll need the "proper" Microsoft HDMI cable won't I? My home cinema system doesn't have an HDMI input so I'd run the HDMI from the XBOX to the tv directly, and then a component cable from the Microsoft HDMI cable to the home cinema system - right? Because you can't have a normal HDMI cable and the standard XBOX cable plugged in at the same time, there's not room.

ie I need something like this: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/AUDIO-VIDEO-HDMI-AV-CABLEGaming-Cables-For-Xbox-360_W0QQitemZ280396174981

Gears of War.... worth picking up cheap? Any real difference between 1 and 2? Or just get 2?

So many questions :D

14-09-2009, 21:37
I didn't enjoy 2 half as much as 1. Maybe I should try playing it again.

14-09-2009, 21:53
I'd wait for modern warfare 2 myself :)

Leon you are more than welcome to borrow some of my games :)

14-09-2009, 22:00
Same here Leon, my collecting is nearing 50 games now so you're welcome to borrow some :)

14-09-2009, 22:14
Forgot to ask, what's your Gamertag? :)

14-09-2009, 22:51
I shall be Doctor Lopez as usual I expect, not registered etc for live yet until I actually get a few games sorted :)

Cheers for the offers of loans, will have a look and see what takes my fancy first! Primarily I like killing and driving, never been much into RPG/puzzle games/that sort of thing.

14-09-2009, 23:10
Well I can send you GoW 1 + 2, PGR4, COD4 and err not sure what else ;D

14-09-2009, 23:16
Cheers for the offers of loans, will have a look and see what takes my fancy first! Primarily I like killing and driving, never been much into RPG/puzzle games/that sort of thing.

If you like driving and killing then give something like Full Auto a try if you can find it, as it lets you do both at the same time :)

14-09-2009, 23:22
Oh driving and killing add GTAIV to that list too ;)

15-09-2009, 07:25
Oh driving and killing add GTAIV to that list too ;)

And Crackdown :)

15-09-2009, 07:29
Mercenaries has loads of killing, driving and flying helicopter gunships :D

15-09-2009, 09:21
I love Mercenaries 2. You can leave your brain on the side and blow the crap out of everything and watch the pretty explosions as you level towns :D

15-09-2009, 10:42
Have you bought Forza2 yet ??? Let me know when you have & I will send you some Mint motors to race. :cool:

15-09-2009, 18:01
Forza 2 is on the way :thumbsup:

15-09-2009, 21:44
:D Forza is the nuts. Must get some online racing going again.

16-09-2009, 16:15
Belmit I'm half tempted to take you up on your offer (if Zirax doesn't :p) - we only have one wireless controller that is on the blink and with the play and charge kits too (don't have them either) it'd be like getting a 'spare' Xbox for about £30 as we need the controllers and P&Cs :D

Don't suppose you're heading up Londonwards any time soon :D

19-09-2009, 15:51
Sorry, been setting up induction week at work the last few days, and moving house so not been around much... Zirax has PM'd me about it and I await his confirmation that he definitely wants it, otherwise you're next in line. :)

21-09-2009, 02:49
You're welcome to borrow Condemned 2 from me. Would highly recommend the original.