View Full Version : Nice Day.

Von Smallhausen
12-09-2009, 23:11
It has been a blazer today on Tyneside.

I took little Von out in his pram, went to the amusements and had a go on House of The Dead II, had a 99 ice cream with monkey's blood and saw a MILF bend over and her tits popped out.

I have just had an Indian takeaway as well.

Has anyone else had a fairly complete and satisfactory day ?

12-09-2009, 23:13
Mine has been pretty blah. Except for getting the 4 gauge wire run to the back of the Jeep to power my inverter, today has been pretty pants.

Glad to hear your day went well!!

12-09-2009, 23:15
Your day beats mine.

I'm currently in Milton Keynes custody. Got shifted from Oxford 30 mins into my shift. :(

Mind you, I get to go home an hour early in the morning. :)

Von Smallhausen
12-09-2009, 23:17

Shall we have a guess how many are in the cells and banging the door shouting BOSS BOSS BOSS BOSS ?

I shall say 4.

12-09-2009, 23:19

Shall we have a guess how many are in the cells and banging the door shouting BOSS BOSS BOSS BOSS ?

I shall say 4.
I'll see your 4 and raise you one.

3 are asleep.

12-09-2009, 23:49
Say 'Hi!' to the cows. :p

Not done much of anything myself today, besides play with the new iPhone. Works for me. :)

13-09-2009, 00:01
I have done sod all today apart from get jumped on by kids.
Oh I did put loads of hair bobbles and clips in Josh's hair!
well he did it to me!!! :p
I have had an awesome night with Josh watched casualty and just messed around.
How old is little Von now?

13-09-2009, 00:15
Woke up late after a night out :D

Bummed around for a while :D

Did some cleaning :(

One of mums friends round for dinner (wheeee cocktail goodness! :D)

Now Batman Arkham Asylum, Mythbusters and a film TBD :D

13-09-2009, 00:44
I think I need some Mythbusters action. What channel does it get shown on over here? (I've got a couple of series worth of DVDs I could watch too).

13-09-2009, 01:27
I think I need some Mythbusters action. What channel does it get shown on over here?

Normally Discovery.

13-09-2009, 01:52
Woke up at 9 this morning and have managed to do a grand total of nothing all day, it was grand.

Although I am still awake as the neighbours are on singstar and I can hear every word :angry: Can tell how much they give a crap about their own kids, if I can hear them their kids certainly can.

13-09-2009, 05:32
I'm currently in a custody 30miles from
my nick watching some little gob****e sleep. Lack of female officers means I got shafted, meant to be off at 6, probably won't see anyone before 7, then get back to Brentwood, then drive home. If I don't fall asleep on the m25 it'll be miraculous!
Can you tell I'm narked?? ;)
on the plus side I might get a cancelled rest day out of it, I have a clean duvet waiting and it's rest days! Cheese anyone?????

13-09-2009, 07:05
I got phoned up at 1pm yesterday by the agency I am now registered with, and was in a residential care home for disabled children by 2pm. Worked til 9, and am now off there all day today again. Haven't worked a Sunday since I don't know when! :shocked:

13-09-2009, 08:01
Great news Knip :) Boo to working on a Sunday, but hurrah for muhunney :)

I spent yesterday being lacky for Leon who was replacing the rotten barge boarding on our flat roof. He's done one side, which was the worst bit (so rotten you could pull of chunks with your hands) and has 2 more to do today.

I'm off to attempt a 11.5 mile run this morning. Didn't think I'd be applying suncream again in 2009!!! :cool:

Von Smallhausen
13-09-2009, 08:11
I have done sod all today apart from get jumped on by kids.
Oh I did put loads of hair bobbles and clips in Josh's hair!
well he did it to me!!! :p
I have had an awesome night with Josh watched casualty and just messed around.
How old is little Von now?

10 months. Will have to dig a pic out.

Lack of female officers means I got shafted

I thought the service had moved on since the days of The Sweeney ? ;)

I was reading an article on Essex Police and they seem to be flavour of the months at the mo. Common sense cost cuts paying for more frontline cops, red tape being slashed etc. Shame other forces don't follow suit.

13-09-2009, 08:22
I spent the day in bed with my Frank staffy dog & will today an all. I quite like crashing with me dog & letting the World drift past. I also like roaming around in my dressing gown when I get up which is around 4pm - 6pm depending how knackered I am. I like the fact that I sleep through the day & can wear my dressing gown at 6pm, No I am not a lazy **** I am a Night worker. ;D

And seeings as we are all Plodded out of it in this thread I shall reveal a Moving experience I had tuther week involving plod.

Tap at my door & I see the old Lumi jacket so I know it's old bill. :lipsrsealed:
My heart didn't even murmur at all. First time ever in me life boy. ;D
So I opens the door & this rozzer says to me,
"Are you the Night worker ? :huh:
I looks straight back at him Chuffed to bits & says
"YES, YES I AM !!!" ;D;D;D

That's me even local old bill knowing I am "The Night Worker" :cool:

I know probably won't mean **** to you lot but it meant the whole ****ing World to me & still does. :cool:

13-09-2009, 08:25
Booooooring statistics. Which force throws the most crims down the stairs?

Von Smallhausen
13-09-2009, 08:29
I would guess at the Met ..... :D

Von Smallhausen
13-09-2009, 08:31
Change for JSB please ........ he should no longer me In His Boat .... he should be that new breed of superhero, that invisible presence that sweeps the streets of scumbags where the regular law fails ..... he should now be known as ........

The Night Worker.

Love it. :D

13-09-2009, 09:04

04:30: Got up, got dressed, upstairs for coffee and smokes.
05:00: Had breakfast.
05:30: Work clothes on and out to outdoor smoke shack for more coffee and smokes.
06:00: Start shift. Sit in mud lab faffing about on internet.
08:30: Go to meeting.
09:00: Coffee and smokes.
10:00: A little light cleaning with harsh chemicals.
11:30: Another meeting, followed by lunch then, coffee and smokes.
13:15: Yet another meeting followed by....... you guessed it...... coffee and smokes.
17:30: knock off early to get to canteen before it fills up with locals having Iftar - followed by coffee and smokes.
18:30: Exercise time.
19:30: Final meeting of the day.
20:00: Tea and smokes (for a change).
21:00: Read book.
21:30: Sleep.

Plan for today - pretty much the same as yesterday - without the 13:15 meeting.

It's a hard life ;)

13-09-2009, 09:06
Booooooring statistics. Which force throws the most crims down the stairs?
That's why Custody in Oxford is on the second floor ;)

13-09-2009, 09:31
he should now be known as ........
The Night Worker

13-09-2009, 09:39
Went to the opticians in the morning and got some new lenses on order then came home and drove to Cheshunt to meet other bodybuilding peeps at Monster Gym ( www.monstergym.co.uk )

Did a load of posing practise and got told I have a lovely taper

Came back home about 4pm ( took a slight detour as I was trapped in the outside lane and missed my exit off the M25 :/ )

Jamie went to a beer festival so I went to his sister's house with his Mum and had really nice evening with lots of chat. Me and his sister practised posing in the kitchen ;D

13-09-2009, 09:49
I'm currently in Milton Keynes


13-09-2009, 09:55
Managed to sneak off an hour early, not including the hour early the Duty manager said I could have for the inconvenience of being moved, home in bed by 6 ;)

13-09-2009, 09:59
Jamie went to a beer festival

Bugger. It was Chappel wasn't it?

13-09-2009, 10:01
got told I have a lovely taper

First time I've heard it called that ;)

13-09-2009, 10:08
Managed to sneak off an hour early, not including the hour early the Duty manager said I could have for the inconvenience of being moved, home in bed by 6 ;)

Do they feed you when you're there? If they do, demand a curry from the Jaipur (it's down near the train station) and it's the best curry house I've been to.

13-09-2009, 10:14
Do they feed you when you're there? If they do, demand a curry from the Jaipur (it's down near the train station) and it's the best curry house I've been to.
Next time I'm there I'll send a car out for dinner ;)

13-09-2009, 11:42
We left home about 7:30am yesterday morning and spent the day at the Romsey show (http://www.romseyshow.co.uk/) most of the time we were in the fur and feather tent running a rat PR show with info, handouts, photos, display cages, samples of food/bedding/litter, an agility course, as well as having rats which people could see and stroke and touch.

We took Stibbons, Ridcully and Gaspode with us - Stibbons was fantastic and just let people poke and stoke him, Ridcully was great until he got a wiff of the girlies in one of the cages and then he had a one track mind ;D Gaspode got a bit hyper at times but then he is still a baby - discovered by accident he is really good at the agility course though and I think in a few months when he isn't as spazzy he'll be great at PR :)

We did manage to have a wander about the show too - saw loads of horses and some dogs, there were also some steam engines running which I thought smelt lovely but going by the faces of other people they didn't all think the same :p

We had venison burgers for lunch with a pint of ale (was really nice and I've gone and forgotten the bloody name of it now), I got a new leather purse and leather belt and a pair of sheep lined slipper boots which are lovely and snug :) there were loads of craft stalls and stuff for sale, as well as loads of different food stalls and displays and PR stands, was great to have a wander about (and its probably good I didn't have more money on me :p )

We got home about 7:30pm and I went for a long hot bath with a glass of wine as a day standing about and talking to "the general public" had worn out my legs, back and social skills. I'd cooked a chilli friday so we had that with rice for dinner while watching the first few episodes of True Blood before crawling off to bed.

13-09-2009, 11:48
I used to work on a stand there a few years ago :p

13-09-2009, 12:23
Went to a local farmers's market first thing yesterday morning as the weather was nice. Only stayed a little while as my foot was playing up but got to pick up some very nice Tomato and Rosemary Focaccia for lunch. :)

Spent the afternoon playing DiRT2 while listening to Muse, then pizza and a DVD in the evening.

Foot's rather stiff and painful so far today so quiet day in I think.

13-09-2009, 13:33
Was in bed by 7am and up again at midday. It's day of the living dead here today!
Im at the girls house, I don't think there's any food for dinner so I'll have to go shopping, they're bored as apparently grand prix has been on all weekend and um
totally skint! I have The Rage today :(

Joe 90
13-09-2009, 14:19
Today is a good day, but a long day. perhaps the longest sunday ever!

Was up till about 6am after watching USC vs Ohio State on ESPN last night (ooo HD football ;D) and then got up at like 10am - so right now it feels like it should be 6ish and its 14:20!!!

Its the first Sunday of NFL also which makes this day great tbh. Fantasy league starts up and a whole night of Sky Player - can't wait!

13-09-2009, 14:38
Yesterday I got up, did some washing and pegged it out, did a bit in the garden, a mate called round for a spliff, cuppa and chat. Then decided it was too nice to stay in and went off on the mountain bike.

It annoys me that Stoke-on-Trent council are always patting themselves on the back about all the cycle paths they've created - but don't maintain! I've noticed several times that one area will suddenly be a lot tidier one day than it was a week ago and its far too neat to be the council's idea of 'maintenance' AKA generalised wanton hack 'n' slash!

Unfortunately the council is known for prosecuting people who take such tidy-up operations into their own hands rather than have the patience to expect some return on their council tax payments, so I didn't trim back some low branches to above a cyclists head height, and I didn't trim other branches back to about 2' from the edge of the path ;)

13-09-2009, 15:29
I have spent allllll day today doing this:

Youtube of my poor attempt of a Swift Card Change (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEI_wcTaB_s)

Still haven't quite got it. Driving me nuts. Think it's a case of over practice :) Overall though? A good day! Silly really innit ;D

13-09-2009, 15:33
Unfortunately the council is known for prosecuting people who take such tidy-up operations into their own hands rather than have the patience to expect some return on their council tax payments, so I didn't trim back some low branches to above a cyclists head height, and I didn't trim other branches back to about 2' from the edge of the path ;)

I hope nobody saw you not trimming any branches ;)

13-09-2009, 16:03
Bugger. It was Chappel wasn't it?
Was indeed. Didn't even realise it was on but got a call from some mates saying they were heading over. Got there and most of the beers had gone so only local stuff left. Wasn't a problem for us and they didn't charge an entry fee :D

Then got a taxi back home and went in to town for a ruby :)

13-09-2009, 18:40
I have spent allllll day today doing this:

Youtube of my poor attempt of a Swift Card Change (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEI_wcTaB_s)

Still haven't quite got it. Driving me nuts. Think it's a case of over practice :) Overall though? A good day! Silly really innit ;D
That's amaaaaazing :D Really really cool!!

13-09-2009, 18:55
Hahaaha! Spank you Kateroo! It needs much more practice, I'm not getting it every time! I think this has something to do with the fact I've knacked my middle finger through clicking it all day long!

Magic roooooooocks my soooooocks!

Wow. People have done so much stuff this weekend :) It's coooooool!

13-09-2009, 18:58
I did loads of stuff last weekend so mostly taking a break this one - though I've done the odd job here and there. This week coming will be busy busy busy. :)

13-09-2009, 19:01
Oooh forgot to mention, superLeon has finished the barge boarding and a bloody good job he's done of it too. Very pleased :)

I did my 11.5 miles too. Phew!

13-09-2009, 19:42
I haz worked 16 hours this weekend, and am now looking forward to seeing Pheebsicle for a couple of days this week!

Von Smallhausen
13-09-2009, 19:54
Oooh forgot to mention, superLeon has finished the barge boarding and a bloody good job he's done of it too. Very pleased :)

I did my 11.5 miles too. Phew!

A cookie for the best attempt at Daily Mailerising this quote.

I will start.

Oooh forgot to mention, superLeon has finished barging that old bird next door and a bloody good job he's done of it too. Very pleased. :)

I did his 11.5 incher as well. Phew!

13-09-2009, 22:08
Fatherhood hasn't changed you one bit has it Von :p

13-09-2009, 22:26
Yesterday - actually had a day off and watched films.

Today, rehearsal at venue for Burlesque show in Cardiff, then home and making costume all evening. Wig still not arrived. Eek!

13-09-2009, 23:10
I have spent allllll day today doing this:

Youtube of my poor attempt of a Swift Card Change (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEI_wcTaB_s)

Still haven't quite got it. Driving me nuts. Think it's a case of over practice :) Overall though? A good day! Silly really innit ;D