View Full Version : FAO Lostkat

13-09-2009, 15:46
I understand you're doing/have done a CIPS course?

I'm starting mine in January by the looks of it and need a few pointers :o

Could you let me know a few bits and bobs regarding the course:

- Is it grief?
- Which levels are you doing?
- Is it taking you lots of time after work?

I've already done a few CIPS courses (mainly one dayers) and they all seemed pretty straight forward, I work for a strategic Procurement department now as a Buyer, so really need my MCIPS to be able to progress.

Any help mucho appreciated :)

13-09-2009, 18:36
I understand you're doing/have done a CIPS course?

I'm starting mine in January by the looks of it and need a few pointers :o

Could you let me know a few bits and bobs regarding the course:

- Is it grief?
- Which levels are you doing?
- Is it taking you lots of time after work?

I've already done a few CIPS courses (mainly one dayers) and they all seemed pretty straight forward, I work for a strategic Procurement department now as a Buyer, so really need my MCIPS to be able to progress.

Any help mucho appreciated :)
That's Lostkat MCIPS to you dear boy. Got my letters through the other day :D I took my final 3 exams in May.... Thank god I'm done!!!! :D

In answer to your questions;
- Is it grief? - YES. I won't lie to you. Some of the course material is extremely dry (especially at Level 4) and exam time is awful. I believe there are now 4-5 exam periods a year though, which will be better as you can space them out. It also depends on the competency of the place you take it at. I was at Derby Uni, which is apparently a "Centre of Excellence", but they were absolutely horrific.

- Which levels are you doing? I did Levels 4, 5 & 6. No point in doing 7 because you get MCIPS at Level 6. L7 is a money spinner for them really.

- Is it taking you lots of time after work? Hmmmmm... should it have done? Yes, lots. Did it? Nope. I was really bad at doing any kind of homework or further reading. After 9 hours at college, I really didn't want to look at a book for another week. Some people did tonnes of work, but all I really did was revise like mad come exam time.

The trouble is, the difficulty of the course really depends upon how much experience you have as a buyer. I was a commodity buyer at Rolls-Royce, so none of it was new really. OK I had to learn some fancy models and stuff, but I never really found it taxing. The hardest module for me was Level 6 Finance, not because I find finance hard, but because the lecturer was horiffic. They sacked him with 4 weeks to go before the exam and we got taught by the Dean of the Business School. Got a distinction for that one :D

Anyway, if I could give you 1 piece of advice it would be to invest in a set of Profex guides for the modules that you're taking. The CIPS guides really are utter cack. The Profex guides are clear, concise and come with a handy little revision guide which is indispensable come exam time.

What modules are you thinking of taking and what level are you starting on? Give me a shout if you want some advice in choosing.

13-09-2009, 19:11
Fantastic, exactly what I was looking for!

I'll be doing 4,5 and 6, like you say 7 is pointless.

L401 Effective Negotiation
L402 Developing Contracts
L403 Measuring Purchasing Performance
L404 Managing Purchasing & Supply Relations

L5-01 Management
L5-02 Risk Management
L5-14 Contracting in the Public Sector
L5 Storage & Distribution

L601 Leading & Influencing in Purchasing
L602 Strategic Supply Chain Management
L603 Supply Chain Management in Pratice
L610 Legal Aspects
L611 Advaned Project Management
L613 Strategic Public Sector

Is the courses I've picked, it suits the company I'm working for and avoids Lvl 6 Finance like the plague :D

I have the Profex books from a colleague that still has all her books :D

I will be studying at a centre of excellence as well but the chap who runs it seems a bit dozy tbh, he has misspelled a lot of words in emails he has sent me and he's the main lecturer apparently :/

Thanks for answering those though hun, you're a star :)

13-09-2009, 19:18
How long are you planning on taking them over? In my experience, doing 1 level is a lot more achievable now they've changed the exam times. It was pretty hard before they did that.

Also, one little thing.... you have to do 5 units from each level :p

Level 4 - You will have to take Purchasing Contexts as it's mandatory

Level 5 - You will have to take Improving Supply Chain Performance as that's also mandatory

Level 6 - Drop one of your last 3 choices

14-09-2009, 19:23
Over 2 years I'm going to do it, if I can cope :/

Those are my choices for the modules, I know about the 5 units :p

I'll probably drop the Advanced Project Management as I do that daily anyway :)

Many thanks though for answering all my questions, it's good to get answers of someone who has taken the course recently :)

You're a star!

14-09-2009, 22:11
Over 2 years I'm going to do it, if I can cope :/

Those are my choices for the modules, I know about the 5 units :p

I'll probably drop the Advanced Project Management as I do that daily anyway :)

Many thanks though for answering all my questions, it's good to get answers of someone who has taken the course recently :)

You're a star!
Ah OK. Just thought I'd check as you only posted 4 for the first 2, then 6 for the last one :)

There's a huge amount of cross over between L6 Project Mgmt & Leading/Influencing & Strategy so I don't blame you for dropping it.

2 years huh?? Good luck :p :D