View Full Version : Passive Agressive Notes - BBx in here :D

16-09-2009, 07:36
Some of you will have seen this already, but I think if BBx hasn't, she should :D

Will make you feel so much better that there are more of us about honey ;)

PA Notes (http://www.passiveaggressivenotes.com/2009/09/15/the-nibbler-the-plague-of-office-breakrooms-everywhere/)

more (http://www.passiveaggressivenotes.com/2007/09/10/encyclopedia-brown-and-the-case-of-the-processed-food-fiend/)

16-09-2009, 08:43
BLOCKED!!! :angry:

Bloody IT!

BB x

16-09-2009, 08:48
People Disgust me, I mean come on we all know I am from the Gutter but I would never even dream of doing stuff like that, These people are supposed to be educated well to do office workers, Shame on them !!!

16-09-2009, 11:00
Wow, office revenge is really unimaginative these days..

16-09-2009, 11:13
*likes the idea of muffin flags*

At Uni, a lardy housemate of mine used to take up all the shared fridge space with numerous cheesecakes.

The rest of the house decided to remove every little bit of topping from each of these cheesecakes- leaving just a cream/biscuit base; a post-it note was left stating:

I.O.U 16 mandarin segments, 78 blackcurrants, 14 halved strawberries and a layer of toffee with white chocolate sprinkles. Lots of love, your friendly neighbourhood mouse xxxxx

The toppings were placed in separate tuppaware boxes on the bottom shelf of the fridge. Alas! We were our own worst enemies as we we confronted by a gleeful lard goujon who informed us that "the fruit stuff was the worst part and now I know I can just scrape that off into the bin :D" ...

*shakes head*