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21-09-2009, 23:37
Seeing as we have a thread for irrational behavior.. how about one for the opposite?

So what things have happened in your last few days that have made you think "wow they/that is pretty delightful!"?

I'm growing quite fond of our area manager at the moment! After working for one for three years that, quite honestly, couldn't give a crap about anyone below him.. I now have one that comes to staff nights out, and even invites you along to a game of footy with him if you perform well!

22-09-2009, 00:10
Blighter getting hit on at work.

That is all.

22-09-2009, 00:49


Del Lardo
22-09-2009, 01:01
beer & boobies :D


22-09-2009, 01:07
beer & boobies :D


22-09-2009, 01:35
Rosie, our kitten. Adorable, fun, almost always brings a smile to the face.

Geek on:
Linux servers.
They do what I want, how I want, with little by way of arguments.
If they can't, pounds for pennies I can either write a perl script to do it for me, or someone else will have already worked out how to do it.

22-09-2009, 06:09

22-09-2009, 07:23
Coldplay at Wembley :) Nothing beats live music with a good boogie partner.

That and sitting by the sea! Nothing better than watching the waves roll in and out :)

22-09-2009, 08:10
First few that come to mind

*Sunnnnnnnsssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiinnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeee!! :D

*Going to watch Bristol City play, and the social aspect of it beforehand, plus being able to do silly things like this during the game
(dont have the volume up too loud or you might jump ;D )


*My beautiful godkids and Marchant.

22-09-2009, 09:19
I know this is really vulgar, but....

a nice big poo!!!

lol :D

BB x

22-09-2009, 09:36
My monthly pole sessions when all my ladies get together and help and encourage each other. I always come home on such a high.

My 50+ classes because all these ladies are a delight to know and hellish funny.

Generally, people being helpful and nice always gives me a rush because there's so much nastiness out there!

22-09-2009, 10:47
This picture of my parents dog I took last night keeps making me smile


22-09-2009, 13:00
Broken down BMW's

Listening to good blues music really late at night or early in the morning - in the dark and when it's almost silent.

22-09-2009, 14:16
My girlfriend. Best mate with boobies = win

22-09-2009, 17:48
My monthly pole sessions when all my ladies get together and help and encourage each other. I always come home on such a high.

My 50+ classes because all these ladies are a delight to know and hellish funny.

I agree, I teach evening classes (although nothing as exciting as pole!) and I feel really down after my day job, but at the end of the evening's teaching I'm on such a high, I feel energised. I love it when they 'get it' and thank me, I really feel like I'm making a difference.

And I get paid a shedload for doing it too!!

22-09-2009, 18:09
I forgot to say Magic :D But I think that's a given :D

22-09-2009, 18:29
Hitting the snooze button and getting an extra 10 minutes in bed :D

22-09-2009, 18:35
Being a Good Cat.

22-09-2009, 18:39
Arranging and hosting a sleepover for my daughter and friends - lot of work, but always really good fun!

Did I include that as rational? I think my dictionary must be broke...

22-09-2009, 21:28
Two wheels, knee scraping the floor. It's awesome!!!

22-09-2009, 23:06
Two wheels, knee scraping the floor. It's awesome!!!

The only time my knee scrapes the floor on my scooter is when I'm pumping up the tyres!

23-09-2009, 00:00
The smell of a roast cooking when you walk in the door :)

23-09-2009, 00:17
The smell of a roast cooking when you walk in the door :)

Sadly that one doesn't work for me - it means the other half is cooking and I should reserve the stomach pump now...

23-09-2009, 05:14
My morning cuppa. At home, it's a pint mug of Twinings English Breakfast and on the rig, it's a big mug of strong coffee.

23-09-2009, 06:17
Being a Good Cat.
:D Awwww, good cat!!! *pats*

23-09-2009, 09:32
Downloading a load of new music to listen to on the tube. Nothing like exploring all those artists you've been meaning to listen to when you're stuck with public transport.

23-09-2009, 09:36
I know this is really vulgar, but....

a nice big poo!!!

lol :D

BB x

I lolled!

23-09-2009, 09:40
A random day off in the middle of the week. Nothing better than getting up knowing that the rest of the world is off to work and you're at home.
Also, when I used to work nights, coming home at the end. Everyone else on their way in and you off to your nice comfy bed.

23-09-2009, 09:45
A random day off in the middle of the week. Nothing better than getting up knowing that the rest of the world is off to work and you're at home.
Also, when I used to work nights, coming home at the end. Everyone else on their way in and you off to your nice comfy bed.
That's why my current shift pattern roxors my boxors. 2 days, 2 nights and 4 off. Give me days off on the week over days off at the weekend any day.

23-09-2009, 09:58
My monthly pole sessions when all my ladies get together and help and encourage each other. I always come home on such a high.

Having a good kickboxing or pole class; getting the hang of a new spin; "pole kisses" (aka bruises)

23-09-2009, 10:17
That's why my current shift pattern roxors my boxors. 2 days, 2 nights and 4 off. Give me days off on the week over days off at the weekend any day.

4 weeks on, 4 weeks off.

4 weeks on an oil rig is hell but 4 weeks off is 'kin brilliant :cool:

23-09-2009, 10:25
4 weeks on, 4 weeks off.

4 weeks on an oil rig is hell but 4 weeks off is 'kin brilliant :cool:

23-09-2009, 12:08
I lolled!

You are 1/3 who I thought would! :D

BB x

Del Lardo
23-09-2009, 12:23
You are 1/3 who I thought would! :D

BB x

I was upset that I didn't think of it first :'(

23-09-2009, 12:28
A sunny Spring day, a torquey bike and the Cat & Fiddle road down to Macc.

23-09-2009, 16:15
Getting two tyres off the ground while off roading. Never a dull moment when you think you're going over on your roof!!

Especially when the Jeep you're driving is your daily office. Nothing like having the thought of, "Oh, crap. I FUBAR this I'm out of work!!" to get your heart a pumping!!

24-09-2009, 11:01
Coming home from work to find review copies of games have landed on my doormat several days before they're released to the public :)

24-09-2009, 11:13
Coming home from work to find review copies of games have landed on my doormat several days before they're released to the public :)


24-09-2009, 13:45
Going to a magic lecture held by a guy who's stupendous and then by being designated driver managing to acquire free drinks (okay only soft drinks), hang out with the lecturer and other magicians and spend a night mucking about with lay people and cards... and then gaining £80 worth of magic merchandise for free.... well. Brilliant stuff :D

Oh and also gaining a number of magic gigs and an invite to join the inner magic circle group for a session...


24-09-2009, 18:31
Not having to go in the bathroom after BBx

24-09-2009, 19:11
That on-off dozing which seems so rare these days, even on days off the body still seems to want to get up. But when you hit that dozy state for a couple of hours and the dreams are vivid and strange. blissss.

24-09-2009, 22:15
That on-off dozing which seems so rare these days, even on days off the body still seems to want to get up. But when you hit that dozy state for a couple of hours and the dreams are vivid and strange. blissss.

I LOVE that but it happens far too little :'(

24-09-2009, 22:20
I know this is really vulgar, but....

a nice big poo!!!

lol :D

BB x

Also this, but even more so when you're doing it on company time!

Del Lardo
01-04-2010, 14:57
Heading into Trap 2 at 11:45 this morning to find it fresh as a Daisy :)

01-04-2010, 15:07
It used to be banning people from a well-known forum for being twunts :)

01-04-2010, 15:10
Finding out that I've passed my level 2 numeracy exam and finding out I'm adopting a hamster on the same day \0/

The level 2 numeracy is the equivalent of an A-C grade in maths at gcse level. It's a big deal for me because I was diagnosed as 'numerically dislexic' when I was at school.

01-04-2010, 16:19
well done Rae and yay Hamster! Any names?

Louie Spence is mine. Although is he rational? Probably not.

01-04-2010, 17:18
Having a nice nerdy chat in a games shop with the staff :)

Oh and walking into work and everyone being pleased to see you.

01-04-2010, 17:23
Teenagers that look like they might be heading down the wrong path, then you give them a poke or three and have a word with them, and they go back to school for the first time in 4 months :)

01-04-2010, 17:25
Oh and walking into work and everyone being pleased to see you.

Yeah, or when they are all genuinely pleased when you achieve something.

01-04-2010, 18:55
Thanks Kitten :)

Her name is Bean. We got her from a friend I went to 6th form with and as Ellen had already named her we decided to keep the name :)

02-04-2010, 12:51
Bean! So cute :D

02-04-2010, 13:33
Seeing the dafs poke their heads out of the ground :)

Finding the perfect paper and stationary to make our Save the Date cards :D

02-04-2010, 14:43
Seeing the dafs poke their heads out of the ground :)


Being my favourite flower, the joy of this moment is un-measurable (immesurable?) to me.

04-04-2010, 06:18
Same here. Daffs = spring. I have lots planted in my garden. Can never have too many daffs :)

21-04-2010, 13:13
Driving to work... when its light. Driving home from work... when its light :D

Seeing all the trees turning green!

Knowing I am going to have a bloody good weekend seeing lots of mates \o/

Princess Griff
22-04-2010, 12:28
Knowing I am going to have a bloody good weekend seeing lots of mates \o/

Knowing that at the weekend we can have a good old boogie!!! :D

22-04-2010, 12:39
And Ill be avoiding Jingo and his rose wine :D He knows I can only drink Malibu and DIET coke dammit! ;D

22-04-2010, 13:00
*wafts smell over*

... should get on with work, not wine

22-04-2010, 13:05
You bring any rose near me this weekend boyo, there's gonna be trouble :D

Lets hope the DJ has Journey this time :D

22-04-2010, 13:13
The clearer the booze- the better it is for you!*

*might not be true

22-04-2010, 13:15
Thats very true, thats why I am on Malibu all weekend :D

Princess Griff
22-04-2010, 17:57
Well Ill be on the rose....does that mean i have to keep a certain distance away from u!!! :o Am I banished from the Dee-meister!

22-04-2010, 18:59
This is going to sound a bit girly but I really enjoy cooking a meal from scratch. I know it's probably psychological as well, but it just tastes that bit nicer.

27-04-2010, 16:06
Waiting on the doorstep for Paul to come home from work.

27-04-2010, 16:18
This is going to sound a bit girly but I really enjoy cooking a meal from scratch. I know it's probably psychological as well, but it just tastes that bit nicer.

No no I'll second that! :D Both far more satisfying and tastes superior! :cool:

27-04-2010, 16:25
^^ Me three.

27-04-2010, 16:40
Me Four :D

I r <3 cooking, just don't do enough of it :/

27-04-2010, 16:53
It tastes nicer because you generally don't fill it with preservatives and chemicals :) I love cooking too.

27-04-2010, 21:40
Actually, if I'm being 100% honest, I love it even more when Leo cooks for me ;)

27-04-2010, 21:43
Actually, if I'm being 100% honest, I love it even more when Leo cooks for me ;)

Is that a "wheres my dinner biatch" hint? ;) ;D

28-04-2010, 02:33
My duvet. It wraps around my just right, not all big and pooooffy but it kind of falls right. And my duvet cover I have now which is some fancy effort from TKMaxx which should have cost several million but only cost me forty quid. About 76000 cotton thingy wotsits.

I love my duvet a lot.

28-04-2010, 09:13
'Duvet' is her pet name for me don't you know.

I'm glad you like my cotton thingy wotsits.

28-04-2010, 22:50
You only cost £40? Bargain!

28-04-2010, 22:57
I'm a reet bargain me.

29-04-2010, 00:28
I'm a reet bargain me.

Cheap at half the price, and I'm betting at least twice as much fun ;)

29-04-2010, 00:39
Knowing that when I get in after a crap day, there is someone who loves me for who and what I am and doesn't judge(too often) and a child who is so cute you could eat the little bugger that just wants to give you kisses. The smile on his face and the open arms make it all better.


29-04-2010, 15:27
I've been living overseas for 2 months now. I have a flat in a fairly deserted part of town, and work in an office where my co-workers tend to work from home. My biggest joy is seeing a familiar face, even for a split second.

30-04-2010, 08:36
I'm beginning to enjoy more and more the joy of watching the American guys on the rig (mostly from the Southern states) trying to use a fork and a knife at the same time - hilarious ;D

It defies belief that so many of these grown men from a "civilised" country seem to have so much difficulty with a task that most 5 year-olds I know can manage easily. Co-ordination not a strong point in Texas and Louisiana obviously.

30-04-2010, 10:10
It defies belief that so many of these grown men from a "civilised" country seem to have so much difficulty with a task that most 5 year-olds I know can manage easily. Co-ordination not a strong point in Texas and Louisiana obviously.

It's just not done here, considered rather upper middle to high class habit (And looked down on by the masses for the same reason.) That I do it, and continue to do it always draws looks here. Kari can do it, and does now a days, and when we have kids they'll for sure be raised to eat properly :D

30-04-2010, 10:53
I wasn't sure if it was the same for all states as we tend not to have many guys from further North. It amuses me watching them eat steak. They'll hold the fork in their left hand like you would a dagger and stab the steak with it, then saw the meat with the knife, then they'll put down the knife and transfer the fork to their right hand to put the food in their mouth. Many of them don't even take a knife to the table.

Kari can do it, and does now a days, and when we have kids they'll for sure be raised to eat properly :D

That's the spirit, show the colonials how it's done in the civilised (with an s) world ;D

05-05-2010, 20:55
When I was a tiny lad, my parents took the family to Legoland in Billund. I was very proud of getting a driving licence from the driving school there.

20-ish years later, I walk into the same driving school and they renew my licence for me. I is well pleased!

05-05-2010, 22:33
Just thought I'd give a heads-up to this little blog thing (couldn't find it elsewhere in thread) which has kept me amused at work for the last few days: 1000 Awesome Things (http://1000awesomethings.com). A list of 1000 (eventually) of those everyday things that make you feel good. My fave so far is #879 - The Parking Lot Pull-through (where you find two spaces together so you can drive in and drive out).

Snuggle Ferret
09-05-2010, 18:36
Picking up a calligraphy pen, dipping it in ink and writing something that looks beautiful.

09-05-2010, 19:01
I've been living overseas for 2 months now. I have a flat in a fairly deserted part of town, and work in an office where my co-workers tend to work from home. My biggest joy is seeing a familiar face, even for a split second.

Up to six months ago, I had the reverse problem. I worked at home because the only colleagues I worked with were in the US or Bulgaria. As a result I tended to see more familiar faces at meets than anywhere else.

Now it's the opposite - see people at work every (working) day and missing the meets.

I wouldn't suggest the result is delight, but not vegetating at home is certainly a good thing.

22-05-2010, 09:22
wow, how was it?!

So sometimes first class actually does mean nxt day then!

BB x

22-05-2010, 13:31
Wow I thought it was sweet enough! But then again I am not a chocolate fan :)

Glad you approved of the SB ;)

BB x

22-05-2010, 13:37
Hot weather and an actual weekend off! Bliss!

22-05-2010, 18:02
wow, how was it?!

So sometimes first class actually does mean nxt day then!

BB x
*AHEM* Where the HELL is mine, Perryman??? :angry:

22-05-2010, 19:12
In my tummy! :D mm mmmm ;)

BB x

22-05-2010, 19:22
I don't think I've ever received cakes in the post.

22-05-2010, 20:15
I don't think I've ever received cakes in the post.

Me neither :( Is it because I am on a diet? :(

22-05-2010, 20:31
Me neither :( Is it because I am on a diet? :(

Yes. I have heard that the cakes actually know who is able to receive a delivery and who deserves a visit.

BB x

22-05-2010, 21:25
Making bread. It's good therapeutic use of the hands.

22-05-2010, 23:23
Banoffee pie. Omnom

23-05-2010, 06:55
Being home.

Waking up in my own bed, mug of Twinings English breakfast, Radio 2, Kelly babbling about stuff that I have no interest in but that excites her.

Little things like these mean I'm home. I'm a simple bloke and simple things make me content. It's easy to take stuff like this for granted but they're all missed when I'm away at work.

When the weather cools down a bit so it's less like the weather I left behind in Cairo, I'll be truly content :)

23-05-2010, 13:41
Thanks Loz, you're so right :D

I don't want any smelly fatty cakes delivered now thanks! A tin of Weight Watchers soup will do :D

23-05-2010, 21:09
Doormen that call you 'Sir' rather than 'mate'. Even in a relatively low-rent club or bar. Enjoy that.
Also enjoying one song by a band then finding out the rest of their album is great as well.

23-05-2010, 21:21
Wrong thread! Grrr.

BB x

23-05-2010, 21:22
Beautiful sunny days and having access to my lovely fan which cools me down :D

23-05-2010, 21:27
More banoffee pie OMNOMNOMNOM!!

Del Lardo
24-05-2010, 02:10
The looks of envy and hatred that I got from a few fathers as I get out of my Elise at Colchester Zoo, probably helped that Mrs DL was wearing a particularly fine summer dress and all the parents trying to get children out of their Volvo XC90s and people carriers looked stressed out before they even made it into the Zoo.

Unfortunately the effect was somewhat ruined when a 7 year old wondered over and asked me why my car was held together with tape :numpty:

24-05-2010, 07:43
The looks of envy and hatred that I got from a few fathers as I get out of my Elise at Colchester Zoo, probably helped that Mrs DL was wearing a particularly fine summer dress and all the parents trying to get children out of their Volvo XC90s and people carriers looked stressed out before they even made it into the Zoo.

That's good that.
When I took my MR2 up to Shetland, my daughter (14 at the time) asked if I could give her a lift into town to meet her friends. Conscious of how teenage girls tend to not want to be seen with their parents, I asked if she wanted me to drop her off around the corner or something; to which she replied "No, I want you to drop me off right in front of them so they can see that my Dad's waaaay cooler than their Dads" :D

28-05-2010, 12:37
Real people with great names. Mr Guy Fullalove being one of them.

01-06-2010, 11:31
Real people with great names. Mr Guy Fullalove being one of them.
And Roy Funderberk being another.

01-06-2010, 12:53
My favourite was a woman I served in the CO-OP when I worked there. Her name was Mary Christmas.

01-06-2010, 14:52
My favourite was a woman I served in the CO-OP when I worked there. Her name was Mary Christmas.
Would one assume she only came once a year?

01-06-2010, 14:53
I'll always chuckle when I think back to my housemate's university lecturer; Dick Craven. :D

01-06-2010, 14:54
Our PE teacher was called Mr Glasscock :D Always made us snigger

01-06-2010, 15:00
Anyway back on topic!

We've been mentally busy at work this morning, various outside agencies milling about and we've all been rushing about like mad things trying to get everything done, I've not even had lunch yet. But as I let 2 groups of different people out, they both said "Thanks for all your help today". It made me smile on my way back into the dungeon.

01-06-2010, 17:03
Real people with great names. Mr Guy Fullalove being one of them.

My father used to work with a Mr Day. He and his wife came around for dinner one day, she was a lovely lady named Holly.

Thankfully Dad had seen fit to warn us in advance so we didn't laugh, though no doubt she's used to it by now ;D

01-06-2010, 17:37
My father used to work with a Mr Day. He and his wife came around for dinner one day, she was a lovely lady named Holly.

Thankfully Dad had seen fit to warn us in advance so we didn't laugh, though no doubt she's used to it by now ;D

My surname is Day, and all the way through primary school I had jokes relating to words that could have gone in front of it :D

My best mate's Mum got remarried, and she married a Mr Pratt, her first name is Amanda, so shes Mrs A Pratt. ;D

The producer on the new series of V is called something w ankum, (without the gap - swear filter) always makes me giggle like a child when I see it :o

01-06-2010, 20:58
We have a Wildlife Liaison Officer in our (police) force. He's honestly called PC Rabbitts.

01-06-2010, 21:21
We were behind a car tonight that had the number plate NOO, but someone had strategically placed the black screw in the plate so it looked like NOB :D And they were as well!!

02-06-2010, 00:32
We have a Pc Weeble. And Plod.

02-06-2010, 06:59
Waking up on a work day an realising i's your day off :)

02-06-2010, 20:16
We have a Pc Weeble. And Plod.
We have a DC Wheeble too!

02-06-2010, 22:07
Knowing that Trains "Hey Soul Sister" might be making a comeback!

02-06-2010, 22:21
Real people with great names.


Reading people's number plates as words or exclaimations!

This activity is spreading and I was delighted to receive this via MMS from the fabulous PG:


02-06-2010, 22:36
*thumbs up*

05-06-2010, 11:13
This is a silly one, but watching my rabbit cleaning himself, he just makes my heart melt, and now he's 8 and a bit years old, I am grateful for every day I have with him. :)

05-06-2010, 11:41
Hurrah!! :D

05-06-2010, 22:04
Go outdoors opening up... I love looking at all the camping stuff and going in all the tents /sad

05-06-2010, 22:29
Sitting on the deck, lovely mild weather, in the dark, with the candle torches lighting up the garden :)

05-06-2010, 23:52
The Russian Visa that has suddenly appeared in my passport. I've always wanted one, and can't stop giggling.

05-06-2010, 23:55
going to bed to clean sheets

06-06-2010, 00:29
Hearing planes fly over at night, and being in bed seeing them fly over through the roof windows :)

06-06-2010, 18:26
Hearing planes fly over at night, and being in bed seeing them fly over through the roof windows :)

I'd love that! Well I hear them but it would be cool to see them go over :)

10-06-2010, 12:21
Getting text messages that weren't meant for you:

(all in capitals)

'Ruthie, are you going to Aldi at lunchtime, if so can you get me some cheese, medium or strong, if not, not 2 worry'

Oh the fun I could have but I sent a nice one back explaining I was neither Ruthie nor going to Aldi, but I hope they get their cheese.

10-06-2010, 16:00
The Ladyboys of Bangkok.

10-06-2010, 18:00
Moving abandoned shopping trolleys in the supermarket, usually I move them around the corner.

My definition of abandoned is somewhat loose though, but I figure if a trolley has been left in the middle of the aisle and is blocking my way with seemingly nobody paying attention to it, then it's fair game.

10-06-2010, 18:03
Another car registration that made me giggle!
(if you remove some of it)


10-06-2010, 18:11
Moving abandoned shopping trolleys

I prefer to add random things to them. Pickled eggs if possible.

10-06-2010, 18:18
I prefer to add random things to them. Pickled eggs if possible.

Why have I never thought to do that? It shall be done :)

10-06-2010, 18:32
I prefer to add random things to them. Pickled eggs if possible.


What about 5 or 6 bottles of baby oil or something like that? :p

10-06-2010, 19:20
A courgette or a marrow and a packet of condoms. It shall be done.

10-06-2010, 19:21
Loading up a trolley full of cheap whiskeys, ciders, wine and lager. Then a single pack of Pampers on the end.

When stating the total owed amount, look into your wallet with a grimace before putting the nappies back ;)

Del Lardo
10-06-2010, 19:22
Cold beer

10-06-2010, 19:24
Loading up a trolley full of cheap whiskeys, ciders, wine and lager. Then a single pack of Pampers on the end.

When stating the total owed amount, look into your wallet with a grimace before putting the nappies back ;)
Sorry why are you buying nappies? :shocked:

10-06-2010, 19:40
I'm not ;)

16-06-2010, 21:47
The Ladyboys of Bangkok.

How many times did this enter into proceedings at the weekend? :P

I tried and failed to avoid a fnar moment there

And now for an irrational thing that delights me. While taking the (very) scenic route home, seeing a houseboat called YESDEAR. I've got photographic evidence should it be needed, but a lot of google-fu turned up the probable details for it...

YESDEAR Built by LIVERPOOL BOATS - Length 17.37 metres (57 feet ) - Beam 2.08 metres (6 feet 10 inches ) - Draft 0.61 metres (2 feet ) Metal hull, power of 42. Registered with British Waterways number 513038 as a Powered. Last registration recorded on 11-Apr-2010.

Even better that it comes from Liverpool. ;D

16-06-2010, 23:09
My sister-in-law's kids.

They can certainly be irritating at times, but they're so delightful too, more delightful than irritating.

16-06-2010, 23:22
The bits in the bottom of the dry roasted peanut bag.

16-06-2010, 23:51
Amusingly worded headlines

such as today on the BBC:

Solar plane set for night flight

without reading the article, it sounds like an ultimate fail

17-06-2010, 04:19
Timing it just right so you step off the moving walkway/flat escalator thing at the airport without breaking stride :D
I did it at Schiphol on Monday and was so happy, I looked around for the admiration of the other travelers - no-one else seemed to be as impressed as I was :(

17-06-2010, 10:59
Relaxing and watching TV, then having a cat jump into your lap, curl up into a ball, and fall asleep purring loudly. There's not much better than that.

Also, being sent home from work at 9:30am due to a large gas leak near the school. So large in fact, they're not sure if the school will be open tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

17-06-2010, 21:30
Reading people's number plates as words or exclaimations!

I saw some GOO on the non-scenic route home tonight. :)

18-06-2010, 08:56
I hope you shouted it in the voice of the creme egg advert! :D

21-06-2010, 12:44
Being taken seriously and feeling like your actually getting somewhere....

21-06-2010, 22:57
Spa days

23-06-2010, 09:16
Finding out your workplace is closing at 2:30pm today so people can get home in time to watch the football.

23-06-2010, 13:15
Having someone from Paul's work (who I have never met) get me loads of chocolate! How sweet :D

23-06-2010, 13:24
Listening to my combat soundtrack on my iPhone on lunch, knowing Ive got a class after work.

And knowing the amount of work Ive put in to lose this weight makes me happy :D

19-07-2010, 21:33
Growing, pulling, preparing, cooking, your own food.

Courgette risotto for dinner... Beetroots in the oven roasting just now!

19-07-2010, 22:59
bloody hell woman, you got a paddy field now?? ;)

20-07-2010, 21:20
bloody hell woman, you got a paddy field now?? ;)

Only if the Brook that runs long side floods!

Wouldn't mind giving rice growing a go though!

25-07-2010, 18:14
Courgette cake! it wont last 5 minutes

25-07-2010, 18:29
Banana loaf! Nom.

30-07-2010, 17:22
David James signing for Bristol City!

Am a tad excited as I have just proven by screaming down the phone at Kitten :D

30-07-2010, 17:29
A day in London spending a lot of time drinking and talking coffee with some awesomely great people.

Great day.

05-08-2010, 16:47
People using photos I took as profile pics/avatars/etc :)

05-08-2010, 17:13
^^ me too :D

I saw a M***EEP numberplate today that made me think of you & Petemc and smile :D

05-08-2010, 18:45
Speaking to someone for the first time in absolutely ages and both being so excited to hear from each other :D

One of my oldest friends has been in Australia for the past year and got back a few days ago. Just had the chance to call her tonight and we were both so excited to speak again :D It was like no time had passed. So happy :)

05-08-2010, 20:39
Turning on a computer for the first time in 18 years and finding that it still works perfectly and still has all the data on its hard disk ("winchester"). :)

05-09-2010, 21:03
Living somewhere where I can jump in the car and 5 minutes later be in the beautiful countryside. Today I was greeted with glorious sunshine, blue skies, just enough breeze to stir the leaves on the trees and in the sky just to the side of the road a golden eagle was putting on a wonderful display.

05-09-2010, 21:28
Living somewhere where I can jump in the car and 5 minutes later be in the beautiful countryside. Today I was greeted with glorious sunshine, blue skies, just enough breeze to stir the leaves on the trees and in the sky just to the side of the road a golden eagle was putting on a wonderful display.


Quality isn't it? :D

05-09-2010, 23:17
Living somewhere where I can jump in the car and 5 minutes later be in the beautiful countryside. Today I was greeted with glorious sunshine, blue skies, just enough breeze to stir the leaves on the trees and in the sky just to the side of the road a golden eagle was putting on a wonderful display.

Here here :D So nice to be able to do that :) Can also drive to the beach in roughly that time which is nice too!

05-09-2010, 23:33
Agreed too Mubs. We live in a lovely leafy area a few minutes walk from lots of green. Truly beautiful in the sunshine.

06-09-2010, 00:57
Living somewhere where I can jump in the car and 5 minutes later be in the beautiful countryside. Today I was greeted with glorious sunshine, blue skies, just enough breeze to stir the leaves on the trees and in the sky just to the side of the road a golden eagle was putting on a wonderful display.

Not great video quality, should have shot landscape instead of portrait too, but I love being so close to beauty. It's one of the many reasons I'm just not a city person.


Where I lived in the UK I had two wonderful forests within about 10 minutes walk of the house. One of those, Blunts Wood, was famous for its bluebell blooms. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1e/BluebellWood.jpg

Love that place, spent many a day during summer holidays from school playing there, getting mucky, riding bikes etc.

14-09-2010, 21:58
Being in a shop picking a card for a friend and laughing so hard I nearly hurt myself..........


14-09-2010, 22:14
My team being thanked by several people after a particularly crappy, busy and stressful shift.

Myocardial infarctions have no place in my work place!

14-09-2010, 23:22
Having a lovely day off with Chris, getting some new clothes and finding more flats to go and look at later in the week.

15-09-2010, 07:17
Hearing your name on the radio.

I sent an e-mail to Lynn Parsons on Radio 2 this morning. She was asking people to tell her about their first gigs (mine was Ian Dury and the Music Students at the Caley Palais in Edinburgh in 1984). She read mine out on the show. Not exactly fame and fortune but I got my name on the Radio.

I'm going to be staying in most of the day, waiting for deliveries. I think I might see if I can get a mention on every show on Radio 2 today :D

15-09-2010, 11:57
Aww excellent :D

A few years ago, my Mum sent in a request and message for my Dad to the Paul O Grady radio show. Made his day when he heard it :D

16-09-2010, 07:22
I didn't bother in the end. I couldn't think of anything worthwhile to send to Chris Evans, then I was busy during most of Ken Bruce. I don't listen to Jeremy Vine as he's a tw@ and by the time Steve Wright came on, there wasn't much point :/

16-09-2010, 11:03
Rediscovering the simple pleasure of a corned beef and pickle sandwich.

21-02-2011, 18:37
Being too tired to stay awake, missing the end of the film.......then finding out it's on iPlayer! :)

22-02-2011, 11:48
Being really snug and toasty in bed and finding a cold bit of duvet with my toes.

I should get up really ;)

22-02-2011, 12:44
When the indicator clicks in your car sync up with whatever music you're listening to. Rare but satisfying :)

23-02-2011, 14:01
^^ very satisfying!

This doesn't really fit in here, but I have to share and don't know where else to put it.

When you see things like this in the comments section on news stories:

All rescue dogs should be put down, cooked and fed to homeless people. A perfect solution for a growing problem. - metro, papa stour,

23/2/2011 11:54 ---------- before anybody responds to this, remember the famous phrase. "dont feed the trolls" , Rich.

23/2/2011 13:01------------Rich, Why would you compare homeless people with 'trolls' ? You come across as someone who has had a bad experience with homeless people. I give to the homeless constantly. and have once dated a homeless builder.
- Pam Phlet, Ealing, London, 23/2/2011 12:31

Made my day that.

23-02-2011, 14:19
Being really snug and toasty in bed and finding a cold bit of duvet with my toes.

I should get up really ;)

This. I love love being all snuggled up and surrounded by duvet :)

Kitten, lol what a donut :p

I have just had a nom tastic sub with tons of pickles on! I LOVE pickles! :D YUM.

23-02-2011, 14:52
On the sandwich theme, they've brought back the New York Deli Beef Pastrami and Monterey Jack Cheese sandwich at work. A mouthful in more ways than one. It is the greatest sandwich.

23-02-2011, 15:20
God I love that sandwich. No idea where to get them from though! I know Boots do a bagel which is fab, but don't know where does the sarnie.

23-02-2011, 15:35
Our place has done the bagel for ages, but it tends to be a bit dry compared to the sandwich so I didn't bother with it. M&S used to do a good version, then stopped, then brought it back, now seem to have stopped it again. Bloody teases.

23-02-2011, 16:08
Tesco do a chili beef and Monterey Jack Cheese burger which is lipsmackingly spicy! :D

23-02-2011, 17:26
Overtaking cars that are blatantly faster than mine

24-02-2011, 13:27
Overtaking cars that are blatantly faster than mine

On the other side of the coin, I take great pleasure in letting people past me, or letting people out, when they are obviously in more of a hurry than I am. It gives me a sense of wellbeing that I haven't put my foot down, just to show off, or acted like I owned the road.

I also like the feeling of pulling up at the lights when I'm turning off, and having the person next to me think I'm aiming to drag race them to where the lanes merge, or whatever. They look at me and start to creep forward and you can see them thinking "Oh yeah? No way am I letting you get in front of me, sunshine!".

I usually egg them on by letting my car creep forward a bit too, and looking across at them, and then at the lights and so on, until the lights go amber and....

The person next to me howls off in a squeal of burning rubber, and I just pull off slowly and turn left (or whatever). Yes, I know it's childish, but it also makes me chuckle to myself.

24-02-2011, 18:19
Noticing a bad mood slide away whilst hearing a song you love! :D

24-02-2011, 20:07
I really like it when you've been swimming or had a bath and about half an hour afterwards... suddenly there's a warm drop of water that trickles out of your ear!


Also like it when you have a cold and after yawning the world returns to being in stereo form again as opposed to muffledness!

Oh oh oh and dipping my hands into a tub of bird seed. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Nice feeling!

24-02-2011, 21:13
Having a nice hot bath while a sexy man cooks your dinner.

24-02-2011, 21:33
Having a nice hot bath while a sexy man cooks your dinner.

Are they hire-able? I can only pay in olive pips (last thing in my housey that I've eaten and currently no wonga)? And maybe a dancey dance or two?!

25-02-2011, 00:09
Are they hire-able? I can only pay in olive pips (last thing in my housey that I've eaten and currently no wonga)? And maybe a dancey dance or two?!


25-02-2011, 09:13
Having a snuggly night in with the wife is great, but I also like those odd occasions when I get to stay home alone (Wife is out on a leaving do tonight) and I get a nice piece of steak for tea, a few beers, a 40" telly, GT5, PS3 and all evening to enjoy it.:cool::D

25-02-2011, 10:13


25-02-2011, 10:36

Oh!!! I've not had them in years! I could devour a whole box in one sitting :o I'm the same with ferrero rocher :o

28-02-2011, 21:52
Companies that use the name of their town or village in their phone number. "Call Petersfield 782444". "Need a plumber? Give us a ring on Exmouth 384242." Makes me feel like I'm living in the fifties, in a good way.

01-03-2011, 23:03
Heard this song the other day and I love it. The lyrics are brilliant. It is a song by Lily Allen called Not Fair. Bloody brilliant and makes me smile everytime I listen to it.

01-03-2011, 23:27
Is that the one where she's saying he's crap in bed?

01-03-2011, 23:28
Yup, lol. I didn't even realise as I had it rather loud and singing it out of my car until I actually listened to it!

02-03-2011, 03:23
Driving home when an awesome song comes on the radio and it finishing just as you pull up outside your house.

Oh and hearing Nick Grimshaw say "B0llocks" on Radio 1, legitimately, He was talking about the Sex Pistols album!

18-03-2011, 09:09
Knowing that I am about to have one hell of an awesome weekend.

18-03-2011, 09:19

Couple of things that made me smile this morning and giggle with joy... what names groups of animals have:

1) Porcupines = A Prickle (ahahahahhaa!)
2) Oxen = A Team (is always having A-team soup now in future *DUHN DUHN der DUUUHHHN, DUHN DUHN DEEeer!*)
3) Hippopotamus = A Bloat

Haha! Ahahahaha!

I think someone spiked my tea this morning I'm bouncing off walls here. Marie - if you're reading this - god help you today. ;D

18-03-2011, 09:46
*starts running for the hills* :p

18-03-2011, 10:20
What time you guys getting there? Ill make sure to have a shot before you arrive :D

18-03-2011, 10:29
We're leaving Bristol about half 1. Will keep you posted. :D

18-03-2011, 13:20
A beautiful sunny Friday :)

21-03-2011, 20:17
Buying two pairs of £65 Lee jeans online for half price plus another 20% off (that's £52 in all, Maths fans) with free delivery.


Edit: arkclothing.com sale for those interested - still some left!

21-03-2011, 20:20
Buying 4 books I wanted to read from Amazon, at full price they should have cost me £30. I paid £20 due to them slashing the prices on said books :D

24-03-2011, 15:01
The way childrens minds work. I wish mine worked like this, life would be way more interesting....Easter, as understood by James
One of Jesus' cyclops traded him and put him in a rock and everyone cheered (and some said nooooo) coz he was dead and then they put him on a cross. Mum, is he still on the cross.........?

25-03-2011, 12:40
Thinking that there was nothing unhealthy left in the kitchen *due to the girlfriends healthy eating purge* and finding a bag of Minstrels wedged in the back of the fridge!


26-03-2011, 20:58
When you've had an awesome couple of days with your other half and realise that you fancy them more now than you did when you first got together. Cor.

26-03-2011, 21:57
YAY Dawny :D


Just burnt a kawoodle amount of woodage. It was fun. It's still embering away. It's lush. I like fire. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

26-03-2011, 22:00
My weekly cheat meal... NOM!

28-03-2011, 15:37
Finally having competitive times :D

28-03-2011, 17:01
Having a fantastic weekend away with friends. Sun, beach, long walks, country pubs, beer, wine, cocktails, lovely restaurant meal in the evening and great company. Awesome.

28-03-2011, 22:49
Knowing your mates are having a fab time :thumbup:

31-03-2011, 07:16
My kids.

31-03-2011, 07:57
YAY to happy people!


Ahahahha! Never thought I'd see the day I say that! But I have carpets going down today!

WHEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! No more dirty floorboards :D

31-03-2011, 08:21
I hope you are going to roll on them when they are fitted?

31-03-2011, 08:42
I hope you are going to roll on them when they are fitted?

She's also going to turn into one of those dictators who barks at you to get your shoes off before you even step in the front door :p

31-03-2011, 09:02
No no I'm just gonna make a mini pool of acid in the front porch so by the time people have stepped in through the porch their shoes will have melted off and they will be in socks.


Vix - oooooooooh yes!

Hmm. Where are these carpet people *twitches curtains*


31-03-2011, 10:57

Plus a nice gentleman named Graham who is fitting them! TEA AHOY for the nice man providing me with carpets!

God help me moving this sofa later... back problems here I cometh!!


31-03-2011, 11:56
Hmm. Where are these carpet people *twitches curtains*


They're out there...


31-03-2011, 12:03
I LOVE The smell of new carpets :D

31-03-2011, 12:28

AHahahahaha! *rolls about*

31-03-2011, 12:49
*joins in*

31-03-2011, 12:56
I LOVE The smell of new carpets :D

...in the morning?

31-03-2011, 13:18
...in the morning?

When the sun shines? :D

31-03-2011, 13:23
I LOVE The smell of new carpets :D


Weird, but, hey ho :D

31-03-2011, 13:42
...in the morning?

in the afternoon...In the morning I much prefer napalm.

31-03-2011, 16:33
That's m'girl.

31-03-2011, 20:54
Heh. I think I've just spent most of the evening looking like a kitty over dosed on cat nip.

So much rolling around on carpets.

So little time.

And yes. It smells good.

I forgot how fun it is to bum bounce down the stairs.

However I forgot I used to do this on a pillow.

I thus have achieved an almighty carpet burn on my right butt cheek (I went over kill on the cornering).

Happy Days :D

13-04-2011, 14:16
Being honestly and not sarcastically ID'ed for alcohol :p

13-04-2011, 16:40
Running my fingers through my straight hair :D Makes me forget how long it took me to do it :)

13-04-2011, 18:11
Men in suits. Helps if they're attractive obviously. :o

13-04-2011, 18:18
Men in suits. Helps if they're attractive obviously. :o

Obviously well fitted ones... else that'll slip into Mei meis and I's irrational hatred ;D

My love... is for my friends. I have so many good friends. Wish I could scoop them up and move them closer at times. You know who you are on here, thank you for being rocks and gems. x

13-04-2011, 18:20
Attractive Men in well fitted suits :D

Fixed for you :D I agree with the above.

13-04-2011, 18:21
Obviously well fitted ones... else that'll slip into Mei meis and I's irrational hatred ;D

Thats a given ;)

P.S. Lub you! x

13-04-2011, 19:48
Men in suits. Helps if they're attractive obviously. :o


13-04-2011, 19:54
;D ;D ;D

13-04-2011, 20:17
You know, I really haven't bought a new suit in a while...

13-04-2011, 20:42
I have just discovered a new show. It is hilarious. "Life of Riley" Brilliant.

13-04-2011, 20:50
What's it about?

Chris! You've got a wedding to go to, surely??

13-04-2011, 21:04
It is a comedy tv show about a dysfunctional family. It has Caroline Quentin is and she has recently married the father of two and she has her own son from a previous marriage. Best to watch it really. The one I just watched was Caroline's mother finding a boyfriend and getting married :)

14-04-2011, 09:15
It is a comedy tv show about a dysfunctional family. It has Caroline Quentin is and she has recently married the father of two and she has her own son from a previous marriage. Best to watch it really. The one I just watched was Caroline's mother finding a boyfriend and getting married :)

I started watching this, but one of the child actors was so wooden I thought it was Pinocchio.

That put me off, plus it has DCI Barnaby from "Midsomer Murders" in it, so I keep expecting him to stumble across a dead body...

14-04-2011, 10:11
On the subject of suits; seeing anyone in a suit and carrying a briefcase running down the street to make the train. Run, businessman! Don't be late for your high-powered meeting!

14-04-2011, 19:52
Wearing a new dress to work and getting lots of compliments on how I looked (especially nice when I feel like an ageing heffalump at the moment lol).

14-04-2011, 20:54
What's it about?

Chris! You've got a wedding to go to, surely??Why yes, yes I do. Just waiting on a bit of extra cash in the next few weeks to go and get one. No room in the wardrobe for one mind.

Belmit: It's only rationally delightful if they miss it and start casually walking to the platform as if nothing happend.

14-04-2011, 21:36
I can be personal shopper now you is local like! :D

14-04-2011, 21:56
Rattie neck warmers