View Full Version : Dont put it off until its too late...

25-09-2009, 13:47
Me and Daz were chatting the other night about regrets. I think my biggest regret is never going up the Twin Towers when I had the chance, and now, Ill never be able to. I guess I can count myself lucky if thats my only regret in life, Ive done pretty damn well.

Now, for the past few years, Ive been wondering whether or not to contact my grandad after a family fall out some good 15 years ago. I knew where he was living, but something kept pulling me back.

He died three days ago.

Add this to my list of regrets now. I just think it was pretty scary that me and Daz would have such a conversation, for my mum to call me to say my grandad had passed away.

Now Ill never get the chance to see him again. Dont put it off people, you never know whats round the corner.

25-09-2009, 15:18
:( Sorry to hear about your Grandad Dee.

And yeah, regrets suck, do everything possible to avoid them!

25-09-2009, 15:23
Sorry to hear such news Dee - I agree with the sentiments.

Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.

25-09-2009, 17:28
Aww DD am sorry to hear that. :(

BB x

25-09-2009, 17:57
Aww I'm sorry :(

25-09-2009, 21:11
Sorry to hear that Dee.

Never, ever put anything off. You never know what's round the corner, you could get hit by a bus yourself.

I had a reality check myself some time back. I was going over a few things in my life, a lot on my mind and I was walking to the supermarket. As I passed the bus stop a bus almost mounted the kerb and the front swung round as he fought to steer it and almost crushed me against a lamp post. The front of the bus brushed my chest it was that close, basically it almost all finished there.

If you want to do something then you should go and do it or find a way of being able to do it. Otherwise one day you'll find yourself past it and unable, and then what?

26-09-2009, 08:54
Jeez Jonny, goes to show doesnt it :(

26-09-2009, 10:16
Sorry to hear that Dee :( Almost identical situation happened over here when I was 14. Parents hadn't spoken to Grandfolks for years and I took it upon myself to break the silence and send a letter. A week later my Gran wrote back telling me she was well but Grandpa had died. I remember saying to Pa "I never knew Grandpa passed away" and then watching Pa's face drop, go pale, grab the note and then break down in tears. He didn't know either.


Sorry you're having to go through similar, it's really not pleasant at all. Big big love hun x

26-09-2009, 11:37
Sorry too Pheebs, that sounds awful x

26-09-2009, 11:44

Sorry to hear the bad news.