View Full Version : Ouch

10-10-2009, 08:29
Saw this video of a prank which goes very wrong for the prankster. You only need to watch the first 10 seconds but boy is it worth it!

enjoy (http://www.break.com/index/hidden-camera-prank-goes-very-wrong.html)

10-10-2009, 09:22
Serves them right, I can't stand this sort of thing where pranking is set up just to video for lulz.

10-10-2009, 09:28
I thought this was going to be about a certain someone having a bad day in Cyprus!

10-10-2009, 10:31
Brilliant :D

10-10-2009, 10:50
I thought this was going to be about a certain someone having a bad day in Cyprus!

haha I'll spare the BD community my tales of woe ;D

10-10-2009, 12:08
Agree with Feek, these pranks are just getting too much now. Serves the dopey bastard right :D

10-10-2009, 12:41
Oof! that's gonna leave a mark.

10-10-2009, 16:38
Sacré bleu!

Nice roundhouse kick! :D

10-10-2009, 20:49
Reverse ushiro geri to the face = no more pranks for you!

This reminds me of the excellent video of happy slappers- they plan to get the next person to leave the shop, when attacked, he turns around and sends the silly chav skidding across the floor! ;D

Just desserts are tastiest!

10-10-2009, 21:00
You mean like this one?


10-10-2009, 21:05
Just what they deserved!

The video I am recalling is actually the following : It's terrible quality but I distinctly remember the planning of it on film beforehand which makes the scumbags eventual arse-kicking all the better.


10-10-2009, 21:09
Just what they deserved!

The video I am recalling is actually the following : It's terrible quality but I distinctly remember the planning of it on film beforehand which makes the scumbags eventual arse-kicking all the better.


Heh, I remember that!

10-10-2009, 21:10
Ah yeah I remember that, still not sure if it's real. Good knock out punch though :D

10-10-2009, 23:03
Serves them right, I can't stand this sort of thing where pranking is set up just to video for lulz.

Definitely so. Too many morons out and about doing it. We've got a group based just around the corner from us: http://www.udown.com/ who have recently got into some huge trouble for bus surfing.

10-10-2009, 23:09
You mean like this one?

That's a good one, I'm guessing the guy is a boxer due to the way he steamed in and put them both down. Excellent response.