View Full Version : pico/femtocell

10-10-2009, 16:03
does anyone in the UK offer these yet? read something a while back but having trouble finding anything right now. was sure orange did but can't see on their website.

cousin is looking for a new mobile but can't get any reception in the house so would pick a carrier based purely on the availability of that.

10-10-2009, 16:09
Yes, Vodafone.

Other networks were trialling them but not sure how far they got.


10-10-2009, 16:12
The Vodafone one was very flaky when it first appeared but it seems to have settled down now. I have full five bar 3G throughout the house on my Blackberry now when I'd barely get a signal at all before.

I just want them for O2 and Orange as well. Or ideally they'd all get together and provide one that works on all networks. In our dreams!

10-10-2009, 16:13
hurrah, thank ya.

10-10-2009, 20:58
I'm having problems with both of the Vodafone ones I have (one at home, one in the office) but they're getting better.

O2 are indeed working on them, the last I heard was that they'll be trialling them late this year.