View Full Version : Stephen Gately dies at 33

Del Lardo
11-10-2009, 08:21


11-10-2009, 09:00

11-10-2009, 09:41
:( RIP

Princess Griff
11-10-2009, 11:37
:( Cant believe it :(
I used to fancy him back in the day...
until he came out as gay, then everything changed! haha!
But he still remained my favourite member

RIP Stephen

11-10-2009, 11:43
I still fancied him, he would have had such beautiful children. ;)

Such a shame, 33 is no age to die :(

11-10-2009, 12:11
Do we know how it happened yet? Really sudden news.

11-10-2009, 12:16
Do we know how it happened yet? Really sudden news.

Nope, guess we will have to wait until the post mortem.

Princess Griff
11-10-2009, 15:53
Do we know how it happened yet? Really sudden news.

This is the first thing my mum asked when I told her, so I repeated what it said on the news - he had been out for drinks with his boyfriend, returned home and didnt wake up again. Mum said something along the lines of ohh, well if he was drinking maybe he choked with sick in his mouth....then my dad shouted out in the background 'I didnt know his boyfriends name was sick!'

Oh the shame.

11-10-2009, 16:45
:D funny Daddy!!!

They would have known if he choked on his vomit.
My 1st thought after omg was drugs but I would imagine his hubby would have said something as surely he would have known.
Scary thing is anyone of us could go suddenly as lots of things can cause sudden death :(
It really does make you realise how precious life is!

11-10-2009, 17:20
My guess is SADS or a heart defect. Obviously could be anything, but I guess if he had to go now, that's the best way for him. Great night out, then sleep. Horrible for his family/friends, but solace in the knowledge he didn't suffer.

11-10-2009, 23:00
Do we know how it happened yet? Really sudden news.

The police are saying no indication of suicide, homicide or drugs, but I guess they'll have to wait for the autopsy to be really sure.

11-10-2009, 23:06
Other half shocked and stunned.
Me... "Who?"

33 though.. Wow.

12-10-2009, 07:31
'a tragic accident' is what his family appear to be saying,

12-10-2009, 07:43
Other half shocked and stunned.
Me... "Who?"

33 though.. Wow.

I did have to ask Sam who it was, and was rather indifferent about it, however when I found out how old it really did seem such a shame for such a young person to die.

12-10-2009, 12:23
Stories now circulating that he fell asleep on his back after a drinking session and choked on his own vomit.

more here (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1219727/Boyzone-star-Stephen-Gately-partner-asked-Bulgarian-1m-apartment.html)

12-10-2009, 17:49
All a bit weird...

12-10-2009, 18:38
A friend Of mine at university died like that :'(

Same here, he'd only been there a week and it was the first time he had gone out.

12-10-2009, 22:04
This is why I hate sleeping drunks in Custody :(

13-10-2009, 06:36
Then you should stop drinking at work!

13-10-2009, 13:09
Post mortem says he died of natural causes. Apparently he had a pulmonary oedema which is a build up of fluid on the lungs. :(

Officials dismissed speculation that Gately choked on his own vomit, and said drugs and alcohol were not involved in his death.

14-10-2009, 06:03
Poor guy :(

14-10-2009, 07:46
Aye. They still need to know what caused the heart attack though.They won't know for a few weeks whether his body had drink/drugs in dangerous levels apparently, but it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't. It's a common side effect of coke/speed though, so it won't stop the speculation. Still leaning towards heart defect myself.

14-10-2009, 09:21
When my Dad caught the news yesterday, and they said what he had died of, my Dad piped up with, "that's what cause of death is written on Grandads' death certificate"

In my Grandads case his heart wasn't able to pump fluid around his body anymore, or clear it out of his system, and so he just filled up with fluid over the course of a few weeks, and when the level of fluid got to his lungs he basically drowned. What i'm trying to say is it could have been the same thing that killed Stephen, very rare but not unheard of apparently.

14-10-2009, 12:45
pulmonary odema is one of the most common things to put on a death certificate along with cardiac infarction.

It happens as a result of a heart attack. So, it will be the official C.O.D (i.e. his heart stopped beating and his lungs filled with fluid) but it's not what caused it to happen, so COD is a bit misleading in that context. To determine why he died they need to know why a 33 year old suddenly had a massive heart attack. Either SADS (usually down to a heart defect) or a massive influx of drugs/drink would cause it so until they do the PM they won't know. When they say drink & drugs weren't involved, that usually just means he didn't OD or choke on his own vomit - it's not an obvious cause. Could be a mixture of drink/antidepressants or could be nothing of the sort.

Princess Griff
14-10-2009, 14:33
Stephen Gately looks far too innocent to do drugs and drink! But then fame does funny things to a person...

Admiral Huddy
14-10-2009, 15:58
Fluid on the lungs.. Mmm make of that what you will.

14-10-2009, 17:09
You bad, bad man.

14-10-2009, 23:29
You bad, bad man.Well Huddy is a gay icon. :D

15-10-2009, 07:49
If that's the case, he was doing it all wrong!

Admiral Huddy
15-10-2009, 10:22
If that's the case, he was doing it all wrong!

This is what happens when the light is off!

15-10-2009, 21:59
Quite a worrying report (which may or may not be true):

Man who found Stephen Gately's body was in bed with his husband

Tue, 13/10/2009 - 09:48 By Mr. Holy Moly

The 'third man' in the house at the time of Stephen Gately's death on Saturday has spoken about the day, revealing it was him who found the body after spending the night in bed with Stephen's husband.

Georgi Dochev says he and Stephen's husband Andy went in to the bedroom leaving Stephen alone on the sofa wearing pyjamas and emerged later on to find his "pale and cold body crouched in a mysterious prayer position". They had spent the evening drinking in the Majorcan gay club The Black Cat before heading back to the flat in Port Andratx.

Can this story get any grimmer? Not only does it seem likely that Stephen's death was an accident, not the usual "coke hell" stories we are used to, but the poor bloke died in the knowledge that his husband was in bed with some Bulgarian dude.

Source (http://www.holymoly.com/celebrity-news/man-who-found-stephen-gatelys-body-was-bed-his-husband36630)

Princess Griff
16-10-2009, 13:18
Hmmm seems suspiciously untrue....

18-01-2010, 20:23
Unfortunately seems like it was true (the bit about him dying while his hubby was in bed with another guy). Didn't see any of the huge headlines when he was found to have died from :

A forensic report last month confirmed Gately's death was caused by an undiagnosed heart condition and was not linked to drink or drugs.

A report handed to a Spanish judge investigating the tragedy revealed the star suffered from atheromatosis, a thickening of the arteries.

It also revealed he was dead for eight hours before his body was found.

Gately was found dead on October 10 by a Bulgarian who had been partying with him and his civil partner Andrew Cowles after their night out on the Spanish island.

A preliminary pathology report said the star died from an acute pulmonary oedema, a build-up of fluid on the lungs caused by the atheromatosis and said the death was due to 'natural causes'.

Obviously doesn't sell as many papers as the 'DRUGS! DRINK' theory.

Oh...but I bet I can make Knip cry :p


18-01-2010, 20:59
Nice bit of reading between the lines there, it doesn't say the bulgarian had been sleeping with Andrew Cowles. They could have just offered him floorspace or a spare bed or something, for example.

I'm not trying to come across as naive, but the press has a habit of inferring that where one or two people participate in a thing they perceive as a sexual deviancy occurs, (such as homosexuality, even if they won't actually call it one out loud) all forms sexual deviancies occur.

18-01-2010, 21:01
Oh...but I bet I can make Knip cry :p

Already did! :'(

And I for one am glad it was nothing sinister.

18-01-2010, 21:04
Nice bit of reading between the lines there, it doesn't say the bulgarian had been sleeping with Andrew Cowles. They could have just offered him floorspace or a spare bed or something, for example.

I'm not trying to come across as naive, but the press has a habit of inferring that where one or two people participate in a thing they perceive as a sexual deviancy occurs, (such as homosexuality, even if they won't actually call it one out loud) all forms sexual deviancies occur.

No, but the Bulgarian did. He's gone on the record as saying he slept with Cowles so they can say pretty much what they like along those lines. I've already read the quotes, and the claims he made, so that's where I'm getting my information from - I'm not reading between those lines at all - the comment I made at the beginning of the post isn't related to the quote in that context; that was more making the point that we didn't really hear any more about it once it was determined he died of 'natural causes'.

18-01-2010, 21:53
No, but the Bulgarian did. He's gone on the record as saying he slept with Cowles so they can say pretty much what they like along those lines. I've already read the quotes, and the claims he made, so that's where I'm getting my information from - I'm not reading between those lines at all - the comment I made at the beginning of the post isn't related to the quote in that context; that was more making the point that we didn't really hear any more about it once it was determined he died of 'natural causes'.

Urgh.. my bad wording. Didn't mean to imply you were reading between the lines, but the newspapers were, as has been seen so many times in these things. Wasn't aware the Bulgarian man had made those comments, but wonder how true that is too. Easy way to get an ego boost / grab some cash from the newspapers for him.

18-01-2010, 21:59
It's fine, I could see what you meant anyway but wasn't quite sure if you meant me or them!

Yeah, he seems like a thoroughly unpleasant chap to me, but then I'm probably coloured by the grubby way he went to the press. Would have been better to maintain a dignified silence than by pocketing the cash but I suppose it was all too easy for him.

Just seems such a shame that was seems to have been a genuine relationship between two people very much in love has been made to look like so much less than it was (if that makes sense) by some bloody awful timing!