View Full Version : Janet & John

11-10-2009, 20:14
After Wogan announced he was standing down from the R2 breakfast show I thought I'd best get the Janet and John CDs before they became a rarity.

I'm crying listening to some of them.

How they get away with it at 8am I don't know!

"Slipper one" behind the shed indeed! Pastor Kidneys ;D


11-10-2009, 20:20

11-10-2009, 20:48
I have these on CD - my mum got me onto it, and we've had to stop listening in the car to them because we laugh too much!! ;D

18-12-2009, 08:45
Wogan's last brekkie show today :(

18-12-2009, 10:35
Wogan is one of the only people I know who can truly bridge all age ranges. I loved the guy when I was in my teens and started listening to Radio 2. I think they have the perfect replacement in a now more mature Chris Evans, but he has the hardest job in radio trying to replace Sir Terry.

18-12-2009, 20:34
He shouldn't try to replace Sir Terry - that's an impossible task. That said, hopefully he'll do a good job. I've only recently started listening to Wogan (thanks to actually getting up at that time of day). Bit late in the game - absolutely - but part of the reason I did start listening was because I knew it was the last week.

A Place of Light
20-12-2009, 13:24
The only meaning of replacement here, is that the timeslot will be the same.
Evans will make a different kind of show than Wogan did. Wogan wasn't very good at talking to listeners, hence the reason he didn't do much of it. Evans is much better at bouncing off people, so his show will have more listener participation.

20-12-2009, 13:33
I think Moyles will be gone by the end of 2010 or at least being moved somewhere else. Evans will show that moron up for what he really is.

A Place of Light
20-12-2009, 13:40
I think Moyles will be gone by the end of 2010 or at least being moved somewhere else. Evans will show that moron up for what he really is.
Who knows? The only thing that will cause change is a drop in ratings and AFAIK the only radio show with more listeners was Wogans. Personally, I love Moyles' show, but he's a marmite DJ as in you don't find many people who've listened to him and haven't got a strong opinion about him.

20-12-2009, 13:48
The only meaning of replacement here, is that the timeslot will be the same.

The show will be starting 30 minutes earlier - from 7AM. Not sure about the end time. I did note one of Wogan's critics saying they didn't think he 'pulled his weight', given that he only did a two hour show. Give him a break.

Evans will make a different kind of show than Wogan did. Wogan wasn't very good at talking to listeners, hence the reason he didn't do much of it. Evans is much better at bouncing off people, so his show will have more listener participation.

This I agree with. Though both Wogan and Evans have had TV chat shows, I'd rate Evans as the better 'people person'. I haven't heard his current show so I just hope he really has learned his lessons.

As for Moyles, I don't listen to Radio 1 any more so I don't know his shows, but I do note the consistent criticism of them. If listeners switch sides in droves (and Evans is far more likely to make that happen than Wogan was), then they'd be mad not to shake things up.

A Place of Light
20-12-2009, 14:07
Evans is more of an easy listen than Moyles, but Moyles' fanbase is pretty loyal. Hasn't he held onto the Radio 1 breakfast show longer than anyone else?
Evans moving to Radio 2 could cause a big shake up though, as for the first time the two breakfast hosts aren't so different from each other.

20-12-2009, 14:09
I think Moyles will be gone by the end of 2010 or at least being moved somewhere else. Evans will show that moron up for what he really is.

Evans has already shown him up before, as has Sir Terry. Moyles may be the so-called (albeit self-titled) "Saviour of Radio 1", but is that really so hard on a station that is quite widely regarded as being absolute rubbish.

Moyles and Evans have already proven to be more successful on less fashionable radio channels than Moyles has on Radio 1. I really cannot stand that talentless man.

A Place of Light
20-12-2009, 14:13
I like Radio 2, but if Radio 1 hadn't gone all niche marketing it would still be the epitome of dullness that it was a decade ago. The fact that R1 aimed so specifically at what they perceive their target audience to be allowed R2 to diversify and pickup a lot of R1 listeners as a consequence.

A Place of Light
20-12-2009, 14:16
Evans has already shown him up before, as has Sir Terry.

Dubious claim RE Wogan IMHO.
They're both very different people with different presenting styles, so how one can "show the other one up" is beyond me. After all, there can't be many people who are torn between which show to listen to.

20-12-2009, 14:18
True (both posts). I'm not much of a radio listener at all (used to be, but the MP3 player killed that off), but when I do listen, it's either local or R2. I always used to listen to R1, including breakfast.

A Place of Light
20-12-2009, 14:20
True (both posts). I'm not much of a radio listener at all (used to be, but the MP3 player killed that off), but when I do listen, it's either local or R2. I always used to listen to R1, including breakfast.

And I'd stick my neck out and say that the age group that Wogan plays to is far more likely to listen to Radio than the Moyles demographic. They're busy living their lives at a million miles an hour, so deciding which is more popular based on listening figures isn't as black and white as it first appears.

A Place of Light
20-12-2009, 14:22
I listen to R1 for Moyles' show, then I switch over to Ken Bruce when it's finished. I tend to stay on R2 until late afternoon and, depending on how cringeworth Steve Wright is being, I either stay tuned or flip over to Scott Mills on R1.

20-12-2009, 16:21
I enjoy the Chris Moyles Breakfast show in the mornings, but more for the team than Chris himself; I find him annoying, a bighead and quite bratty but I enjoy the camaradary between Comedy Dave, Dom, Rachel, Aled and the others.

Chris Moyles seems to be moving onto television with every opportunity amidst releasing several books, an album and plunging into a lot of televised charity events - no matter what happens with his radio show I imagine he's going to be 'around' for quite some time to come.

20-12-2009, 18:19
I enjoy the Chris Moyles Breakfast show in the mornings, but more for the team than Chris himself; I find him annoying, a bighead and quite bratty but I enjoy the camaradary between Comedy Dave, Dom, Rachel, Aled and the others.

This. I started listening to Wogan last year because I just couldn't stand the big boys club that radio one breakfast was becoming. I'm glad Chris Evans is taking over because his show was probably my favourite - I guess I'm kind of inbetween the target demographic for R1 and R2.

20-12-2009, 18:39
I detest the Moyles show, I find it unfunny, forced and just utter crap.

I've also not been a fan of Chris Evens until fairly recently but I picked up his autobiography on Audible and since listening to that I've sampled his afternoon Radio 2 show. It was much better than I expected it to be and I'm quite looking forward to hearing him for breakfast. I get the feeling (and I hope) that it'll be quite like the old Noel Edmunds breakfast show used to be on Radio 1.

My big impression of Chris Evens' show was that he was having fun presenting it, that came over really well and I think it's very important. Chris Moyles just sounds as though he's talking down to the listeners, I find him very arrogant and I don't like that.

20-12-2009, 19:44
Evans has certainly grown up since he started on R2 and I prefer him to Steve Wright who is past it IMO. Wogan wasn't very funny every day but certainly funny as hell more often than not. King of the Innuendo (barring Chairman Humph of course!).

Mayo is dire dire drivel.

20-12-2009, 21:35
Mayo is dire dire drivel.

Which is why he was shoved off to Radio 5 Live. At least I hope he's still there.

20-12-2009, 22:03
Now I quite like Mayo, he does a good talkie show and I like talking wireless.

21-12-2009, 00:53
Dubious claim RE Wogan IMHO.
They're both very different people with different presenting styles, so how one can "show the other one up" is beyond me. After all, there can't be many people who are torn between which show to listen to.

It's all about listeners and a 70+ year old Sir Terry still pulls in more on a regular occurrence than Moyles. That says a lot.

A Place of Light
21-12-2009, 01:00
It's all about listeners and a 70+ year old Sir Terry still pulls in more on a regular occurrence than Moyles. That says a lot.

In terms of numbers, it says IIRC that Wogan was getting about 12% more listeners than Moyles does. However, the fact of the matter is that Wogans audience is typically the older generation.....the same older generation who listen to radio in general than their younger counterparts, particularly the Radio one demographic.
I'm unsure why you needed to embelish your post with the "70+" detail though. What does age have to do with it?

21-12-2009, 01:16
Mayo is dire dire drivel.

Which is why he was shoved off to Radio 5 Live. At least I hope he's still there.

Mayo is going to present the R2 drivetime show. Fantastic. :) Always enjoyed him on Radio 1 - which was the last time I listened to radio 1 for more than a few minutes. He's still going to work with Dr Kermode for 5Live.

Wogan was great - completely and wonderfully irreverent.
Can't stand Evans.
Can't stand Moyles.

So, back to using files from my server to wake me up then. ISIRTA and ISIHAC lined up for tomorrow.

21-12-2009, 01:23
Can't stand Evans.

The person or the R1/TFI Friday antics? If the latter, I'd suggest trying again. He's grown up some, apparently.

Actually, I retract my statement about Simon Mayo. Now I remember (it was a while ago) I did like him in his R1 days, but wasn't that impressed with what little of him I heard on 5live - but then I wasn't particularly keen on 5live anyway.

21-12-2009, 01:25
The person or the R1/TFI Friday antics? If the latter, I'd suggest trying again. He's grown up some, apparently.

Actually, I did use to like Simon Mayo, but wasn't that impressed with what little of him I heard on 5live - but then I wasn't particularly keen on 5live anyway.

Him in general. He just pisses me off.
Have tried listening to him on R2 as it was on the radio at work... Rapidly went back to my mp3 player.

21-12-2009, 01:35
Well you're safe for this week anyway. Change doesn't happen until the New Year IIRC (Johnnie Walker is filling Wogan's slot this week).

21-12-2009, 12:53
I thought Simon Mayo was awful when he stood in for Chris Evans.

21-12-2009, 13:09
I think from the new year we'll have to find another drive time show to listen because I just can't listen to Simon Mayo!

21-12-2009, 16:03
New schedules start 11th January.