View Full Version : Question Time tonight

Del Lardo
22-10-2009, 13:33
It will be a live Jeremy Kyle show but with middle-class guests and presenter. I anticipate it will be car crash television of epic proportions.

I'm going to watch it.

22-10-2009, 13:44
Me too.

Nick Griffin is right on the money on one point, and one point only - Politicians sticking their oar in has made this a far bigger story than it otherwise would have been. As a result, they've given the BNP way more publicity than they deserved.

22-10-2009, 13:48
I'll be watching, I Love car crash TV. :D
It better deliver though, I want questions answered, rants, humiliation & maybe even some water chucking. ;D;D;D

22-10-2009, 13:53
It will go one of two ways.

1.) They'll ask him questions about race/immigration and only race/immigration and by doing so, they'll play right into his hands. He's got a bank of politically correct and well rehearsed answers to them all. "Are the BNP racist? Why aren't black people allowed to join? What's the difference between a racist and a racialist? etc etc

2.) They largely ignore race, and ask him the same questions as they would Cameron and Brown. Ask him what the BNP plans to do to fix the economy? Ask him what the BNPs plan is for energy? Education? The NHS?

Then, and only then, can you trip him up with race issues on THOSE subjects. How, Mr Griffin, do you plan to reinvest in the NHS, when you have a mirror policy of encouraging citizens of non-British heritage to leave the country with a large cash sum? How many doctors and nurses are immigrants? So, how can one policy exist such as that, when it would directly harm another? Your policies are obviously in conflict with one another, because removing a % of our Doctors and Nurses when there's already a shortage doesn't sound like reinvestment, it sounds like contraction of services and care etc etc. You could beat him to death with his own manifesto.

Del Lardo
22-10-2009, 13:54
My concern is that he'll go on the attack with patter similar to their pamphlets for the Euro election basically firing off soundbites of every key issue which will please the Daily Mail/Sun masses and may actually improve his standing with such people who don't know where to vote.

Basically populist bull**** but delivered convincingly. They knew exactly how to go on the attack for the Euro elections hitting on every key point that winds up the average Joe in the street. Sadly, mass televising of it may actually convert more but that's the problem with living in a democracy, even the racist morons can vote.

22-10-2009, 14:10
He really can't lose. If people currently think he's a dick, he'll answer the questions and they'll still think he's a dick. If other people think he's a dick but he answers some questions very well then he may well turn their opinion of him. As far as I can tell, he can only really gain from this.

Will make sure I catch it as it could be fun either way :)

22-10-2009, 14:20
He wouldn't have asked/agreed had he noght thought he could hack it. People will go after the obvious targets and as iCraig says, he'll have ready-prepared answers.

Politicians haven't been able to see the bigger picture over this, and I doubt the audience will either.

22-10-2009, 16:42
I'm looking forward to this too. Will be interesting to see which way it swings and who is made to look stupid.

22-10-2009, 17:46
Gonna tape it, see what people's reactions are and if it sounds contraversial I'll watch it :)

22-10-2009, 17:47
Carnage at the BBC with protesters on the news channels currently.

22-10-2009, 17:59

"We want a democracy with a voice for all, unless a particular one annoys us"

22-10-2009, 19:09
That's a lot of people outside the Beeb. :shocked:

Did they actually get in then? :dunno:

22-10-2009, 19:18
Did they actually get in then? :dunno:

A few did yeah, they threw them out pretty quick though. There was footage of one lady being dragged across the marble floor of the BBC by her feet, still screaming and shouting about fascists.

I cant help but feel that these people are playing right into the hands of the BNP, by giving them even more press and attention, even if its not positive stuff.

22-10-2009, 19:20
Oh yes. Just seen that. ;D

22-10-2009, 20:27
Going to watch it. Abhor the BNP and everything they stand for (not only race issues and immigration but also European arguments and basically everything), but some people voted for them and it's not for me to say who should be heard.
Unfortunately I don't think he can lose, as has been said. I wish the other parties had put up some big hitters, somebody who can really take him on - maybe someone like Diane Abbot from Labour or William Hague for the tories. Or Tony Benn! That'd be magic. But I can't see Jack Straw's brand of dull debate really countering Griffin's firebrand illogic.

22-10-2009, 21:20
It will go one of two ways.

Mr Griffin was reportedly booed as entered the session, and the first question by a member of the audience asked: 'Given what the UK has fought for during World War Two, is it fair that the BNP hijacked Winston Churchill?'

The BNP leader was reported to have attacked Jack Straw, his fellow panellist, saying that his father was in the RAF while claiming that Mr Straw's father was arrested for refusing to fight. This was followed by a round of boos from the audience.

He also attempted to respond to questions by young black and Jewish audience members who claimed he was a racist.


Looks like it went the former...

22-10-2009, 21:26
Rachel Parish, 20, a philosophy student, was among the protesters to make it through the security barrier but she was stopped by officers. “The BBC should be ashamed. How can you give a platform to Nazis,” she said.

Because some members of the society in which you live, have voted for him.

It's called a democracy, grow up and wash your hair.

22-10-2009, 21:40
It's called a democracy, grow up and wash your hair.

Quote of the year 2009.

22-10-2009, 21:49
It's a fair comment. Pretty much all of the backlash has been on those grounds (hair washing aside) - people just don't get it. He's an MEP - some people voted for him - get over it.

Oh, and for the benefit of The Times, Mr. Griffin wasn't reportedly booed anywhere. He was booed - loudly and clearly. Won't be shown on the show because they never show that bit, but it was covered on News 24 and the booing was very obvious.

22-10-2009, 21:51
Loved the protester who had broken in

When interviewed was asked why he broke in

"to carry out my democratic rights"

oh dear, probably only saving grace is that Griffin will proabbaly make himself look just as stupid

23-10-2009, 09:40
Not sure about the protestors: I've always agreed with the principle of if you don't believe in free speech for the people you disagree with, you don't believe in it at all.

Luckily I feel that this show was successful in allowing Nick Griffin to expose himself as the abhorrent, vile racist air-headed weasel he is.

His attitudes towards 'heritage', homosexuality, race and religion are frankly unbelievable and it astonishes me that people voted for him; I enjoyed the discussion of whether or not the BNP gained so many votes due to people voting for anything other than the arguably confused 'main three' parties.

23-10-2009, 09:43
Well I'm convinced after that performance that the BNP doesn't have teh leadership or the gutso, the intelligence or the ideas to even be a remote threat to the UK.

23-10-2009, 09:45
It's a fair comment. Pretty much all of the backlash has been on those grounds (hair washing aside) - people just don't get it. He's an MEP - some people voted for him - get over it.

Oh, and for the benefit of The Times, Mr. Griffin wasn't reportedly booed anywhere. He was booed - loudly and clearly. Won't be shown on the show because they never show that bit, but it was covered on News 24 and the booing was very obvious.

Not exactly a representative audience was it. Full of non whites, Jews, gays, loony leftists etc. Although it was funny when even that hostile audience was rendered silent by some of Nick Griffin's responses. Like the black man 'where would you send me back to?' (cue raucous applause) Nick 'I'd be perfectly happy for you to stay here' (silence)

I guess that's the difference between having the media misrepresent the BNP's policies, and allowing the BNP a platform to say what the policies actually are.

23-10-2009, 09:47
Oh look who's back.....

23-10-2009, 09:50
Agreed with that Will, I don't think the BNP would have a chance in hell of making it into leadership but I think it is the 'sudden' increase in voting numbers/gaining of seats that all this has been whipped up.

Did anybody else notice towards the end DD's "We only have around 10 minutes left and we don't want the whole show to be about the BNP" ?

They managed about two or three sentences before it all spilled back onto race issues etc. :p

23-10-2009, 10:16
Not exactly a representative audience was it. Full of non whites, Jews, gays, loony leftists etc. Although it was funny when even that hostile audience was rendered silent by some of Nick Griffin's responses. Like the black man 'where would you send me back to?' (cue raucous applause) Nick 'I'd be perfectly happy for you to stay here' (silence)

I guess that's the difference between having the media misrepresent the BNP's policies, and allowing the BNP a platform to say what the policies actually are.

Typical West London demographics then, no? Besides, it's always the minority with an axe to grind that turn up at this show. How quickly you forget about other politicians being lambasted on the show - though I'll grant Mr. Griffin got the worst of it by far. He makes himself an easy target.

Just to pick one point - Non-violent KKK leader? What on earth was he thinking?

23-10-2009, 11:10
The only part where he did well was on the question about Labour's immigration policy; Jack Straw flailed about ridiculously there. I don't accept the default position that immigration is a bad thing anyway, but I spose it'd be political cyanide for any politician to try and say that.
All in all though it was a bit of a pointless exercise - nobody's mind will have been changed either way, those who disagreed with him will still do so and those who agree with him will still do so.

23-10-2009, 12:52
Oh look who's back.....
