View Full Version : Counterstrike Source Maps Poll

25-09-2006, 23:57
After some of the posts in the other CS.s thread about the maps in rotation on the BD server.
I thought it might be a good idea to have a poll to see which maps should stay and which should go....

Not sure how this will work out so vote for the map/maps that you want to go

if you cant remember the name of the map you hate let me know and i will post a pic of each map to help

Ive made it a multi poll so vote as many off as you like

to give everyone a chance to see the poll it will be open for 10 days

Admiral Huddy
26-09-2006, 09:06
i can't place them just by name.. I'll have to make a note next time I play one I'm not keen on.

26-09-2006, 09:12
I'm not going to be about much after this poll has closed (got a couple of weeks in the US and a couple of weeks in Japan) so don't expect maps and map cycles to change too quickly.

26-09-2006, 09:27
i can't place them just by name.. I'll have to make a note next time I play one I'm not keen on.

Same here, i never pay attention to the names. Still have some i meant to upload, for you to check out. Will try tonight at some point.

Admiral Huddy
26-09-2006, 09:30
Cool - Play CS tonight.. It will save you the heart ache later when they loose :p

26-09-2006, 09:51
I'll need to have a plat and then take note as well :)

26-09-2006, 09:57
I'll need to have a decko at the names, but I'm surprised people are mentioning dust06 and ruinas, I thought they were both excellent maps.

Admiral Huddy
26-09-2006, 11:27
what makes a bad map.. ? I think they are all good and have their own challanges.