View Full Version : Bwahahaha! Knee man!

24-10-2009, 14:13
I can't find a youtube linky - if anyone can feel free to post! You'll have to goosey goosey gander it through Facebook in the meantime though...

Busking Knee (http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=254012630649)

Hilarious :D

24-10-2009, 14:30
That made me chuckle

24-10-2009, 14:43
I remember doing this same thing when I was a kid - no idea where I saw it first though! :D

24-10-2009, 16:00
Hehehe, that's great :D

We were in town the other week and there was a guy busking. He had his dog sat with him and every time he sung, the dog howled. Very good gimmick IMO and it was very funny :D