View Full Version : NSFW : <--- potentially NSFW - I don't know! Sail Boats
Would someone please explain to me what on earth is dodgyabout doing a sail boat impression?! I've googled and nothing! And Princess Gee and Jingobee won't explain!!
Princess Griff
24-10-2009, 23:08
Heheeee *hides*
You sure you don't mean motorboating?
24-10-2009, 23:09
No he definitely said sailboating! :confused: ;D
Princess Griff
24-10-2009, 23:10
Oh god pheebs! Why did you post thiiiiis!!!!!!
Def different from motorboating!
What's Motorboating?!
Aren't these just sports!!? Or water bound vehicles?!! I@M CONFUSED.COM!
Princess Griff
24-10-2009, 23:12
Oh pheebs honey, get your little bottbott down to Clevedon on Weds and we shall explain all!
Bwahahahaaa this is getting better by the minute! ;D
All will be revealed Wednesday night* ;)
*or possibly not
Princess Griff
24-10-2009, 23:13
Hahahaha!!! I cant believe u actually used that quote james!!! hahahaa!!!
24-10-2009, 23:15
Oooooooooh dear....
Sweet, innocent little Pheebs. :D
24-10-2009, 23:16
Hahahaha!!! I cant believe u actually used that quote james!!! hahahaa!!!
I would like to point out he has twisted my words and used them against me! ;)
I would also like to point out, you started it!
24-10-2009, 23:18
Is this another one of those innocent-sounding but bizarre rituals like teabagging or dogging?
24-10-2009, 23:20
Is this another one of those innocent-sounding but bizarre rituals like teabagging or dogging?
I believe so. I am assured it does not involve poppadoms though.
PLllllllEEeeeeeerLeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aase!
confused come on and explain to us all don't leave us all in suspence lol
24-10-2009, 23:24
Ooooooh we're in suspenders now are we? ;D
24-10-2009, 23:25
Ooooooh we're in suspenders now are we? ;D
This thread makes me giggle :D
I can demonstrate Motorboating if any female persons of the opposite sex would care to pop out over ;) ;D
24-10-2009, 23:28
Ooooooh we're in suspenders now are we? ;D
It's all Fayshun's fault for watching Rocky Horror ;D
He's a bad influence I tell thee!
24-10-2009, 23:29
I can demonstrate Motorboating if any female persons of the opposite sex would care to pop out over ;) ;D
Our birthday? Three weeks today where we will be wrecked at this time? :p
24-10-2009, 23:31
* packs camera*
Our birthday? Three weeks today where we will be wrecked at this time? :p
Three weeks! Bloody hell, I'd not realised it was so close.
Well, I'm up for it :D
least it isn't me corrupting her this time :p
24-10-2009, 23:36
least it isn't me corrupting her this time :p
Me or Pheebs? ;D
24-10-2009, 23:37
right it's definitely motorboating Pheebs and I'd say I'm personally very partial to the activity ;D
24-10-2009, 23:38
least it isn't me corrupting her this time :p
First time for everything. :p
Ooooooh we're in suspenders now are we? ;D
Well I did watch Rocky Horror last night. ;)
No no I am told Jingo does a brilliant Sail boat impression and it's RUDE! And he ALSO does motorboating! And apparenntly Knips, Princess Gee and Me are going to do it on wednesday>!!>?!
24-10-2009, 23:40
Lucky him!
24-10-2009, 23:41
Lucky him!
I dont have enough cleavage for motorboating but i'm willing to let someone try! :D
Lean forwards, hands either side and push them together a bit. There's always enough!
24-10-2009, 23:43
I dont have enough cleavage for motorboating but i'm willing to let someone try! :D
All volunteers take one step forward!
Princess Griff
24-10-2009, 23:44
Ok Ok.....yes the sailboat and motorboating are VERY different things.
Motorboating = pretty easy to explain - Ill demonstrate on Weds ;)
The Sailboat is...lets say.... a urm position that a man can get in...through....maneuvering
Me or Pheebs? ;D
Either, or :p
First time for everything. :p
Oh shush :p
I still remember the look on Vixen's face when I had to explain cottaging to her
Princess Griff
24-10-2009, 23:45
and James WILL NOT be demonstrating the sailboat!!
but what positions!!! I need to know! *continues her google image resaerch*
Princess Griff
24-10-2009, 23:50
Honestly Pheebs, James will let you know his full repetoire of disgusting terms if you come on Weds!!! PROMISE!!!
24-10-2009, 23:57
and James WILL NOT be demonstrating the sailboat!!
Not if he's three sheets to the wind, he'll only be at half mast - he might even keel over! ;D
;D ;D ;D
... imagine the sail boat wrecking on the haggered rocks of lime pickle! THE HUMANITY!
25-10-2009, 00:17
*reads Jingo's sig*
In my defence my words have been used out of context'
25-10-2009, 00:24
Okay, I'm sure there's a perfectly innocent reason for you saying what Jingo quoted.
Damned if I can think of what it might be though ;)
25-10-2009, 00:32
He asked if I could get my fist in my mouth. I said what he has quoted. (my version is much more boring dont you think! :p )
25-10-2009, 00:39
Hehe - you're right :)
25-10-2009, 00:56
but what positions!!! I need to know! *continues her google image resaerch*
I'd imagine youtube might be better suited to motorboating :p
EDIT: in fact in future just use urbandicationary ;D
I'd imagine youtube might be better suited to motorboating :p
EDIT: in fact in future just use urbandicationary ;D
High Five!!!!!!! ;D
25-10-2009, 01:44
I dont have enough cleavage for motorboating but i'm willing to let someone try! :D
Where does the line start? :p
High Five!!!!!!! ;D
Hehehe I've just read that :D
I'd imagine youtube might be better suited to motorboating :p
EDIT: in fact in future just use urbandicationary ;D
Beaten to it.
The only thing is that depending on how you type sailboat (sail boat), the results can be very different.
Hrm, I like #3 the best!! :D
Hrm, I like #3 the best!! :D
Me too..... high 5!!! ;D
I forgot until I was loading myself into the car by which point they had walked off to I had to zoom out of the car park and chase em down!!
Apparently I will find out at Mawees Buffday now. Boo!
Hahahahahaha at midnight on a deserted street did I hear the wails of "JAaaaaAAAAmmmmmMMMMMeeeeEEESSssssSSSSSS!!!!" only to find a hastey marie and pheebs zooming down the street demanding the Sail Boat™ be explained and demonstrated immediately! :eek:
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