View Full Version : Outlook replacement?

25-10-2009, 20:24
Having now got windows 7, I'm thinking that my copy of office XP pro is a tad out of date, so probably won't copy that across.

However, looking at my options, it's either

MS Office 2007 Home and Student 2007 (circa £60) with Exel, Powerpoint, OneNote (whatever that is!) and Word. So no Outlook.


MS Office 2007 Standard (circa £160) with OneNote replaced with Outlook.

Don't really fancy spending an extra £100 for Outlook, so is this Windows Live Mail any cop? I only use POP/SMTP based email, so I guess even outlook is a bit ott for me, but I'm used to it :)

Or other suggestions?

Ta :)

25-10-2009, 20:38
Couple of threads down: http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showthread.php?t=12839 :)

Del Lardo
25-10-2009, 20:44
If you just want basic personal e-mail functionality then the Windows Live client works fine. I used Thunderbird for a couple of years but when I upgraded Windows Live client just worked for me.

25-10-2009, 20:56
My query is a bit different to Will's as I don't need any synching or anything like that. I do think I'm only scratching the surface of Outlook's features.