View Full Version : Pheebs, have you been visiting Iowa

Del Lardo
26-10-2009, 23:36
and dressing as a man (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/25/man-called-zombie-while-o_n_333053.html)?

26-10-2009, 23:41
Ouch. :eek:

They ought to fire the headline writer though! :)

26-10-2009, 23:51
Hahahaha! I know I'm looking weary and tired but not THAT zombified!

How funny though!

And what a stupid thing to do. You wouldn't punch a zombie in the face, it might bite you. Idiot!!!

Del Lardo
27-10-2009, 00:04
You wouldn't punch a zombie in the face, it might bite you. Idiot!!!


27-10-2009, 08:06
feel sorry for the guy that got his nose broken :/

27-10-2009, 08:19
Unless he really was a zombie, then he deserved it.

27-10-2009, 08:26
Meh, breaking your nose isn't such a big deal, painful as **** though! ;D

Amazing how Zombies can travel the world now!

27-10-2009, 12:42
It is a big deal if you just walk into a place to order food and get assaulted. It'd be pretty horrific and you'd be devastated if it was your brother/sister/girlfriend it happened to.

Sorry but just am not seeing the humour in this thread, must be me!

27-10-2009, 13:00
I'm not saying assault is good or funny, but it's the slapstick machination in my head that I find hilarious. Of course if someone had hit me or someone I cared about I'd be fuming, but then again no one I know would walk into a restaurant dressed as a zombie :p

Ok, the 2nd hit was uncalled for and excessively violent, but it's just the randomness of it all that tickled me. That and I'm a bad person. :evil:

27-10-2009, 13:14
He was dressed as a zombie? I've not read the link properly!

27-10-2009, 13:58
Noooo I meant as part of my slapstick imagination of the situation that I was talking about! :)

27-10-2009, 14:33