View Full Version : Hallowe'en!! WoooOOOooooOOoooo!!!!

30-10-2009, 10:56
Boils & Ghouls of the Hallowe'en Boat Drinks Shipwreck, once again it's that ghastly time of year when little cretinous goblins beg for sweet foods from your doorstep, millions of teenage girls suddenly sprout devil horns or cat ears and pumpkin farmers grow as fat as their produce....

:eek: :evil: :D HALLOWE'EN! :D :evil: :eek:


We're going to be enjoying this hallowe'en shared with a friend's brithday; various chums from around the country are descending upon our place today onwards for a friday night of silly horror films and nommington takeaways.

Saturday night will take us out into Weston-super-Mare *true scream of terror!* for a night out dressed as various 'hallowe'en themed' people/things! [I use the term loosely as people dress as all sorts i.e. last year we went as the village people (what scarier! :p )

What are everyone's plans this year?

P.S. Here are my pumpkins! :D



I call this second pumpkin "Desmo" after certain name-changes have been made! :p

Princess Griff
30-10-2009, 10:58
Haha I notice you didnt put a photo of my failed attempt of a pumpkin.

Mine looks like a 5yr old could have done it!

:( boooo

30-10-2009, 11:03
No, it's not that at all! Your pumpkin is just more... traditional... and I wouldn't have wanted to steal your glory :D

30-10-2009, 11:09
Halloween - as exciting as christmas!

Am off to my sister's house for a party. We dress up every year. Wine curry and chocolate cake and lots of horror films.

Will be carving the pumpkins later. I had an idea that tickled me earlier so will be carrying it out!


30-10-2009, 11:16
Dinner tonight with Pumkin carving, then a party in a pub tomorrow. I know I'm going to see loads of 'Thriller' costumes - very inventive guys!

I still have my costume from last year which, in theory was a good idea didn't really have the desired impact. Bearing in mind I'm not particularly well built, I bought a XXXL t-shirt and had 'Inside me there's just a skinny person trying to get out' printed on it. I then ripped a hole in the side and covered it and myself in fake blood. Well I thought it was funny.....

30-10-2009, 11:17
Most AWESOME pumpkin carvings EVER!

Love em!

I'm well excited about Hallowe'en! I loooooooove the dressing up goodness! When I'm made up tomorrow good and proper I will post a piccie of my costume! IT ROCKS! :D

30-10-2009, 11:20
Off to a friends for the evening tomorrow. I won't be in a costume but there is a "theme" so others probably will be - will make sure I take photos :)

30-10-2009, 11:29
This year I shall be an evil doll :evil: Going to a 21st Halloween party Saturday night which should be a riot ;D Pics to follow afterwards I'm sure!

30-10-2009, 11:38
Wooo, hurray for Halloween lovers :D

Just finished the pumpkin, pics later, and the innards are baking in a cake at this very moment :D

Parentals randomly invited themselves down, which is weird, no celebrations this weekend then, but we are going to a Halloween/ bonfire crossover party next weekend for which I shall be donning the very original outfit of 'witch'.

Happy Samhain!

30-10-2009, 11:40
Tonight I shall play on the 360 and not answer the door, tomorrow is a non themed stag do in Brighton where I will be going initially as a 'old fat bloke who doesn't feel comfortable clubbing anymore' leading to 'fat bloke in a lap dancing establishment who doesn't know where to look and is worried that he's going to be conned out of a lot of money'. :/

I don't really like Halloween to be honest


30-10-2009, 11:43
I will be sat on my sofa watching The Shining, The Omen and The Exorcist.

Not because it's Halloween, just because that what I've got from Lovefilm at the moment.

30-10-2009, 12:14
Well as our birthday friend has a strong aversion to scary films, the spookiest we can watch are "Lesbian Vampire Killers", "Shaun of the Dead", "Nightmare before Christmas" and "Corpse Bride"...

I'm happy with that! :D

30-10-2009, 12:16
Love that second pumpkin.

Nice pants.

30-10-2009, 12:18
Nothing. I'm a bit bah humbugish about Halloween (or whatever the Halloween equivalent of 'bah humbug' would be!) and it really doesn't interest me.
Not too fond of random kids knocking on the door at night these days either!

Guess it's just never really grabbed my imagination :)

30-10-2009, 12:23
I'll be in 'Row B' watching Eddie Izzard :D

Hope he's dressed as a witch ;D

30-10-2009, 12:33
Ill be doing naff all. I am shooting a wedding in the afternoon, then I am going home to mong.

Ive never celebrated Halloween, I prefer Christmas

30-10-2009, 13:05
Ahhhh ahhhhh ahhhh AHHHHH!!!! Thats horrific. Dear god make it stop!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!! Selective colouring. OH GOD! The horror. The horror!

30-10-2009, 13:17
Well :p to you - I wanted to celebrate his orangey goodness! :D

Love that second pumpkin.

Nice pants.

Cheers Daz on two counts ;D The pants wouldn't have been on show if I'd known, and the combination of my 'head-arrangement' and Jingo-Belly made them become exposed I'm afraid!

Princess Griff
30-10-2009, 13:23
Ahhhh ahhhhh ahhhh AHHHHH!!!! Thats horrific. Dear god make it stop!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!! Selective colouring. OH GOD! The horror. The horror!

I really like the pic...so consider your house well and truly egged tonight!!!!

*blows raspberry*

30-10-2009, 13:26
I really like the pic...so consider your house well and truly egged tonight!!!!

*blows raspberry*

bloody hell! You've got a long throw ;D

30-10-2009, 13:26
I really like the pic...so consider your house well and truly egged tonight!!!!

*blows raspberry*

I'm not worried. I don't have a house :p

Princess Griff
30-10-2009, 13:26
Dont under estimate my POWEERRRRRR!!!!!!!!

mwahhh ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa!!!!!

30-10-2009, 13:29
Aww bless little protective PG :D

No playing with eggs for you ;D

Princess Griff
30-10-2009, 13:35

I want it to be Halloween noooowwwww!!!!!!
Me n Marrrrstaaarrrrrrrrrr Jingo are dressing up as Sweeney Todd and Mrs Lovett! :D
And I have decorated the lounge with cobwebs, spiders, pumpkins and bats!

30-10-2009, 13:36
Just finished my materpieces. Go easy on me, I'm not well at the mo!!


Princess Griff
30-10-2009, 13:37

30-10-2009, 15:49
Love it! Its a hello Kitty Pumpkin!! :D

Marster Jingo, yours is pretty fab too.....and the pumpkin! :p

30-10-2009, 17:05
Cake has a face too! Stop staring at me! I'll eat ya! I'll ****in' eat ya!

30-10-2009, 18:35

30-10-2009, 18:47
Tonight I shall be round a friends as it was his birthday yesterday, so will be getting slightly tipsy. No idea what I'll be doing tomorrow night and if I'll be in any fit state after ripping down an internal wall at my parents house. Will probably find out tonight either way.

30-10-2009, 19:20
Good effort cheets, we've been debating getting one this evening :D Seems a bit daft as we won't be here :(

Del Lardo
30-10-2009, 20:24
bribes purchased ready for the one night a year where kids are told to accept sweets from strangers :D

30-10-2009, 20:36
Anyone going to replicate (http://www.extremepumpkins.com/noprizforthi.html) this one?


30-10-2009, 21:14
We're going up to Loms mums to trick or treat round there.

Josh is going to be a Red Ghoul, Georgie a Pumpkin Princess and Ella a Witch.

I will be a Killer Clown.

Pics to follow.

No pumpkins.

30-10-2009, 22:40
My letterbox has been taped up. No knocks on the door yet. My years of answering it naked have finally paid off (so far).

30-10-2009, 23:17
My letterbox has been taped up. No knocks on the door yet. My years of answering it naked have finally paid off (so far).
It's tomorrow....

30-10-2009, 23:25
Today was fancy dress at Work so a real good laugh. I had the pleasure of going as Beetlejuice

Well tomorrow I have the pleasure of hosting a Halloween party for around 100 or so kids and 150 adults for our football club. Every single one will be in fancy dress. One of the lads who we is organising it with, loves Halloween more than Xmas, so we got the whole function room themed out as a grave yard. We got about 8 Pinata Pumpkins.

Lots of hard work and no doubt I will be knackered after it, but I think it will turn out good

30-10-2009, 23:44
It's tomorrow....

Whole weekend really.

Even though it's raining I've seen people milling about when I went to the offy.

31-10-2009, 09:19
I'll be taping up the letterbox and not answering the door. We generally just get teenage chavs around here after money.

Got a pumpkin though, so I might have a go at carving it :)

Vix - I LOVE pumpkin cake :D :D

31-10-2009, 11:25
It's tomorrow....

Which means it was mischief night around these parts (where I thinK GL is)

31-10-2009, 12:05
Not doing much here tbh. Neighbourhood has very few children in it anyway.

I shall however be watching a zombie film :D

(Also if I were to go to a halloween party I would go dressed as either Gordon Brown or a Postman.....can't decide! :()

31-10-2009, 12:29

Just off to have a bath, film my Halloween pole routine then stick it online for my students then off to me sister! Canee wait!

Pumpkin done. This year I have a Pimpkin.


01-11-2009, 12:02
I went to a hoooooouse paaaaaaaartay which was pretty wickedy woo (lots of magicians I knew there so we amused ourselves with silly pranking tricks - loved it!)

I was dressed up at Tim Burton's Corpse Bride... it's quite surprising how few people know this film!! Weird! I thought it was like mega popular!

My costume:


It won me a prize it did :D YAY!

Went into town afterwards and it was properly packed. Not my scene at all really although hung about til late spotting all the different costumes which was funky monkey! There was this one dude dressed as Peter Andre... he looked the spitting image! I had to go up and shake his hand I was so impressed!

Heh, I heart Hallowe'en!

01-11-2009, 12:43
Great pimpkin Dawn! And cool costume Pheebs!

We had regular visits from between 7 and 8 and then nothing, was a great night. Mainly 'witches', who were loving my pumpkin!


01-11-2009, 14:05
So this is why people buy pumpkins!!


01-11-2009, 14:46
Halloween - as exciting as christmas!

I agree :p

Tonight I shall play on the 360 and not answer the door......

I don't really like Halloween to be honest


Likewise. Switched off the front lights, sat in watching telly and getting hammered. Another annoying festival safely avoided. Time to start getting in grumpy old man mode for Christmas now.

Del Lardo
01-11-2009, 15:52
Likewise. Switched off the front lights, sat in watching telly and getting hammered. Another annoying festival safely avoided. Time to start getting in grumpy old man mode for Christmas now.

We can start sharing hints and tips on how best to be grumpy closer to the time ;D

01-11-2009, 15:56
I went to the party and then on to town - got in about 5.30am, completely rat-arsed ;D Spent a fortune and my feet are still hurting now but I had a really good night. I also agreed to go away next weekend and dye my hair candyfloss pink like the wig :numpty:

There are a few pics on FB although I generally stayed behind the camera but we took a blow-up doll pic just for you guys! :D


01-11-2009, 16:02
Love it Kell! ;D

01-11-2009, 16:03
You look ace! I want that wig!!

01-11-2009, 17:54
Went out Friday afternoon to get some replacement wheel bolts after someone tried to pinch the alloys off the car, didn't fancy riding uphill all the way home from the scrappie's so called to see a friend. He was out so I called on another friend and she got out the home made wine. After a litre of raspberry and another litre of elderberry I got pushed in the general direction of the settee and had a quilt thrown at me :D
Next afternoon I made it about 200 yards down the street to another friend's for the actual Hallowe'en party and made it back home about an hour ago ;D

01-11-2009, 19:43
Thanks Jingo, totally copied your second pumpkin, covered myself with my Jedi robe and tied it to my head - easy costume! Unfortunately when we got home there were a bunch of teenagers throwing fireworks at each other down our street - ****s.

01-11-2009, 19:56
Awesome pics! I shall post mine sooon! Was a very silly night!

01-11-2009, 21:08
Was working in a club so had to dress up, kept it simple though :)


01-11-2009, 22:36
Steeps, you've got red on you.


01-11-2009, 22:40
Nice work BD'ers of the ghoulish variety! :D

Here's a few snaps of some people from our little festive group:




A brilliant night out :D

01-11-2009, 22:45
Loving these pics!

Some silliness from our night!





02-11-2009, 08:32
Read your little picture story on FB - tis brilliant ;D

31-10-2010, 19:14
Any pumpkins or Halloween antics this year?

31-10-2010, 19:43
Not from me, although I did just put up a shower rail and now I'm going to make some beans on toast. Chris is out at work. Since I live in a flat now I doubt I'll have any visitors. :( Lame.

31-10-2010, 19:53
Went to a party last night at my brothers, most people were dressed up, twas a giggle, and I didn't even have too much of a hangover today! :D

01-11-2010, 12:49
party on Sat, ghostwalk last night!



We really scared the kids!! ;D

01-11-2010, 14:53
Performed with my girls for a Halloween event. We had the best time! Did a comedy pole routine.