View Full Version : Left 4 Dead 2

03-11-2009, 16:50

Demo time!

03-11-2009, 17:37
This aptitude does not have Super Cow Powers

03-11-2009, 17:55
Have you mooed today?

03-11-2009, 19:36
There are no Easter Eggs in this program.

*back OT*

Does look rather good. A friend has played the demo and enjoyed it but doesn't find it as scary as L4D1, though he loves the new zombies.

03-11-2009, 19:48
I'm downloading and shall take a look later, although I greatly prefer L4D on the PC and will probably purchase it there if anywhere :)

Shame the PC demo is only accessible to pre-order customers at present or I'd be enjoying that in a flash! ;D

03-11-2009, 22:08
Playing in daylight is unusual! Almost creepier than the original.

The musical score is amusingly adapted for a deep-south twang, the new weapons are fantastic and more 'rewarding' to play with, the melees adds not only a great level of humour but a fantastic alternative to the repetative pistol.

The new special-infected are fantastic - notably the new witch which caught me out, the charger adds a different kind of play style to the tank, the spitter is a huge HP hitter and the jockey is an unusual one which I think will be great to play in Versus ;)

A great set of additions and alterations thus far, although not a whole new game :)

Left4dead 1.5 :p

edit: one thing that immediately strikes me from the PC > 360 cross over is how few zombies there are on xbox, and how they seem to travel in more linear paths i.e. not as scrabbly/climby as if this was designed to specifically combat playing with a joypad ? Strange :)

04-11-2009, 08:35
Will take a look at this. Not my type of game usually but I'll give it a go as playing the first was kind of fun :)

04-11-2009, 12:24
I downloaded this yesterday but forgot to play it, will have to give it a try to see if it's the same level I played at the Eurogamer Expo last week :)

07-11-2009, 22:07
Can't wait, i really enjoyed the first. Nice to see more variety in weapons also!

08-11-2009, 01:01
I really like the boomer bile thing :)

Lob and distract the horde :D

16-11-2009, 13:30
Any decent offers for this?

Admiral Huddy
16-11-2009, 16:06
Shame this isn't an add-on or DLC. It's going to kill the first game off really.

16-11-2009, 16:16
Left 4 Dead 1.5 sums it up really.

I know it's only the demo, so they could pull it out the bag with the full game, but from what I've seen it's not as good as Left 4 Dead in terms of what made it great. They've added nothing new that couldn't have been bundled into an expansion pack for £9.99 or something. Left 4 Dead: It's Gone South maybe? :p

Common infected behave differently, it threw me straight away. I suppose it's better, because they head right for you now instead of pointless climbing onto objects that aren't actually an obstacle, they just happen to be passing them. However they now look really, err, fluid, like they're half gliding half walking. Weird. They had their running movement perfect in the last game I thought, shame.

20-11-2009, 10:08
This arrived yesterday. Forgot I'd pre-ordered!

20-11-2009, 10:14
So anyone else other than me and Belmit with this? I wouldn't mind some 4 player co-op if enough people have it :)

20-11-2009, 12:25
Bah got excited then I realised you're all xbox gamers :(

PC here :)

20-11-2009, 12:34
Haven't touched this game since MW2 :o

It might have to wait a while yet ;D

20-11-2009, 12:46
I imagine I'll pick this up around Christmas - was great fun during the break last year, got lots of play time :)

23-11-2009, 01:00
The online is just a complete lag fest, i hope they fix it asap!

23-11-2009, 09:03
I have it currently on rental. When I get into town I'll pick it up.

23-11-2009, 11:57
The online is just a complete lag fest, i hope they fix it asap!

This, it was terrible when we tried last night - hope this gets sorted soon as I was looking forward to bashing some zombies.

23-11-2009, 12:23
I played through a campaign online in co-op last night and bar one bad bit of lag which lasted maybe 7-10 seconds it was just great and that's with 2 from the UK and one from the US.

23-11-2009, 17:15
Even from Hawaii which gets lots of lag by the sheer nature of being 2000 miles from the mainland US where our connectivity originates, l4d2 is a pretty smooth experience.

Is it just down to a lack of decent UK servers?

23-11-2009, 17:22
Is this lag on XBL? PC version here and no lag at all from the dedicates?

23-11-2009, 17:36
I'm really liking the new version so far. Got a couple of campaigns to go through still but I prefer the fact that each level isn't just 'get from A to B and defend B'. There's little tasks to complete and it isn't so obviously linear. Yes, you're forced through a particular path but quite a few times I've got lost and found myself going in a circle. I'm sure this will fade as the levels become familiar but for now it's a nice change. Melee weapons are also awesome. LOVE the axe. Seems to be some decent banter between the characters too which is nice... and I also like the way each campaign carries on from the last. You could easily make an evening of getting through the entire game. :)

On the downside, how ****ing annoying are the Jockeys?! Pain in the arse. Chargers too... and the Spitters... haha! OK they're all annoying as hell. Also, would it hurt the bots to pick up a spare pipe-bomb occasionally? At least give me the option to give one to someone...

23-11-2009, 20:54
Is this lag on XBL? PC version here and no lag at all from the dedicates?

I believe it is Xbox Live only, yes, but it's also nowhere near as bad as some of the reports I've heard from my experiences and I've put 3-4 hours in online.

24-11-2009, 09:47
I had the same problem with lag when playing through the campaign using dedicated servers so changed to hosting the games and that resolved the issue.

25-11-2009, 10:32
**** me, the finalé on the bridge is hard!

25-11-2009, 14:53
The easiest thing to do on the bridge it take the adrenaline and run for it. With a good team shooting as they run its relatively easy.

25-11-2009, 14:56
I tried this but the bots just love a good shootout! Definitely need to start some online co-op, as that's clearly where the problem lies.

25-11-2009, 18:41
Games definitely better in co-op. I found the bots in this version worse than the first.

26-11-2009, 12:07
Yeah, a couple of times I found myself hanging off an edge or getting scrapped by a Hunter while they all stood there loading their weapons. And they always seem to help out another bot in trouble before they'll help you. Thanks team players!

26-11-2009, 12:15
PC game is really quite buggy actually. So far, according to their forums it seems a plenty of people experience some or even all of the below. All 5 of our L4D group have had the below every time we've played at some point. Getting a little annoying now because these bugs often have the potential to trash a finale. Not too bad when it's early in the campaign, you just start again, but when it's during the final push and then you bug out, grrr.

* Randomly minimises to desktop
* Alters microphone settings so you hear the input down your speakers constantly (XP)
* Random bug with the charger, that after he grabs you and is then killed, you're stuck on the spot. Only fix is to restart the map, or kill the stuck player and revive them with the shock paddles, but even that is about a 50% chance of freeing them.
* Bots are generally just crap. They often bug out, freezing on the spot and getting hit by zombies until going down. Not firing any weapon until they're incapacitated. Also incapable of freeing you from a jockey or smoker sometimes and just melee against a wall metres away from you. FFS

Hopefully they will fix these over the next few months, but compared to how smooth the first one was, I can't help but feel the sequel was a little rushed and not properly tested in parts.

28-11-2009, 12:48

28-11-2009, 14:29
* Randomly minimises to desktop

I have that in all steam games, it's caused by the new POS AVG update in most cases.

28-11-2009, 14:31
I have that in all steam games, it's caused by the new POS AVG update in most cases.

Ditch AVG and get the free antivirus Microsoft now offer (Microsoft Security Essentials), it's far less intrusive.

Joe 90
28-11-2009, 15:26

I want to take advantage of this awesome deal and i don't even have an xbox yet!

28-11-2009, 17:15
I have that in all steam games, it's caused by the new POS AVG update in most cases.

No AVG here.

28-11-2009, 17:44
No AVG here.

Try closing out every program in the task bar and just running Left4Dead. I've seen even things like Windows Live Messenger cause odd games to minimise under odd circumstances.

28-11-2009, 18:23
Yeah I already do really, MSN, Netdrive, Rainalendar all get closed for gaming. Also, I don't get it with any other game but L4D2.

31-03-2010, 18:47
Being the hip, up to date trendster I am, I just picked this up. Co-op in 1 was great, so if anyone fancies it shout up :)

31-03-2010, 18:54
no wai!

I just got this recenty too! I can help you get murdered by zombies if you want? :D

31-03-2010, 19:26
Count me in, I played it enough to review it but didn't get to go through all the campaigns. Would happily co-op through them again :)

31-03-2010, 20:36
Excellent :) How are we fixed over the (bank hol \o/) weekend?

31-03-2010, 20:43
Not many plans bar a nice roast on Sunday with Lynnie and her Mum, and getting some reviewing done. Drop me a message/text if you're free and I'll let you know if I can jump on :)

31-03-2010, 20:48
Cracking :)

31-03-2010, 21:23
I've also got a copy of this at the moment as I've borrowed it off a friend. :)

I'm working Saturday night and Sunday day though :( But will keep an eye out for people when I'm online.

31-03-2010, 21:39
I'm semi available over the weekend, parents returning from holiday on Saturday so need to clean up...

PM here, text, xbl message (Psymonkee) & I'll try to join in the fray. I'm not very good though.

01-04-2010, 08:05
If you need a spare then I can play, just throw me a text message.

01-04-2010, 08:35
I'm trading in a shed load of old games and will probably pick up l4d2 at some point :)

Sounds like we could have enough numbers for some cracking games of versus ;)

01-04-2010, 09:19
I've only played versus a couple of times but it was blummin' great :)

01-04-2010, 11:59
I have enjoyed l4d 1 on PC with mates and some of the versus games were enthralling, nerve-wracking, tense or simply hillarious.

Teaming up as infected to effectively wipe the survivors is a great gaming moment for all! :D

01-04-2010, 20:31
Latency might be a killer (Hawaii<->UK is a bit far), but I should be available Saturday night UK time for a little while.

01-04-2010, 22:23
Latency is never an issue when it comes to comedy kills :D

01-04-2010, 23:43
Latency is never an issue when it comes to comedy kills :D


Just a warning, if I do get to play with some of you I have a miraculous ability to attract Witches. Even at long range. I've pulled in a witch even though there were two brick walls, a wide passage way filled with a whole horde of zombies, and my 3 companions between me and her. Buddies I've played with are still baffled how I manage it. It's not like I'm dumb enough to run up to them, or even shoot them at long range (impossible through two walls!) or something.

03-04-2010, 16:09
Will be around this afternoon and evening, grab me if anyone fancies it :)

05-04-2010, 12:51
I'm going to be playing this evening if anyone fancies it :)

05-04-2010, 12:58
I'll see if I can jump on for a bit tonight :)

05-04-2010, 21:02
Sorry I missed your message Daz.
Was enthralled by FFXIII and meant to reply then erm forgot :o

05-04-2010, 23:13
Having difficulty staying online :(

Extremely short network cable with broken clips.....must replace that!

07-04-2010, 09:44
I enjoyed my brief 'sacrificial role' in game with Daz & Nokkon the other night :)

Although I did deserve to be left behind due to my insistence in using the brutal axe at all opportunities :D

07-04-2010, 12:05
Still laughing that I was the only one to survive. It's every man for himself during a zombie apocalypse apparently ;D

07-04-2010, 12:08
I sacrificed myself for you Daz! :shocked: ;D

I dived in front of the Tank, axe between my teeth and laid down my life in a fit of confused laughter :D

07-04-2010, 12:25
And all for 20GS ;D

07-04-2010, 12:27
hahaha GS whoring! ;D

A fantastic one is CLOWND!: Honk the noses of 10 clowns! :D

07-04-2010, 16:49
I remember running towards the boat, looking behind me and seeing Jingo get ripped down, looked ahead again and there was suddenly a swarm of Zombies that I just knew I wasn't getting past and just simply shouting "Run Daz, run!, get on the boat!" before getting nommed on.

07-04-2010, 17:40
Expert is much harder in this one than the last I reckon. Whenever we tried it we got battered in seconds.

Whens the dlc for this out?

07-04-2010, 20:23
It was meant to be in the next week or so but it's been pushed back a bit, don't think there's an official release date any more, but it's definitely in the next few weeks.