View Full Version : iPhone : Got a contract iPhone? O2 will unlock it for you

09-11-2009, 16:11
All the details are here (http://www.techradar.com/news/phone-and-communications/mobile-phones/o2-allows-customers-to-unlock-iphones-for-free-648139), the headline reads as though they won't unlock it until the end of the contract but if you read the article it actually says that they'll unlock it at any point during the contract but they expect you to carry it on until the end, which I guess is fair enough.

If you're on PAYG then they'll unlock it after 12 months for a fee.

I will get mine unlocked, just because I can but I don't have any specific plans to move anywhere with it just yet although I suspect when a new one comes out I will end up on Vodafone, if only for the fact that I've got a Vodafone femtocell here.

09-11-2009, 16:18
Excellent news, and not something I expected to happen.

I'll be getting mine unlocked.

09-11-2009, 16:30
Will just leave mine until I leave O2 or sell the phone. No point in paying out £15 until I need to :)

09-11-2009, 21:20
Here's (http://shop.o2.co.uk/update/unlockmyiphone.html) the form to fill in to request an unlock.

09-11-2009, 23:25
Apparently you can sort of unlock it yourself anyway by re-activating the phone on a different network (works at least between O2 and Orange). This is a better option though as you don't have to do a factory reset/restore to do it.

I'll unlock if there's a reason for me to do so. :)