View Full Version : Want to avoid swine flu? Catch a cold ....

13-11-2009, 05:30
... according to New Scientist (http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20427345.100-common-cold-may-hold-off-swine-flu.html?DCMP=OTC-rss&nsref=online-news).

In France, flu cases rose in early September, then stayed at about 160 per 100,000 people until late October, when numbers started rising again. The delayed rise was puzzling, says Jean-Sebastien Casalegno of the French national flu lab at the University of Lyon.

He reports that the percentage of throat swabs from French respiratory illnesses that tested positive for swine flu fell in September, while at the same time rhinovirus, which causes colds, rose (Eurosurveillance, vol 14, p 19390). He told New Scientist that in late October, rhinovirus fell - at the same time as flu rose. He suspects rhinovirus may have blocked the spread of swine flu via a process called viral interference.

This is thought to occur when one virus blocks another. "We think that when you get one infection, it turns on your antiviral defences, and excludes the other viruses," says Ab Osterhaus at the University of Rotterdam in the Netherlands.

If you have a cold, it could be saving your life :)

13-11-2009, 09:42
rhinovirus? They're blatently just making this crap up now.

"Sorry, I can't come in to work today i've got Hippo Fever"

13-11-2009, 09:54
rhinovirus? They're blatently just making this crap up now.

Rhino as in latin for nose.

13-11-2009, 11:28
"Sorry, I can't come in to work today i've got Hippo Fever"
You have the temperature of a horse?

13-11-2009, 11:37
Or just don't get ill :p

13-11-2009, 14:31
I seem to have a mild cold all year round anyway. lol

13-11-2009, 14:35
I've been feeling under the weather on and off for the past month now... But I'm just too stubborn to let anything get in the way of a Saturday night party! :p

13-11-2009, 18:36
Well I've had a cold for about a month now so I should be ok :D

Von Smallhausen
13-11-2009, 20:04
I have shingles.


14-11-2009, 00:52
Oh no. :(

Hope you get over it quicker than my mum. She came off the painkillers a few weeks ago - after several months. :(

14-11-2009, 02:26
I have shingles.


We've got stone cladding.

Von Smallhausen
14-11-2009, 18:27
Oh no. :(

Hope you get over it quicker than my mum. She came off the painkillers a few weeks ago - after several months. :(

I noticed a rash a few days ago and went to the docs yesterday as I also noticed a tender lump in my groin near to the rash.

Doc said that the rash was shingles and the lump was a lymph node which is common in flaring up where the rash is and was nothing to worry about.

It was itchy yesterday but has now become painful.

16-11-2009, 23:03
Saving my life? Urgh, jesus I feel rotten.