View Full Version : Look what I've achieved

21-11-2009, 09:06
As many of you will know, I embarked on a weight loss campaign back in January and was determined I was going to do it properly. I'm almost at my target weight now - only 3.5lb to go. I was going to leave this thread until I'd reached my target weight of 12st 12lb but I had to take some 'after' photos for a 'success stories' article Weight Loss Resources (http://www.weightlossresources.co.uk) want to do about me.

This thread is mostly shameless self praise but also, to show what can be done with a little willpower and a lot of hard work. I'm not going to pretend it's been easy - it hasn't - it's been bloody hard work but, I'm sure you'll agree looking at the photos below that it's been worth the effort.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all my friends on here who have encouraged and supported me with their kind words and praise throughout the process. I'd have found it a lot more difficult without your support :lubu:

It's not just appearance either, you wouldn't believe how much easier life is when you don't have to carry the equivalent of a sack of potatoes of extra weight everywhere you go. I have a lot more energy now, I don't get tired as easily and, really importantly (and much to my surprise), I feel a lot more confident now. Hopefully, with some of the extra strain taken off my heart, I may have added a few years to my life.

Now that I've lost it (well, not all, but almost), the trick is to keep it off. Once I get the last few pounds off, I'll be maintaining for a few months until I'm comfortable I've got it under control, then, I'll be quitting smoking. I tried to give up the fags half way through but found it all too much at one time so I decided to defer that until I was at a sustainable weight and wasn't having to devote so much mental effort to it. After I've got the fags kicked, I'll probably bite the bullet and get my arse down to the gym. I'll get myself a personal trainer for motivation and try to build a little muscle whilst maintaining the same weight. This should help get my body fat down a bit more - I still have love handles and a bit of a paunch when relaxed. I'd like to have a flat stomach but I don't want to get any lighter as I'm comfortable at this weight.

A few stats first:

Start (27/01/09):
Weight = 17st 2lb = 240lb = 109Kg.
Chest = 51".
Waist = 48" (in line with belly button).

Present (21/11/09):
Weight = 13st 2lb = 184lb = 83.3Kg.
Chest = 42"
Waist = 39"

That's 56lb lost which is half a hundredweight in old money or nearly 26Kg for the metrically minded.

This was mostly achieved by sticking to the basic principle of weight loss - eat a healthy balanced diet, sticking to a sensible calorie/nutrition limit, combined with some exercise - in my case mostly walking. I don't like gyms so quickly gave up on that idea. I bought a weights bench and some weights but haven't used them much. I also bought an exercise bike but I only use that when the weather is really bad. I enjoy walking and like to get out and about for my exercise, rather than being stuck indoors sweating.

Now for the :shocked: part - the photos.

Before: - The two half dressed ones were taken in March when I was 16st 2lb, so I had already lost a stone by then. The two fully dressed ones were at full fat.

http://hqrplq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pRwcopdqpfjBSUZw8thblWv_F0UyyH4cscEXH6RNOFRDxose hvetFVfjs1Re-i0TOKg_ZICWEgu99AoT0a9pYx1Pp-BnDPVb4/16st2lb%20front.JPGhttp://hqrplq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pRwcopdqpfjAlzEynaS5xc3o-N7MXcqqdWq5igS4Q3Y-qb7-fB0MfcjrHO-Sm1QNeobCcp_6_rYc7d4eYXTfQhzhMs663JGZj/16st2lb%20Side.JPG

http://hqrplq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pLV0SvXWRluqDMlEQOZrd26VMG3az6uaKfsrJl0qyqQXHYn5 TFzkSEXAviWmADp2CiGLIOvPsJ5YQk74dKoeHHC-qZznAc8oa/17st2lb%20holiday.JPGhttp://hqrplq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pLV0SvXWRluq-_X--yf40mm2-kUNxTiuG2Gr5CsfYG8LkBBrpK8UjBd4zbavxk7v3ORZ2XRXc7Y sY1cARbBUMkAIw9Vt_HL3L/17st2lb%20party.jpg

After: Yes, I know I'm cheating slightly by holding it in but it makes for a much more dramatic comparison.

http://hqrplq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pgzgqwR2vxVXcSnkGhjiSpkxHoOonDtFKWDVKQMaNfnhtIx1 X8p0Opupb30IIvafvd2yMDDGAHuhJ7oRhPNfv0OYJUzVFlnlX/13st2lb%20front%20holding.JPGhttp://hqrplq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p1YswpQthOxYaF5OAsnOuu_x2ZrW95wzgQHfoC7ogPlVbrZt 1GT9xQr9EBvmP2EJB8c0a2HuHxD6xiFYBJvzpuFtyGFFJC6Fb/13st2lb%20side%20holding.JPG

http://hqrplq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pgzgqwR2vxVXrcWwQrCr5yPbz2_6WQXHZZEokBpBjQ7MKdiD mMO2Kf7lyRuIFlOlEGERPEc1pMDBZX_5tUDlER3slaskDqMXU/13st2lb%20front%20dressed.JPGhttp://hqrplq.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pHuZQYJV7jSGKqBhoatqm3ftiv1eMthk549_9UMXQz2Q87xP 0oEuJEPcjjrMliVtSoz3FlSMy-U_43rilv9TdmG70j5y9Q-3Q/13st2lb%20side%20dressed.JPG

21-11-2009, 09:09
Jesus H Christ Stan. That's absolutely INCREDIBLE!!! Seriously well done for all of your hard work. It's paid off and I bet you're feeling great :) Don't know if you've noticed, but your posture has also benefitted tremendously!

Just shows what a little bit of willpower and a lot of determination can achieve :D

21-11-2009, 09:12
Bloody hell Stan...... serious round of applause mate

21-11-2009, 09:25
What the holy hell is going on here then, Cloning with fat removed. :confused:

Unbelievable achievement mate I am astounded, Well Bloody done. :cool:

21-11-2009, 09:38
Christ! You look a lot younger now and a lot better. Congrats dude :)

21-11-2009, 09:41
Really, really well done there. Having tried (and failed) to lose weight myself I have much respect for what you've done. It is, as you say, bloody hard work, but what a pay off. :cool:

I will try again.

21-11-2009, 09:42
Different person surely? :o


Congrats :)

21-11-2009, 09:57
congratulations dude all I can really say I'm speechless :D

21-11-2009, 09:58
Holy **** dude! Bloody well done.

semi-pro waster
21-11-2009, 10:04
These before and after pictures are astounding - weight loss has given you a full head of hair again. :eek:

Joking apart that's a fantastic achievement, very well done on your weight loss.

21-11-2009, 10:18
Oh my flipping god! :shocked:

Seriously Stan, well done just doesn't seem to cover what I want to say!

21-11-2009, 10:47
Wow :)
You've done amazingly well and look fantastic for it :) Well done hun - you're inspiration to a lot of us xx

21-11-2009, 11:06
Wow Stan that's amazing! You've done so so so well. :) You look like a completely different person - in fact I'm sure that's not you! :D

You look amazing Stan. You look fantastic. You must be so proud. Heck, you should be shouting this from the roof tops. SO much effort, dedication and some sacrifice to an extent.

I don't want to sound trite or patronising but I'm so proud of you.

Keep smiling Stan and you go, shout it from the roof tops - you deserve it. :)

21-11-2009, 11:24
I don't want to sound trite or patronising but I'm so proud of you.

Patronising git. Tsk. ;) <joke>

Stan!! Humina Humina Humina!!

When you said cheating I thought...he's PS'd the pictures?! where'd he GO?!

You look superb. Seriously, I always loved you anyway, but now you have a body that reflects the wonderful person inside, and you should be so, so proud of yourself. MuchLittleStan* looks fabulous!

*just realised I'd best point out that that isn't "Little Stan" I'm talking about ;D

21-11-2009, 11:45
Stan, that is nothing short of incredible ! You should be VERY proud of yourself !

It such a fantastic feeling looking back on pictures isn't it, almost gives you a shock to see how far you've come.

Bloody well done dude :cool:

21-11-2009, 12:13

That Stan, is fookin' incredible :D

Just shows what anyone can achieve with some hard work, willpower and most of all (I believe)....patience.
These things don't come quickly and you have to work at it over time. You've shown what that can do and I'm really, really pleased for you mate :)

21-11-2009, 12:17
Holy cow. That's absolutely fantastic mate, and I seriously envy the work ethic of anybody who's got the drive and determination to make something like that happen!

Congratulations mate! Now go and find a really big sharp pointy stick to keep the women at bay! :D

21-11-2009, 12:34
Thanks for all your kind words people - I'm genuinely touched :)

For those who say I look like someone else, I feel like someone else - I'm still me but a different me - if that makes any sense (God, I'm starting to sound like Pheebs :D).

I am extremely proud of myself and what I've achieved and I'm not afraid to let people know. I'm normally shy and unassuming but in this case, I'm happy and people are bloody well going to hear about it whether they want to or not :p

I look at the photos and I can hardly believe it myself. I'm so glad I stuck with it. It's made a huge difference to my life.

PS: Could a friendly admin please change my username to Stan_Lite (thank you for the name Kate :)).

21-11-2009, 12:42
Name change on the way dude......you've earnt it :cool:

21-11-2009, 12:44
TYVM dude :)

21-11-2009, 12:47
Congrats! Incredible going, as others have said you should be very proud of such an accomplishment :) *hugs*

21-11-2009, 12:53
Wow what a change, fantastic work there stan.

Joe 90
21-11-2009, 12:58
Jesus Christ I didn't expect that much of a change - that's fantastic, congrats!

I wish I had similar photos from my first year of uni - started out at near 19st and now at 15 :o

21-11-2009, 13:49
Stan, that's ****ing awesome!

21-11-2009, 15:02
Christ on a bike, that's erMAYzing!!!!! Huge congrats Stan!!

21-11-2009, 15:10
It's pretty incredible, and goes to show that hard work pays dividends in the end. That's just inspirational really mate, well done. :)

21-11-2009, 15:16
Fecking hell, that's fantastic! Well done Stan, you should be very proud of yourself.

21-11-2009, 16:19
I keep coming back to this thread to look at the pictures. Get a big grin on my face every time :D

21-11-2009, 16:20
I keep coming back to this thread to look at the pictures. Get a big hard-on every time :D


21-11-2009, 17:22
Couldn't see the pics on my phone this morning and was confused at how people were so taken aback. I truly underestimated the transformation though and the result is almost too much to take in! Amazing work, and you had every right to post this thread. :)

21-11-2009, 18:26
Oh. My. Freaking. God.

Are you wearing Crocs?!?!?!? ;D

Seriously Stan, my jaw dropped seeing the after pics, cant wait to see you in a fortnight to give you a giant hug :)

Bloody well done you :) x

21-11-2009, 18:32
Oi. Don't diss the crocs :angry: :p They're absolutely brilliant for on the rig. Lightweight, airy and, most importantly, easy to clean. About half of the guys on the rig wear them.

Thanks again for all your kind comments everybody. Many of you who have encouraged me and given me advice and support have played your part too and I thank you all from the heart of my bottom :)

21-11-2009, 18:36
I've been following your weight loss thread and its great to see the results. Nice one.

21-11-2009, 18:48
Like I've said on OCUK already; Well done dude! You look like a different person, it's such an amazing amount of work you've done! :)

21-11-2009, 19:38
That's utterly amazing. Huuuuuuge congratulations :D

You're probably well aware of this, but don't be too surprised if you find you put on weight when you give up smoking as nicotine usually results in slightly higher metabolic rates.

21-11-2009, 19:48
Fantastic job Stan. I think If I hadn't known you were doing this and I walked into a room that you were in today I'd have had difficulty recognising you. You look like someone else... I mean that in a good way. An inspiration, really :)

21-11-2009, 19:57
Stan, do you mind if I post these pics and your story onto Muscletalk ? :)

21-11-2009, 19:58
PS: Could a friendly admin please change my username to Stan_Lite (thank you for the name Kate :)).

I did suggest TeenyTinyStan but thought people might get the wrong idea ;)

21-11-2009, 20:02
Wows! I said when we saw you at Teesside that I couldn't tell because you were all layered up, but wow you have acheived loads! Well done!

Mark, I noticed your comment about failing to lose weight. Every time I have seen you in the last 18 months or so, not very regularly I know, but I have thought you have lost weight every time.

21-11-2009, 21:42
You've never met little stan have you ;)

21-11-2009, 21:46
that's amazing bud, good on you

21-11-2009, 23:08
You already know how proud I am and you really have earnt everything said here :)

21-11-2009, 23:15
Well done :)

22-11-2009, 03:18
Who are you and what have you done with Stan? ;D

But seriously ...

Who are you and what have you done with Stan?

22-11-2009, 04:58
I'd heard you'd lost a lot of weight, but crikey, you're a waif! That's absolutely amazing and you should be very pleased with what you've accomplished. Brilliant work dude.

22-11-2009, 05:03
Stan, do you mind if I post these pics and your story onto Muscletalk ? :)

Not at all. I'd be happy if anybody can take inspiration from my story. I know there are many people who would like to lose weight but think it's too difficult. If they can look at what I've achieved and see what can be done, it might give them the boost to make a start.

22-11-2009, 18:58
http://www.muscletalk.co.uk/Inspiring-Story-m3699217.aspx ;)

22-11-2009, 20:05
I wouldn't have recognised you Stan! You look so much younger too!

Bet you feel happier!

22-11-2009, 20:22
Bloody hell! :shocked:
Seriously impressive loss there.

Time for a XL Bacon Double Cheeseburger to celebrate? ;)

22-11-2009, 23:49
Staaan! I saw this thread at the weekend but didn't have the chance to respond!

Big B'Jesus Staneroo! You look AMAZING! Seriously, absolutely stupendous!

Just completely in awe of your wickedness :)

Big big big big big massive WOO YEH huggles and snogs for you Mister Stan! You're ace!

23-11-2009, 04:08
**** the bed that's impressive.

I think most people can relate to wanting to loose weight, then trying and failing into a pile of grease. What you have achieved must of seemed impossible when you started it, but quite obviously it isn't, and no doubt others in your situation will think the same.

You say your eating habbits changed and you did some more exercise. I'm interested what your daily food intake would of been? What did you cut out? What did you introduced? Did you change your eating times?

23-11-2009, 05:23
You say your eating habbits changed and you did some more exercise. I'm interested what your daily food intake would of been? What did you cut out? What did you introduced? Did you change your eating times?

A typical day before changing my lifestyle would have consisted of a whole pack of bacon in a baguette for breakfast, some sort of bun midmorning, 5 or 6 sausages and 2 packs of super noodles for lunch, tea and biscuits in the afternoon and a huge plate of something stodgy for dinner - like mince and tatties (1/2lb mince and 1lb tatties usually). Most evenings, I'd probably put away at least a quarter of a bottle of malt. All this was consumed whilst doing virtually sod all exercise to burn any of it off. This would be most days. Sometimes I used to have a pig out but I'd be embarrassed to admit what I used to eat and drink on a binge :o

Typical day now will consist of porridge for breakfast (made with water and salt - no milk or sugar), egg white omelette mid morning, baked tattie and tuna for lunch, bagel and cold meat for afternoon tea and a turkey/prawn/chicken stir fry for dinner. Most nights I'll still have a small (3 pub measures) whisky at suppertime. On average, I will walk 8-10 miles for exercise. I do have a treat day on Saturday (usually steak etc. with a bottle of wine in the evening) and this is worked in to my plan. It usually puts me over my calories for a Saturday but I balance it out with a light lunch and extra exercise at the weekend.

I'm eating portions that fill me up without feeling bloated and am eating good, healthy ingredients. All my meals are planned in advance to ensure I have the correct balance of carbs, protein and fat (I work on a ratio of 50:30:20). I'm enjoying my food, I don't really miss all the burgers and pies and pizzas and stuff, the food I'm eating is tasty and satisfying.

I've cut out basically all the processed foods that are full of fat and other crap and substituted them with fresh ingredients. I make all my own food now. I use fresh meat and eat loads more vegetables and fruit than I used to - I don't have my "five a day", sometimes I have 18 a day.

23-11-2009, 14:52
You're looking brilliant Stan :D well done! What an accomplishment :)

BB x

23-11-2009, 15:27
What a notably fantastic difference!

You should be so very proud of yourself - many pats on the back, claps and drams of whiskey for you! :D

Well done Stan Lite, you're so very deservant of your new username! ;D

A real inspiration to anybody who wishes to put some determination behind a personal goal = brilliant :)

23-11-2009, 16:06
Stan, you look absolutely amazing and I'm so impressed with the weight loss in (what I think) is a relatively short space of time. You're definitely an inspiration and I only hope one day I can post a very similar thread of my own :)

23-11-2009, 17:28
Bloody hell Stanley! How did i miss this thread two days ago! ****ing fantastic work there! Truly impressed, total difference had not noticed you were doing so much on sly you old fox! :p :D

Big Congrats!

23-11-2009, 19:02
Massive congratulations :D

23-11-2009, 19:14
I agree with all of the above. Absolutely stupendous results. Anything else I can say would just be repeating what has already been said. And yes, you do look a hell of a lot younger now!!

24-11-2009, 19:20
I like the new name :cool:

25-11-2009, 01:15
I'm so sorry to have taken so long to see this thread. I am so proud of you Stan, you have put in the effort and you have done so well. :)

27-11-2009, 22:41
Hey Stan, the top dude on MT wants you to join the weight loss forum :cool:

28-11-2009, 05:14
I joined but haven't got round to posting yet. I'll try to do so over the weekend.

Looks like I could get some useful advice there for phase three (phase two being to revisit the previously aborted attempt to kick the nicotine). Phase three is dropping bf whilst keeping the same bodyweight - which means building muscle.

For the record, I've dropped another 2lb this week, so only 1.5lb to go to target.