View Full Version : SatNav for a technophobe

Joe 90
23-11-2009, 02:49
My mums asked for some advice on SatNavs as she wants to get dad one for christmas.

Now i've only ever used TomTom so just had a look at the TomTom One systems, which look fine for £120ish. But theres all sorts of other things that I know nothing about, navman, garmin etc

For someone who generally isn't a fan of tech - what would you suggest?

23-11-2009, 03:27
I'd say any of the cheap touchscreen PND's are all much of a muchness now days, there all as hard or easy as each other with different quirks, if he's "used" to tomtom probably just get another one of those, otherwise play around to see how the different UI's are setup in the shops.

23-11-2009, 03:50
What phone does he have?

23-11-2009, 06:13
TomTom all the way. There are technically better units but for ease of use I don't think they can be beaten.

23-11-2009, 08:23
I'd agree. From what I've seen, TomTom are very easy to just pick up and play.

23-11-2009, 09:05
TomTom for sure. I'd class my mum as a Technophobe (though she has been known - on occasion - to use a Nintendo DS) and she's been fine with the TomTom I recommended to her.

23-11-2009, 11:34
I've no experience of any satnav's other than my own Garmin Nuvi- I couldn't think of an easier way to function than what ours does.

It seems tomtoms are quite popular with this thread, and as the Garmin was a gift, I couldn't comment on price - just thought I'd let you know it's nice and simple to use too :)

23-11-2009, 11:36
Garmin is good too. In fact, most of the more well-known manufacturers would do the job just fine.

Joe 90
23-11-2009, 13:19
What phone does he have?

He's got a blackberry - something he put off for a long time!

I'll probably suggest the TomTom One with UK & Europe maps.

Thanks guys

23-11-2009, 13:21
In fact, most of the more well-known manufacturers would do the job just fine.

This. They all seem to have noddy interfaces these days.

23-11-2009, 15:11
I think the thing with TomTom is that is has such a vast userbase, loads of people will know how to work it so there is plenty of information on hand should he need help. I think this counts for a lot in this situation.

Joe 90
23-11-2009, 17:47
I think the thing with TomTom is that is has such a vast userbase, loads of people will know how to work it so there is plenty of information on hand should he need help. I think this counts for a lot in this situation.

I agree, the fact it's the platform I have experience with (and have on my phone) along with the fact I won't be home for that long over Christmas to show dad how it's used makes me think it's definately the best option.

Does tomtom one come with traffic & speed trap info btw?

23-11-2009, 18:21
Comes with a free trial I believe. Not sure how long it lasts though.