View Full Version : Paradox

01-12-2009, 23:37
Just caught episode one of Paradox. Similar lines to flashforward but seemed to jump around randomly for the episode in an attempt to keep you confused.

Does seem rather flashforward in it's delivery but on a much smaller scale. The images are an interesting feature as you try and work out what they are.

I do hope that after the first episode it stops jumping around so much as there were a few moments of, hold on that makes no sense

I'll give it another few episodes to see how it develops. Anyone else seen it?

01-12-2009, 23:41
Have you been watching it on replay somewhere, because episode 1 was last week. Tonights was ep 2 (haven't watched it yet.)

01-12-2009, 23:45
IPlayer :) doh if I realised it was on I'd have watched ep 1 then 2.

02-12-2009, 09:03
I enjoyed Ep1, but Ep2 was superb. The ending had me on the edge of my seat, which is unusual for a British TV show nowadays. In some ways I actually prefer it to FlashForward in that each episode is nicely wrapped up at the end.

02-12-2009, 09:08
I enjoyed Ep1, but Ep2 was superb. The ending had me on the edge of my seat, which is unusual for a British TV show nowadays. In some ways I actually prefer it to FlashForward in that each episode is nicely wrapped up at the end.

Having enjoyed episode one, i'm looking forward to watching it now, was out so haven't had a chance to see it yet.

02-12-2009, 13:57
Heard about this on the radio but don't really watch too much TV these days. Might take a look on iPlayer.

02-12-2009, 14:14
it lost 1.1 million viewers last night - I read the radio times write-up and it seemed critical and in awe of it in equal measure?!

Will probably give it a watch.

Admiral Huddy
02-12-2009, 15:31
I quite like it. To many critics nowdays. People should accept this sort of thing for what it is. It's not going to be everyones cuppa tea but it's simple, light hearted, make believe drama. Ideal for mid-week (ish).

People here rave about Stargate.. What a load of tosh!! really.

I saw 2012 the other night.. We came out of the cinema the same time as another film finished. Not one person had anything to good to say about either films. Not being funny, if you're going to watch a film about the end of the world, then that's what you're going to get. Not Marry Poppins!

02-12-2009, 17:49
Thanks to this thread I just watched the first one & have now lined up the second. :cool:
Will let you know what I think after the second one but the first kept me watching & I am keen to watch the next.
Cheers. :)

02-12-2009, 20:46
Just watched the first episode and starting the 2nd one. I like it. Plus, the astrophysisist (sp?) is so lovely! :)

Admiral Huddy
03-12-2009, 13:07
He's odd looking! Scary even!