View Full Version : Libraries?

06-12-2009, 18:45
What's the chances libarys can get out of print books in? There's a few I want to read main one being
Sled Driver: Flying the World's Fastest Aeroplane but I'm not paying £200 what's the chance of them having this, am i right in saying they can get books from any libary in the country? If you can tell I haven't been to one in 15 or so years. Have they got any sort of online thing you can search what books are available?

06-12-2009, 18:55
I believe that if you ask for a book, they have to check every avenue to get it for you.

I order a load of books every few months and I've never had one they haven't got in for me yet (though none have been out of print) They charge £.50p at ours for getting it from another library, and I know they check the whole region for me.

You can certainly go in, or ring them and give them the title/author and they'll be able to see if there's one locally - but I don't know if that goes countrywide or just regional.

06-12-2009, 19:23
Now going back a long time you could search for books on the ELAN (I think its called that) system and if it was on there then you could order it in.

06-12-2009, 19:25
have a squizz here, might help:


Hmm. No it doesn't.

Found this signed one on the bay, still expensive though at 90-100 quid.

http://cgi.ebay.com/Sled-Driver-Flying-the-World's-Fastest-Jet,-Brian-Shul_W0QQitemZ390126420956QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxZ200 91204?IMSfp=TL091204029012r38060

06-12-2009, 20:55
It's worth buying. That one on ebay is a bit tatty but is a decent price.

I paid the full price *for the limited edition one* and love it.

06-12-2009, 21:44

Worth a shot for £20.94 delivered? but might never turn up

Thanks, I will give it a try...