View Full Version : Animation I've been working on

Joe 90
09-12-2009, 00:10
Guys, I've been working on this animation for one of my uni modules, its nearly sorted but I need to decide how best to portray happiness/delight at the end...

after i've sorted this final movement, i'm going to use After Effects to get the pencil's smile actually drawn into the character (hopefully that'll be easy!)

Anybody got any ideas on what would look good as a sudden turn to happiness :)

09-12-2009, 00:41
Draw a little girl one, or a balloon.....

09-12-2009, 00:43
A quick Michael Jackson esque dance routine, e.g. the short moonwalk, spin with fist pump at the end? Just to make it slightly more tricky ;)

Joe 90
09-12-2009, 02:44
a dance... would be good, but i don't think I have the time.

I'm not even sure i'll bother making him stand up :/

09-12-2009, 03:00
The double thumbs up mabey? it could work. fairly simple too,

09-12-2009, 13:16
How about his smile becoming more visual and then turning a glowing golden colour ? :)

09-12-2009, 13:25
A big stiffy!

09-12-2009, 13:31
A big stiffy!

Oh and don't forget the 'glistening jizz' for extra credit.

Joe 90
09-12-2009, 16:25

a double thumbs up might be a good choice.
Think i'll be trying to finish this tomorrow. Today's website day; http://selfix.marksweb.co.uk - busy building a CMS on top of the animation work.

Joe 90
17-12-2009, 19:45
its finished :D hurrah.

