View Full Version : Snow!
16-12-2009, 12:20
There is some nice snow falling in central London.
It's not settling yet but is getting heavier :)
16-12-2009, 12:23
Got a text from the other half earlier asking if it was snowing in Hitchin as it was in London. Wasn't an hour ago - it is now.
The two Aussies who live in the flat opposite have run outside to gaze in wonder at the fluffy white stuff...
16-12-2009, 12:47
Excellent. If you get it today we could get it tomorrow or friday. Wheeeeeee.
16-12-2009, 12:52
*doesn't want snow while I am still working!*
*wants it to snow like it did last year on the way to work but when I'm on my way home*
16-12-2009, 12:57
*wants snow*
Come to Hitchin with a refrigerated truck - take it all away. Don't want any of it.
I'll make you coffee if it'll sweeten the deal. ;)
16-12-2009, 13:18
Has been Snowing in Kent for the last hour. :)
Princess Griff
16-12-2009, 13:35
Boooo I want snow!!!!!!
We're always last to get it!!!
Its def blooming cold enough!! (brrrr)
Had a little settling here, but not much.
*wants snow*
There was some here yesterday for about 5 minutes which amounted to absolutely nothing at all :confused:
Quite a lot of snow here. It's rather nice - looks like a Christmas card. :)
I <3 snow lots!
A few flakes here, bit of sleet, but raining again now.
Not settling here but it's flipping cold!
No snow here, just endless rain.
16-12-2009, 15:03
:( Lucky Essex, Kent, Sussex, Surrey, London and parts of East Anglia. Also central and northern England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Isn't that basically everywhere except here?
:( Lucky Essex, Kent, Sussex, Surrey, London and parts of East Anglia. Also central and northern England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Isn't that basically everywhere except here?
None here, nor any forecast. So when they say Wales they probably mean North, or to be more exact they probably just mean Snowdon :p BBC loves to generalise :D
Not settling here but it's flipping cold!
Yeah tell me about it, I had to put a jumper on today!! :shocked: :shocked:
*wants snow*
Boo to boring islands.
Maui, one of the islands on this chain has snow at the moment apparently, and they're forecasting snow for Big Island (Hawaii)
Princess Griff
16-12-2009, 17:07
No snow still over south west side!!
16-12-2009, 17:20
No snow in Smoke-on-Trench yet. Looks like I may need to put the actual mountain bike tyres back on the bike to use the cycle paths :)
Well it settled over Dulwich - it's rather pretty. Not much of it though. Friday is supposed to bring several cms of snow apparently to the SE region!
No snow here, just endless rain.
Endless "I'd be sleet if it was 1 degree colder" rain here too.
17-12-2009, 16:08
I think I made my feelings about the inconveniance of snow clear last Feb. ;)
The Snow Grinch x
17-12-2009, 16:25
We've just had some tiny snow pellets hammering down for a couple of hours. Too light to do more than add some colour to the landscape, but the sky is now clear as a bell and I'm expecting the temperatures to plummet overnight.
Would two hot water bottles be an extravagance, d'you think? ;)
Snow is fine. Ice, however, is the cyclist's worst enemy. :(
17-12-2009, 16:55
I do NOT want snow! Yes it is lovely and pretty, but I have to work in it and I HATE it when I am working. Any snow here can willingly give you my snow :)
We've just had some tiny snow pellets hammering down for a couple of hours. Too light to do more than add some colour to the landscape, but the sky is now clear as a bell and I'm expecting the temperatures to plummet overnight.
Would two hot water bottles be an extravagance, d'you think? ;)
There's been a mixture of light and heavy snow here, luckily nothing has settled. I expect that to change though.
I just got an electric blanket which is awesome to warm the bed up :thumbsup: Something else that worked really well was to lift up the covers, hold a hair dryer under there (making sure that you don't mess up it's air flow) for about 30 seconds. Then jump in a nice and warm bed, voila o/
Been driving in the snow lots today although none has really settled. May settle overnight.
I bloody love snow! I dont care what it does to the roads, its awesome :D
I am with the ice haters though, my windscreen is frozen solid. Grrr.
Princess Griff
17-12-2009, 18:20
Im with you Dee!! I frickin love snow!!!
BUT STILL HAVENT GOT ANY HERE!!!! It makes me want to cry.... :(
IT's snowing and settling, lots!
Snow! (and the christmas lights on the house opposite)
*wants it to snow like it did last year on the way to work but when I'm on my way home*
No you want it to snow next week when kids are off school and you want it to snow for xmas lol
No no no to snow yet, kids want to be able to go to school tomorrow and to church to do carol singing so no no no to snow :p ;D
IT's snowing and settling, lots!
Snow! (and the christmas lights on the house opposite)
Cool!!! :D
At about 5:30pm today:
If college closes tomorrow, my Xmas holiday starts one day early, get in!!
Pics on FB Sam.
Erm.. I 'll try and link...
I took them when it was just starting - it's settled somewhat more now! :cool:
17-12-2009, 22:54
There appears to be a carpet of white dung here :)
Must be Rudolph's doing. :p
Snow here = 0.0mm. May it stay that way.
18-12-2009, 00:17
Got somewhere in the region of 3 inches here. Gonna make tomorrow interesting to say the least, we don't get our roads gritted.
18-12-2009, 00:22
Got somewhere in the region of 3 inches here. Gonna make tomorrow interesting to say the least, we don't get our roads gritted.
Looks to be about that.
Was laying on Regents Street this evening, and the train couldn't stop at Hitchin as the points has frozen *grumble* Ended up having to go two stops further then get on a train heading back...
Was laying on Regents Street this evening
You can get arrested for that. :p
I'm surprised they didn't try the 'wrong type of snow on the line' excuse? Frozen points is so unoriginal. :)
We've got a fair layer and more it due today! \o/
Love it! :D
We have snow! It looked really pretty when it was coming down heavily at about 2am when I was dragged from my cozy bed to see but even now although the roads and pavements are clear there is still a thin layer of white stiff on cars and roofs :)
Zero snow :( But says it's -2 feel like -8. Now that's cold! Boots time I think.
18-12-2009, 07:58
looks like we have frozen snow here :(
We've got about three inches on the deck, the roads are still covered and the temperature is just above freezing. I'd normally have been on the road half an hour ago but I'm leaving it a bit this morning before I head in.
18-12-2009, 08:10
Nothing. At all.
Got a very small dusting but it looks like the main roads should be clear. College is open as usual so going to risk driving my sports car in the snow in a little while :/
18-12-2009, 08:24
We haz snow ! A few inches :D
Taking Jamie's car into work today cos mine is utter crap in the snow :/
Will get some pics up later.
18-12-2009, 08:25
We have about 15~20cm here, all schools shut including the college and a lot of the roads are shut. It's quit impressive I'll take some pictures when I can be bothered to get up :)
18-12-2009, 08:31
MW2 for you today then MB? ;)
I'm not actually snowed in but the trains are saying they're delayed and cancelled so I think I might not risk it. I'm not so worried about now but I might have trouble getting home because more snow is forecast. Plus I'm in der Kent where all the snow is forecast :D
I cycled home in the blizzard last night at about midnight. It was so peaceful. I just wanted to stay out and enjoy the scene :)
We had around 5-10cm. I managed to drive to work ok but had to spend 15mins clearing the car, lots of people made into work late today (myself included) some people are still coming in.
18-12-2009, 09:07
Wow, England grinds to a hault with a little snow we just grumble and get on with it.
Few cm here by the look of it. Taxi for me today then. :(
Wow, after defrosting the car, could hardly get off the estate because of the ice/ sports car combination. Aborted driving, came back to get the train but Phil gave me a lift in. Main roads are clear although people still driving like they're in 3ft of snow which isn't helping.
I'd rather they drove like that than be over confident though.
I'd rather they just drove according to the conditions tbh.
You can get arrested for that. :p
I'm surprised they didn't try the 'wrong type of snow on the line' excuse? Frozen points is so unoriginal. :)
I cycled in to Hungerford, as per usual. My points are frozen. ;)
I got the back end out on the 5 this morning coming in to work :D
Nice bit of opposite lock and kept the throttle on steady saw me back right as rain again. Had some classic looks from passers by, hahahaha.
I'd rather they just drove according to the conditions tbh.
Well I guess that makes sense, and I agree. People get nervous when the conditions are dodgy - rather people be over cautious than brazen.
I got the back end out on the 5 this morning coming in to work :D
Nice bit of opposite lock and kept the throttle on steady saw me back right as rain again. Had some classic looks from passers by, hahahaha.
Hehe - I miss the mx5 for exactly that reason! :D
My journey to work was long and very boring. Getting off the estate was a bit hairy but nothing too bad but then I ended up four cars behind an utter idiot who thought it appropriate to drive at 15mph all the way along the main drag out of town on a road which was almost perfectly clear except for some slush along the central bit between lanes. There was traffic coming the other way which made it impossible to overtake. There's being cautious, there's being overcautious and there's being dangerously cautious and this arsewipe was in the latter category.
Once on the dual carriageway, there was significantly less traffic than normal for the time of day and I drove between 40mph and 45mph all the way down the A12 from Colchester to Brentwood, the road was pretty clear apart from being slightly narrower than usual due to slush buildup at the edges.
Getting through Brentwood itself was rubbish, there are some temporary lights near Shenfield that have been there for a few weeks which totally screw the main traffic lights so I've been doing the back doubles to avoid them. I did that this morning until I got to one on a slight rise which was just plain sheet ice. Cars at the top were wheelspinning and not getting anywhere so I had to turn round and get back in the queue for the lights on the main drag. It took me 40 minutes from pulling off the A12 to arriving in the office, a distance of a couple of miles.
I've seen loads of BMWs with their back wheels spinning as they tried to pull away from stationary.
Tonight is our Christmas party. I've not seen a weather forecast for the end of the day but if it snows again then it's not going to be a fun drive home.
There's being cautious, there's being overcautious and there's being dangerously cautious and this arsewipe was in the latter category.
Exactly. The main roads were just wet, and people drive normally in the wet, but because there is snow in the pavement suddenly we need to drive like we're on snow :/ Problem is when you get someone driving according to the proper conditions and they come across someone driving like an idiot :/
I would have had fun getting the back out on the MR2 today but I couldn't do more than 4mph on the main road, due to getting NO traction at all :(
18-12-2009, 13:08
Got to work fine apart from a little slipping and sliding down the farm track... brought Jamie's car to work as it's better in the snow :D
Did you turn the lights off today?
Exactly. The main roads were just wet, and people drive normally in the wet, but because there is snow in the pavement suddenly we need to drive like we're on snow :/ Problem is when you get someone driving according to the proper conditions and they come across someone driving like an idiot :/
I would have had fun getting the back out on the MR2 today but I couldn't do more than 4mph on the main road, due to getting NO traction at all :(
Doesn't mean there isn't black ice on the road though. I've hit patches of black ice under those conditions and even when driving straight it's no fun :(
If there is snow on the pavement you shouldn't drive like the road is just wet, that's just too dangerous. However there is also just taking it too cautiously, agreed. 15mph is nuts.
Whilst cycling in the snow, I kinda like people driving slow. However, this morning I got stuck behind a car, which is rare. It got so slow, I had to unclip, just in case.
18-12-2009, 18:17
No snow here. :(
Bwahaha who changed your name ;) :p
I cycled in to Hungerford, as per usual. My points are frozen. ;)
Crazy person! Not sure if my boss cycled in today. That's the first time in a very very long time that I've been to work in snow/ice. I nearly slipped over on my front doorstep on the way out. :o
Bwahaha who changed your name ;) :p
Been like that for a week or two IIRC. I wondered who it was to start with. :o
I got a taxi to work and back today. Glad I did. After I got home I had to pop over the road to a neighbours, and I slipped three times just doing that. I dread to think what's going to happen next - ten pin car bowling, perhaps. :eek:
18-12-2009, 21:15
I went into work late this morning in order to escort Mrs Dym to the station...
There was a pseudo-blizzard just as we got to the tube but it then petered out :(
Have been waiting for some extra 'top notch' snow since then and have been let down...
I am now pinning my hopes on some excellence over the weekend!
Wow, England grinds to a hault with a little snow we just grumble and get on with it.
Has it? We had snow overnight & pretty bad road conditions today, yet not one person rang in, we all made it without grumbling :)
Has it? We had snow overnight & pretty bad road conditions today, yet not one person rang in, we all made it without grumbling :)
It does also bear pointing out: It very rarely snows in the south east of England. People who live there aren't so used to it as those, dealing with it or so skilled at driving in it as those up north, and the infrastructure for coping with it isn't as good.
So yes people do grumble and yes stuff does fall apart, but when it's a once in a blue moon occurrence is it really all that surprising?
Absolutely. Authorities down here just don't spend money on infrastructure unless they absolutely have to. Our council seem to think that if it's not at least an A-road, it's probably not worth gritting. Which means even fairly busy roads don't get gritted. And, of course, pedestrians don't figure at all.
It doesn't snow here very often - we're too close to the water, so it's usually too warm, so although we get it around our house and surrounding area, as you drive into Liverpool it warms up past freezing and the snow disappears on the roads (although the canal link will ice over and the swans will get stuck!) but it very rarely snows on/near the water. Tends to be cold, sleety stuff instead :(
Bit of a surprise when we do get snow - we're out in the sticks about 10-15 miles from the City Centre & smack bang between Liverpool/Manchester/Preston yet we get usually only a few days a year and it's usually light compared to the surrounding towns & cities who seem to end up buried - but our council seems to be well on the ball and all major (and quite a few minor) roads are gritted when it does get bad. Can't really fault them.
My old uni house mate from Finland finds it hillarious how the snow causes 'mass disruption' etc; granted the weather is something less predictable than Finland, but they cope with -30c, up to a metre of ice and 3 to 4 feet of snow with no set backs, delays or hysteria.
Perhaps it is time for England to create some form of more substantial/effective planning for the 'at risk' months. With all the figures bounding around highlighting the 'devastating cost of the disruption' etc, any initial outlays and maintenance would surely prove effective.
I guess I'll just shut up here.
I mean, the state saying on our number plates says, "Greatest Snow On Earth"... ;)
Don't forget, a big difference here is the training. Them countries up there (*points north east*) do so much more with new drivers.
So many people in the UK don't even know the basics. You see people trying to drive away, on ice, using 1st. As both a driver and a cyclist (2 wheels is more of a big deal), it drives me mad. And skids! Some countries teach it thoroughly, we brush past it.
I don't think it's something you can just throw money at.
Virtually nothing here, noticed a small scattering on the grass walking in and then some big storms for a while but nothing settled for long. Therefore everyone made it in, except those still hungover from the christmas party.
Today was not a productive day.
Tomorrow the forecast is "sunny", and below 0C.
No more snow fell overnight but on my way home from the work Christmas party I phoned Mrs. Feek and she described it as 'crunchy' outside. She was spot on, when I got home and got out of the car the snow that had fallen had frozen and was all still in the shape of the snow rather than all flattened out so it really was just very very crunchy underfoot. I don't think I've ever experienced it like that before.
It's -3.3 outside now and dropping (it was -3.1 when I woke up) and still looks crunchy.
19-12-2009, 09:54
Not a jot here still, just bitterly cold.
We still have some of yesterdays snow in the garden but nothing new
Had another small snow fall overnight, and some very tiny flakes in the wind now, getting darker :) It can do what it wants now as I've finished work, but hope it's ok for my parents to get here for Xmas, and to get to the hotel on Xmas day!!
None more outside here, and I haven't seen anyone skating yet. Supposed to be bin day today. Yeah, right. :)
tis snowing again here! We had crunchy snow walking Sally on the field last night Feekles. Very strange experience, frozen mud & snow!
it's crisp and cold, but I'm out in shorts and a fleece :o
oh lordy, you're not doing that Joseph impression again are you?
;D ;D
Nope I'd need a smaller sock.
20-12-2009, 00:36
It's barely stopped snowing here since Thursday night :(
Apologies if this is teaching people to suck eggs....
Walking like a penguin seems obvious now, but I hadn't thought about it. I have actually discovered that my hiking poles turn into ice poles by pulling off the end \o/
Princess Griff
20-12-2009, 01:16
Still none here :(
20-12-2009, 07:56
It's AMAZING here in Maidstone! Probably about 15cm deep!! :D
I has made mini igloooooo :D
Snowing pretty heavy in Mancunia at the moment. Snowball fights a plenty today me thinks ;D
20-12-2009, 09:33
Still none here :(
Me, you and Jingo will have to meet up in the middle for a snowball fight if it finally snows ;D
A thin layer of sanow here this morning. I'm supposed to be running 14 miles today :angry: Please melt!!!
20-12-2009, 09:45
a thin layer here too :)
another thick layer here overnight, can't make out the road from the pavement :D
No snow here, just the remains of that first lot hiding in corners :p
We had a fresh very thin coating overnight and it's still very cold, it was -1.4 when I got up just before 7 this morning and it's dropped to -2.5 now. The temperature outside didn't go above freezing at all yesterday.
I took Mrs. Feek to work and it's quite funny looking at the few tracks in the snow and seeing how many idiots have overcooked it on the corners and gone into the kerb.
20-12-2009, 11:06
It's coming down quite thickly now
Erp indeed. My previous boss lives there. Was doing a favour for him yesterday and I mentioned we'd got snow here - that ^^ was his response, though not the bit about deaths. :(
No new snow here, and at least the pavements have mostly cleared, though I'll wager it's icy.
It's actually quite pleasant here ;D Bright sun, warmish when one is out of the shadows and very dry :)
White Christmas? It's not looking very likely!! :D
Snowed a little here overnight :) Only really a sprinkling and it's going now as it's sunny, but it does look nice :D
Well it snowed overnight, I cleared off the car and it now has about 2 inches of snow on it again. If the snow would kindly like to stop please, my car is not good in the now :( It's looking to be clear of snow for Christmas and I hope it stays that way or no Christmas for me (folks live a half hour driveaway). The roads are pretty poor today and with heavy snow forecast for later in the week I think if it's bad I might just take a random days leave! :P
People do make fun of us and how we react to snow. In fairness most places where they get a lot of snow they are far more prepared for it than us, we really don't get enough of it for long enough to justify snow tyres etc.
I wish they'd stated DC in the opening, my cousin lives in Washington state.
It does say East Coast in the title though. :)
Washington state, for the benefit of anyone who doesn't know, is North West USA. :)
20-12-2009, 15:29
It's actually quite pleasant here ;D Bright sun, warmish when one is out of the shadows and very dry :)
White Christmas? It's not looking very likely!! :D
PLEASANT?!?!? :shocked:
I just took Patch out for a walk, and I can no longer feel my face! :p
PLEASANT?!?!? :shocked:
I just took Patch out for a walk, and I can no longer feel my face! :p
Is that because your hands fell off due to the cold?
20-12-2009, 15:34
Is that because your hands fell off due to the cold?
Quite possibly yes! ;D
we just went on a 'bracing' 4 mile walk with Sally. Really fresh and lovely. :D
She's cream-crackered now.
It does say East Coast in the title though. :)
It does, but I always get my east/west mixed up unless I do the 'naughty elephants spill water' thing ;D
I love this crisp icy air it's fantastic, sunny blue skies, lovely sun, a nice crisp edge to the air. Went down to the beach today and it was lovely. I did put trousers on as I did feel a bit of a nip in the air for shorts. This is winter, this is Christmas. Icy cold outside, but no ****ing rain!!! ;D
I love this crisp icy air it's fantastic, sunny blue skies, lovely sun, a nice crisp edge to the air.
Ditto, absolutely love it.
Same here, I love hot sunny days, but I love fresh, crisp snowy days too.
Cant be doing with this in the middle, overcast, sleet, rain crap.
20-12-2009, 23:34
Bit of a pathetic amount just now, (and it appears to be stopping already) but because my road is quiet, its covered the road already!
Hope it goes before I have to drive to work tomorrow!
Still, me and Patch just had fun running about, me in my PJ's, Patch trying to kill the stuff falling from the sky! ;D
LOL! Trust Patch! ;D
Hope you have a safe drive to work tomorrow - that goes for everyone.
21-12-2009, 07:53
well it's now turned to ice, joy!!!!
21-12-2009, 08:04
Same here, and no ones been out on my road yet. Am glad I went and moved the car last night and put it on the flat, so I didn't have to try and get up the slope on my parents drive.
Good luck everyone!
wet, murky and cold - weather is back to normal here :(
21-12-2009, 09:29
A slow thaw here in Shetland at the moment. Snowed quite a bit when I got here on Saturday but very little yesterday and started to thaw last night. Still thawing now \o/
21-12-2009, 09:57
glad I went and moved the car last night and put it on the flat
Great minds ;) I put ours at the end of our street so it was easy get out.
another lovely bright snowy day :)
Ha-ha been up over an hour and only just realised there's a good few inches outside.
Princess Griff
21-12-2009, 10:54
Blimey....was soooo excited when it finally snowed last night.
Then I woke up to a blanket of ice over EVERYTHING! The roads hadnt been gritted and my car was under a giant snowball of ice!
Took us over 20 mins to get the car de-iced, james was hacking it off with the scraper!!
Then what is usually a 10/15 minute drive took over half an hour!!!
Did pause to take some pretty pictures though....!!!
It's Orrible!
Freezing cold rock solid inches of ice! :(
Looks pretty though so we'll wap some pics up later :D
Couple of inches outside :) Very rare at this time of year for Swansea!
Luckily the council's pretty good at gritting so it's not too icy on the roads, so it just looks pretty rather than scary :D
My road is quite slippery but the road that mine turns onto is absolutely fine and has been all the way through. Strangely enough one of the 'main' roads out of town from here is pretty bad but as long as people are sensible when driving down it it is a none issue.
It snowed quite a lot here on Thursday night and again Friday lunchtime but since then there has been just a light dusting over the weekend. I've cleared my driveway a couple of times a day as it's a nasty enough driveway at the best of times but the light dusting over the weekend managed to turn to ice before I cleared it. AWD rocks though and I've had no problem getting my car out of the drive.
It's this sort of weather where I heart the heated seats in the car muchly.
No snow here, but then it always seems to miss us for some reason. Part of me is glad as driving is a doddle right now, but part of me wants snow :(
I hear you Paul - heated seats for the ultimate win! :D Beats farting on them to warm them up.
21-12-2009, 13:09
It's this sort of weather where I heart the heated seats in the car muchly.
Hmmm... will have to refit the standard seats - sounds lovely.
Damn these carbon race seats are cold...
Heated seats? What are they?!! :D :p
We had ice on both sides of every piece of glazing on our car! ;D
Took us 50 minutes to get from Clevedon to Nailsea!! (4.8 miles ;D)
Heated seats? What are they?!! :D :p
They're fan-bloody-tastic is what they are!
The new courtyard area at work isn't draining properly so we have a flooded section of astroturf - I want it to freeze so we can have a mini ice rink :D
We have about 5mm in drifts, and it's not melting in the sun as it's still sub-zero. Was a bit dodgy in places walking in but not too bad. As long as I can get home Thursday will be happy.
21-12-2009, 15:28
Unless you want to fall over and break a leg, you have to walk on the roads and risk getting run over as all the footpaths have an inch of ice on them :(
21-12-2009, 15:35
Unless you want to fall over and break a leg, you have to walk on the roads and risk getting run over as all the footpaths have an inch of ice on them :(
I just slide along the ice, much more fun :D Always fun to laugh along with the people stuck in traffic as they watch you try and stay upright.
They're fan-bloody-tastic is what they are!
^5 yep they are awesome :cool:
We think the woman opposite has lost her marbles. This morning she was throwing table salt down. Now she has just thrown a bucket of water down her drive to try and clear it.
It's below freezing outside........ can anyone else see a slight problem here? ;D
It isn't so much fun trying to walk when you have poor balance, I can assure you. I went to go out for lunch, got as far as the office gate and went sliding down the path. Damn that idea - my life is far more important than lunch. Lunch abandoned.
30 minutes later it started absolutely chucking it down (with snow) and has been doing for the last hour. Everything covered again in minutes. About half the office made for the exit at that point. My boss said I (and the rest of his team) should go home. I didn't have to be asked twice. I'm now at home and lunch is in the oven.
My concern now is whether my parents will be safe to make the 200+ mile roundtrip to pick me up on Wednesday. Fortunately it's mostly main roads, but they won't be doing it in weather like this. That's for certain.
They're fan-bloody-tastic is what they are!
Heated wing mirrors are also helpful.
Heated wing mirrors are also helpful.
Absolutely. Heated washer jets are nice too.
I fell on my arse this morning!
Just had snow during our Christmas meal at work. Very festive. :)
Absolutely. Heated washer jets are nice too.
Heated washer jets were my trump card, don't have anything else heated :(
Going to have to get a better car :p
Dragged the T out this afternoon. Cold weather = BOOOOST :D
No heated mirrors, no heated washer, even the heated seat is broke :(
But with a furnace for a heater it all thaws out in no time anyway :cool:
Was raining a few minutes ago :(
OMG it's uber snowing now! 3 inches have settled in 30 mins apparently!!! :shocked:
Am I going to get home?! :'(
Sounds like it's moving east as you're now experiencing what I did a few hours ago. Hope you get home OK but since you like it much more than I do, you're welcome to it. :)
Still raining here but heavy snow brentwood way apparently.
edit: rain has turned to snow here. Small flakes but a lot of it!
21-12-2009, 18:23
Father Christmas came to work today to see the kids we had invited to see him and get a present. It all sorted very sensibly, but then he ended up in the car park throwing snow at all the kids ;D He told them he had ordered the snow just for them specially.
All but one of us made it in today, and they only didn't make it because they live in the middle of nowhere in Wales and couldn't get out of their farm track. We went out for our Christmas lunch today which was nice.
Just got back from taking Patch for a walk in the snow, he can't quite work out what it is on the ground, its very funny to watch, and walking back it was very quiet apart from the crunch crunch of the snow where I was walking on it. Was a lovely noise.
Took me an hour and a half to get to work (normally 40 mins) mainly because until I got to the dual carriageway, the roads hadn't been gritted so the traffic wasn't doing any more than 20 mph. We're due more snow tonight apparently, which should be fun! :shocked:
M3 and M4 into London are now virtual car parks with several hour queues. M25 all the way around is a car park. People stuck in supermarket car parks and heaven knows what else. Someone in town just reported on Radio 2 they'd moved 10m in three hours. Madness. :shocked:
We're a nation of benders when it comes to driving in the snow ;D
We've got a bit more falling here. Was rain when I popped out to the postbox and snow on the way back.
M3 and M4 into London are now virtual car parks with several hour queues. M25 all the way around is a car park.
I'm really glad that my planned meeting in Wokingham today didn't happen.
Friend of mine went out to grit the drive way and footpath (risky) and stood and watched as a woman drove down the fairly narrow, twisty, icy and un-gritted road talking on her mobile phone. Quote from him "Oh, obviously it's not as bad as I thought out there.."
21-12-2009, 19:11
0 snow here just bloody freezing!!! :(
I got cut up in a taxi on the way home. On a roundabout, car came from the right and was absolutely determined to get in front of us. Luckily the taxi driver knew what he was doing and was able to get out of the way.
There appears to be a blizzard going on outside.
21-12-2009, 20:48
There appears to be a blizzard going on outside.
Oh God!
About an inch has fallen in the last hour or so and if anything the snow fall is getting heavier.
Looks like I'll be working from home tomorrow.
21-12-2009, 20:55
Eeek! I hope it isn't too bad on the roads on thursday! Don't mind after that as you are driving :D :p
Looks like I'll be working from home tomorrow.
Same. People are being told to abandon their cars around here now. At least it has stopped snowing.
21-12-2009, 21:15
There appears to be a blizzard going on outside.
It's ain't too pleasant in Hitchin at the moment. Had about 2 inches in the last couple of hours.
Watched a Tesco's home delivery van get stuck though - tried to drive into our driveway to turn around - it's solid ice with a thin topping of snow. Started spinning wheels forward, stuck it into reverse - spun wheels again. Was still there 5 minutes later. :D
Princess Griff
21-12-2009, 21:27
Snnooooooowwwwww!!!!!!!! ;D
21-12-2009, 21:29
Ooooh I bet that road was fun this morning (lovely pics by the way you look gawgess!)
Tomorrow I order you to go the longer way which will be much safer! :p
My Dad is snowed into his car in High Wycombe, he's getting a tow to the nearest hotel from a 4X4.
Am hoping for snow tomoro in Newark, shooting a wedding :D
Princess Griff
21-12-2009, 21:39
Haha well Iv only got one more day of work and thats on Wednesday!!!
I like going the country way cuz its so pretty and theres so much wildlife!!
Although if it gets much worse, it will be far too dangerous...with ditches either side of the narrow wobbly road!!!!
21-12-2009, 21:41
Exactly my point young lady!! That road has a stream on either side of it! And a 3ft drop from the road to the stream!
It took over 3hrs to get home! It's amazing how many people struggle to drive when there's snow on the road.
I had to be a bit naughty and overtake a line of people who just were faffing about going up the hill to Crystal palace to get home. I needed a pee and I'm hungry! I do apologise to the line of traffic, but grrrr. :o :angry: :o
Sounds like it's moving east as you're now experiencing what I did a few hours ago. Hope you get home OK but since you like it much more than I do, you're welcome to it. :)
I love it lots! :D
It's beautiful and lovely.
It's just annoying when people don't know how to drive in it! :p
My Dad is snowed into his car in High Wycombe, he's getting a tow to the nearest hotel from a 4X4.
As long as he's safe, that's the important thing. There's no way he'd be going anywhere tonight so hotel is the best plan.
Will! :shocked: I'm listening to BBC Berkshire at the moment and there seem to be incessant rants about people queue jumping. I know you're an experienced driver though so I'll let you off. :)
There's a difference between queue jumping and driving around people who are seemingly not capable of progressing.
21-12-2009, 22:18
No snow here yet but if it does fall overnight we're screwed. Ice with a layer of snow on top :(
That's exactly what we've got at the moment Leo (see photos above!) - hellishly slippery.
Knipples - I was driving her to work so worry not ;) I think it will be the longer way from now on though, gritted roads ftw.
21-12-2009, 22:25
nice! don't you love defrosting snow which freezes again and then get a fresh dump of snow on top! I'll be careful skating to the car again in the morning :/
There's a difference between queue jumping and driving around people who are seemingly not capable of progressing.
That was my excuse - people really weren't getting anywhere - revving the nuts of the their cars, and the smell of clutches were everywhere!
I'm not saying what I did was necessarily right or sensible, but i wanted to get home :o
I REALLY needed a pee! :o
Don't get like that Will, it's not your fault loads of people can't actually drive :D
I've been getting (slightly) annoyed at some of the people who drive at 5mph for no real reason at all.
I hate heated seats, nothing worse than sweaty bollocks.
I hate heated seats, nothing worse than sweaty bollocks.
Clearly your underwear is too tight ;) Just hang loose man! :cool: :p ;D
Just hand loose man!
Freudian slip there Will? ;)
22-12-2009, 08:00
ok the kid in me is excited it snowed overnight :D the driver in me is rather sad :(
22-12-2009, 08:06
A blanket of fog appears to have decended, great! No more snow here, but it looks pretty frozen now. At least I only have to get to work today and then thats it!
22-12-2009, 08:14
it's still coming down
22-12-2009, 08:23
Take it steady to work everyone. :)
Freudian slip there Will? ;)
ahem :o
Take it steady to work everyone. :)
It's pretty clear now in the SE. But good advice. Managed to get to work 40 mins ago without any issues, a bit late, but I overslept. Clear run, it took me under 20mins to get to work - it took me over 3hrs to get home last night :'(
I got up at 6:30 and saw a few cars slipping and sliding past my house so I decided to work from home and went back to bed for another hour or so.
22-12-2009, 09:17
I got here in about normal time, am currently the only one in the office though, so I hope everyone else makes it!
thick snow on top of the compacted snow ice blanket we had last night! :o
Luckily all the main roads seem to be very well gritted and clear, so once we got onto the lancs were were ok :)
I got up at 6:30 and saw a few cars slipping and sliding past my house so I decided to work from home and went back to bed for another hour or so.
It's overcast as hell here, but still no snow :( I was really hoping for it on the way into work as I stupidly used my washer jets which resulted in a slightly iced up windscreen and dirt being smeared everywhere :(
Was -2c this morning but roads are still fine to drive. Why do we always miss the snow? :(
22-12-2009, 12:29
Up at 6 - spend a few happy minutes watching all the idiots driving outside, then started on the coffee and present wrapping.
Well, I say present wrapping.... Ripping up the crepe paper and stuffing that plus present into sparkly bag. It'll do. ;)
I'm really glad that my planned meeting in Wokingham today didn't happen.
Lucky break there. You'd probably have had to find a hotel. Some of those who made it home took 14+ hours. Many didn't make it - all local hotels were full and several emergency centres were opened. 100 customers ended up sleeping on the display beds in a John Lewis store.
I got up at 6:30 and saw a few cars slipping and sliding past my house so I decided to work from home and went back to bed for another hour or so.
I got up at 7.30am. Pointed my iPhone at the web page they created yesterday and it told me the office was closed and to work from home if you can. I went back to bed until 9am. :)
Lucky break there. You'd probably have had to find a hotel.
I would have had to make it to a local hotel first off. 25 people in the Wokingham office spent the night there and I think the CEO was stuck overnight in the office in Guildford.
we can haz snow :D enough to build a snowman too!!!
I would have had to make it to a local hotel first off. 25 people in the Wokingham office spent the night there and I think the CEO was stuck overnight in the office in Guildford.
Ouch, but at least they were safe and warm. I'm not sure I'd have made it the two miles home had I left it much longer - there's reports of abandoned cars nearby (probably couldn't get up the hill my taxi driver made it up).
Wow, we've been to the other side of norwich today and they had about twice as much snow! Fun! Back home now and it's quite boring and starting to go slushy. The MR2s have big snow piles in front of them where the snow has slid down their wedges and flomped on to the floor :D
From our poor guy yesterday who literally got snowed in to work in one of our washington d.c. datacenters:
Hello Everyone,
I'm burnt out from working the triple shift Friday night through Saturday night. I will not be at work tonight.
Started shift early friday evening and didn't finish until Sunday morning when we finally managed to get someone in to relieve him. He crashed out in the office saturday morning as it was impossible to get home!
I managed 2 late turns and 2 night turns with thick snow and sheet ice without -
a) Falling over
b) Crashing a car
I did however get stuck on a hill and had to dig my car out. Lots of neighbours came out to observe the incompetant wpc digging.....did one person help? Did they boll*cks! I think they got their council tax worth :D
I can't believe no one helped you Pebs :/
Hmm it's gone very shiny and crunchy out there! Keep thinking cars on the road are aircraft because of the noise they are making. Doesn't help that the F15's are out tonight too, they must have defrosted the runways.
Was that in Brentwood, Pebs?
It took us an hour to get from the office down by the station out through Shenfield to the A12, it was just solid getting up the hill. I was with a friend in his BMW and the back end was all over the place even in high gear at low revs just trying to move. A colleague who has an RX8 ended up leaving his car in the office and getting a train home.
Once we got to the A12 it was empty and we did 70 all the way to Colchester - It was quieter than I've seen it at weekends and so was Colchester town centre. Once we got to Colchester I phoned another friend who left the office at the same time we did going to Romford and he'd not even got as far as the Brook Street roundabout!
I had to do a job in the middle of nowhere near Billericay this avo. On the way back I found myself on a steep hill ending at a T-junction that was complete ice.
Glad noone was coming from either direction as I had zero chance of stopping :o
Snow in Wigan was terrible today, it snowed in the night and this morning it was 3 inch deep and took me 1 hour to make a 20 min journey.
Took me 4 hours to get home last night!!!
I live 6.24miles away from work, which is about 11mins according to Multimap lol! :D
BB x
the snow has not been to bad in Sheffield for us pedestrians. although i have to say the walk from the train station to the pub, then home yesterday was a little treacherous!
22-12-2009, 22:45
Hmmmm currently in services just before the A74(M) its taken me 2 and a bit hours to travel the length of the 702 (lets say about 35 miles...). Only another 150ish to go!
Mental doesn't even begin to describe the roads out there!!
23-12-2009, 03:16
Home!!! Wow that was interesting! :D
its chucking it down with rain :(
Hope our trip down to Swansea is OK today ;D
Took me about 15 minutes to clear the car, and then the whole way in the inside was dripping despite the aircon on. Grrrrrr, this is what I get for only driving 3 times in December.
It's almost warm again here - snow's no longer an issue. Ah well it was nice whilst it lasted. Shame it wasn't over Christmas!
There are two days left for it to go horribly wrong. Probably about 1pm tomorrow.
It's still a snowy/icy mess here. Office is back open but I'm going to try and get a work from home day as I don't want to go out in that (yes, I know others have to).
Desmo, hopefully the M4 will be OK when you come through. It's been a mess recently but fortunately you don't have to rely on West Useless council to grit it.
23-12-2009, 09:27
Well it's still here and froze last night :/ looks like the sun might come out today :( hehe :D really!
Thick layer of ice on the cars this morning. Ground sounds crunchy!
I must have overtaken about 15 cars on the way to the office this morning. They may have the time and inclination to do 10mph on a perfectly clear road but I don't.
The only bit of road that had even a spattering of ice was the road that I live on but I managed to get through that without driving into the back of another car unlike one of my neighbours. When will people learn that stamping on the brakes and (trying to make) sharp turns aren't a good idea when it is icy?
When will people learn that stamping on the brakes and (trying to make) sharp turns aren't a good idea when it is icy?
But I thought that was what you're supposed to do when it's icy/wet.
Or was I just believing that what other people do is the right thing. :)
The only bit of road that had even a spattering of ice was the road that I live on but I managed to get through that without driving into the back of another car unlike one of my neighbours. When will people learn that stamping on the brakes and (trying to make) sharp turns aren't a good idea when it is icy?
You've really got to wonder what is going on in their heads at the time. Is it really that challenging to use common sense?
When will people learn that stamping on the brakes and (trying to make) sharp turns aren't a good idea when it is icy?
3am on a night shift in a deserted car park, its the ONLY thing thats a good idea :D
Newbury is a mess. Again. Trees down, M4 blocked, freezing rain, and my parents are on the way here. Oh joy. Hope they're safe.
I'm cycling through that later!
Watch out for falling trees between B&Q and the Hambridge Lane junction. :)
Parents have made it as far as M4 J2 in three hours.
Edit - and watch out for the five-vehicle pile-up near the Robin Hood roundabout.
23-12-2009, 17:24
Hope our trip down to Swansea is OK today ;D
Yep, that's not happening. Left home about 1.45 and we're still on the m25.
Reckon we're going to hit 7 hours on this journey :/
I took one poor guy here at work seven hours to get from Winchester to Basingstoke on Monday!
Watch out for falling trees between B&Q and the Hambridge Lane junction. :)
Parents have made it as far as M4 J2 in three hours.
Edit - and watch out for the five-vehicle pile-up near the Robin Hood roundabout.
Traffic is fine, I can cut through it all. Trees, on the other hand, are a killer. Thanks for the warning. :)
Yep, that's not happening. Left home about 1.45 and we're still on the m25.
Reckon we're going to hit 7 hours on this journey :/
:( Fingers crossed for you it improves!
Yep, that's not happening. Left home about 1.45 and we're still on the m25.
Reckon we're going to hit 7 hours on this journey :/
Boo :(
Good luck for the rest of the journey! Take it easy!
23-12-2009, 17:48
Can't even get out of the carpark at the moment. It's uphill and a lovely smooth sheet of ice.
Will be heading out with a spade and a hammer later on to try to sort it out a bit. :D
Left work at 3 today, drove into town to pick up a new car battery for my sister and the roads where fine. It's now raining though :(
Still thick ice here! Freeeeeeeezing!
23-12-2009, 18:27
I wanna be back in Edinburgh now! a foot and more of snow fell in minutes while i was leaving the other day and theres barely anything down here! Booooo :(
We just had hail and now it's thundering. Weather is ****ed up right now!
Could see sheet lightening when waiting for my bus home but it was only just spitting and I never heard any thunder
We've finally had some snow, but as it was raining earlier it's not settling. No idea how long it's gonna last.
The rain nearly washed it all away this afternoon. Be interesting if it freezes again now!
Edit - and watch out for the five-vehicle pile-up near the Robin Hood roundabout.
That's a different one to the A24 one I take it?
Wet and snow free here (well 99% free) at last. Easy journey home, hoping for the same back to Hertfordshire tomorrow down the old M1. They had 8" earlier in the week, down to 3" last night.
*sits and hits refresh and giggles at Belmits sig*
Well, last night was fun for me as well. If you lok at a map of Utah, my coverage area is from Santaquin, UT to Draper. Eagle Mountain to Price. And everything in between.
Well last night there wasn't too much activity in my area so the dispatchers pulled me up into Salt Lake City.
Traveling north along I-15 from 14600 S to 3300 S I saw 12 different incidents involving cars either nose-in to the central barrier or facing the wrong was against the barrier. I watched an idiot blow past me in a FWD car with a donut spare on the front.
It was like watching a slow train wreck. I see him come up behind me too fast, react too late and over correct. He comes past me on the passenger's side with his nose pointing at me. I downshift and slap it into Full Time. He finally grabs traction and shoots across in front of me - straight into the cement central barrier at a relative speed of I'd say 35-40mph.
His front bumper, headlights, grill, radiator and driver's front wheel/tyre stopped moving. The rest of the car kept going. Needless to say all air bags deployed. Emergency services said they were backed up enough it would take them minimum an hour to get to him. They did appreciate my detailed description of the car and location, though...
Silly accidents like that should be grounds for removal of driving license until they've done a drivers ed course that preferably includes time on a skid pan to learn how to handle a car appropriately.
Del Lardo
24-12-2009, 00:51
Darrin, just to give you come comparison the AA were received 1200 calls per hour today. Not too bad until you realise that we also have RAC/Greenflag etc so pretty safe to say that there were ~2500 calls/hour in the UK today.
Darrin, just to give you come comparison the AA were received 1200 calls per hour today. Not too bad until you realise that we also have RAC/Greenflag etc so pretty safe to say that there were ~2500 calls/hour in the UK today.
I can believe it. The route I took only had me on the freeway for 17 miles total. The stretch I mentioned was around 5 miles of it. 12 different accidents in those 5 miles. And that was only one highway. ;)
As I said above, I contacted 911 and told them there was a head-on accident with the cement divider that had full airbag deployment and they said it was going to be an hour before they could send anyone to respond to an injury accident?!?! And the dispatcher told me they'd called in reinforcements from other counties and other services...
24-12-2009, 07:19
Well it was fairly icy when we went into to watch avatar last night. Came out and there had been 3-4 inches of snow :shocked: the drive home was fun as I didn't do above 25mph ;D
This morning it seems to be melting as thankfully it didn't freeze last night.
Loads of ice here. Slowed down before the turn into the car park, then hit brake and started to turn and nothing happened. Well, I kept going straight on.
The griters obviously forgot about work, which given it's opposite a holiday inn is sort of critical. Might stand by the window watching the amusement when everyone else arrives in 2-3 hours.
24-12-2009, 09:40
The road looks very sparkly when I look out the window. Should be fun driving on it!
24-12-2009, 10:36
It rained yesterday evening and wasn't that cold last night so it has all gone down here :(
Noooooooooooooooooooooooo :'(
It chucked it down with rain here last night and while it washed away some of the snow it was also bloody cold overnight so the rain froze leaving a nice skating rink outside.
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