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Some rather nice bargains on Steam at the moment.
Just picked up Fahrenheit for under £3 and Broken Sword 2 and 3 for £3.99. Besides older titles there's quite a few great prices for new titles too.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R is only £1.39 for the next 22hrs, as well as GTA4 for £4.99.
Eidos Complete Collection is particularly nice: £35.49 and comes with Batman: AA, Deus Ex 1 and 2, all the Hitman games (except 3), Just Cause, Mini Ninjas and two Tomb Raider games, along with quite a few others.
Ooh and the LucasArts Adventure Pack: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Loom and The Dig for £1.74 :D
A few of the Total War games are fairly cheap, Rome at £1.24 is criminally cheap. It's almost stealing at that price, such a good game.
If you're new to FPS/Valve games, their complete collection is probably your best chance to ever catch up and not spend hundreds. £40 for pretty much everything good they've ever done, including Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, which would have set you back more than £40 by now.
23-12-2009, 20:44
S.T.A.L.K.E.R is only £1.39 for the next 22hrs, as well as GTA4 for £4.99
Yoink :D
Cheers Jen, should keep me occupied while the missus is at work next week :p
Nabbed a cool Tower Defense game there for a couple of $s, and Dawn Of War II for about $15 I think it was. Some cracking deals.
Defense Grid: The Awakening? That's meant to be really good, and only £1.74.
I'm trying to resist my purchases because I'll have hundreds of games and no time to play them ;D
Tempted by Machinarium and Trine though, and Torchlight and.....bugger too many :D
Just bought the Lucasarts pack for Mrs. Feek, thanks for the heads-up :)
Defense Grid: The Awakening? That's meant to be really good, and only £1.74.
That's the kiddie. The maps where you can't control the flow of the mobs have so far proven to be simple. Those where you can have taken me a couple of tries to figure out a route through. Is fun though, and it's nice to see a genre of game I've only done in flash form be adapted into a 3D environment.
I'm trying to resist my purchases because I'll have hundreds of games and no time to play them ;D
Tempted by Machinarium and Trine though, and Torchlight and.....bugger too many :D
Torchlight is good fun, if you enjoy hack & slash RPGs (like Dungeon Quest). The addition of your pet helps, and at the moment I'm doing a run through as a mage so I'm surrounded by my summoned creatures who seem very willing to sacrifice themselves on my behalf.
A Place of Light
23-12-2009, 21:32
Is this back on again?
I grabbed a couple a few weeks ago but it looked like the sale was over.
Time for a bargain again, methinks.
Is this back on again?
I grabbed a couple a few weeks ago but it looked like the sale was over.
Time for a bargain again, methinks.
That would probably have been the Black Friday sale (3rd Friday in November, the day after Thanksgiving), which seems to be a big deal here in the US. All the retailers shove on silly deals and try to get everyone shopping. It's a busier day than almost any other in the run up to Christmas.
Torchlight is good fun, if you enjoy hack & slash RPGs (like Dungeon Quest). The addition of your pet helps, and at the moment I'm doing a run through as a mage so I'm surrounded by my summoned creatures who seem very willing to sacrifice themselves on my behalf.
Yeah I've heard lots of good things about it, but I think I might wait a bit longer. Too much else on!
Is this back on again?
I grabbed a couple a few weeks ago but it looked like the sale was over.
Time for a bargain again, methinks.
Back and better :) Much better offers on than last time round.
24-12-2009, 10:31
Almost the complete X-Com collection can be had for £6! Ok, X-com Interceptor was rubbish but Enemy Unknown, Terror from the Deep and Apocalypse more than make up for it.
And it's repacked so it starts under DosBox! Ran very happily under Vista64 last night :)
Snaffled Knights of the Old Republic and Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy for silly money as well.
I am intrigued by KOTOR - is it worth a look?
KOTOR is great :) Looks a bit dated now of course but considering you enjoyed Mass Effect, I'd say it's well worth a look!
24-12-2009, 12:34
It's like mass effect but a gazillion times better :D
I bought Defence Grid, the missus has bought Indigo Prophecy and Machinarium.
24-12-2009, 13:56
I am intrigued by KOTOR - is it worth a look?
It's widely regarded as one of the best games of its kind (if not the best). I own it three times on two systems :p.
Ghostbusters is a fiver too, just noticed that.
Just had an early christmas present off Kari's bro-in-law, Left 4 Dead 2. Guess that was a subtle hint he wants me to play with him and his buddies.
Some great deals there! :D
Nice one Garp - you lucky bugger - I did have it coming to me this crimbo but as it was from the tesco 'mispricing' doowhatsits I'm going to have to go without :p
Nice daily offers too - GTA4 @ £5 is fab!
Space quest collection!!! Awesome! :D
Steam is currently serving up 16GB/s worth of bandwidth at the moment, which has peaked at 17.2GB/s. Quite a lot of data being chucked about there.
24-12-2009, 18:24
Just picked up the id Games collection for a bargain £12 and change, Braid at less than £2 and Deus Ex for £4.
Damn you Steam. Annoyingly I don't have the HDD space to install any of these games currently :/. You gotta plan ahead I guess.
24-12-2009, 18:57
I'm picking up the Eidos collection methinks. Not played any of those games except Deus Ex, so should be a fair few hours of gaming in there for £35.
Just picked up the id Games collection for a bargain £12 and change
Daft not to at that price :D
I've already got the Commander Keen collection but couldn't resist at that price. Pity you can't gift 'spare' copies though.
Space quest collection!!! Awesome! :D
Oooooo, how much?
Oooooo, how much?
£2.49 :D
Damn you Steam *shakes fist*
Purchased :o
I know what I'm going to be doing for the rest of the evening! :D
24-12-2009, 21:24
During breaks at work(ing from home) today I have been thoroughly enjoying GTA IV :D
Eggbox pad works perfectly as well (unlike with Vice City)!
Never actually played any of the Space Quest games :o Should really but there are so many I want to play on Steam. Really tempted by the Oddworld Collection for £1.99 and Rome: Total War for £1.24.
The problem with all these small purchases is they're going to add up a lot ;D
26-12-2009, 02:58
I don't know much about Steam, can games I buy be played on more than one machine?
26-12-2009, 03:05
Yep :)
I think you can even login from multiple locations at the same time if you've nothing better to do. Can't play online/LAN unless you have 2 accounts/2 copies etc :)
26-12-2009, 09:52
I see the sale is on until 3rd January so I'll be having a shopping spree when I get home on the 30th :o
Had a quick look and was miffed to see them practically giving away stuff I paid full price for recently (complete Valve pack and Unreal deal pack, for instance :(). Never mind, them's the breaks.
26-12-2009, 11:52
Anyone else noticed Battlefield 2: Complete edition for £3.74? Bought tbh.
Yep :)
I think you can even login from multiple locations at the same time if you've nothing better to do. Can't play online/LAN unless you have 2 accounts/2 copies etc :)
No you can only be logged in one place at a time, if you log in elsewhere it pops up and mentions it and tells you that can't do that.
Im gonna have to keep a close eye on this sale... Then when I'm feeling weak, I'll purchase something :D
26-12-2009, 14:38
Anyone else noticed Battlefield 2: Complete edition for £3.74? Bought tbh.
Yeah, I purchased that too.
Add me on Steam dude, NokkonWud.
Tropico 3 is down to £14.99 yay.
anyone know what Grand Ages: Rome is like?
A Place of Light
26-12-2009, 19:51
I don't know much about Steam, can games I buy be played on more than one machine?
If your machine dies you can re-download anything you've already paid for without any hassle, which is handy.
A Place of Light
26-12-2009, 19:53
Back and better :) Much better offers on than last time round.
Gotta agree with you there.
The choice is much better this time around.
I missed out on the Battlefield pack as the window expired a couple of hours ago. This period has nothing I'm interested in but I'm gonna check every day just to make sure.
Anyone else noticed Battlefield 2: Complete edition for £3.74? Bought tbh.
BOOO I missed that! Back up to ~£15 now :(
Ah well :p
A Place of Light
26-12-2009, 20:02
BOOO I missed that! Back up to ~£15 now :(
Ah well :p
I've never played it, but for £3 it was worth a punt.
Anyway, that boat has sailed so I'll keep my eye open for tomorrows games.
Damnit, I had the page open to buy BF2 and by the time I went back there to add to cart, it was ten past five and the offer had expired.
BF2 - it knows it's good but I'm not paying anything over ridiculously cheap prices as I've got PLENTY of gaming to be getting on with ;D
A Place of Light
26-12-2009, 20:22
Damnit, I had the page open to buy BF2 and by the time I went back there to add to cart, it was ten past five and the offer had expired.
Similar story with me. I saw the offer with three hours to go and meant to come back to it in time to buy. Got back to my PC and it was 2 hours into the next countdown.
Tropico 3 is down to £14.99 yay.
anyone know what Grand Ages: Rome is like?
Because I can't really remember as it was a while ago: :p my review of it ;)
And yay Torchlight is £3.74 :D \o/
Thanks, sounds good to me..
new deals, my money is safe till tomorrow. Not really interested in any of them. Still loving tropico 3 and finally starting to get the hang of it.
Tropico 3 is excellent :) Reviewed it on the PC not long ago then couldn't resist getting it for the 360 :D
28-12-2009, 08:21
I've been having a browse and found some stuff. I'm looking for some games that may be able to be played on my net to keep me amused on the rig.
So far I've got the ID super pack and the LucasArts Adventure pack in my cart. I'm hopeful some of those will be playable on it. Anybody have any suggestions for more?
If I can find some decent games that are playable on my NC10, I'll bung a Windows partition on it to run Steam so I have stuff to play on the rig.
One thing I will say is before you buy anything for a netbook check on google, as you can't trust the Steam specs to be thorough.
I bought Civ III to play on mine, only to find the minimum res was 1024x768 and there was no way (On W7 at least) to squash it into a 1024x600 space, which it made it completely useless (and it took me about an hour to even make it start to realise this problem existed).
28-12-2009, 12:19
Good advice - thanks :)
The items already in my cart are games I would have been buying for the PC anyway but if I'm buying any games specifically for the netbook, I'll be sure to check the specs - especially resolutions.
28-12-2009, 13:39
They are doing deals every 24 hours (refreshing at 5pm) so I'd be careful on what you buy as they might turn up considerably cheaper in almost no time at all, unfortunately the id pack has already been on for £14 the other day. To the best of my knowledge the LucasArts pack hasn't been in a sale yet, so might be worth waiting to see if that one pops up.
yep don't buy the deals that end on he 3rd. See if they come up in the day sales. if they don't then buy on the 3rd before the offer expires.
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box for £4.99 and The Orange Box for £8.49
Aren't these all plus VAT?
Inc VAT. Prey is good for the money and if anyone hasn't got the orange box then that is a good deal.
28-12-2009, 18:07
They're inclusive of VAT, Mr Feek :)
28-12-2009, 18:09
Todays offers are a bit pants... :(
Just spotted your sig, not "ka-ka" as well Mr D? (If it is relating to what I think it is)
28-12-2009, 18:20
Just spotted your sig, not "ka-ka" as well Mr D? (If it is relating to what I think it is)
That's been there for 18 months, foo'!
And no, despite the fact that I talk **** then I don't subscribe to Eddie's translation of Ka :p
28-12-2009, 18:21
Todays offers are a bit pants... :(
Two days in a row now :(. Saying that, I should be happy I don't need to spend even more money.
Two days in a row now :(. Saying that, I should be happy I don't need to spend even more money.
yep, seem to be have a good deal to get people in, then do the rest of he week with rubbish and see how many people just buy for the sake of it.
Although I have just seen silent hunter 3 for £2,50 been after this since it came out, but not sure If i would enjo it. But at £2.50 it's worth a punt.
That's been there for 18 months, foo'!
And no, despite the fact that I talk **** then I don't subscribe to Eddie's translation of Ka :p
Only noticed it as I only started reading the series a couple of months ago.
Killing Floor isn't bad for £3.74.
You do need a few friends to play it with for most fun though of course.
A Place of Light
28-12-2009, 23:26
Killing Floor isn't bad for £3.74.
You do need a few friends to play it with for most fun though of course.
What's your opinion on Bioshock?
Yeay or nay?
Only £3.50, but if it's a bit of an also-ran I'd rather not waste my money.
What's your opinion on Bioshock?
Yeay or nay?
Only £3.50, but if it's a bit of an also-ran I'd rather not waste my money.
One of my favourite games in recent years :) So, it's well worth £3.50!
Arguably a little short but a great example of quality over quantity.
A Place of Light
28-12-2009, 23:33
One of my favourite games in recent years :) So, it's well worth £3.50!
Arguably a little short but a great example of quality over quantity.
I might be wrong here, but I seem to remember there was a sequel that a lot of people were making noise about. Unless you keep track of these things you just never know if it's a great sequel to a crap initial game.
Stuff it. Bought, on your recommendation.
I might be wrong here, but I seem to remember there was a sequel that a lot of people were making noise about. Unless you keep track of these things you just never know if it's a great sequel to a crap initial game.
Stuff it. Bought, on your recommendation.
The sequel's out in February :) Should be good but I don't think it'll have the impact the first Bioshock has had.
Hope you enjoy :D
A Place of Light
28-12-2009, 23:39
The sequel's out in February :) Should be good but I don't think it'll have the impact the first Bioshock has had.
Hope you enjoy :D
I bought stalker, installed and ran it only to have my machine throw back a "signal out of range" error at me.
So, I suppose my monitor is past its sell by date then. Time to get a new one I suppose.
A Place of Light
29-12-2009, 16:50
The sequel's out in February :) Should be good but I don't think it'll have the impact the first Bioshock has had.
Hope you enjoy :D
I'm a tenner out of pocket now, thanks to you.
/waits for 5pm and the new offers ;)
Jade Empire is up for $3.75. It's not a ground breaking game, but I quite enjoyed it.
I'm a tenner out of pocket now, thanks to you.
/waits for 5pm and the new offers ;)
Not the best of offers for me today which is a good thing really. Jade Empire is excellent but already played it on the Xbox.
No doubt the Company of Heroes expansion pack is decent too, but just not my sort of thing.
just seen bioshock is about £3.50!
31-12-2009, 16:14
Left 4 Dead reduced to £6.24! (
A Place of Light
31-12-2009, 16:20
Left 4 Dead reduced to £6.24! (
I make serious effort to get back to my PC at 5pm each day, just to check the offers.
Jesus, that's so sad :D
31-12-2009, 18:07
Crap offers again.
Still - picked up Zombie Shooter and Alien Shooter pack for pennies.
Oh I dunno, picked up HL:Source & Shattered Horizon.
Bought so much stuff during this sale! :(
What I really want is a 75% offer on the original DiRT as I want to replace my disc copy with a Steam one for convenience. It's currently half price in the general sale but £9 is a bit too steep.
Sam and max complete
Spent money. Feel bad.
AAHHHH well - didnt go out for NYE (sodding illness!) and been off the drink for a few days. I deserve a treat :p
C&C Red Alert 3 is up for £6.79 today, that's a good price for a good game.
This weekend's Steam deals are very good.
The Freedom Force pack ( and X-Com Complete Collection ( are only £2 each. Fantastic bargains as they're both great.
Tropico 3 ( is only £10ish and a very enjoyable sim.
Also while I'm seemingly pimping Steam excessively, I'll pimp my own article about games for under £3 :p The article ( was written before these price drops but include both X-Com and Freedom Force :)
29-01-2010, 19:31
Freedom Force Pack looks utterly ridiculous! *added to basket* :D
X-Com bundle is fantastic, but I've already got that, and all the original versions on floppy and CD. Also on my Amiga too... :D
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