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View Full Version : A Gamer's Christmas

26-12-2009, 23:47
So what did all you gamers get for Christmas then? :D

I was ridiculously spoilt this year by family and friends and got for the 360: Tropico 3 and Lego Rock Band, PS3: Uncharted (well technically I bought it for myself for £5 :p) and Metal Gear Solid 4, Wii: Broken Sword: The Director's Cut and the PC: The Complete PopCap Collection (ty Nokkon :D).

Throw in the Steam sale which has meant I've treated myself a few times, I think I've got enough gaming for a month or three :D

27-12-2009, 00:11
Daz got me Legend of Zelda - Spirit Tracks for the DS in a special edition tin :D

*me happy*

27-12-2009, 00:25
I bought myself GTA IV

That was it

27-12-2009, 00:53
Nothing :(

But I did get everything else on my list spread over birthday and christmas :D

(cocktail stuff, weights stuff)

27-12-2009, 00:57
God of War collection.

27-12-2009, 01:36
Brother bought me Lego: Rock Band, which he now regrets.

Dad bought me a 250gb PS3 slim 0_o with Uncharted 2 and MW2....I only asked for a blu-ray player. Bloody awesome gift though.

27-12-2009, 01:39
Nothing disc based, treated myself to some digital distribution stuff though - Shadow Complex (really enjoying this), Monkey Island (not started this yet) and the Space Quest collection from steam. Considering picking up RE5 in the sales, it being cheap and dlc imminent, but should really clear the decks a bit - got some good games due Q1 and hopefully i'll have a PS3 as well :)

27-12-2009, 01:46
Daz got me Legend of Zelda - Spirit Tracks for the DS in a special edition tin :D

*me happy*

I'm rather tempted by that :D Sounds good fun and not played a Zelda game in a while.

Excellent going with the PS3 Creature :D

27-12-2009, 01:53
It's going into the bedroom as a blu-ray player. Sod the games :P

27-12-2009, 01:56
Well I nabbed the following:-
Unreal Collection
Eidos Collection
Evil Genius

Also was given the new Modern Warfare game.

I would say that the best find has to be Rogue trooper with the Eidos pack. Granted it could do with a bit more polishing but £30 for 20 games I consider it a bargain! All classics like deus ex, new batman, hitmans :D

27-12-2009, 02:23
Two days before Christmas I won a new Playstation 3 Slim which was a nice Christmas bonus, but I'll be sticking the ugly sonuvabitch downstairs so I don't have to look at it and it will allow for another Blu-Ray player in the house.

For Christmas I got DJ Hero: Renegade Edition which was an awesome present and a lovely surprise. I then went out and bought Left 4 Dead 2 with my Christmas monies as I rented it and loved it when it first came out.

From the Steam sale I've bought the Battlefield 2 Collection, Indigo Prophecy, Braid, Super ID Software Pack, Unreal Deal, Beyond Good and Evil, Audiosurf, Grand Theft Auto IV, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition.

27-12-2009, 09:19
Brother bought me Lego: Rock Band, which he now regrets.

Dad bought me a 250gb PS3 slim 0_o with Uncharted 2 and MW2....I only asked for a blu-ray player. Bloody awesome gift though.

Heh, bloody nice mate :)

I bought myself Brutal Legend a few weeks ago and gave it to Jen to wrap for me.

Also got a couple of bottles of beer that I bought myself in Tesco a week ago.

Proper Dad now...

Princess Griff
27-12-2009, 11:12
I got Just Dance on the Wii for some funky lounge simulation fun! :D (As if I need any excuse to be boogying around the house ;D)

Mine and Jingos' nights out are going to start becoming competative! ;D

James bought the Orange Box for a friend we childmind for and two copies came through the post :D Invoiced for one, packaging/paperwork says one but there were two! So he's counting that as a present from Santa :p

27-12-2009, 11:17
I got an extra gamepad for the xbox - though dunno who is gonna use it!!

27-12-2009, 11:43
Ok, I'm not really a gamer but I am a Nintendo fangirl and have owned every one of their consoles and handhelds. Always held off getting a Wii, first couldn't afford it, then was too busy but secretly wanted one!

Phil bought me one this Xmas as a total surprise :D

Games I have so far:

Mario Kart
Sports and Sports Resort
Super Mario Bros
Rabbids Go Home (I love this!)

Plan to get Wii Play and Zelda, and just got reminded of Let's Dance too which may have to be purchased :D

Please add me as a Wii friend :p

27-12-2009, 11:43
but I'll be sticking the ugly sonuvabitch downstairs so I don't have to look at it

I have to say that it looks far prettier than the 360!

27-12-2009, 11:56
Please add me as a Wii friend :p

We will do ! :)

I can't recommend Zelda enough :) Super Mario Galaxy, RE4 are also some truly fantastic gaming experiences; I'm sure you'll love the sports/resorts also (Sword fighting :D)

Enjoy :)

27-12-2009, 12:40
Xbox 360 Elite with MW2, RB2, Forza 3, Halo ODST, Lego Batman, Pure, and Assassins Creed 2 for PS3. Been ages since I played Rock Band. Really missed it.

27-12-2009, 13:23
I put a load of 360 games on my Amazon wishlist and everyone just bought me books. :(

I did splash out a bit in the Steam sale though - KOTOR, Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit (My PS2 version kept freezing onme and I never finished) and Terror from th Deep, which is keeping me sane on my netbook at the inlaws ;D

27-12-2009, 14:25
Absolutely nothing so far game-wise, but I do have lots of monies sitting in my account now, so will likely look to pick up some bargains from the past that I've missed, as well as pre-ordering pretty much everything I want for the next couple of months :)

27-12-2009, 17:57
I have to say that it looks far prettier than the 360!
I would put the PS3 Slim down as the ugliest console since the Jaguar. It's goddam oooglay!
Shame really as I do think the older PS3 is quite nice, although I still think the Wii and Xbox360 are much nicer looking.

27-12-2009, 17:58
I would put the PS3 Slim down as the ugliest console since the Jaguar. It's goddam oooglay!

looks great on our shelf ;D

27-12-2009, 17:59
The regular PS3 looks nicer I think, but I wouldn't turn down a free PS3 slim of course ;D

Been playing Lego Rock Band this afternoon and it's excellent :D Enjoying it more than Beatles Rock Band which is good!

27-12-2009, 18:16
All I had on my list was MW2 Prestige Edition but that did not happen for one reason or another. So just upto Xmas I treated myself to MW2 on X360 and The Witcher - Enhanced Edition (PC). I really do have too many games not completed before I need to buy anything else

27-12-2009, 21:44
HMV do have Prestige back in Stock and at a cheaper price, or did last time I checked.

Joe 90
27-12-2009, 22:01
i didn't get any gaming stuff :eek:

I tried to pick up L4D2 today but it was out of stock everywhere. I hope its still £25 when Asda get a few more copies in, but no idea when they'll get any more and the shops were hardly in a state where i could be bothered to wait and ask that question.

27-12-2009, 22:42
Asda are back up to full price apparently. It's £30 in HMV, shelf full of them in there today.

Joe 90
27-12-2009, 22:54
i'll have a trip into town tomorrow, see what i can pick up. might get fifa as well cose its pretty sweet.

27-12-2009, 23:03
Left 4 Dead 2. Bought for myself Dawn of War II.

28-12-2009, 00:19
i didn't get any gaming stuff :eek:

I tried to pick up L4D2 today but it was out of stock everywhere. I hope its still £25 when Asda get a few more copies in, but no idea when they'll get any more and the shops were hardly in a state where i could be bothered to wait and ask that question.

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Electronic-Arts-Left-Dead-Xbox/dp/B002BSH9IU/ref=dp_cp_ob_vg_h__title_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1261938336&sr=8-2 £24.99 if you don't mind waiting for it to arrive of course :)

Joe 90
28-12-2009, 00:30
sweet, thanks. will see what comes of tomorrows shopping trip and if all else fails, i'll have that ordered before the end of the day :)

28-12-2009, 01:19
You do realise it's £22.49 on Steam? Or are you one of those people who like to have somthing solid?

28-12-2009, 01:20
You do realise it's £22.49 on Steam? Or are you one of those people who like to have somthing solid?
He's after a 360 copy :)

Joe 90
28-12-2009, 01:36
its all about the console gaming. my PC is for internets, 3ds max and photoshop. no games :/

Del Lardo
28-12-2009, 01:47
I was tempted in the sales today but was able to resist as I have a virtually untouched copy of MW2 to get through. Been playing a lot of Forza 3 in my time off :D Think it's the first game on the 360 where I have got over half the achievement points!

28-12-2009, 02:26
sweet, thanks. will see what comes of tomorrows shopping trip and if all else fails, i'll have that ordered before the end of the day :)

If you sign up a new Amazon account you will get 1 month of Amazon Prime for free which offers next-day courier delivery.

28-12-2009, 20:40
Rock Band: Beatles, Rock Band, Rock Band 2 and Assassins Creed. Been rocking out a lot, took the 360 to the parents and was hilarious watching them play RB :D

29-12-2009, 13:24
I really want Assasins Creed 2 :(

29-12-2009, 15:47
I got all my gaming goodies in November but they were my early Christmas presents :p MW2 Super Elite console and MW2 Prestige Edition.