View Full Version : Anyone know if this is a bug?

27-12-2009, 15:13
Whenever I try and log into my email, my avast pops up and says there's a virus, and I need to abort the connection.

It says this

File name http://uk.adserver.yahoo.com/a?f=398328001&p=mail&l=REC\{gzip}

Malware name HTML:Iframe-inf

Malware type Virus/Worm

VPS version 091227-0, 27/12/2009

Then I click on abort connection, but then the next time I go to log in or read an email it does it again.

Is it a bug or is it just an advert causing something to be flagged up?

Am running all my scans now BTW

27-12-2009, 21:58
My un-educated guess is that there may be an infected advert link on the Yahoo server (going on the file name). That or you've got a mail attachment with an infected zip.

I would have thought that if it was an attached file that the built in McAfee scanning in Yahoo mail would have prevented any warning from popping up on your PC. I've had an infected spam file in the past that McAfee scanner wouldn't allow through and thus had no message from my pc based Kaspersky AV.

Try accessing your mail from here and see if there are any files that need to be cleared out:
mail2web.com - Choose the secure connection.