View Full Version : Well that was an eventful night

28-12-2009, 11:00
So there I am about half 10 last night, about to go to sleep when suddenly my sister starts screaming "Mum!!!" from her bedroom, I go out of my room, Mum runs up the stairs, i'm thinking she's had a fight with her fiance and needs some help.

Get in the bedroom, and there's my sisters fiance (James) flat out on his back on the bed, white as a sheet, and motionless. Mum gets on the bed and starts feeling for a pulse on his wrist (she used to be - and still is a registered nurse) she looks at me and says "Marie I can't find a pulse can you go and ring 999"

I've got my phone in my hand so I ring and in the process of me ringing, Mum finds a very weak pulse and James starts mumbling. He was very very clammy (to the point he soaked his dressing gown in about a minute) and then he mumbles that his chest and his arm are hurting him.

Im on the phone to the 999 people and they ask me a series of questions, and then say because he has chest pain they are sending someone as fast as they can.

Within literally 2 minutes, (God bless the NHS) a rapid response blokey turns up at the house, the 999 people have told me to go and put the lights on downstairs, so I run downstairs to let him in. He's a first responder but is a volunteer, who is on standby and purely by chance lives in the next road.

James is now a lot more with it, but says he has the chest pain still, and is still as white as a sheet. Man starts checking him over and says the paramedics are on their way, but they are in Weston (20 mins away) and that's why he has come first.

After what seemed like ages, the paramedics turn up, and they take him downstairs and put him in the back of the ambulance so they can hook him up to all their machines and check him over. He's in there with my sister for about 10 mins, when she comes back in the house and says he has an irregular heartbeat and they need to take him in to get him properly checked.

Cue them leaving at what is now gone midnight, with the blue lights flashing, and my Mum (who thankfully hadn't had a drink) going to the hospital in her car.

I get a text message at 3am from Mum to say they are waiting for chest x rays and blood tests, and for the doctor to check them. Then I get another text at 20 past 5, to say they are all coming home. When they get here I get up to ask what they said it was, and they said that sometimes younger people can have an irregular heartbeat for no reason, but the paramedics always bring them in because if it happens with an older person then it could be serious, and they dont want to take the chance.

Still no clue what caused him to stop breathing (allbeit briefly) or have the chest pains, because they are now fast asleep in bed, and I was only given the bare minimum details as they headed up the stairs.

Hopefully it was just a really random one off, twas rather scary at the time though.

28-12-2009, 11:20
blimey marie, scary indeed!

28-12-2009, 11:45
Wow - not what you expect to happen to a young person at all... I hope any news today is good news! Well done for seemingly being so calm over it when it counted.

28-12-2009, 12:05
Sounds scary! Hope everyone is ok!

28-12-2009, 12:50
Scary stuff :(

I had an irregular heartbeat for a while a couple of years ago. In my case they put it down to a mixture of stress and a virus that had made me very run down. It went away by itself in the end. So hope that's what happens here.

Hope he feels better soon and you all get some sleep!

28-12-2009, 13:44
That must have been horrible for everyone involved, sounds like you did very well. I remember when I had to phone 911 when a guy had a stroke in the club I was working in and I ended up mumbling like a total tool!

Hopefully he's alright and it's just one of those awful one-off things.

28-12-2009, 13:58
well done Marie, it's very hard keeping your head when something like that happens. I hope he's ok, and it's just a weird one off. x

28-12-2009, 14:25
Wow that was eventful. Glad everythings ok, lets hope the test show what is up.

28-12-2009, 14:41
I can't imagine anything more frightening than the position your sister was in. I bet she feels like she nearly lost him - thank heavens and I'm glad things look like they'll be OK!

28-12-2009, 15:14
Sorry to hear about this, a very frightening experience :( Hope things check out with the test.

28-12-2009, 20:18
Thanks everyone, it was rather scary, but he seems ok today.

They think he had an aortic stenosis, which is when one of the heart valves narrows for some unknown reason (hence the chest pain and him stopping breathing briefly/Mum not being able to find a pulse) theres no treatment for it unless it starts happening a lot and then there are surgical options, but its highly unlikely at his age that he will need that.

They did mention as well that it could have been a virus causing it (like you had Jen) and that if it happens again he has to go straight back to hospital.

Hopefully it was just a one off, and he won't go scaring my sister and the rest of us like that again.

28-12-2009, 20:57
Hope it is just a one off and all is well :)

Del Lardo
28-12-2009, 21:22
As others have said, glad he is OK and it is just a one off.

If you don't mind me asking, how old is he?

28-12-2009, 21:24
He'll be 29 in May next year. Him and my sister are getting married in April.

28-12-2009, 21:28
Bloody hell, that's a bit scary :shocked:

Del Lardo
28-12-2009, 21:29
mmm, I turn 29 in February :shocked:

I'm not getting married so hopefully my stress levels will remain low enough ;)

28-12-2009, 21:32
mmm, I turn 29 in February :shocked:

I'm not getting married so hopefully my stress levels will remain low enough ;)

I did joke to the pair of them today whether they had insured the wedding in case the worst happened! :D

(they saw the funny side thankfully, and my sister said he better bloody not go anywhere because she's paid for her dress)

28-12-2009, 23:04
Kari and I payed for wedding insurance. Given the costs associated it was worth it for peace of mind.

29-12-2009, 14:52
Goodness me that's awful, how frightening!

Glad he's ok :)

29-12-2009, 22:30
Scary stuff :shocked: Glad he seems to have come out the other side intact and ok :)

30-12-2009, 12:08
Oh how scary :(
I think I have an irregular heart beat, mine feels like it slows down skips a beat and then speeds right up.
Faysh says it always feels fine when he checks it, midwife said my heart beat was slow and then seemed to go quickly and she kept an eye on it while doing the nightly monitoring on the ward when I was in but it never did what feels like a skipped beat.
I hate it when it happens, not happened for a couple of months but when I'm sure stress and anxiety kick starts mine!!

Hope he's feeling a lot better and that your all over the scare now? :)

Princess Griff
31-12-2009, 15:39
Jesus Marie! Hope James is ok, its always scary when things like that happen...glad things are looking up though! xxx

31-12-2009, 18:16
On a slightly related note:

Had a phone call around 6:30 from my sister-in-law telling me her husband was being taken to hospital in an ambulance from his work place, and could Kari and I go baby sit the nieces for her until the mother-in-law was back from wherever she was and could take over. Rushed over and had so much fund dealing with an excitable 6 and 3 year old, and their 7 month old puppy. So much fun, esp after a tiring day at work :)

S-I-L arrived at the hospital and point blank refused to walk in with her baby, describing it as "filthy", and although she does keep the house clean she's not fastidious about other places. For her to complain it must have been pretty nasty. She tried to persuade her husband that they should go to another hospital, but he "didn't think he could make it".
The final prognosis we heard last night was he had food poisoning, and a few hours later she updated facebook status to say "why are men such wimps when they're ill?" ;D

01-01-2010, 05:09
That's scary especially with it being so confusing.