View Full Version : 365/52/2010 project - what shall we do?
This is something I'm doing on FB/blog this year, and I think it would be a lot of fun if more people joined in - we can take ideas and inspiration from each other.
A few of us successfully (\o/) did 365s and 52s last year - so I was thinking that this year I was going to choose a weekly theme and then upload a photo or a series of photos on that theme. Could be to do with style, theme, technical quality, anything - not really decided on those yet - just something different each week. I was thinking of posting some little 'how to's' on stuff that I've done and possible some 'new to me' techniques if I'm pleased with them, and hopefully if others do that too, we can share what we've learned. We're all at different levels, so that would really help us improve too.
So, this thread was really to ask people a) who would be interested and b) of those who are - how should we do it?
My thought was that when we know who wants to take part, we rotate, and each week someone becomes group 'leader' so to speak & chooses a new theme, and everyone else will work on the same theme (unless there's a reason they can't - which is why we'll need to make sure that the weekly themes are open to everyone).
So please reply here if you want to join in and also let me know if you have any ideas on a good way to do it - I don't have any hard & fast ideas on how it should be done, just that if it does take off here, I'll be using the weekly theme here as my overall weekly project theme too.
Yeah sounds good to me. I was planning on doing a 52 of 2010 to try again this year and could do with a little direction. Count me in :)
well I'm very happy to do prodding (who'd have thunk ;)) so I guess we'll see who else wants to join in and we can get loads of theme suggestions. How about having a discussion thread (this one) and a photo only thread to keep it clean and tidy?
Sounds ideal to me :) Prod away. I need bullying sometimes :D
In terms of themes, do you reckon a subject or a certain technique (or mix of both?). There are pros and cons for both I think.
One aim I have with this is to be able to get to the end of the year and have enough photos to order a photo calendar for next year containing all the pics I've taken, so I'd like at least one shot per month to be in a seasonal theme if you know what I mean? :)
01-01-2010, 14:36
Count me in. I need a little push to get me taking more photo's but 365 was abit too much for me :). A 52 of 2010 would probably be better for me :D
Great idea Kitten.
Sounds ideal to me :) Prod away. I need bullying sometimes :D
In terms of themes, do you reckon a subject or a certain technique (or mix of both?). There are pros and cons for both I think.
One aim I have with this is to be able to get to the end of the year and have enough photos to order a photo calendar for next year containing all the pics I've taken, so I'd like at least one shot per month to be in a seasonal theme if you know what I mean? :)
I was hoping both. Yep. Sounds fab. I think we'll have easy weeks and more difficult weeks. I mean it might just be animals or cars, or Easter. I fancy a tiltshift week ;) If we know we've got busy times coming up we could have a free week every month too for anything you like - and we can decide when to have it at the start of the month. I think ideally, we have at least a 2 week lead on what we're going to be doing or I think we'll start to slip getting everyone together at the same time every week. For me, the main thing is it's achievable, and it's interesting. Plus I'd like to learn something new - I'm hoping that by doing a pic a week rather than one a day, I'll have time to take 'THE' shot rather than 'A' shot.
In terms of posting how about we upload the weeks pics during Friday evening/Monday morning if possible? We can always put a placeholder in if we know we're not going to be there?
Count me in as well for the 52 as well :) I might try a 365 for personal motivation alongside the main 52.
365 was way too much for me last year. I think I managed the first six weeks, but never even got round to posting most of them!
52 is the way to go for me, if you'll have me. ;)
Sounds good to me, I'm definitely not up for a 365 again but so want to keep up with the regular taking of photos. I'm liking the theme, and also one theme a month where it is free choice.
We could do:
Week 1 - theme chosen by participant
Week 2 - seasonal theme chosen by group (this could go on for a number of weeks)
Week 3 - technique chosen by participant
Week 4 - Free theme. :)
Good idea Pete, but not for those of us who aren't really into portrait photography (i.e. me). Don't get me wrong, I'd like to take a few portraits to improve my skillz, but I want to widen the subject matter so it's anything & everything :)
I think it's a good idea to upload all the pics on a certain day (or over the w/e) so that we have all week 1's stuff first, followed by week 2 etc. Those doing a 365 might want to post weekly with all their shots in 1 post or something.
So... first theme??? :D Come on. I'm chomping at the bit :D :D
You go then! Be numero uno! I'd say that whatever theme we get now, ends next weekend, so I'll start a new photo only thread (+ short descriptions and any steps you want to include that got you to the shot) on Friday evening. That ok with everyone?
So far, I believe we have:
1, Kate
2, Vix
3, Me
4, SCM
5, Haly? (c'mon you know you want to)
6, Belmit
7, Tink
8, Leo
....hopefully that list will grow :D
Pete, are you doing that 100 strangers? Is that one of your projects? :D I'm just not brave enough yet. Maybe next year!
It is a daunting project photographing 100 strangers, especially if you're not a portrait photographer. In all honesty I dunno where to really put people in the frame to make a nice shot. I'm not a portrait photographer but I can spot a moment and photograph it. So I'm hoping to get moments and stories more so than straight up portraits. We shall see.
Good luck to you all on whatever you do. Anything you do that pushes you as a photographer is going to be good :)
01-01-2010, 20:30
Can I join in, even though I only have a basic digicam?
Am thinking of doing this for my own amusement on FB :p as I know nothing of technique and am unsure as to how frequent I will be able to Down/Upload.
Will enjoy seeing all of yours though :D
BB x
01-01-2010, 21:49
I'm planning on doing one on my blog (and restart the actual blog - abandoned it in June last year :() but going to have to do it on my own as I'm not really into arty shots or following themes.
01-01-2010, 21:52
I will try my best when it comes to the technique ones as I don't have a clue when it comes to that! Will have to read up when it comes to those weeks me thinks.
^^ that's the point Tink, I don't know hardly any techniques but I want to learn. That's why I want to do this :)
Marie - of course you can :)
01-01-2010, 22:43
I'd like to take part. I think this could be useful in developing skills one wouldn't normally focus on.
Only problem with me is work - If the weekly subject is flowers or suchlike and I'm on the rig, I may well struggle :p I will participate as much as possible but you need to understand that subject matter could be an issue on occasion ;)
I am not ignoring this, but thought I would say I wont be joining in.
My 365 was a lot of work, and I really want to focus on the business side of my photography this year, well, more so :)
Good luck everyone :)
01-01-2010, 23:31
That makes sense Kitten. I think this will really help me learn how to actually use my camera correctly :)
Stan I think that just means that you have to be more creative ;) :p
You go then! Be numero uno!
OK, how about we start off with a nice, generic theme then:
Week 1 - Theme: January
Means many different things to different people, so scope is huge and it'll ease us into it all gently :)
Great idea :) But I'll be sitting this one out.
Think I will be doing a 52 again but I'd rather stick with my muddled way theme wise at the moment.
Will certainly be watching this project with interest though :D
06-01-2010, 13:55
I'll have a bash if no one has any objections. I'm trying to get into the habit of taking my camera out with me more often.
I failed my personal one!
Booo to me!
BB x
Week 1 - Theme: January
so scope is huge and it'll ease us into it all gently :)
How many snow pics are there gonna be? ;D
I'm afraid mine has snow in it :p But I got my snow before you lot ;)
I'm afraid mine has snow in it :p But I got my snow before you lot ;)
Er....Really?? :p
Yeah, the Friday before Xmas when I was ranting and raving about struggling to get to work and everyone was going 'it's only a sprinkling'. Now you lot have that 'sprinkling'!!!
we had it before Christmas too, I posted pics on FB :) Certainly wasn't just a sprinkling here!
Not The Snow of Doom which everyone has now :)
See picture! Was pretty bad. Couldn't get out of the street Christmas Day. Think the caption for that pic was '6th night running!'
The ones with Sally? (I love the paw print one!) We had it lots worse here over Xmas, pretty much like what everyone else is getting now. I didn't drive my car for a fortnight lol.
no the one I just posted ::/:
The one with Sally was the first day. This was about 6 days of snow & ice later. Just the news tends to ignore it when it happens up here! That pic was about midnight too, before the next lot of frost got going!
06-01-2010, 15:51
In an attempt to steer the thread away from who had the most snow the earliest :p I'm struggling now. I had a couple of ideas before I left home but didn't do anything about them. Now I'm on the rig with nought but my compact and need inspiration. Got a couple of days to come up with something.
Awww. My thread, we can say what we like :p And I was hoping Vix and I could sort it out by wrestling in the snow. Never mind Stan, you've put your oar in now ;D
There must be something you can photograph where you are. Just have a look around and see any 'normal' things that you can make look a little interesting, or put a bit of blurb behind.
06-01-2010, 15:57
Awww. My thread, we can say what we like :p And I was hoping Vix and I could sort it out by wrestling in the snow. Never mind Stan, you've put your oar in now ;D
There must be something you can photograph where you are. Just have a look around and see any 'normal' things that you can make look a little interesting, or put a bit of blurb behind.
If there's going to be snow wrestling, forget I said anything :D
I do have one "creative" idea I may be able to try out later - will have to see how it works.
I'll wrestle with Vix anytime. WOOF! ;D
You'd be surprised how many things look different when you see them from behind a camera. Just the most simple, mundane things can take on a whole different emphasis, just by changing the perspective you usually see them from. It could be said that some of the cemetery shots I did last year are a bit morbid when taken on a normal, sunny day, but covered in snow, they look somehow peaceful, and from another age. It's strange.
I don't have any snow to wrestle in, apparently :p
But yeah, what Kitten said. When you need to take a photo, you will see inspiration everywhere.
I've just read come across this thead and with my 4 day old camera (and 4 day old skillz) I'll throw one into the mix:
there's no piccies in this thread Abooie, this is just the discussion thread for the project. I'm going to start the photo thread shortly :)
Lovely pic though :D
there's no piccies in this thread Abooie, this is just the discussion thread for the project. I'm going to start the photo thread shortly :)
Lovely pic though :D
Heh, see! first post in and I'm a noob :p
Thanks though :D
Looking forward to the more technical challenges; after a night of playing with aperture, a lime, a lemon and an orange I think I'm starting to get it :p
Haven't grabbed the weekly shot yet but have managed the daily ones but not processed the last days worth so got those to do tomorrow.
As I failed my 365 already, I figure I can still do the 52, as long as people don't mind random images, some good and some bad - more of a sporadic documentary of my life (well until my camera arrives that is anyway).
If not ok will keep mine on Bookface. :)
BB x
Do what you like BBx. I'm sure all of us will ignore the theme at some point if we get a cracking shot. It's just for inspiration really :)
Also BBx dont be too hard on yourself if you miss a day in the 365 these things happen, just make up the next day with 2 instead as life can get in the way at times. If you had the idea on the day and just couldn't do it just catch up the next day :)
I've decided to try and have a go, I will try and use the BD theme for inspiration most of the time but the pics will probably just stay on my site.
Put a picture up for Week 1, last minute, before it's the 8th :p
I have plenty of pics I could use, just need to choose one!
Well I'm going out in the snow today to take pics hopefully, but since week 1 is technically over I'm going to post a pic I took last week.
It's not over til Sunday :) I wasn't doing 1-8, 9-16 just week to week ending on the Sunday. Monday first day for new theme posts :)
Lovely shot Kate, the colours are really warm and festive. And the kitty is lovely too :)
09-01-2010, 15:12
I was gonna have a go at this but now i's too late to do the whole 52! :(
Damn my stupidness for not looking at this forum more often! :(
I can still play 51 though right? :)
Course you can :) Thanks Vix! I can't believe you still have a live lupin in your garden. Mine all went into hiding months ago
I was gonna have a go at this but now i's too late to do the whole 52! :(
Damn my stupidness for not looking at this forum more often! :(
I can still play 51 though right? :)
You have until tomorrow to grab your photo for week 1 so you can still do the 52 :)
09-01-2010, 18:42
I have an idea that fits the theme nicely....
Shame I suck at photography/ Lets see if I remember to take my camera tomorrow :)
09-01-2010, 22:00
Loving the photos so far :)
Marie that is a fasinating pic, just shows how blooming cold it is :p
09-01-2010, 22:51
Thanks Tink, even this week I have kept wanting to take my camera with me if I go somewhere, with this thread in mind. It took me about 8 shots before I got the one I put in the thread, because I have become really finicky about how good I want them to look.
10-01-2010, 11:54
I am like that Marie, I take loads of pictures of the same thing to hopefully get a good one :) rather that than take one and not like it when you see it on the comp and not be able to take it again!
I have decided it is prob best not to take my camera to London today so will have to do with my phone today.
Kitten I love that shot :D
Tak, really nice shot :) trees look so much prettier with snow all over them.
Thanks - I was going to put up a berry one but yours was so much better I picked something else.
Some really good photos going into the thread, well done everyone :D
Kitten - I love yours. Really like the blue in the background and the way that the ice picks the colours up too. Lovely shot :)
My photo was taken yesterday have that plus last few days 365 ones to work on so should post them all later today :)
10-01-2010, 17:42
Arse forgotten my camera :( rubbish camera phone picture coming soon :)
Right, so from Monday, it's theme two. Who wants to choose? :)
10-01-2010, 19:17
Nope still forgot :(
i r teh fail!
10-01-2010, 20:12
Could be interesting. I'll take that :)
10-01-2010, 21:47
And my head is blank! Time to get my thinking cap on :)
Ok photos are up for 365 and 52 not happy with a few but hopefully these challenges will help me to improve more.
11-01-2010, 06:22
Couldn't find anything to photograph on the rig that in any way represented January or what it means to me. I tried to be creative and use my imagination and tried a few things but they were all rubbish so I decided to give week 1 a miss. Hopefully I can find something for week 2.
Just to give you an idea of the limitations I have. There are only certain areas on the rig where photography is allowed without a permit to work. These areas consist of; the accommodation block - which is sterile and bland, the mud lab - which is cluttered and full of boring work stuff and the helideck which affords limited views of the deck and derrick. Also, I only have my compact with me which, whilst pretty good (Panasonic DMC-FX550), is still quite limited. Also, I only have my netbook so post processing is limited to what I can do with Picasa.
I'm not whingeing, I just want people to know that I'm not missing entries due to laziness. If I miss entries, it's because I have extremely limited opportunities to get shots. The environment here is not conducive to creative photography and I'm going to have to use my imagination quite a lot and probably apply some inventive interpretation in order to get shots in.
Some lovely entries in for week 1 and I'd be hard pushed to pick a favourite - so I won't :p Good work people :)
PS: I forgot the battery charger for my camera so I'll have to be selective when taking shots as the battery is getting low :o
14-01-2010, 21:08
A little late but finally got a couple of pictures for the week 1 theme :p
Shall look at & upload soon :)
Been ill a few days so slipped a day or so in the 365 but will catch up with a few photos the next day i can use the camera again.
I have my week 2 image up on my blog ( now.
Good shots everyone.
Tink, what a great idea for the temperature theme, and it's a fab shot too. Hope you didn't get too cold doing it!
I would prefer mine if the sow in the foreground was a little less blown and more in focus but I took it quickly last night and it's gone now!
Tink, what a great idea for the temperature theme, and it's a fab shot too.
+1, like it.
Nice shots and some really good ideas for the theme. Have got an idea for mine, but haven't had time to take it yet. May have to revert to a non-theme shot I took this week instead. Will hopefully get time to do it tomorrow.
17-01-2010, 00:31
I'll be taking mine tomorrow so will post when done.
Some great shots in there people. I'm going to suggest next weeks. Should be interesting what we all come up with and hopefully everyone can use the theme to mean something to them. :D
"Week 3 - Numbers"
Ooooh I likey :p Daren't take my camera to work though but I can come up with something for that no doubt.
Great shots from everyone this week so far, lovely to see the effort that's being put in.
Hmmmm, numbers. I have an idea, but need to get creative so it's not a boring shot...
18-01-2010, 00:21
Thanks peeps :D Some really imaginative shots for the theme :) Brilliant photos peeps.
Kate, lovely shot but it is week 2, not 1 :p
18-01-2010, 08:00
Will put my temerature one up this evening, sorry been a hectic weekend!
18-01-2010, 11:53
Oops. Sorted. Ta :)
I did wonder how the picture was related to temperature but figured you were just going for idea of cooking :)
18-01-2010, 21:07
Can anyone recommend me something I can use to tinker about with photo's?
Like for example sorting out the pic of Patch's eyes I have just posted. :)
18-01-2010, 21:12
Software? Photoshop is your best bet :)
You can get a 30 day trial of Photoshop Elements
...which reminds me. I must add a reminder to buy the mrs some flowers in 27 days time...
20-01-2010, 11:23
Or if you're after free software there's always GIMP:
That's one hellova light Tink :)
Some cracking shots this week everyone! Well done!
24-01-2010, 20:23
Tak, it sure it! Was MASSIVE :)
There are some fantastic shots once again :) Tracy that was my first thought for a photo, great minds and all that ;)
24-01-2010, 21:18
So someone pick number 4?
Some really nice shots again this week :) Love the light on your Lotto pic, Kitten!
24-01-2010, 22:18
Lovely shot Kate, but it is week 3 :)
So someone pick number 4?
Black & White
Not necessarily taking all the colour out, but using B&W as a theme. I do't have an idea for this, just thought it was a good theme :p
Kate, how on earth did you get into a Virgin London Marathon??
Kate, how on earth did you get into a Virgin London Marathon??
You're running away... from a runner? You didn't think that through did you :p *smacks bum*
Maybe I wanted to get caught....:happy:
Abooie, why is 777 the number of the beast? Lovely pics this week do far, loving the corset & the moon.
Don't feel inspired at all this week. Not in the slightest. :(
Aww well done Kate, it's a good idea! I didn't feel inspired either, just thought the theme was interesting, and intended to process a shot in B&W. Then i realised my new corset was B&W so hada little session with it!
Good pics everyone, some different ideas coming out this week!
New theme? and don't tell me to pick as I haven't got a clue
01-02-2010, 19:43
How about "outside" so it gets us all out and about?
I was thinking of something like that Knip too, lets get out there!
How about "outside" so it gets us all out and about?
butbutbutbut ... there are people out there :confused:
New theme already!? What day do we start the new theme?
Good Lord I am behind!?
BB x
02-02-2010, 14:25
What day do we start the new theme?
Every week Mei :p
haha, don't worry, I am too and it was my bloody thread. :p
She said what 'DAY' :p Usually Sunday or when we can remember we need a new one ;D
I just haven't had the time to take a shot this week. It's dark by the time I get home every night, Saturday was spent with a friend and it was dark when I got back and today has been going to B&Q, followed by 2.5 hrs of running... and guess what? Dark again! Might go and take some pics of light trails on the motorway or someting next week and try to catch up. Not tonight though.
She said what 'DAY' :p Usually Sunday or when we can remember we need a new one ;D
Thanks Kitten - I hope you gave him a dead arm for that comment!
BB x
Ok, if no-one else has a theme yet, I'm going to suggest:
Should be available to pretty much everyone, although it might require a little 'out of the box' thinking ;)
Remember, if anyone else wants to suggest anything, just post it in here on a Sunday :) First one gets it!
I've added an Outside and Pattern picture and I thought I'd be cheeky and get in early for next weeks suggestion...
If no one objects and as it is Valentines day how about "Love"...
... and yes I've already had the comment from the mrs "Why don't you take a picture of your Xbox..." haha.. ha.. ha..
Good idea, lots of different options for people, different viewpoints. Well done everyone so far, I'm really liking the effort going into it and the photographs are fab so far. Would be good if we were all doing a little summary about the pic in here too, cos sometimes it's not always clear (Like, Abooie, answer my bloody question about 777, it's driving me mad :p) but I know it's not always possible.
Latest photos:
With 'Outside' I went for a picture of my catfish, Ringo.
With 'Patterns', I went for something a little unusual, not sure if I like it or not. Anyone got any ideas what it is?
14-02-2010, 17:57
Anyone got any ideas what it is?
I know I know!!! :D :p
I really don't know what it is Kitten, apart from it looks like carbon fibre!
For 'outside' I took my camera to a place I needed to be last Saturday which happens to be in the grounds of an old hall. I originally planned to post a pic of some ruins that are there but I really loved the gateway shot.
This week for 'patterns' I didn't have a clue and was going to take a pic of a piece of clothing. We went to a car meet yesterday and I was doing some droplet pics on the polished cars, when I realised it looked good as a 'patterns' shot, especially with the lightning bolt design on the car anyway.
I have a couple of ideas for this week's theme too, woohoo!
I love the bonnet shot Vix, think it's fab. Love the raindrops and the way they sit around the flash - two patterns in one!
I don't think I'm going to have the time to take a shot which keeps in theme, at least for the first part of this year due to other commitments. So don't worry if my shots have NOTHING to do with theme :) Assume it's still OK to post them...
Of course it is :D
I don't think I'm going to have the time to take a shot which keeps in theme, at least for the first part of this year due to other commitments. So don't worry if my shots have NOTHING to do with theme :) Assume it's still OK to post them...
I am a bit behind, but some of mine have already very loosely :p been based on the themes. :)
Vix your patterns is brill :)
BB x
keeping to the theme isn't important at all really, it's just something to get the old grey cells ticking (and it's nice if we can all come up with variations on the theme). Getting the pics up every single week is what's important (well that's how I see it anyway!)
Abooie, why is 777 the number of the beast? Lovely pics this week do far, loving the corset & the moon.
Ooops; I missed your post; thanks for the nudge.
777 is one of Aleister Crowleys seminal writings; it's a qabalistic dictionary; rendering words into numbers and deriving meaning from the result. Crowley was an egotistical arse however and got himself the moniker "The Great Beast" hence my photo title which should probably really have been "The Numbers of the Beast" or something but I granted myself artisic license :evil:
My new pictures:
Divine Pattern was taken yesterday at Beverley Minster. I took a lot of pictures of the windows, tiled floor and ceiling / wall beams but I really liked the shot of the pattern behind the alter.
Outside was a little bit of a cheat. I've had the flu and then got bronchitus so I hadn't had much chance to go 'outside'. Directly opposite my house is a willow tree so I staggered out last friday on a beautiful blue spring like day and took a couple of shots straight up before staggering back in. When I had chance to look at them on photoshop I was so pleased with the depth of the blue I thought I'd throw them up.
aaah I see - good interpretation!
I don't think the outside was cheating at all. You have a theme, you interpret it. Mine was outside - outside the fishtank. The fish was in it. It's all about perception, and there is no cheating as long as you can explain how your shot fits the theme!
aaah I see - good interpretation!
I don't think the outside was cheating at all. You have a theme, you interpret it. Mine was outside - outside the fishtank. The fish was in it. It's all about perception, and there is no cheating as long as you can explain how your shot fits the theme!
Aye. I liked the pic of your corydoras; lovely little fishie that I used to keep myself.
I did have a similarish idea for 'outside' and took a few shots through my cat flap but I wasn't happy with any of them. I only called mine a cheat as every other picture was thought about and worked on. All I did for that was stagger 5m outside, take 3 snaps and stagger back in. Just shows that sometimes a bit of spontaneity is all you need.
So what was your pattern, Kitten?
oh sorry! It was just a drop of water on my iPhone then backlit. Nothing interesting :D
Cool shot though, and just shows how the simplest things make good pics :)
thanks :) Will's girlfriend said the same about a 365 one which gave me the idea - she liked one I did of a droplet and asked me about it on holiday. She didn't even look disappointed when I told her it was a drop of sprite on a KFC cup ;D
20-02-2010, 11:09
Blonde moment but can someone remind me what the theme is this week please? :)
20-02-2010, 11:32
planning on doing a mass photo catch up today or tomorrow so will post my patterns and love ones then
21-02-2010, 10:46
I have FINALLY got round to loading up the pictures for the past three weeks.
This photo is of Paul, Morgan, and Tash the Dog. It was a lovely day :) Tash was teasing Morgan as she wouldn't give him the ball. So Morgan tried to distract her by throwing Tash a stick. Which worked for a while, but when Morgan got close to Tash, she would pick up the ball and run away!
With it being Valentine's weekend it seemed perfect to have a photo of these.
I made these fairy cakes for Paul as part of his Valentine's present :)
Jaime, those cupcakes are cool!
I'm so pleased the theme was 'love' this week :D
Even though I picked the subject I'd been struggling to come up with any good ideas.
You should have seen my eyes light up when I walked into the 60s section at the Castle museum in York and saw that :D
Week 6 placeholder removed and photo put up ( Post ( as well as this weeks.
*waits for PG to get told off by kitten for commenting in the photo thread* :p
21-02-2010, 23:45
Beat her to it :p
Thanks Vix :) They were delicious :D
I love your photo Vix of the rings :) They are beautiful by the way.
Thanks Jaime :)
Good pics everyone. Anyone got a theme for this week?
Good pics everyone. Anyone got a theme for this week?
^^^ this is how I get behind! I lose track what week we are on!
BB x
22-02-2010, 20:20
I think you are currently 2 weeks behind BBx, get a riddle on :D
I am not! *hmpph!* :angry: I think I am one week behind now!
Love is the one I am missing.
BB x
22-02-2010, 20:22
have you done Love? ;)
Nice Ninja edit there :p
22-02-2010, 20:51
My love pic was based on the love I have for my football team. The pic was taken just after we took the lead in our game against West Brom, which we went on to win 2 - 1 :D
Nice Ninja edit there :p
Haaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ya! :D
BB x
Hmm half way through the week with no theme yet - how about texture?
I vote for the theme ... "OM NOM NOM".
24-02-2010, 15:58
So is the theme
"Om nom nom"
"I'm easy"
let's do 'om nom nom', I'm up for a light hearted shot this week :)
Texture is a great one for the future though :)
So Texture this week? I've done mine, just got to find time to upload 'em!
Yeah I'm good with texture. Quite pleased with my 'om nom nom', hadn't taken a pic all week and then had the brainwave at the weekend.
Just posted Love
and Om Nom Nom!
Posted Om Nom Nom...
02-03-2010, 21:07
You may be looking at the Love picture and wonder why I have put up a picture of a bumble bee. That is because my wonderful girlfriend knows how much I love bumble bees so went on a hunt and bought me Mr Bumble for Christmas.
Week 8 - Om Nom Nom -
Week 9 - Texture -
Haven't got a clue what to do for texture, will have a think this weekend :)
Cool pics Sam.
Thats Tiffany :) most of the ones with Agnes she had stuffed her head so far into the jar you couldn't see what was going on ;D
09-03-2010, 22:50
Week 9: Texture
This was outside Big Ben and it looked awesome, seemed too perfect not to use it this week.
No ideas for the theme this week? How about Spring?
I love yours Jaime, but I thought it was a bit of car.
Spring is good :) Lots of buds and things appearing at the mo.
Texture and Spring added this week. Much more inspired now!
Texture just added:
Really quite proud of this one. Probably my best picture to date.
Any thoughts on theme? How about 'light' ?
14-03-2010, 20:16
I have some photo's to post, few things going on at the mo but I will try very hard to get them up tomorrow.
I like the sound of 'light' for the next theme. Very open.
15-03-2010, 21:29
Thanks, i've got some cracking other ones of Murray where he looks like he's really scowling. Might go put em on my facebook. :)
Week 10 (spring) is up - working on light today (had an idea but the fog and murk outside isn't helping)
Any objections to me posting a few where I have suitable inspiration? No way I'm going to make the full 52 but will try to post more than just what I've taken on hols! :)
21-03-2010, 23:38
I have uploaded my photo for Spring :) Haven't done the one for Lights yet as the photos I took didn't come out right.
Awww :)
Ok, mine was a bit of an interpretation of the theme, but ti was a photo I took at the weekend with this theme in mind :D
Theme for this week? We need 'Easter' at some point but is that best for next week?
As we're most of the way through the week already why not have this as a Random week so anything you want to post you can.
Then we can do easter for next week and maybe overindulgence for the week after ;D (mmm chocolate :p )
Catch-up time:
Week 11 - Light -
Week 12 - Random -
Week 13 - Easter -
Any advance ideas for next week?
God I've done each one just haven't had time to post them up yet. Will do a batch today/tomorrow and get up to date.
As Sam said, theme for next week? How about: Colour
Good work Sam.
I may have to do a catch up. Haven't touched the camera for a while.
Good work Sam.
I may have to do a catch up. Haven't touched the camera for a while.
Same. Must get off me arse.
I've missed 2 weeks but posted a colour pic :p
What was the theme this week? Got a pile of pics :)
No idea, I was away til Tuesday. I guess no-one else has suggested any!
Why don't you choose one based on the photo's you want to post? One for last week, one for this.
Ok - Last week = 'What I Saw' hope that's ok and open enough :)
This week: Playtime.
Good choice! I *will* catch up by this weekend. Someone can slap me at the weekend if I haven't ;) (form a queue :p)
Any theme for this week? I chose the last 2 :p
Animals? Speed? Macro? Sound?
OK; all idea'ed out :p
Ooh don't do 'speed' when I'm not going to a motorsport event :p
Achievement? (no prizes for guessing which pic I'll be using!)
Achievement? (no prizes for guessing which pic I'll be using!)
Like this one :) (although no clue what I'd take a photo of :/ )
I am going to have to have a huge photo update soon - I haven't uploaded any to my 365 in ages (I may have even missed some days - I'm not sure :/ )
Well I haven't taken any notable photos this week :/
06-06-2010, 12:35
Well I think I have FINALLY caught up with all the weeks
Some I am more proud of than others but practice makes perfect :)
Going to buck my ideas up now and keep up to date hopefully.
Well done! I think I've done a photo a week but with no theme haven't posted them :/
30-08-2010, 10:42
Due to a variety of reasons this fell by the wayside for me but I'd like to start doing it again. I'm going to do my best to catch up so tink, what themes did you do for 18-24?
To help everyone with coming up with ideas for themes I've decided to make use of a word generator and these are the themes to bring us up to date;
I'll update Kitten's post with all the themes so far and if you can catch up great but don't worry about missing any weeks out. I don't think I did Easter and am not sure if there is any source material around to do that theme so I'll probably skip it.
If anyone would like to suggest different themes then please feel free to, those are just suggestions.
Sorry for the late reply!!
I didn't really do themes for the weeks that themes weren't chosen for, so I just used photos that meant something to me that week.
I need to catch up with this.
Your idea looks like a good way to go about getting themes as I think we are all a bit rubbish with coming up with ideas
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