View Full Version : Your ebay sniping tool of choice?

13-01-2010, 20:43
Yeah I know it's bad, but if you can't beat them, join them.

I am currently using myibay which is a firefox addon that will snipe items at a specified interval before the end of the auction.


There was a standalone client that you did need to pay for but the web based version seems free. You get a little icon by the bid box saying "snipe this", very handy. Anyone use anything else?

13-01-2010, 21:03

Doesn't cost me a penny, I have a website with a link on it and that grants me one free snipe per fortnight or something like that and I have 30 of them cached up.

13-01-2010, 22:14
auctionsniper. Used that for years!

13-01-2010, 22:15
I use auctionsniper.com myself and it's great :) $5 lasts me aaaages :D

13-01-2010, 23:10
Thanks all, I will be taking a look at those :) Only really started using ebay properly since hunting for xbox stuff on the cheap.

A Place of Light
15-01-2010, 18:41
Jbidwatcher beats everything IMHO.
Plus it's free, so no need to hunt down a cracked version.