View Full Version : Cheap Laptop wanted

22-01-2010, 12:51
Hi all
Just a quick post to see if anybody has a cheap Laptop I can buy on the QT. :)
Needs to be a Hundred quid or less so Obviously I am not expecting much.
Untold things going on in my life at the mo & the only way I am going to stay in touch as much as I need/want/used to be is to get a little lappy/netbook. Like I said I am not expecting to much so battery life & ram I can sacrifice as I have some lappy ram here I can sling in.

Cheers all & mods can sling this in the right section Once they see it. :cool:

22-01-2010, 12:54
Like I said I am not expecting to much so battery life & ram I can sacrifice as I have some lappy ram here I can sling in.

As Mic got me an eeepc for xmas my old lappy is sat doing nowt - I'll dig it out at the weekend, format it (comes with xp) and let you know the specs if you want

22-01-2010, 12:56
That took 3 minutes. :shocked:
Cheers O Gorgeous Red one. Big Hugz to You. :)

I shouldn't be surprised to be really honest as everything around me seems to be falling into place like a Giant jigsaw that fell out of the sky & is just doing itself on the floor around me creating my Perfect Life. :cool:

22-01-2010, 13:01
No probs - been meaning to get it sorted and stick it up anyway - this just gives me the motivation to do it sooner :)

22-01-2010, 15:57
Thanking You Muchly, Hugz. :)