View Full Version : Scratched dvd/game? Toothpaste :D

27-01-2010, 00:34
Never lend your games out to people from work. A lad from work just got an xbox so being nice I lent him my copy of virtual fighter 5 (only had a quick game before lending it to him). He's just given it back saying it didn't work..... its not surprising as his xbox has scratched the hell out of it :angry:

I managed to find this:-

Now I am rather sceptical but after one go of 5 mins, the disc looks a whole lot better and now runs in the xbox! I'll give it another go in the morning to really kill the scratches off but I am impressed :D Anyone else done this in the past?

edit:- can a mod fix my spelling mistake in the title, typing on the laptop

:lubu: mod

27-01-2010, 05:20
Yeah, way back when in the PS1 days when they'd have dodgy lasers I had one scratch my game, buffed that bad boy out with a bit of Colgate and I was good to go again.

27-01-2010, 11:59
Yup makes sense - toothpaste is a mild abrasive so it 'buffs' up the plastic on the CD quite well and lessens the 'dents' quite well:)

27-01-2010, 12:35
Another one you could try is brasso.

27-01-2010, 19:28
Been doing it for years :)

Makes them taste nice when you lick them too :o

27-01-2010, 20:13
Makes them taste nice when you lick them too :o

Why would you do this?!!?!?


BB x

27-01-2010, 20:42
I dunno :) When I do it I'll let you know ;)

27-01-2010, 22:31
I had to do this on my Forza2 disk after my original Xbox scratched it to buggery.

28-01-2010, 13:56
Another one you could try is brasso.
I'm pretty sure I Brasso'd a CD years ago and it went cloudy, but I can't remember for sure.