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27-01-2010, 20:39
So just a big iPhone really? Seems to be missing a lot to me for now...?
Del Lardo
27-01-2010, 20:41
Bit slow today people ;)
I have no need for one so will probably be pre-ordering :o
yep mate, you are ;)
It looks good to me. But then I've been wanting a tablet pc for a while now.
Great for just browsing internet around the house or and out and about. plenty big enough to watch movies on the go.
will it have proper E-Book compatibility? that would be a must have for a device like this. Any more info on it?
Oh 10 hour battery like Ibook to take on Kindle. Looks promising. but will it be over priced, tied to apple and no expansion slots like most of apples hardware.
27-01-2010, 21:15
I'll stick with a netbook with a proper OS and save over £100 thanks.
Or even the Cowon W2
Looks kind of good and would be handy for browsing the net around the house, but other than that, not sure what I'd want one for.
I like the idea, I think it looks really nice and it would be great for sitting on my lap in the front room for basic web browsing and email.
However I see a mah00sive problem.
The fact that it's reliant on the AppStore.
I don't like Safari, I want to use Firefox. I really can't see that happening. I have many sites with different passwords, I use an application to store all my passwords and because this is effectively a large iPod Touch it means I can't use the program I use to store my passwords easily.
I can't install an adblocker in the web browser. I can't install any extensions. It's totally reliant on the appstore.
It won't have Flash. Now I'm not a fan of flash but I do feel that it's needed for a fully rounded browsing experience.
The price is much lower than I was expecting but I really don't feel that it's for me.
All that power and it still can't multi-task. We've had that ability on PCs since Windows 3.1 days!
27-01-2010, 21:43
All that power and it still can't multi-task. We've had that ability on PCs since Windows 3.1 days!
I had it on my Amiga 1000. Waaaay back in 1985 :D
Del Lardo
27-01-2010, 21:43
yep mate, you are ;)
:'( adding photos must have slowed me down
27-01-2010, 21:44
I'll be honest I don't really see where it fits. It's very expensive considering you can get a small laptop for that price which will do what you need and be more versatile.
It's interesting seeing my twit stream. Seems 50/50 split between lovers and well.. not haters as such just "Meh", even amongst apple fans
27-01-2010, 21:59
Not sure I get it...what's the innovation? Tablet PCs have been around for far as I can see the only USP is the App Store, which I must admit will be quite a big draw. But I don't see anything revolutionary or even novel here really.
27-01-2010, 22:58
It's got Apple's name and design on it, it'll still sell.
27-01-2010, 22:58
Yeah i don't understand, they've essentially put netbook stuff in a tablet, said they don't like netbooks and made it work well by using an iPhone OS. Which then consequently limits it in funcitonality, then they have the balls to give away a keyboard ADD ON!? Haha genius! I haven't read/seen any decent reviews yet but the keyboard looks horrid to use when holding surely? Seems to be a lot of strangeness about it...
If it had proper OSX on it, then I could see a proper use for it. As it is though, it's basically a giant iPod touch, which is a bit lame really.
I can see potential uses for me. I can take it to meetings with the lovely screen to show off my latest photos. I can also then use it to take notes and plan shoots during the meeting. Technically nothing I can't do with my Macbook Pro but the iPad is a lot nicer and easier to carry.
One thing I think is a bit of a downer is they mention it can decode 720p h264 HD... but the screen is only 1024 pixels long, so it can't display it fully. You'll get 576p which is PAL format SD resolution. :/
I can't help but feel a 16:9 aspect device with a 1280x720 screen (or even 16:10 1280x800) would have been far far more attractive. Everyone uses a widescreen TV now, most laptops are widescreen, PCs are increasingly moving to widescreen, so Apple introduce a media focussed device that isn't widescreen. Seems odd. I can't believe Apple are that silly so it's either very cost driven or more cynically, so they can release the 'improved' widescreen model next year for £200 more.
28-01-2010, 00:48
...cynically, so they can release the 'improved' widescreen model next year for £200 more.
But when have Apple done that before?! ;D
Hmmm, as a pad with internet it could be handy.... if I could remove the apple software. Just thinking I could use it to browse my movie collection and then select one to play on the TV (acting as an intelligent remote to my main machine). Expanding on this thought.... A media centre remote as well hooking into amps/tv/etc thereby replacing all remotes with this. Then have a handy browser available to sit and surf when wanted, like Feek I would want Firefox on there.
It just seems like a bit of a gimmick at present though, got a lot of stuff to buy with higher priority than this.
I don't get it's point, do we really need to bridge a gap between the phone and the netbook? Was any one really thinking, I wish I was working on something slighter more portable than this netbook but bigger than my phone? Tablets were tried before, they didn't catch on. It's not innovation at all, it's renovation and just a shiny one at that.
By that logic we need mini PCs for when we need something a bit beefier than our laptops, but not quite neccessary to turn the main PC on.
This thing will kill the Kindle and Sony E-book market, it costs a tiny bit more but it does a shed load more.
This won't take much away from the netbook or laptop market, if you already have one of those then you'll really need a good reason to get one of these, like pete, who can use this to show clients photos a LOT easier. Sit around the coffee table and pass it around, rather than turn the laptop around and hope they know how to use the touchpad on your macbook without deleting half the HD.
Me, I don't have a netbook, or a i'll be getting one ! lol
I dunno if it will kill off the Kindle et al actually.
Their main feature as it were are the e-ink screens. Incredible battery life and very very easy on the eye. You try and read a virtual book on that backlit glossy LCD and you'll want to rip your eyes out after an hour, it's just not practical for that sort of thing really, which is why so much money got invested in the new e-ink tech rather than just whacking some netbook screens in them.
I dunno, if i can read the forums for hours then I am sure I can read a book on one of these for about an hour too. I am sure the battery life is not as good as a kindle and it will never be with but the general public don't really think about details like that. They see a pretty colour screen on on hand and a B&W on the other, most will pick the colour screen.
My 2 cents...
I watched the Engadget video and thought it all looked very nice but it's just like a giant iPod touch with a few extras for the UI around photos and YouTube. I didn't see anything that could aid productivity, it all seemed like gimicy stuff - my main issue on this is the lack of multi-tasking!
But I'm sure it'll get hacked and end up bein pretty cool.
28-01-2010, 05:54
I was waiting to see what this was like before I spent money on an e-book reader. Now that I've seen it, I'll be placing an order..................
...........for a Bebook Neo - when it eventually hits the UK.
For me, the ipad isn't useful enough to put up with the glossy screen for reading e-books. I'll stick with my netbook and go for the e-ink screen. Yes, it's more to carry, but both items are better at what I want them to do than the smaller, more portable unit - I haven't lost that much weight that I can't manage to carry an extra kilo. I'd rather not compromise for the sake of portability. The netbook and the Bebook will easily fit in my manbag and be easy to carry.
28-01-2010, 07:05
I'd get an e-ink reader over the iPad any day! And it can't be long till e-ink is colour-ish surely? Albeit some kinda washed out colour i'm sure but enough to be "pretty".
Apple are way way way off the mark on this one me thinks, flaws all over the place very apparent. No native USB/SD/ANYTHING!? That software keyboard looks terrible! No multi-tasking. And for the base cheap price 16Gb and no 3g and even at that 3g is with a "micro-sim"? Whats that about like sim cards weren't small enough to begin with for the iphone? Its alllll wrong in my eyes, its got eye candy going for it though definitely and it'll most likely win over job public with that...
I'd get an e-ink reader over the iPad any day!
Absolutely. Sure, the iPad will have a shiny OLED screen but I *HATE* reading big blocks of text off a screen that is backlit, it makes my eyes sore pretty quickly. For eBooks I've got an iRiver Story which has a bog standard eInk screen and it's absolutely bloody fantastic for reading books.
I have no interest at all in an iPad. It'll sell like hot cakes though naturally.
if it's not too much bother could you bring that with you so I can have a play with it?
Of course.
Shall I bring the eBook reader too?
</predictable comment>
But when have Apple done that before?! ;D
Who doesn't :) Cameras are upgraded every 18 months. Nintendo made the DS which was fugly compared to the current DS. You can't really blame Apple for doing something that most electronics companies do too.
Gotta love Stephen Fry :)
I also like this guys point ( I'm sure my Dad is thinking of getting another Macbook soon as his current one is a little slow. But part of me wonders if he should just get an iPad for the same price. All he does is web n email. Would a netbook be better? Maybe. But I can really see him sitting there on the couch browsing my photos on my site and showing them off to my Mum, or to anyone who visits.
Surely if this thing is running the iPhone OS then the point about multitasking becomes mute as you could just jailbreak it.
Daring Fireball on the CPU ( Makes a point. Apple always talk in consumer language. Bigger HD, better battery life or smaller form factor. Why discuss the CPU at a consumer event? If the current 3Gs is running well enough why go to all the trouble of designing an entire new cpu just to run the iPad? Are they laying the foundations for proper multitasking?
Derek Powazek who works in print makes another good point ( Magazines and newspapers find it hard to charge for online editions. We all know its getting harder and harder for print to commercially compete with the web. Newspapers are restructuring, firing photographers and staff all the time. MEN doesn't have any staff photographers. Liverpool Echo can't afford to pay for freelance photography usage. Maybe what the iPad will do is bridge the gap between print and web allowing these people to publish in this way and make money. Content is king. Give them something they can't get via the website for free and can't get in a print issue and they'll buy it if its good. The Guardian app is apparently selling well. Why? Can't they just visit the website in Safari? There is something there I think. Give it time.
In my limited experience of Apple, I've noticed that they tend to upgrade features and stuff in later models but not increase the price. So the next rev has more shiny stuff but costs the same.
Is it 'instant on'?
Is that the innovation that a Windows tab pc can't do? I'm guessing by the memory sizes it's solid state and it's not big enough to replace a laptop.
Is it meant to replace a laptop? I think people are looking at it as that and missing the point. I have a high end digital camera but I just bought a compact to use as my day to day camera. Its a high end compact. It doesn't do everything my DSLR does but its smaller, lighter and lets me get great photos. Its not a replacement. Jobs said it himself. Its a third category. Fits in between the iPhone and Macbook Pro.
My gf and I both have laptops. We sit at the kitchen table browsing, twittering, doing emails. Kitchen table isn't big and we're hidden behind laptops. Maybe its good marketing but I'm already picturing a nice relaxing kitchen table with an iPad on. No bulky laptops. Its not a replacement.
I do wonder about the usb camera connection. In theory you could make an app that imports photos from a camera and allows you to then ftp them. It could be a very good device for photojournalists. The GF1 I have is easily good enough for photojournalism. Small and light. That + iPad would be quite nice.
Hopefully though it won't be long till other manufactures copy it.
Who doesn't :) Cameras are upgraded every 18 months. Nintendo made the DS which was fugly compared to the current DS. You can't really blame Apple for doing something that most electronics companies do too.
Difference being when Canon released the 5D and Nikon released the D300 for example, you got the feeling that was the pinnacle of what they could offer. Sure it'll get replaced but currently it's the best they have to offer, primarily due to the competition.
With Apple though, I look at this iPad and like the iPhone there are things that should be (and could be) in it that have been excluded, like a proper widescreen. There is no technical reason it couldn't be 16:9/16:10, it just smacks of withholding features for an easy future release. Get everyone to buy a £500 tablet now and then in 12/18 months get them all to buy it again now it has a 'revolutionary HD screen' or something.
I think personally i'd rather wait for the Android based tablets which will likely be half as pretty but far more feature packed and usable. That's if I wanted a tablet anyway :p
Difference being when Canon released the 5D and Nikon released the D300 for example, you got the feeling that was the pinnacle of what they could offer. Sure it'll get replaced but currently it's the best they have to offer, primarily due to the competition.
Not with Canon you don't. 5D with 3fps. 5D2 with 3.9 fps. 5D2 limited by AEB compared to the D700. All companies do this.
If it had come out with a widescreen people would moan about how impractical it is to watch video on anyway. If it had a 16:9 screen how would that be for photos? They're 3:2. Its current screen is 4:3 which is technically good for neither. That said. Photos look perfect on my iPhone. Maybe its screen is designed more for photography than video? On a day to day basis people are probably going to look at photos more than watch widescreen movies.
My gf and I both have laptops. We sit at the kitchen table browsing, twittering, doing emails. Kitchen table isn't big and we're hidden behind laptops. Maybe its good marketing but I'm already picturing a nice relaxing kitchen table with an iPad on. No bulky laptops. Its not a replacement.
We both browse at home too, usually over breakfast and then again in the evenings and sometimes in bed. The iPad would be useless over breakfast and in bed. Why? At breakfast I need a more upright screen and one hand free to navigate via the keyboard and trackpad. iPad wouldn't be good for this as it lays flat and having to use the screen to navigate just wouldn't work all that well over breakfast. Same kid of thing in bed. At least with a laptop I can lay it on me and adjust the screen to what ever angle I want. The iPad would need to be held where I want it.
The iPad would need to be held where I want it.
Like a book or magazine? Damn those things for not being able to stand upright. Rubbish design ;) No I get your point though. You're still able to easily look at the screen while eating toast without leaning forward.
Not with Canon you don't. 5D with 3fps. 5D2 with 3.9 fps. 5D2 limited by AEB compared to the D700. All companies do this.
If it had come out with a widescreen people would moan about how impractical it is to watch video on anyway. If it had a 16:9 screen how would that be for photos? They're 3:2. Its current screen is 4:3 which is technically good for neither. That said. Photos look perfect on my iPhone. Maybe its screen is designed more for photography than video? On a day to day basis people are probably going to look at photos more than watch widescreen movies.
It just strikes me as odd to play up the ability to decode 720p h264 and then give it a screen which can't even display it though. Especially when they easily could have. It may be a small setback for photo viewing but for video, internet, email and so on, a widescreen that can be rotated is far better than 4:3.
It should have had a camera too, a forward facing one. Skype app on this could have been great, sit and have a video chat with just a little tablet on the sofa. I can see this happening on all the Android based competition (the Archos seems to have one) yet I get the feeling this is just another easy addition that will come in the refresh next year.
Seems that 4:3 is the aspect ratio of choice for digital compacts. 3:2 is DSLR. If I had to guess the screen design is due to digital photography. Video being more of a bonus feature.
It can technically do widescreen can't it? Albeit at a smaller resolution?
Well yeah it can show widescreen, just like anything can (with black bars) but it means it can only show 16:9 video content at SD resolution, despite making a point of mentioning how it can decode HD video. It'd be like telling everyone it could run Lightroom... you just can't install it. Impressive sounding but ultimately a bit pointless and quite confusing.
I think the screen design has far more to do with the next model than any specific usages now.
I'd say its more like you can run Lightroom but just not to the standard you expect to. You can run HD video but not to HD. Is the aspect ratio simply due to the iPhone design? Apps would look odd upscaled maybe.
iPhone is 480x320 (3:2)
I think the most disappointing thing is this could have been a Macbook (Air?) with no keyboard. Full OSX, very useful, multitasking, USB etc. with some modifications for better touch UI. Instead we have what amounts to an overgrown iPod touch. How many times have I ever wished my iPod touch was almost exactly the same but much much bigger? Never. Nor I imagine have most people.
For you I think it could be useful, showing photos to clients is very much a circumstance where you would want just such a device (nice and simple like an iPod, with a big screen) but i'm sure you can see that is a very niche market really.
At least with a laptop I can lay it on me and adjust the screen to what ever angle I want.
Just remembered. Its not being marketed as a replacement for a laptop. Its something new. eBook readers all feature the same issue. If you want to use a laptop use a laptop. If you want the freedom of the iPhone but with a larger screen you use the iPad. I think it works.
Of course iPad 2.0 will be better. This seems more like a get the ball rolling device designed to make in-roads into the market.
iPhone is 480x320 (3:2)
Which is why all my DSLR pics look nice on it. So if I get an iPad they won't be full screen... Well thats just no fun :D
Like a book or magazine? Damn those things for not being able to stand upright. Rubbish design ;)
Books and magazines weigh naff all....good design.
That rest looks OK'ish for use over breakfast, although still not great. Still no good laying back in bed though.
Books and magazines weigh naff all....good design.
Have you seen Lord of the Rings?! ;)
Free demo of the iPad for all iPhone users: Just hold it closer to your face.
Free demo of the iPad for all iPhone users: Just hold it closer to your face.
At least they put a demo out ;)
The Register are reporting that Apple have confirmed a smaller, lighter version of the iPad with a neat little phone app pre-installed. Apparently it'll be small enough to fit into your pocket.
Link. (
Oooh that would be great. iPad nano!
28-01-2010, 14:35
At breakfast I need a more upright screen and one hand free[snip]
What the hell are you browsing at breakfast?! :shocked: ;D
28-01-2010, 14:45
B3ta are having a lot of fun. :)
I think a lot of people are missing the point of it and also assuming everyone should need one. which is not the case. Just like, not everyone needs a laptop or a smart phone. However for people who have a need for it tablet pcs are excellent.
It's 3 main tasks are reading books, watching movies and browsing the web.
It is to big to be used as a phone or camera, to impractical without a keyboard and mouse to do office work.
With it being apple it'll have serious flaws. But tbh it is pretty much what I want.
28-01-2010, 18:53
Blutack multitasks? Huh. Its never done my washing up despite leaving a pack near the sink. :p
This guy gets it (
28-01-2010, 20:29
Epic fail not putting a webcam IMO.
Would seriously consider it as all I do on my netbook is browse, consume media and chat to people but the lack of a webcam basically means I'll no longer consider it.
28-01-2010, 22:26
ElReg has just stuck this up.
It seems that one of the main purposes of the iPad may not be available outside of the US. Oh, and add to that the DRM on the Apple ePub books that means they won't *officially* be able to be read on any other ePub compatible hardware you may have...
It's starting to look more and more like a broken pencil...
Epic fail not putting a webcam IMO.
Would seriously consider it as all I do on my netbook is browse, consume media and chat to people but the lack of a webcam basically means I'll no longer consider it.
Ahh but surely lack of multi-tasking would stop you from being able to do them anyway, or at least only do one at a time.
Someone sent me the picture of Job with the 'thing', I thought it was a piss take :/
I just don't see the point of it yet.
29-01-2010, 13:54
29-01-2010, 13:59
That is genius!! :D
This was exactly what I was thinking yesterday:
Just that it has no actual phone app unless you install Skype :p
I just don't see the point of it yet.
watching movies, web browsing and reading books. A lot of people want a device for exactly that reason. I want one (I doubt it will be Ipad but a competitor) to browse web in lounge and watch movies when I'm stuck in the van at work or travelling. As well as reading books on the move or in the house. It really has no other use. If you need to work on such a device you need a keyboard and you then have to have a big power hungry laptop.
Apparently it can do some multitasking. Like the Iphone can play music and browse the web. But you couldn't use say spotify and browse the web.
watching movies, web browsing and reading books. A lot of people want a device for exactly that reason. I want one (I doubt it will be Ipad but a competitor) to browse web in lounge and watch movies when I'm stuck in the van at work or travelling. As well as reading books on the move or in the house. It really has no other use. If you need to work on such a device you need a keyboard and you then have to have a big power hungry laptop.
Apparently it can do some multitasking. Like the Iphone can play music and browse the web. But you couldn't use say spotify and browse the web. :p :p
still big and bulky and not ideal for the intended use.
Browse the web is a bit misleading though. You can browse the web as long as you don't mind having no flash. People say it's no loss, but normally on a desktop browser with flash very much installed. With the iPad you'll be browsing in the exact same way you browse on the iPod, you'll just have to scroll less. Why that's considering revolutionary web browsing I don't know.
It's around more than a lot of people realise. BBC News for example, you can browse it as long as you're happy to only read the articles. The inline flash video which accompanies a lot of reports will just sit on the page, broken.
Browse the web is a bit misleading though. You can browse the web as long as you don't mind having no flash. People say it's no loss, but normally on a desktop browser with flash very much installed.
I agree like most things it is crippled by the apple way, no memory card slots will be another. Which is why it'll be nice to see what is out in the next few months by other companys as they are planned.
A lot of people don't seem to get such a device, there certainly is a market and demand for one. Tablet pcs have been around a while, but this will push them into the main stream.
If another company pulls their finger out and makes a similar device, but with a hell of a lot more features, then I'd be tempted to buy one. As it is, the only thing that the ipad has that my 3 year old laptop doesn't is a touch screen. Right now my laptop is better value than the ipad.
but without a keyboard what other functions would you want? with no easy way to type.
skype and proper multitasking(but that's apples way) is about the only sensible function I've seen someone mention.
A laptop may have more functions, but that's because it's designed for a different purpose.
Such devices are not a replacement for laptops or phones. A lot of people our assuming they should be.
29-01-2010, 17:24
Errr, the whole book reading thing, it is only in the States, there are no ebook/ ibook agreements in the UK :/
watching movies, web browsing and reading books. A lot of people want a device for exactly that reason. I want one (I doubt it will be Ipad but a competitor) to browse web in lounge and watch movies when I'm stuck in the van at work or travelling. As well as reading books on the move or in the house. It really has no other use. If you need to work on such a device you need a keyboard and you then have to have a big power hungry laptop.
Apparently it can do some multitasking. Like the Iphone can play music and browse the web. But you couldn't use say spotify and browse the web.
I have an ipod touch and a HTC Hero that can cover all of those.
It seems pointless to be carrying that around when like Craig said, you might as well use a netbook or touch or mobile internet.
It seems to be the middle ground between a laptop and a mobile.
I have an ipod touch and a HTC Hero that can cover all of those.
Both of which have tiny screens which makes normal browsing ridiculously hard and film watching silly and book reading pointless.
It seems to be the middle ground between a laptop and a mobile.
It is. A netbook/laptop is big chunky un-needed keyboard, if you don't need a laptop/netbook why get one over a tablet. Phone is to small and impractical.
29-01-2010, 17:54
I have an ipod touch and a HTC Hero that can cover all of those.
It seems pointless to be carrying that around when like Craig said, you might as well use a netbook or touch or mobile internet.
It seems to be the middle ground between a laptop and a mobile.
Just been digging through the old work devices that I got *they were officially scrapped so fair game... ;)*
Dated April 2007 -
Dated December 2007 -
I still use my HTC Universal even though its many years old...
It may have flash *clicky* (
Sounds more like it's hiding the non-flash. At a live keynote they needed to browse for real.
Same way the adverts on TV always have 'Sequence Shortened' when they demonstrate how easy it is to use the app store.
It's got Apple's name and design on it, it'll still sell.
You bet it will. Given his reaction, I reckon Stephen Fry would have one if it cost 10x the price. I'm surprised he didn't break his Twitter exile to wax lyrical about it (or maybe he did).
We both browse at home too, usually over breakfast and then again in the evenings and sometimes in bed. The iPad would be useless over breakfast and in bed.
Breakfast is covered - thanks to the keyboard dock. Not so good in bed though. :)
Seems that 4:3 is the aspect ratio of choice for digital compacts. 3:2 is DSLR. If I had to guess the screen design is due to digital photography.
In that case, they missed a trick - or did they? Why, oh why, didn't they integrate an SD card slot. It's not like it'll take much room, or weight. But oh no, you have to buy a camera accessory pack for that privilege.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted, but a lightweight laptop would suit me much better. Steve Jobs has a point about the current generation of Netbooks, but the future - who knows.
I think they should have called it the iMarmite. Seems to fit the bill quite nicely.
Why, oh why, didn't they integrate an SD card slot.
Cos CF users would bitch :)
USB host port then. You have to buy the camera accessory pack for that, too.
It would be nice. Plugin camera. Import photos to iPhoto on iPad. Open Photoshop mobile and do some basic processing on the jpgs.
Breakfast is covered - thanks to the keyboard dock. Not so good in bed though. :)
So I need to buy something extra to make it do something I can already do with my laptop.
I know that every product isn't designed for everyone, but this seems to be designed for a very small market although it will sell well beyond what it should simply due to it being Apple.
So I need to buy something extra to make it do something I can already do with my laptop.
So you'd buy it and then go "I'm outraged! I have to buy this extra bit so it does exactly what I can already do with something else?" :p
Its not a laptop replacement. Its for those times when you don't want a laptop but want a bigger iPod Touch type device.
29-01-2010, 21:31
Nah he's VERY wrong about current generation netbooks, i didn't think i would be able to but i didn't get a choice due to lack of funds, picked up my dell mini 10 for £208 and yes its obviously not as fast as my old laptop, but you know what it does everything i need. I can even *just* about get away with full 1080p with the core avc codec. GMA500 thankfully now has some decent driver support and is actually really showing its might. I can even run traktor pro on it! Although i wouldn't be using it properly with a netbook being honest. Only thing i hate about this netbook is 1Gb RAM, its a killer, but thats a hardware limitation imposed my Dell because they soldered the RAM in! Otherwise it would be *the* perfect netbook :) Even running my little Atom at 166 fsb instead of 133 right now barely even hot but its then synced nicely with my lovely poulsbo chipset :)
29-01-2010, 21:32
Its not a laptop replacement. Its for those times when you don't want a laptop but want a bigger iPod Touch type device.
Hahaha he should have sold it like that!
So guys when you feel you need a bigger ipod touch well we've got something just for you! Otherwise probably use a netbook or laptop :p
I'll be honest. I do see the space for it. It's the same space occupied by my two Archos devices - which I bought on a whim in my gadget buying days and rarely use. Admittedly the iPad can do a whole lot more thanks to the App Store, but then the latest Archos devices run Android. Go figure. :)
If the iPad does for the tablet form factor what the iPod did for MP3, I don't see that as a bad thing. Quite the opposite. In fact, being Apple, it probably will.
PS - we can get in to a war of words if you want. Steve Jobs was right, and nothing you've said changes that. Netbooks *are* cheap slow laptops running PC software. Of course, a bit of web browsing and email is all most people need - which is why they sold by the truckload. The iPad hits that spot too.
Both of which have tiny screens which makes normal browsing ridiculously hard and film watching silly and book reading pointless.
Ridiculous and Silly are two words I would associate with sitting on a train with one of those in front of you ;)
It is. A netbook/laptop is big chunky un-needed keyboard, if you don't need a laptop/netbook why get one over a tablet. Phone is to small and impractical.
I use my laptop downstairs, I use my PC upstairs, I use my mobile when I'm oot and aboot.
I would not like to take a 'slab' everywhere with me, which at the moment is exactly what that looks like to me :/
As an iPhone owner I can't see any advantage to having one of these. At best, I could have a bigger screen for the things I normally use my phone for. Except the phone part.
Of course, as an iPhone owner, all the Apps you bought will 'just work' on the iPad. For free. In theory, anyway.
Wonder how long it'll take to get jailbroken. :D
Why, oh why, didn't they integrate an SD card slot.
Because then everyone would buy large capacity SD cards rather than shelling out on the 16GB or 32GB models
29-01-2010, 21:45
This thing will kill the Kindle and Sony E-book market, it costs a tiny bit more but it does a shed load more.
This won't take much away from the netbook or laptop market, if you already have one of those then you'll really need a good reason to get one of these, like pete, who can use this to show clients photos a LOT easier. Sit around the coffee table and pass it around, rather than turn the laptop around and hope they know how to use the touchpad on your macbook without deleting half the HD.
Me, I don't have a netbook, or a i'll be getting one ! lol
Can you make sure you get it by the time we meet so I can have a play please ;D
Because then everyone would buy large capacity SD cards rather than shelling out on the 16GB or 32GB models
Not necessarily - Only allow copy to/from the SD card, which is all the camera owner needs anyway.
Netbooks *are* cheap slow laptops running PC software.
Indeed, where as the iPad is an expensive slow half laptop running phone software :p
Not necessarily - Only allow copy to/from the SD card, which is all the camera owner needs anyway.
Then you have a function which is even more niche than the market the entire device occupies already, something much better served by a buyable add on :D
Indeed, where as the iPad is an expensive slow half laptop running phone software :p
Complete with the CPU that'll be in the next gen iPhone. Possibly. :p
Then you have a function which is even more niche than the market the entire device occupies already, something much better served by a buyable add on :D
Tell that to the hundreds of millions of compact camera owners. They'd be the main market. Pros would find use, undoubtedly, but try uploading your photos to the nearest publication on an iPad.
Tell that to the hundreds of millions of compact camera owners. They'd be the main market. Pros would find use, undoubtedly, but try uploading your photos to the nearest publication on an iPad.
All of whom likely already have another device which they use the camera with anyway, i'm not convinced the iPad would see big take up from people wishing to use it to upload photos to facebook even if it did have an SD slot.
I think for most people a device such as the iPad will be too much of a novelty to warrant spending £500 on, ultimately it is a limited, completely closed system, no real power behind it, pretty compromised in many aspects... I think you'd need to have a really special use in mind, or a lot of disposable cash to justify one of these.
I'm also not convinced this is really any more portable than a Samsung netbook tbh, the only real advantage it has is battery life and possibly weight, but a netbook isn't exactly hefty.
All of whom likely already have another device which they use the camera with anyway, i'm not convinced the iPad would see big take up from people wishing to use it to upload photos to facebook even if it did have an SD slot.
Sounds like I've lost this argument, and with Apple's notorious habit of omitting ports - Macbook Air, anyone - I shouldn't have been surprised. More frustrated, I guess. If one happens by an Apple store at the same do, I'll certainly have a play, but right now it's a device looking for an excuse to buy for me, and I've got better things to do with my money than buy excuses.
So you'd buy it and then go "I'm outraged! I have to buy this extra bit so it does exactly what I can already do with something else?" :p
Nope, I'd just not buy one :D
Its not a laptop replacement. Its for those times when you don't want a laptop but want a bigger iPod Touch type device.
I just can't think when that would be. OK, so I'm not everyone, but I'd say I would be in the key market area for Apple products but I just can't see how it will fit in to what most people want.
Hahaha he should have sold it like that!
So guys when you feel you need a bigger ipod touch well we've got something just for you! Otherwise probably use a netbook or laptop :p
Um he did. Had a slide showing the iPhone and Macbook with a gap in the middle :p As I've been saying its not a laptop replacement because thats what Steve has been saying all along.
I use my laptop downstairs, I use my PC upstairs, I use my mobile when I'm oot and aboot.
I would not like to take a 'slab' everywhere with me, which at the moment is exactly what that looks like to me :/
I do not like browsing the web in teh lounge on a laptop or notebook, theya re to big and awkered. Phones are far to small for long period use. greta if you want to check something quickly, but other than that useless at browsing.
IPad is what I need (if it wasn't made by apple). It is thin, small and portable. great for browsing the web ( although i would want flash), playing movies ( I would want avi support) and reading ebooks(assuming it does that well). That is what I want a device for maybe spotify or winamp in the background. Neither a phone, mp3 player or notebook/laptop full-fills that roll. I don't need the extra functionality of a netbook, if it was the same price as a netbook, I would get a tablet every time. As the usability far outweighs any extra functionality I am not going to use. If you need that functionality then you get a netbook, or perhaps you have need for both and buy both.
You might not want or need one, but since when did devices have to be useful for 100% of people. You lot our overlooking what makes tablet pcs so good.
30-01-2010, 08:45
The ipad has the same external height and width as my NC10 and is half as thick - not a huge difference in space taken up in real terms. It weighs half as much as my NC10 but the NC10 is still less than 3lb - not exactly a heavyweight. My point is that, my netbook is really just as portable in reality but much more functional. It has flash, it has an SD slot, it can multi-task and, most importantly, it has a proper keyboard. I can (and do) take my netbook anywhere and everywhere and have excellent functionality. It cost £200 less than the ipad.
I can't see any reason why netbook owners (of which there are millions) would want to buy one of these. The machine they already own is cheaper and better.
and, most importantly, it has a proper keyboardr.
which for me is it's ultimate downfall, there is no need for a keyboard or hinge, it makes itt hard to handle and you have to rest it on something to use. It is useless for the tasks that an Ipad or Ipad like device. It makes it hard to handle. Ipad with touch screen, you use like a smart phone, hold in one hand navigate and type in the other. No need to rest it down somewhere whilst using it.
Think of an Ipad or Ipad like device as an electronic book or magazine.
The machine they already own is cheaper and better.
I would disagree with better. It certainly is not better from my point of view and uses. No, the device will not be for everyone. But then neither is Ipod, iphone or a netbook.
People with netbooks might still buy it, as it does book and web better then a netbook. In terms of usability. Due to no hinge and no keyboard. Ignore apples downfalls ( flash, expanson slots, Sofware, but taht is true throughout appples entire range) which competitors wont have. It is perfect for browsing web in the lounge, train or other places.
30-01-2010, 09:59
there is no need for a keyboard or hinge, it makes itt hard to handle
This is where we disagree. I think the keyboard is the netbook's biggest asset. I don't like touch-screen keyboards. I have never found my netbook hard to handle at all. I am yet to find myself in a situation where I have thought it would be better if I could hold it in one hand and type with the other.
I would disagree with better. It certainly is not better from my point of view and uses.
This is the crux of the thing. You think the ipad will be better and I maintain that my netbook is better. We are both right and both wrong. For what I want to do, the netbook is ideal and the ipad would be a waste of money. For what you want to do, the ipad (or ipad like device) is better and a netbook would be a waste of money.
Horses for courses, as the saying goes.
30-01-2010, 10:06
I certainly like the idea of the device, it's very 'star trek data pad' in its appearance and use, which is pretty funky.
Having a nice little pad to easily read books, browse the web, watch films is certainly something which appeals to me.
But, I can't see myself buying one because what I have already can do everything it can do, and a whole load more.
Books - iPhone (using the Stanza app) is more than good enough for my ebooks. A larger screen to read from would be nice but not essential.
Web - for a quick look at something then iPhone is more than adequate (and often gets used), for longer sessions sat in front of the TV then my netbook is brilliant. Having to hold up the pad for an hour or so would get very tedious, very quickly, and then trying to type out even a medium length post on a forum would be awful (hold with one hand, type with the other) especially when compared to how easy it is to just tap away on the keyboard of the netbook sat on my lap. For just general browsing and looking around then it'd be great, but anything where you need to type much would be annoying.
Messenger - Same problem as typing on the web.
Films/TV - It would seriously excel at this for sitting on trains watching a film or a TV programme.
Other stuff - This is where the pad would seriously fall down for me. Considering it runs iPhone OS then I wouldn't be able to use it at work for diagnostic/programming purposes (something which my netbook is perfect for) as safari doesn't support the scripting on the web pages which I use. It'd fail on file transfer and, I imagine, Telnet as well.
In summary I think it's a great little piece of kit which definitely has a purpose and a lot of people will make good use of it.
But it's not for me. A windows based variant with better connectivity would probably be pretty good (a stylus and handwriting input would be pretty cool for meetings!) but considering that I already have devices which do what I need, and do them very well, there's no way I could justify the outlay.
Off topic, I'm quite surprised by the amount of netbook hate there seems to be in this thread. People should learn to love netbooks :D
You think the ipad will be better and I maintain that my netbook is better.
This is the case. As I said the device will not be for everyone. But people saying there is no demand are being one sided. I can certainly see the use and need for a netbook. But it is not for everyone.
I can't see any reason why netbook owners (of which there are millions) would want to buy one of these. The machine they already own is cheaper and better.
Better is subjective. The iPad is thinner so a netbook isn't better at that. A netbook can't run any app from the app store, not better there. No multitouch interface. No gps, no accelerometer. They are very much cheaper though.
I'm a netbook, Macbook Pro and iPhone owner. I am going to buy an iPad. Which device is best for meetings with clients? iPad. Its lighter to carry than my MBP. Better than taking a netbook. Has a lovely screen to show off video and photos. It has all the apps on it I would need to conduct a meeting. I can use it on shoots too. Load up on ideas and discuss them with the client. I could take my MBP but it requires getting it out and sitting somewhere to show the client images. This I can just hold in my hand. I could use the Iphone but since the iPad came out my iPhone does feel small. Much nicer to have that big screen for visuals.
I've got a few ebooks but I've never even opened the pdfs. Don't like the idea of reading them on a laptop. Don't see the point printing them. Kinda hoping the way you use an iPad will make me want to read them. *shrugs*
As soon as I saw the iPhone I thought "Make a 10'' model!!!" and they have.
30-01-2010, 11:20
Better is subjective.
Exactly what I was trying to point out.
iPad is thinner so a netbook isn't better at that.
The netbook may be thicker but, as I said before, it's not that big that it is inconvenient - I have no problems with it.
A netbook can't run any app from the app store, not better there. No multitouch interface. No gps, no accelerometer. They are very much cheaper though.
I don't need/want to run any apps from the app store. I don't like/need a multitouch interface. I don't need/want gps or accelerometer.
I'm a netbook, Macbook Pro and iPhone owner. I am going to buy an iPad. Which device is best for meetings with clients? iPad. Its lighter to carry than my MBP. Better than taking a netbook. Has a lovely screen to show off video and photos. It has all the apps on it I would need to conduct a meeting. I can use it on shoots too. Load up on ideas and discuss them with the client. I could take my MBP but it requires getting it out and sitting somewhere to show the client images. This I can just hold in my hand. I could use the Iphone but since the iPad came out my iPhone does feel small. Much nicer to have that big screen for visuals.
As before, it will be useful for some people and you have obviously identified scenarios where it would be useful for you. You are a photographer, I work on an oil rig - two entirely different jobs and two different lifestyles. You will find the ipad more useful, I will find the netbook more useful.
Most importantly, because I don't need/want one, I'll have £500 to spend on whisky :p
I'm just trying to point out that there are reasons why it can succeed :) I'm not saying you yourself should buy one. I'm saying it does these things better than those other devices so in these scenarios it works better. I was discussing iPad vs netbook not iPad vs Stan's needs :p
A lot of people seem to be saying "I have a netbook. Don't see the point." Well I have a netbook and I see the point. Trying to get the point across that I see... or something written in better England.
I don't need or want a £50k BMW but I'm not going to run around pointing that out to people :p "I just saved money by not buying something I didn't want!!" :p
30-01-2010, 13:06
What you actually said was that the ipad was better because it is smaller and uses apps and has gps and an accelerometer. I was merely pointing out that that does not make it better - just better for you.
Anyway, we could go on like this for ages and not get anywhere. I'll just leave it at that and accept that, whilst it's not something I feel I have a use for, and can't personally understand where it's worth lies, I'll accept that other people can see a use for it and do think it's worth the money.
PS: If you buy a £50k BMW, remember to post about it so I can tell you that my £2k MR2 turbo is faster and sexier ;)
What you actually said was that the ipad was better because it is smaller and uses apps and has gps and an accelerometer. I was merely pointing out that that does not make it better - just better for you.
Well maybe but I don't really need gps. I was just pointing out features it had over a netbook that could make it better for someone who thought that its features were better than a netbooks which I'm sure you got judging from your 2nd paragraph :) And yes we could go on like this forever and well isn't that half the point of an Apple product thread? ;)
PS: If you buy a £50k BMW, remember to post about it so I can tell you that my £2k MR2 turbo is faster and sexier ;)
Oh god no. No way I'd buy a BMW. Its not an Apple product ;) *goes to find what Steve drives*
A windows based variant with better connectivity would probably be pretty good (a stylus and handwriting input would be pretty cool for meetings!)
You mean the kind of tablet PC that has existed for years already? :p
30-01-2010, 14:42
You mean the kind of tablet PC that has existed for years already? :p
If it was at a similar price point and had an equally simplistic GUI, then yes ;)
They will now, just like MS and Google tried to follow the iPhone/iPod, they'll do their best to keep up with the iPad.
Thing is though, it shouldn't be too difficult to beat the iPad. HTC just need to make a very thin, sexy tablet, with a camera etc and they'll clean up. Android is pretty good now isn't it?
God all those people are just making themselfs look stupid. About the only thing you can make fun of, is the lack of flash support. It's nothing more than jump on the bandwagon and totally miss the point of the product. Yet as shown in this thread and the one on OcUK many people want such a device and the people think it is retarded either have a device allready they are happy with, or totally missing the point of it.
All the other pitfulls are exactly the same on every single apple product.
I think the main point is that it's basically a big iPod touch. It doesn't use an OS that supports proper multi-tasking, so browsing the net and using skype for example is not possible. Check Facebook and browse Boat Drinks, not possible, one first please and then the other. It's 2010 and the latest gadget from Apple designed to make computing revolutionary, can't do a basic computing principle?
The fact it doesn't have a webcam is also strange, what is wrong with using skype for a video chat whilst lounging on your sofa? Not revolutionary enough and to chat on Skype with someone you'll need to shut down Facebook App, or Twitter. Heh, great. :confused:
These aren't problems if it's a pocket device, you can forgive it for letting you do one thing at a time. You've got a small screen with limited capabilties, having e-mail/web/skype all running at once is just going to cause more problems than solve. However on a fat slate, why not? What's the point in this big screen if you can't have two things open at once for example?
miss the point
I think the only point missing in relation to that video is you missing the parody of the cringeworthy Apple promo vids. :p
But those are the apple ways, multitasking is fine if you use apple software. As I've said apple always cripple there own devices. I'm looking at what the competitors now bring out.
Does the Iphone not allow tab browsing?
Multiple windows in Safari? Yeah it does, but they're one at a time obviously. If I want to check Facebook (via the app) I have to close Safari to view it. Then to view the websites again, close FB and open Safari and reload those pages.
Like I said though, not so bad on a mobile device because of the limited processing, screen size etc. Nobody expects windowed programs you can drag around and minimise etc, too messy. On a tablet though, isn't the whole point having a nice big multi-touch screen with "revolutionary design and experience" to do that sort of thing? Why can't you be browsing the web and bring up skype without losing what you were doing in Safari? On a 2010 tablet computer? Seriously? That's my point.
30-01-2010, 21:41
I think they should have two buttons - the home button, then a new button which brings up an ALT-TAB style box which lets you switch between apps. Simples.
30-01-2010, 22:42
Acidhell, whilst you're browsing round the internet on a brilliantly designed device with an amazing UI one web app at a time. I'll be doing the same on my year old netbook, faster (i still argue easier, you woulnd't be typing a reply half as fast as me right now) All whilst watching iplayer (or some other flash site) talking to my friends on msn, and organising my photos in picasa dirrectly from an sd card. Playing with GPS or DVB tv, using its multi-touch track pad, all for £208 :p... I think you're being incredibly short0sighted, and you may say that about me, but i want to like the idea of a tablet, but in practice a netbook usually makes more sense. There is no doubt that using my netbook on my lap right now with my legs up, with a keyboard and the screen tilted to the right height, i dont even need to use any hands. Whereas you'd be holding or propping an iPad up. I can see theres absolutely no convicing you and i dont realy care whether you get one or not! I just (like many people) fail to see most of its "features"...
Acidhell, whilst you're browsing round the internet on a brilliantly designed device with an amazing UI one web app at a time. I'll be doing the same on my year old netbook, faster (i still argue easier, you woulnd't be typing a reply half as fast as me right now) All whilst watching iplayer (or some other flash site) talking to my friends on msn, and organising my photos in picasa dirrectly from an sd card. Playing with GPS or DVB tv, using its multi-touch track pad, all for £208 :p... I think you're being incredibly short0sighted, and you may say that about me, but i want to like the idea of a tablet, but in practice a netbook usually makes more sense. There is no doubt that using my netbook on my lap right now with my legs up, with a keyboard and the screen tilted to the right height, i dont even need to use any hands. Whereas you'd be holding or propping an iPad up. I can see theres absolutely no convicing you and i dont realy care whether you get one or not! I just (like many people) fail to see most of its "features"...
In all honesty a tablet can make sense, when it's done properly. There is no technical reason a tablet couldn't do all those things just like a netbook (bar the speed of typing obviously), the iPad however for whatever reasons Apple deemed appropriate is a very very restricted bit of kit in reality.
The point about having to hold it is quite pertinent though I think, people mention watching films and using it on the train a fair bit and i'm not convinced it betters a netbook for that. Pretty much every train i've been on has a fold down table on the backs of seats to put a laptop on. Sit netbook on there, watch film, job done, easy peasy. With an iPad, unless you buy an extra accessory for it to stand it up, you'll have to hold it the entire time which would be a bit annoying really.
Acidhell, whilst you're browsing round the internet on a brilliantly designed device with an amazing UI one web app at a time.
Web app?
Also how many times do I have to point out that my iPhone can multitask after jailbreaking. Surely the iPad will be simple to do as its the same OS.
Whilst you're multitasking on your netbook try running apps from the app store :p Its feeling very much like a Mac vs PC debate. I use a Mac mostly for the apps that either aren't as good or aren't available on Windows. I'll use the iPad partly for similar apps.
Its also feeling so much like debates when the iPhone came out. "Haha no MMS? My phone can do MMS. No copy/paste? What a joke!" and so on. 2 years later and everyone is copying Apple's approach.
Whilst you're multitasking on your netbook try running apps from the app store :p
How many apps do you use that you can't get equivalent functionality on PC?
Not having a go but looking at my iPod all the apps on it that I actually use are pretty much PC replacement apps like facebook,, iPlayer, GMail. I've not come across any app that isn't already done on a PC or Mac.
Point being, as good as the app store is, is there anything on it that is really 'killer' and couldn't be matched by a netbook running Windows or MacOSX (or a tablet running MacOSX)?
30-01-2010, 23:08
Web app?
Also how many times do I have to point out that my iPhone can multitask after jailbreaking. Surely the iPad will be simple to do as its the same OS.
Whilst you're multitasking on your netbook try running apps from the app store :p Its feeling very much like a Mac vs PC debate. I use a Mac mostly for the apps that either aren't as good or aren't available on Windows. I'll use the iPad partly for similar apps.
Its also feeling so much like debates when the iPhone came out. "Haha no MMS? My phone can do MMS. No copy/paste? What a joke!" and so on. 2 years later and everyone is copying Apple's approach.
Webapp, app, whatever, application ecompassing doing "stuff" on a computer :p
What do you mean after jailbreaking? Thats not an argument! I can do taht before farting around with my netbook, and theres no saying apple wont pull a plug some time in the future on something they don't support... You can't use jailbreaking as an argument, although i agree it fixes MANY problems definitely.
I don't need to run any apps from the app store. The app store doesn't have anything i've seen on it revolutionary! Point me to something i've missed that you could do on an "app store" that i couldn't do on my netbook. And more to the point for every one app you find that might do something i can't i'll have an unlimited suppy of openly developed apps floating round the vast thing called the internet (even if we just consider soureforge and google code plex!) that will be able to do things the iPad/iPhone wishes it could!
Either way its a broken model with a lot of potential, but its terribly neutered in this case. I agree it has uses, you've pointed out one for yourself, but they're slim, and its still nothing you couldn't do with a well designed program UI on your macbook lets be blunt here. Essentially macbook and lovely slideshow would still be nice eyecandy to show customers and "easy" to use spacebar and left and right buttons... Job done and saved you a few hundred quid! Or grab a mini9 and put osx on it!? Bonus! It runs sweet as according to reports on tinternet and its way more powerful than the iPad!
30-01-2010, 23:10
Flight Control! :p
One game :p? Is that worth the money ;D
Webapp, app, whatever, application ecompassing doing "stuff" on a computer :p
What do you mean after jailbreaking? Thats not an argument!
Pish. I can and I will :p
Point me to something i've missed that you could do on an "app store" that i couldn't do on my netbook.
Any app using multitouch :p Flight Control!
and its still nothing you couldn't do with a well designed program UI on your macbook lets be blunt here.
Well technically the iPod fits there. I could carry a Macbook round with headphones in as a portable mp3 player but you would prefer something slimmer and easier to use :p
One game :p? Is that worth the money ;D
No. Theres Draw Race and Doodle Bug too. :p Great examples of apps that aren't possible on your dinky attempt at a real computer :p
30-01-2010, 23:21
My iPhone is the only known thing that can detect what state of sleep I'm in and wake me up when I'm in my lightest sleep in a half hour window... :D
(Look up Sleep Cycle on app store... amazing!!)
30-01-2010, 23:28
No. Theres Draw Race and Doodle Bug too. :p Great examples of apps that aren't possible on your dinky attempt at a real computer :p
Hahaha as long as you're being more light-hearted about this now its better.
iPad does have multi-touch over my netbook, defo not arguing that, multi-touch is good. But the future isn't really just about touching things on screens we feel its natural but actually its kind of annoying in some cases, cause you can't see with your hands all over the screen. Things like 10 finger GUI concept are where the future is at, touch based UI have their place and are great at space saving on phones etc... But i don't think they scale all that well and naturally, there comes a point where you really want a real input device again.
Check out:
I've been light-hearted all along :) Getting too old for Mac vs uncooked sausage debates ;) I'm simply being optimistic. I remember seeing the iPhone and thinking "Holy cow! That's really going to change things." I remember arguing about apps that were unique to it and all the cool things you could do that other things couldn't, or not as well. Maybe the iPad will fail but given the success of the iPhone I'm willing to take a chance and believe its going to change things once again.
My iPhone is the only known thing that can detect what state of sleep I'm in and wake me up when I'm in my lightest sleep in a half hour window... :D
(Look up Sleep Cycle on app store... amazing!!)
I spot three Sleep Cycle alarm clocks on the app store, which one are you using. I want to try this...
31-01-2010, 00:13
It has an orange icon with a white frame alarm clock :) It's amazing. Even shows you a graph... One sec and I'll upload a pic.
A Place of Light
31-01-2010, 00:27
This is a masterstroke from Apple.
It has an orange icon with a white frame alarm clock :) It's amazing. Even shows you a graph... One sec and I'll upload a pic.
31-01-2010, 00:30
iTunes Linkage (
(You can thank my cat for the 6am spike :( haha)
Whilst you're multitasking on your netbook try running apps from the app store :p Its feeling very much like a Mac vs PC debate.
Try running apps on your Mac while you're multitasking. Happy now? :p :)
31-01-2010, 00:36
When it comes to multitasking - there is no "easy" way imo unless you have something like a large or dual screen setup.
Personally I think the iPad is a great idea and wins over a netbook any day for me (I'm a sucker for a nice UI and multitouch) - but it still has a way to go.
In a few years when this laptop gets too slow, I'll probably get a proper desktop PC and then the then current version of the iPad :)
The 'nice UI' aspect remains to be seen. Remember it's not the same UI as the iPhone (would be silly if it was). I'm sure it will be good though - Apple have always been an eye candy company. As for Multitouch, it's great when it works, bloody annoying when it doesn't. Why on earth doesn't Multitouch work with Google for example? (iPhone).
iTunes Linkage (
Ta, just bought that. It'll be interesting to see how it manages with my incredibly restless sleep patterns.
When it comes to multitasking - there is no "easy" way imo unless you have something like a large or dual screen setup.
What, you've never opened up more than one application at once? Currently I've got TweetDeck open, an e-mail client and a web browser. Usually there will be a media player of some description running too. That's multitasking. We're not talking about people having multiple applications open on the same screen, we're talking about something as basic as multiple applications open simultaneously.
LeperousDust I have already said Ipad has many shortcomings. However this is not the device. These short comings can be found throughout the entire apple range.
Yes the netbook suits you better. I and many others do not need huge multitasking and huge processing power.
But do want an electronic "magazine" there is no need for a keyboard when browsing the web, watching movies or reading books. I don't want or need a portable pc, I want an electronic magazine. Which imo is it's three useful tasks. Anything else is a bonus(although to many bonuses woulkd subtract from the device, it needs a Media centre feel to it ala phone/mp3 players, not a computer OS UI). Which is where the magazine shape and style plays far more into usability than a netbook. As I have said many times, this may not suite you or others. But do not underestimate the size of the market for such a device. You just have to look at scifi programs and future concepts to see that tablet pcs will be the choice for portability in the future.
And since when has anyone demanded a book stand or magazine stand to make reading easier. It is perfectly comfortable to hold such a device. Much more so than a netbook, a netbook you need a table or somewhere to rest it.
How many people use a computer OS UI for a HTPC, almost no one. It is far to complicated. You hide the Os behind a nice simple UI that does the job at hand well.
How many people use a computer OS UI for a Car computer (inbuilt or self installed), almost no one. It is far to complicated. You hide the OS behind a nice simple UI that does the job at hand well.
How many people use a computer OS UI for a Phone, no one. It is far to complicated. You hide the OS behind a nice simple UI that does the job at hand well.
How many people use a computer OS UI for a Mp3player, no one. It is far to complicated. You hide the Os behind a nice simple UI that does the job at hand well.
So why would you use a OS UI for the Ipad? it is much similar to the above devices than a Netbook, laptop or desktop.
The 'nice UI' aspect remains to be seen. Remember it's not the same UI as the iPhone (would be silly if it was).
It doesn't? As far as I can tell it does. Theres some new multitouch gestures but outside of that the UI is the same.
...we're talking about something as basic as multiple applications open simultaneously.
You know the iPhone/iPad can do that don't you? I can listen to music while checking my email on my iPhone and receive Twitter updates via Push notifications while doing so. By your definition its multitasking.
So I have to close Mail and open Tweetie to read the updates, but then on my Mac I have to alt-tab. Its slower but you could say that the concept is still the same.
Could I listen to music on the iPhone while playing a game or reading my email/browsing the web straight out of the box?
yes it has multitasking but only if you use apple stuff.
31-01-2010, 12:07
Does it (the iPhone) do this out of the box.. or is it because you have jail broken it?
Could I listen to music on the iPhone while playing a game or reading my email/browsing the web straight out of the box?
Is there any news on a new iPhone release in June?
Yep. Safari, iPod, and Mail all run in the background of other apps. Other apps can save their "state" and reopen it when you next use them... so it's virtually the same as minimising and maximising a window on the PC (as long as said apps are not coded by a monkey)
It doesn't? As far as I can tell it does. Theres some new multitouch gestures but outside of that the UI is the same.
It isn't. Similar, yes, but not the same. Mail app is certainly different, and I'd be very surprised if there weren't differences elsewhere.
Mail isn't hugely different. On the whole the UI is very much the same. Its not like the difference between iPhone OS and OSX for example. I don't think the "nice UI" remains to be seen. Its Apple after all. Nice UI is one of their strengths. Core UI is iPhone. Some apps have been upgraded to utilise the bigger screen. iCal looks great. Mail does look better. Like I said, my iPhone now feels small looking at these apps on a 10''ish device. *wants*
. *wants*
Same but not apple.
I want flash for certain
I want to be able to have a memory card
I want to be able to have multitasking outside of apple apps. Although the above two are far more important than this one.
Android version would probably be ideal.
Flash I'm not bothered about. As this guy says ( theres a chance it'll force people to rethink their Flash sites. HTML5 is going to allow content producers to deliver multimedia content without Flash. It'll play better on OSX and be available for the iPhone/iPad. Its certainly true that Flash on OSX isn't as speedy as on Windows. I remember when I first got a Mac and I'd have to have Safari selected so Flash ran smoothly. If it was a background window it was awful. So if thats the sort of support Adobe are giving to Flash on a Mac I'd rather not have it on my iPhone. HTML5 ftw.
As for a memory card. Not overly fussed. Only thing I really use them for is my cameras and I shoot RAW. I doubt any tablet device would have the processing power I need to handle my images comfortably. That said it would be nice to be able to shoot JPG for fun, import them onto the iPad then process them in the Photoshop mobile app and upload to Flickr. There's a USB camera link so who knows, it might be possible. Of course since this device is aimed at consumers it would be very clever of Apple to allow this. They're all about the family photo album.
Unfortunately flash is the main stay at the moment and will be for a considerable time.
Memory cards is to store anything on, be it apps, mp3, movies. I don't want to run out of space and have no options. Especially when two of it's main uses is book reading and video. But then I never expected this from apple, Iphone and such have never had expansion slots.
It is but the sites I browse aren't heavily Flash enabled and those that are understand the importance of accessible content. They are switching to HTML5. So Flash isn't an issue for me :)
This is the best thought I've read so far.
It's a bit like the Wii, "real" gamers hate it because the games and console aren't aimed at them but everyone else.
The iPad will make things easier for non-tech types who just want to send email, browse Facebook and enjoy family photos. No virus issues, firewalls, drivers, security patches, right clicking, scary OS stuff to worry about. My Dad really doesn't need the same level of computer that I do.
You know what, you're absolutely right. Tech heads hate it because they can't do what they want. Same thing happened with the iPhone - until it was jailbroken.
Of course, the question is then is the price point right for the 'non-tech types'. That's probably where the real problem will lie. It's arguable that a Mac is better for non-tech types too, but Windows won that war a long time ago (OK, so the resistance is strong - ish). Why buy an iPad when you can buy a netbook for considerably less? email? Check. Web? Check. Photos? Check. Facebook? Check.
PS - You fell into your own trap. Non-tech types by definition don't worry about virus issues, firewalls, drivers, or security patches. That's why most of that lot gets turned on by default in Windows 7 - and then Microsoft tell you to go buy anti-virus.
PS - You fell into your own trap. Non-tech types don't worry about virus issues, firewalls, drivers, or security patches.
I know. I said that.
Why buy the iPad over a netbook? Ask again in a year or two when hopefully the print industry is revitalised and offering all manner of newspapers and magazines via the App store. There's great potential in the iPad.
They advertised the iPhone by its features showing how easy it was to use. Thats it. It sold. No crappy marketing showing a well dressed man dancing around with a phone for no reason. Just show people the product and how easy it is. People bought it. I've told my Dad to get an iPad over another Macbook. Think of this. Is it easier to stand in the kitchen holding a netbook in one hand while cooking and trying to google things or simply hold the iPad as you would a cooking magazine or book?
Which is easier to sit on the side and glance at whilst both hands are dirty from cooking? :p
Like you can't do that with the iPad :p
Not without buying an accessory to stand it up with you can't, it'd be flat on the surface and you'd have to walk over to it to see it :p
I know. I said that.
My point was that non-tech types don't know they need to worry about it. As such, that argument carries very little weight. We know it's a non-issue only the iPad - they just don't care.
Why buy the iPad over a netbook? Ask again in a year or two when hopefully the print industry is revitalised and offering all manner of newspapers and magazines via the App store. There's great potential in the iPad.
There are two problems with that argument. Firstly the obvious one - it only works in the US (for now, admittedly). How far behind are we going to be given that we don't even get all the existing iTunes stuff?
Secondly, a large percentage of those Apps will be subscription services (certainly will if Rupert Murdoch gets his way). There's a big unknown right there - how many people will be prepared to pay when you can just fire up a browser and point it at BBC, or CNN, or Digg?
Basing sales of the iPad on the print industry might just be asking for trouble - but it's one of those where we both could be right, or wrong.
Not without buying an accessory to stand it up with you can't, it'd be flat on the surface and you'd have to walk over to it to see it :p
Like a book then :p My parents have a stand for holding up cooking books that the iPad would happily sit on. Much nicer than clearing space for a netbook :p Ner ner :p
My thinking exactly. Thought I'd posted those thoughts too but obviously I didn't. Book stand would be rather more stable to boot. :)
31-01-2010, 22:47
Everyone saying that holding an iPad is similar and as "easy as" a book are totally missing the fact the iPad will weight a fair but more than most books and definately magazines you're used too! A stand will work yes, but just holding it whilst sitting around "relaxing" on the couch i dont think will be very comfotable! Whereas these silly netbooks have a stand buiuld in using old technology called a "hinge".
/Sarcasm :p
Have you seen Lord of the Rings?! ;)
Nice sentiment, but a flawed argument which only really applies to end users. Why? Who wrote the firmware for this New World utopia? That'll be the Old World then. I don't see self-resident development being possible for a while, though it's more of an option on the iPad than it was on the iPhone.
For average Joe user, New World may very well turn out to be king, but it might yet not be Apple's New World. There's this annoying pest called Google who have a somewhat different vision. :)
PS - maybe if they put the big friendly words 'DON'T PANIC' on it, we'd be getting somewhere. :p
Nice sentiment, but a flawed argument which only really applies to end users. Why? Who wrote the firmware for this New World utopia? That'll be the Old World then.
I don't think there's any question of that at all. Obviously it'll be the IT nerds coding things on Mac's n stuff. Thats not the point. People need to stop looking at this as a geeky tech toy and look past that.
Its funny really. When was the last time you saw someone bitch about the Xbox 360 being locked down, running MS approved apps only and you didn't have the freedom to run stuff in the background? You can't use twitter while gaming. The Wii only lets you run approved apps in the way Nintendo deem acceptable. Why should the iPad conform to your traditional standards of what a computer should be? PS3, PS2, PS1, Xbox, Xbox 360, Wii, PSP, Nintendo DS etc all don't. Is that because we've accepted them as consoles not computers?
Is that because we've accepted them as consoles not computers?
Yup, for the most part, though even there it's a bit of a grey area, because not everyone accepted that. For example, you can run Linux on a PS3, Homebrew on a DS, and so forth.
I 'get' the New World argument for Joe user. It clearly works for the most part - though there's clearly some flaws to work out (Sat Nav getting interrupted by phone calls on the iPhone for one). Still not convinced about the iPad mind - for Joe, a Netbook will do most the same things they want, even if it is decidedly Old World. It is, however, one case where I'm happy to be proved wrong - and probably will be.
Technically a netbook will do most of the same things. A PS3 essentially does the same things a 360 does. Same as the Xbox and PS2, same as the PS1 and Dreamcast. That said there are reasons why people own both. There are times when one platform beats the other or has something the other doesn't. I do feel that the iPad has things netbooks don't and that it will be good. I really hope it changes things like the iPhone did too.
31-01-2010, 23:49
Very interesting!
01-02-2010, 01:16
Very interesting!
Very interesting indeed!!
not sure if this has been posted, not trawling through the links to find out but it made me giggle :D
What the iPad will mostly be used for (
No way in hell that'll happen with mine :p
You may think that. Your cat may Think Different. :)
Nicely done sir :) Cat is more interested in tissue paper than my Macbook pro which is tasty warm.
I so hope an android devices comes out very soon and is at least as good. Otherwise I might have to get the Ipad.
I so hope an android devices comes out very soon and is at least as good. Otherwise I might have to get the Ipad.
Did you see the Windows 7 based iTablet the other day?
They've been vague about specs but Intel 1.6GHz = Atom, so it looks like it's basically going to be a netbook with no keyboard, with a webcam, USB, 250GB HDD, optional HDMI, Bluetooth etc. etc.
(screen shot is XP but I think the pic is just a cheap mock up)
Having seen how Windows 7 handles multitouch I can see it being very good.
coolio, but any idea what the UI going to be like? I hope. it's not just windows and is like a mobile phone with accelerometers.
Well Windows 7 was developed as multi touch enabled, have a look around for some vids, it works pretty well IMO. No idea about accelerometers.
The interface will be the same as Windows 7 is on the HP touch PCs I expect.
09-02-2010, 16:13
Bog standard Windows 7 is easier out the box than bog standard OSX. Both pale in comparison to "mobile OS'" but then mobile OS (even android) pales in comparison to a full fat OS. So what if you need to load a UI ontop of windows 7 to make it finger friendly. Build it and they shall come. Make some decent windows 7 netbook tablets and dev's will appear with skins and UI replacements for 7. Jolicloud also looks like it could be pretty cool with a few tweaks touch wise. And google are certainly putting some thought into the touch side of things with chrome.
In my opinion Jolicloud (which is essentially a skined ubuntu) and windows 7 with some unknown skin hold the most power and promise.
I'm still looking for an accelerometer upgrade for my netbook but not coming across anything plug and play simple yet. I'm almost certain i've got a usb header spare inside begging for a module ;D I can't think of anything else my netbook could have after that!
Oh does it make me doubly as cool that i'm wiritng this from starbucks with a latte? :p
Bog standard Windows 7 is easier out the box than bog standard OSX. Both pale in comparison to "mobile OS'" but then mobile OS (even android) pales in comparison to a full fat OS. So what if you need to load a UI ontop of windows 7 to make it finger friendly. Build it and they shall come. Make some decent windows 7 netbook tablets and dev's will appear with skins and UI replacements for 7. Jolicloud also looks like it could be pretty cool with a few tweaks touch wise. And google are certainly putting some thought into the touch side of things with chrome.
Then you'll want
Lenovo IdeaPad U1 Hybrid
Comes in 2 parts
Dual OS - Windows 7 when needing to do some work, and a custom build OS for browsing gadgets when not.
C2D for the main computer & Snapdragon for the slate
1.7kilo for computer 750g for slate
11.6" 16:9 screen
10hours battery life
Sounds interesting but main computer is probably worthless for my needs.
I don't see teh need for a full OS, although that depends what you plan to do with it. A phone OS is more than capable. That Itablet is ridiculous now I've seen the specs.
1.2kilo : Ouch
nearly three times as thick as Ipad :OMG ouch
Windows 7 tablet : rubbish :(
Have to Hope MSi Android is delivered on cost at £300 and does what it says.
Everyone saying that holding an iPad is similar and as "easy as" a book are totally missing the fact the iPad will weight a fair but more than most books :p
A standard hardback book is 750g with the paperback version being 300g both of which are extremely easy to hold and read. The Ipad is 680g.
In case you haven't seen it yet (it's been around since launch)...
Courtesy @serafinowicz and Stephen Fry. :)
02-03-2010, 17:19
LOL! So wrong but perfect. :D
There's an Apple store not far from my hotel (when I get there). Wonder if they'll get them in before I come home. With the exchange rate going south faster than the national debt, I'm not sure I'll be able to afford one anyway. ;D
Definite potential with this device.
True, but there was some obvious vapourware in there. If they can get Starfinder to do that for real, I'll eat my hat. :p
Del Lardo
09-03-2010, 17:04
Just received an e-mail from one of my friends with the subject iPad.......
I'm in iTunes HQ in regent street (above the apple store) and been playing with one for the last 30 minutes...
this is written on the ipad so here is a quick review....
- It's too pretty to let it get scratched whilst in your bag.
- It feels a pound heavier than I'd want it to be and you can't get comfortable with it 9it may not seem alot but I think it is whilst holding it)
- I currently have it flat on my lap as two minutes in my hands got tired holding it with one and moving **** around with the my neck hurts.
- I can hardly see the screen as every time it moves the lights in the ceiling turn it into a big reflective wash of white.
- My macbook pro laptop is open beside me and the battery is going down about 70% faster on the iPad
- Nobody in the apple office wants one, they think it's awful although they are all testing them and using them in presentations (but they'll never say this in public of course!)
- It's bloody uncomfortable to use....bored with it and turning it off now
I tell you what does spark my interest though...
Have a gander at this interface video for Microsofts upcoming 'courier'...
The idea is it opens / closes like a DS/filofax. They could be on to a winner here...
- It's too pretty to let it get scratched whilst in your bag.
Whoa, iPod 1st gen flash back :p
Just received an e-mail from one of my friends with the subject iPad.......
Most apple products are like that.
Most apple products are like that.
Most modern products with a screen are like that :) Most cars are also like that. Most humans too, well the pretty ones anyway ;)
Just received an e-mail from one of my friends with the subject iPad.......
Sure he works at apple. Sounds liek standard chain mail rubbish.
To heavy and goes on lap. Does he never read books. It is less than a hardback book.
Scratch resistant is easy buy a case, you'll need one anyway to protect screen.
Del Lardo
09-03-2010, 22:38
Sure he works at apple. Sounds liek standard chain mail rubbish.
To heavy and goes on lap. Does he never read books. It is less than a hardback book.
Scratch resistant is easy buy a case, you'll need one anyway to protect screen.
He doesn't work at Apple, he was just visiting their offices :)
When he reads hardbacks he is generally holding them in two hands rather than one which is a requirement to use the touch screen.
I haven't bought a case for any of my iPods, phones or laptops and I'm not about to start now :p
I haven't bought a case for any of my iPods, phones or laptops and I'm not about to start now :p
laptop is in a protective case and a phone has a tiny screen, so much less chance of smashing it. It would be foolish to get a device and not get a case when out and about.
Del Lardo
09-03-2010, 23:21
It would be foolish to get a device and not get a case when out and about.
I couldn't disagree more, I think that a device should be designed to cope with day to day life without doubling its volume or risking destroying it before the guarantee expires. I shouldn't need a case to protect a device while it is in my bag :shocked:
I shouldn't need a case to protect a device while it is in my bag :shocked:
Shouldn't but do. My Canon G9 got pretty badly scratched from putting it in my bag without a screen protector. Got one straight away for my new Panasonic GF1.
So you want to destroy the idea of the device and it's usability, just so it's protected in a bag. Rather than getting a case. Where extra weight and size makes absolutely no difference.
Most humans too, well the pretty ones anyway ;)
And there was I, thinking Faysh had the monopoly on mailbags and gaffer-tape. :p ;D
Personally, and no offence intended, I think that email reads like a diatribe from an Apple-hater. Did he actually try to scratch the screen? I'd guess not, so how on earth is he to know if it'll scratch badly or not? I'm guessing he'd have the same opinion of the Kindle then, or anything else with an exposed screen.
Oh and four of the points are all moaning about it being uncomfortable to use. Maybe if you're typing an essay that's a fair point. It's not meant for a major typing session (and the same goes for anything else with a virtual keyboard). :)
I'm going to reserve judgement until I've held one and played with it myself. Soon, very soon. ;D
He doesn't mention the screen getting scratched. He just says it's too nice to get scratched carrying it in your bag or whatever you use. Let's face it, the screens might be quite tough but the case will probably look a lot worse for wear after a while without and protection. I can see where the guy is coming from and also think that these will be a bit uncomfortable to use in a lot of situations. I'm happy to be proven wrong though so will reserve judgement until I can use one. At least this guy HAS actually used one.
Del Lardo
10-03-2010, 08:30
So you want to destroy the idea of the device and it's usability, just so it's protected in a bag. Rather than getting a case. Where extra weight and size makes absolutely no difference.
Nope I will try one and see what I think but if I do buy one it will not have a case, I've yet to see one that I don't hate and that includes the 'invisible' ones.
The guy who sent the mail is a self confessed Apple whore and for him not to want one is very surprising.
I gave up caring about my iProducts getting scratched years ago. I've got a screen protector for my iPhone. Its nice. Protects the screen, reduces glare and also reduces the amount of grease on the screen from finger prints / ears. I'm not going to be putting my iPad anywhere near my ear, I don't think, but I'd get one of these to protect the screen for those reasons. Saves me having to wipe it every 20 seconds.
Once you accept the fact that it will get scratched you stop caring. Doubt I'd get a case or bag for it. Well, maybe something simple as my bag only has one pocket.
Anyway, can't be that pretty. Its just a big iPhone remember :p
10-03-2010, 10:12
I was watching a US stream of the Oscars and they were advertising these like mad. I went from 'could care less' to 'Holy crap, these are awesome!' over the 3.5 hour show.
On the subject of screen protectors, I need a better protector for my iPhone. The one I've got now is a grease magnet. :(
Has there been any more news on availability of the iPad yet? Last I heard was late March but nothing more specific than that.
Del Lardo
11-03-2010, 10:44
On the subject of screen protectors, I need a better protector for my iPhone. The one I've got now is a grease magnet. :(
Has there been any more news on availability of the iPad yet? Last I heard was late March but nothing more specific than that.
There's ya go
Apple's iPad tablet will go on sale in the UK in "late April", the company has revealed.
The late April launch date applies to both models of iPad - the wi-fi only and wi-fi plus 3G - in the UK.
Apple's UK website still gives a March launch date for the wi-fi only iPad (see below), with the 3G iPad slated to arrive in the UK in April. However, according to a press release from the company today, both devices will now arrive at the same, albeit slightly later, time.
11-03-2010, 19:54
If the screen is anything like the iPhone you won't be able to scratch it with a razorblade.. let alone just loose in your bag.
And then if it's anything like the first gen iPhone and iPod touch, that magic coating vanishes and it gets covered in dozens of little hairline scratches like mine has in the last 3-6 months.
12-03-2010, 16:57
Anyone planning to buy one may want to consider getting the KY out. If this ( is true - OUCH!
If the screen is anything like the iPhone you won't be able to scratch it with a razorblade.. let alone just loose in your bag.
Nonsense. I've seen several 3G and 3GS screens that are scratched by people having coins in their pocket. No way would the screen not be scratched if you attacked it with a razor blade.
Anyone planning to buy one may want to consider getting the KY out. If this ( is true - OUCH!
£1 = $1 is quite normal even when the pound is strong. As it is, with the pound in the ditch (I got 1.43 exchange rate on Thursday :() and adding on import duties, Play's price probably isn't that wide of the mark for street pricing. Expect to find them cheaper elsewhere though (Play's pricing is often very far from competitive these days).
Nonsense. I've seen several 3G and 3GS screens that are scratched by people having coins in their pocket. No way would the screen not be scratched if you attacked it with a razor blade.
Completely agree! If that wasn't the case then cases and screen protectors would be utterly pointless. Apple have just the same problems as everyone else when it comes to screens - as early iPod Nano owners found out.
New York Times has done 2 reviews:
Del Lardo
01-04-2010, 13:01
New York Times has done 2 reviews:
Good find! Looks like it's a no go on the 1st gen for me.
Good find! Looks like it's a no go on the 1st gen for me.
Christ, those two reviews are crap awful, they really concentrate on the negatives and don't mention any positives at all. The one aimed at 'techies' reads as though it was written for those with a intelligence of a mushroom and neither of those reviews makes me want one at all.
This review though has me wanting one:
I just wish they would announce the UK launch date or something. I'm off to London in May on a photo trip, and down south mid April. It would be nice to have it for those trips. I'll still be taking my laptop on both trips but still, nice to put it to a real test.
I'm definitely getting one as I plan to write an ebook or even be adventurous and look into an app.
Christ, those two reviews are crap awful, they really concentrate on the negatives and don't mention any positives at all. The one aimed at 'techies' reads as though it was written for those with a intelligence of a mushroom and neither of those reviews makes me want one at all.
Perhaps a reflection that the reviewer was not all that impressed with the device?
Reviews are meant to give an honest appraisal of a product, not serve as a marketing extension.
I'm liking the look of the Marvel app ( Ok I'm really sold now. They ported Geometry Wars to it!
Nonsense. I've seen several 3G and 3GS screens that are scratched by people having coins in their pocket. No way would the screen not be scratched if you attacked it with a razor blade.
That's what's happened to mine. First 9 months or so, bombproof. Now, like Divine said, started seeing little cracks and chips on the casing and screen appearing. Always keep it in it's little sock too so it's not like I throw it about.
700,000 iPad's sold on day 1. 250,000 iPhones sold on day 1. Seems fairly popular.
That's what's happened to mine. First 9 months or so, bombproof. Now, like Divine said, started seeing little cracks and chips on the casing and screen appearing. Always keep it in it's little sock too so it's not like I throw it about.
The socks are pretty bad for causing scratches, any grit, dust or sand is rubbed against the screen.
Del Lardo
05-04-2010, 16:14
700,000 iPad's sold on day 1. 250,000 iPhones sold on day 1. Seems fairly popular.
Where did the 700 000 & 250 000 figures come from?
Apple says it sold more than 300,000 of its latest product, the iPad tablet computer, on its launch day in the US.
On the iPhone's launch weekend in the US, it was reported that up to 525,000 phones had been sold.
Don't think the iPhone was available for web pre-order either. The iPad is obviously going to be successful but I can't see it outselling the iPhone by that sort of margin given it's higher purchase cost and the fact it isn't subsidised by a mobile phone contract.
05-04-2010, 16:41
^ and also because people like me who have a iPhone and MBP don't really need an iPad...
I just wish they would announce the UK launch date or something.
'Couple of weeks' after the US is what I've heard. Take that as you want to. I'm off to the Apple store now to see if they've any to play with, but with the credit card going up faster than the Shuttle, I'm going to take a lot of convincing.
One bonus point for the iPad is that the battery in my laptop has died (despite being only two years old and despite me removing it from the laptop when not needed) so I'd have to buy a new one to keep that mobile.
One other thing, just in case you were wondering.....yes it will.
Where did the 700 000 & 250 000 figures come from?
A. Random. It was early reports that Apple had sold that many. However it was confirmed today that it was only 300,000.
Oh and this.
Apple sold 270,000 original iPhones in the first 30 hours or so of its availability. That’s right, the iPad outsold the iPhone on day one—and that’s for a “third” device in an unproven category. You could argue that the ability to pre-order increased the window for people to buy, but I think that washes out with the fact that almost everybody who pre-ordered had never so much as touched the device..
Off to the USA tomorrow, so will no doubt have a play with one in the Apple store in SB this week :)
From everything I've seen I'm completely underwhelmed though, fail to see anything it does which I can't do better on my netbook which cost half the price, or even that apart from the screen, an iPhone has better functionality - the only thing which might have convinced me was if it had a webcam as I think it would make a fantastic piece of skype video-chat hardware, but as it doesn't, it basically has no use for me at all. :p
fail to see anything it does which I can't do better on my netbook which cost half the price
Seriously? This point again? :p Its been a few months now. It wasn't a laptop/netbook replacement then and it still isn't now. Get over it! :p
Surely it is whatever a potential customer thinks it is? And for me, the things I would use it for, are the same functions which I currently use my netbook for, media consumption, communication, photos, internet browsing and suchlike, so yes for me, it does have to impress me sufficiently to justify spending more $$$s on it.
I think it says something that I even admit I would consider it, as I like the iPhone and its ease of use - but the lack of webcam and therefore crippled videochat ability is a complete deal-killer for me and so puts the iPad firmly in the 'complete luxury' rather than 'justifiable expenditure' camp.
Surely it is whatever a potential customer thinks it is?
Hmm. Funny looking bar of chocolate. ;)
High fiving staff and filming themselves walking into the store.
Some people like Apple a little bit toooo much I think :/
That is probably one of the saddest things I've seen in a long time ::/:
That is probably one of the saddest things I've seen in a long time ::/:
Doesn't beat the MS store people dancing around because apparently it was a "cool" thing to do.
I can understand the hi5. They're one of the first people in the world to own a brand new shiny gadget. I know I'd be excited. But dancing in a store to the Black Eyed Peas because its "cool"? Now thats sad :)
Nope, sorry Pete, it's sad full stop. Finding a MS one doesn't make it any less sad :D
Everyone loves to buy a shiny new gadget. Hell if I had the money sitting around as spare I'd be buying one too, but I'd purposely avoid that first day so that I didn't have to act like a nob.
Surely you could buy it on the first day without acting like a nob? :p I mean, its not like its in the T&Cs. Get it shipped to you. High five your reflection away from the cameras ;)
Oh and I didn't have to find the MS one. That is pretty much the saddest thing I've seen in a long time. The whole idea is hilarious. The store is a complete rip of the Apple store and it continues to show that MS are playing catchup to Apple and that their idea of "cool" is hilarious. Windows 7 parties? Seriously?
Don't think that I'm a fanboy trying to defend them though. I wouldn't high five the guy either. I'm not mad :)
But these guys are. Sale at American Apparel store in London ( results in a riot and police action.
The other intriguing thing about that video was the responses they gave about why they wanted one. It's almost as if they didn't really know why they wanted one or what they'd use it for :p
06-04-2010, 22:35
High fiving staff and filming themselves walking into the store.
Some people like Apple a little bit toooo much I think :/
To be fair though, that's less to do with just Apple and more to do with Americans being idiots. You'd get the same for console launches etc.
07-04-2010, 01:13
Surely you could buy it on the first day without acting like a nob? :p I mean, its not like its in the T&Cs. Get it shipped to you. High five your reflection away from the cameras ;)
Oh and I didn't have to find the MS one. That is pretty much the saddest thing I've seen in a long time. The whole idea is hilarious. The store is a complete rip of the Apple store and it continues to show that MS are playing catchup to Apple and that their idea of "cool" is hilarious. Windows 7 parties? Seriously?
Don't think that I'm a fanboy trying to defend them though. I wouldn't high five the guy either. I'm not mad :)
But these guys are. Sale at American Apparel store in London ( results in a riot and police action.
The only real difference I see is that Windows 7 is genuinely a good product and was worth getting excited over :P
I've held one. Actually, I've held about four. Gorgeous screen - absolutely love it. For example, the iBook reader is very good (when it doesn't crash, that is, which it did for me). There was a lovely stargazing app on the ones in the store too which looked brilliant on that screen.
Also love the nice touches with the standard apps (e.g. having a list of notes down the left and the actual notes on the right). Same deal with Mail, and Settings, and so forth.
Found a few minor annoyances though - like the home screen icons being the same size as the iPhone ones despite having all that extra real estate to play with, and iPhone apps running in a little box in the middle of the screen (that's why there has been a frenzy of app updates), and the speaker being no better than the iPhone one.
Did I buy one? No. Not because of any of the above - I could live with all of that. However, the problem was what happened to me on holiday. I ended up with about 140GB worth of photos and HD video, and I needed somewhere to put it all. In fact, I ran out of disk space on the laptop but luckily had a 320GB removable drive with me as well. Now I'll admit that that is unlikely to happen again (it isn't every day I go on a four-week holiday), but it does leave me with the biggest single thing I can't do with an iPad - temporarily archive lots of data.
Given that my biggest use of an iPad would be when travelling, which is the same time I'd likely be taking photos, that made it a difficult decision. The £5,600 already on my credit cards made the decision much easier. ;D
The socks are pretty bad for causing scratches, any grit, dust or sand is rubbed against the screen.
I started using the sock after the scratches/chips started to appear. It's been fine since then so it's not that in this case.
Have to admit, they were shifting them pretty quick while I was in store (though I was actually surprised they had any to shift).
Stargazing app was "star walk" and is available on iPhone (though less eye candy due to less space, obviously).
Oh, and I was wrong about iPhone apps only running at original resolution. You can zoom them, apparently.
Oh, and I was wrong about iPhone apps only running at original resolution. You can zoom them, apparently.
That's right, Jobs made a big thing about that in the original presentation. Reading reviews it works well on some apps but others end up looking very 'meh'.
So unexpectedly I may have an iPad on the way.
Tony who is on holiday in the USA emailed me last week asking about the iPad and saying whether he should get one. I replied giving the pros and cons and saying that if I had the cash available right now then I'd be asking him to bring me one back (I don't object too much to paying the USA price but the rumoured UK prices are too high).
He's picked up one for himself and has told me that he should get my one before he comes back home. His flight has been delayed until next Friday at the earliest so he has plenty of time!
Had a play with one last Sunday. They're nice. It's smaller than I thought and it's just as I thought : a bigger iphone. Would be great for photographers/people who want to read/play games/surf on the move. It's nice and I'd like one, but I won't be paying the rumoured UK prices (even the US price is hard to justify for me as I don't need one!). Not sure what the battery life is like either.
Got one, posting on it now :D
24-04-2010, 19:53
Ner Ner :p
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