View Full Version : Help with some HTML coding please

30-01-2010, 11:13
I need to recode a small html frame and remove the java that's in it and replace the commands with just static images that link to pages in a different frame.

I can't for the life of me remember how to do this.

Here's the java code:

<applet code="fphover.class" codebase="./" width="125" height="18">
<param name="url" valuetype="ref" value="about.htm">
<param name="target" value="rbottom">
<param name="image" valuetype="ref" value="buttons/about_off.gif">
<param name="hoverimage" valuetype="ref" value="buttons/about_on.gif">

I need to replace that with some html which shows the image buttons/about_off.gif, pulls the page about.htm and displays it in the frame called rbottom.

I know it's a simple line but I've faffed about and can't get it to work.

Can anyone help please?

30-01-2010, 14:24
I'm confused, it's been a while since I've done HTML, but wouldn't you just link an image and add target_rbottom in there to open it in that frame?

<a href="about.htm" target="_rbottom"><img src="buttons/about_off.gif"></a> ?

30-01-2010, 14:58
That's it, not sure what I was doing to make it not work but it works now, thanks :)

Just had to add a border="0" to stop my images having a small border and it's all peachy.

Joe 90
30-01-2010, 15:00
erghhh frames.

you got a link to the live page? I like to see what things look like first :)

30-01-2010, 15:18
erghhh frames.

you got a link to the live page? I like to see what things look like first :)

This (http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6950) may ring a bell ;)

The site is nasty because it was made back in 2000 in frontpage. It's still the same as it was then except I've just removed the java from the left frame.

I guess it was just too nasty when I asked last time for anyone to do anything with.

Joe 90
30-01-2010, 15:41
LoL - I remember that now ;D

I'll have a look (again) - I seem to remember it being in the kind of HTML that I have always managed to avoid..

where abouts is this code taken from by the way?

30-01-2010, 16:08
Not sure what you mean - I've already replaced the java code with boggo html so what you see now is how it's going to remain unless anyone anyone creative takes up the mantle :)

Joe 90
30-01-2010, 16:31
ah right, sorry, though the code was still live.

30-01-2010, 20:41
Nah, I removed the java earlier. It's still waiting it's redesign back from early 2008 though. . .
