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30-01-2010, 11:59
Ok, so the mighty micra must go, meaning I have to replace it with another car.

My wishlist:

Ideally I need something small so that parking is less of an issue.
I dont want anything too flashy as parking it in a school, inevitbaly a few knocks happen from balls and suchlike.
Comfortable and economical, as I drive a round trip of 35-40 miles a day to work.
Not too pricy to tax or insure

Im thinking I dont really want to spend any more than £2k. Wondering about a Fiesta Mark 5, or an astra. Private sale or garage sale? I reckon a dealer will be far too much money.

Any advice gratefully recieved!!!

30-01-2010, 12:19
MK2 Golf GTi fulfills all of those needs, plus they're ultra cool and have FOUR headlights :D

30-01-2010, 15:56
My worry with an older car, is having problems with parts and maintenance ;)

30-01-2010, 16:07
What about an mr2 mk1 + then bits to add to it? (paging VIX) You could be the cool teacher who drives the sports car to work every day :D There is also the grin factor of booting it out of the staff car park at the end of the day. When you are doing this small mileage it doesn't really matter, a golf like Kate's would be fine.

The alternative is to get something like a Focus. When I ran mine I put over 50k on it and the only parts it needed were a cambelt & water pump, some brake pads/tyres and servicing. So nothing out of the ordinary. The focus was handy parking as the car ended exactly at the edge of the window +2".

30-01-2010, 16:09
I did think about suggesting it but not sure it met his criteria :)

30-01-2010, 16:15
Hmmmm .... maybe but I would quite happily roll around for 35-40m per day in mine. Fuel is mid 30s if you don't keep it over 4.5k. Parts are cheap and insurance isn't bad. I thought I would put it in as a quirky offer as they are a bit of fun for not much cash :)

30-01-2010, 16:16
Well, may also want it to get around the country a little... if I'm gonna be social! :)
I think an MR2 may be a little too large... I think a focus may be about the largest I could go, and still feel confident about getting a place near my flat.

Having said that, an older car, if it does go wrong, is easier to fix yourself, if you are so inclined I guess!

30-01-2010, 16:30
It's not like our MR2s haven't got us round the country for the past 5 years! :p

It does everything you asked for but I knew you wouldn't want one :)

30-01-2010, 17:35

30-01-2010, 17:36
Mk1 Focus
Length: 4174mm
Width: 1998mm

Mk1 MR2
Length: 3925mm
Width: 1665mm

Need to find a better excuse ;)

30-01-2010, 18:46
Polo Mk4?

30-01-2010, 21:40
Polo?!?!? lol

30-01-2010, 22:14
Polo?!?!? lol


Anyway, what about Skoda Fabia's? The polo's cheaper cousin. 1.4s seem to get 37mpg and the dervs do 60mpg.

You are going to laugh but.....

This was my first motor, there is bugger all that can go wrong with them. You get a heater, the higher models got rear demist, manual windows and that's it. It will cost peanuts to run. It's along similar lines to Kate's Golf thoughts. If you want a run around that'll do the odd long journey, that will without any trouble. Stuff some £10 hub caps on there to tidy it up or even the original VW ones looked ok.

edit:- Thinking about it I doubt you'll go for it.

There are some Clio's around that money.

30-01-2010, 22:52
What is so funny about a Polo??? :(

31-01-2010, 01:26
What is so funny about a Polo??? :(

It covers a lot of his requirements, they do seem a bit overpriced tbh though

his original Fiesta suggestion would take some beating

31-01-2010, 03:00
Toyota Corolla.

31-01-2010, 09:04
I'm sorry, I really didnt mean to cause anyone any offence by laughing at Polo - it was me being remembering something from many years ago when I was immature... Which I still am ;)
Nowt wrong with a polo at all.
Many thanks for all these suggestions people. I feel a little overwhelmed by all the cars on the market so opinions really help! I dont want to waste money on something thats going to be a pain in the backside mechanically, or turn into a money pit :/
Corolla could be interesting, looked at some a few months ago actually.

I've only ever bought and sold my cars privately. I know that this carrys a risk, but it appears to be a much cheaper way of getting a car. What are people's thoughts on that?

31-01-2010, 10:11
How old do you want to go car wise? That should help us narrow down the choice a bit.

Buying cars private can be cheaper but sometimes not, it can be riskier if you don't know cars or don't know much about the model car you are looking at. Some dealers do offer a short warranty on 2nd hand purchases (enough to ensure you haven't bought a complete lemon if it dies nearly right away). It can be good to have a look at the for sale forums on owners clubs sometimes if you are prepared to do a bit of detective work. If it's a known car within the club you can get a fair bit of history on it and get an idea if it's a good example or if it has had niggles.

31-01-2010, 12:56
I've had Untold cars over the years & I choose a Polow with a 1.9 derv lump in it. Will sit at 80-90's All day long & still return good MPG, Pretty much runs on a thimble of derv if you potter about but I don't.
I'm 6ft 5 as well & am comfortable even after the 2 hour drive down to my Daughter/Grandsons. It has everything I want & does everything I need. I've even added to the mods it came with & like how it looks.
It's Mine in Every way. ;D + :cool:

A Place of Light
31-01-2010, 12:58
Focus, definitely.
Fiestas are great sellers, so their resale values are high compared to the Focus (which is a better car anyway.....less "tinny", better levels of kit, more soundproofing etc).
£2k will get you a 2001-2002 Fiesta which is a 3 star encap car with an occupant/pedestrian score of 17/8.
The same money will get you a Focus of the same age, but it's a 4 star car with an occupant/pedestrian score of 25/10.

Bigger cars give occupants a better chance of escaping injury in an accident, and in this case the bigger car (Focus) is also the better car IMHO.

A Place of Light
31-01-2010, 12:59
I've had untold cars over the years & I choose a Polo with a 1.9 derv lump in it.
Even comparing brand new cars, that Polo is tough to beat in the MPG stakes.

31-01-2010, 14:37
Please, please, please buy this


31-01-2010, 14:46
No no.. this:

31-01-2010, 14:47
Please, please, please buy this

ooooo yes! It's got "quirky physics teacher" written all over it :D

31-01-2010, 15:15

Horrible but they screem quirky


31-01-2010, 15:17
My headmaster in juniors had one of these and we thought it was so cool!



15-02-2010, 11:02
Right - looking desperate now!
Brum Brum! (http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201002350103331/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/3000/price-from/1000/seller-type/trade_adverts/postcode/tr36hf/page/7/radius/20?previous=%2Fsearch%2Fused%2Fcars%2Fpostcode%2Ft r36hf%2Fradius%2F20%2Fprice-to%2F3000%2Fprice-from%2F1000%2Fseller-type%2Ftrade_adverts%2Fsort%2Fpriceasc%2Fpage%2F7&logcode=p)

15-02-2010, 11:14
The Rover K series engine in those have quite fragile cooling systems and are prone to head gasket failures. Personally I'd steer clear of anything with a K series engine.

15-02-2010, 11:15
Ick, not to my taste.

I'd buy something cool or something anomous, that doesn't count


15-02-2010, 12:18
Right - looking desperate now!
Brum Brum! (http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201002350103331/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/3000/price-from/1000/seller-type/trade_adverts/postcode/tr36hf/page/7/radius/20?previous=%2Fsearch%2Fused%2Fcars%2Fpostcode%2Ft r36hf%2Fradius%2F20%2Fprice-to%2F3000%2Fprice-from%2F1000%2Fseller-type%2Ftrade_adverts%2Fsort%2Fpriceasc%2Fpage%2F7&logcode=p)

you are not that desperate :shocked:

as said above the engines are prone to head gasket failure and worse, well more that prone it's a near certainty at some point

15-02-2010, 12:31
Right - looking desperate now!
Brum Brum! (http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201002350103331/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/3000/price-from/1000/seller-type/trade_adverts/postcode/tr36hf/page/7/radius/20?previous=%2Fsearch%2Fused%2Fcars%2Fpostcode%2Ft r36hf%2Fradius%2F20%2Fprice-to%2F3000%2Fprice-from%2F1000%2Fseller-type%2Ftrade_adverts%2Fsort%2Fpriceasc%2Fpage%2F7&logcode=p)

3 grand for a ragged chav mobile? :shocked: Granted my mates one handles well (with a rear strut brace) but it's pretty damn useless on motorways.

The Rover K series engine in those have quite fragile cooling systems and are prone to head gasket failures. Personally I'd steer clear of anything with a K series engine.

Agreed, 1.4 is ideal chav territory (my cousin also has one). I seem to remember 60k being a magic number for the HG issues to start (could be wrong though). It will have been driven hard. Avoid.

So your budget is now 3 grand?

Dimensions wise, if you can look at the size of a ZR, you can look at Focus's:-

4.01m * 1.9m

4.15m * 2m

3.9m * 1.9m

3.9m * 1.9m

3.8 * 1.9m

All bar the MG above are good motors and I would have no problem running around in them. If you want something sporty then you may need to look at older cars. As long as you don't get a rust ridden wreck then they are unlikely to break. The other hand, something like a 1.6 Focus will feel like a rocket compared to your Micra.

15-02-2010, 13:11
I'm not sure on the newer models but our Clio is a great little brum brum- it's currently got 135k on the clock and still runs around fine all day long and through the cold cold nights up and down the country.

Cost us £5 at our last MOT for 3 bulbs and has cost us about £20 over the last year as an alternator went - but as a very popular car, the parts were sourced locally and cheaply due to large stocks :)

I think I'd rather our clio with the polyfillered roof than one of those MG/Rover mutant babies! :D

15-02-2010, 13:21
he's off looking at a clio at the moment, well if he knows what's good for him he will be :p

15-02-2010, 13:38
How come? :confused: :)

15-02-2010, 13:57
been helping him look for cars :)

15-02-2010, 14:06
No I was just curious as to why Clio's are off the looking list etc :)

Is it the classic 'poorly made french cars' thing or a visual preference or ? :)

15-02-2010, 14:20
No I was just curious as to why Clio's are off the looking list etc :)

sorry I'll rephrase that, he is current out looking at clios :)

15-02-2010, 14:31
I liked my 172 it was a good little, yes it rattled a bit and the dash was a bit hideous (especially the factory fit stereo (looked like it was designed by Fisher Price))

But all in all a good little car, fast too :D


15-02-2010, 16:14
The Clio was in exeter, checked out a fiesta and a ford fusion today. Fusion looked good, wanted 2k for it tho. My budget is still 2k + micra part exchange, which could equate to 400 - 700 quid. Thanks for the warning about the mg! I think it's gonna be a polo, fiesta or Clio based on what I've seen. Would like a focus, but tax is too much I think. 1.4l can be 125, a Clio 1.2 or 1.1 will do too

15-02-2010, 16:29
sorry I'll rephrase that, he is current out looking at clios :)

oh right :D I was going to say, don't listen to those stereotypes! Not everything French is going to fall to bits! (Check out Will's PB thread! :p)

Hope you find something soon Pickers :)

15-02-2010, 18:10
Ok.. I know what Leo has said but theres
this pug 306 (http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201005351849355/sort/priceasc/usedcars/seller-type/trade_adverts/price-to/3000/price-from/1000/postcode/ex28uf/page/24/radius/20?previous=%2Fsearch%2Fused%2Fcars%2Fpostcode%2Fe x28uf%2Fradius%2F20%2Fseller-type%2Ftrade_adverts%2Fprice-to%2F3000%2Fprice-from%2F1000%2Fsort%2Fpriceasc%2Fpage%2F24&logcode=p)

and this clio (http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/200902326557301/sort/priceasc/usedcars/seller-type/trade_adverts/price-to/3000/price-from/1000/radius/20/page/21/postcode/ex28uf?previous=%2Fsearch%2Fused%2Fcars%2Fpostcode %2Fex28uf%2Fradius%2F20%2Fseller-type%2Ftrade_adverts%2Fprice-to%2F3000%2Fprice-from%2F1000%2Fsort%2Fpriceasc%2Fpage%2F21&logcode=p)

both up in Exeter. Would appreciate more input if its available!

Cant understand the price of the 307 - tax is comparable to the clio, although granted the insurance will be a bit more - a quick quote was £350

or theres this Ford Fusion (http://www.carsupermarketsw.co.uk/details.php?vehid=110)

15-02-2010, 18:35
What about these?

http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201006352259136/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-from/1000/seller-type/trade_adverts/price-to/3000/radius/20/postcode/ex28uf/page/13?previous=%2Fsearch%2Fused%2Fcars%2Fpostcode%2Fe x28uf%2Fradius%2F20%2Fprice-from%2F1000%2Fseller-type%2Ftrade_adverts%2Fprice-to%2F3000%2Fsort%2Fpriceasc%2Fpage%2F13&logcode=p

http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201006352052925/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-from/1000/seller-type/trade_adverts/price-to/3000/page/17/radius/20/postcode/ex28uf?previous=%2Fsearch%2Fused%2Fcars%2Fpostcode %2Fex28uf%2Fradius%2F20%2Fprice-from%2F1000%2Fseller-type%2Ftrade_adverts%2Fprice-to%2F3000%2Fpage%2F17%2Fsort%2Fpriceasc&logcode=p
Why not get a newer model/year clio for less money?!?

http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201002350060945/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-from/1000/seller-type/trade_adverts/price-to/3000/radius/20/page/19/postcode/ex28uf?previous=%2Fsearch%2Fused%2Fcars%2Fpostcode %2Fex28uf%2Fradius%2F20%2Fprice-from%2F1000%2Fseller-type%2Ftrade_adverts%2Fprice-to%2F3000%2Fpage%2F19%2Fsort%2Fpriceasc&logcode=p

http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201005351839861/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-from/1000/seller-type/trade_adverts/price-to/3000/postcode/ex28uf/page/20/radius/20?previous=%2Fsearch%2Fused%2Fcars%2Fpostcode%2Fe x28uf%2Fradius%2F20%2Fprice-from%2F1000%2Fseller-type%2Ftrade_adverts%2Fprice-to%2F3000%2Fsort%2Fpriceasc%2Fpage%2F20&logcode=p

http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201005351658406/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-from/1000/seller-type/trade_adverts/price-to/3000/radius/20/page/28/postcode/ex28uf?previous=%2Fsearch%2Fused%2Fcars%2Fpostcode %2Fex28uf%2Fradius%2F20%2Fprice-from%2F1000%2Fseller-type%2Ftrade_adverts%2Fprice-to%2F3000%2Fsort%2Fpriceasc%2Fpage%2F28&logcode=p

15-02-2010, 18:48
Cheers tink, Im aiming to stay at 1.4L or below for cheaper road tax really. That clio looks good, but higher mileage.. and not a clue where that place is! :p

15-02-2010, 18:53
Okay, what about the Lupo above^

How about this Clio?

http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201006352257903/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-from/1000/seller-type/trade_adverts/price-to/3000/page/20/radius/20/postcode/ex28uf?previous=%2Fsearch%2Fused%2Fcars%2Fpostcode %2Fex28uf%2Fradius%2F20%2Fprice-from%2F1000%2Fseller-type%2Ftrade_adverts%2Fprice-to%2F3000%2Fpage%2F20%2Fsort%2Fpriceasc&logcode=p

15-02-2010, 18:55
Or http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201006352319397/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/3000/price-from/1000/seller-type/trade_adverts/make/renault/page/2/radius/20/postcode/ex28uf?previous=%2Fsearch%2Fused%2Fcars%2Frenault% 2Fpostcode%2Fex28uf%2Fradius%2F20%2Fprice-to%2F3000%2Fprice-from%2F1000%2Fseller-type%2Ftrade_adverts%2Fpage%2F2%2Fsort%2Fpriceasc&logcode=p

Abit more mileage and abit more money, but looks a good car.


http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201006352257717/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/3000/price-from/1000/seller-type/trade_adverts/make/renault/page/2/radius/20/postcode/ex28uf?previous=%2Fsearch%2Fused%2Fcars%2Frenault% 2Fpostcode%2Fex28uf%2Fradius%2F20%2Fprice-to%2F3000%2Fprice-from%2F1000%2Fseller-type%2Ftrade_adverts%2Fpage%2F2%2Fsort%2Fpriceasc&logcode=p


This Ford Fiesta. The best engine in it, low miles for the age. Looks good

http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201006352160569/sort/priceasc/usedcars/maximum-mileage/up_to_80000_miles/seller-type/trade_adverts/price-from/1000/price-to/3000/engine-size-cars/1l_to_1-3l/radius/20/page/2/postcode/ex28uf?previous=%2Fsearch%2Fused%2Fcars%2Fpostcode %2Fex28uf%2Fradius%2F20%2Fmaximum-mileage%2Fup_to_80000_miles%2Fseller-type%2Ftrade_adverts%2Fprice-from%2F1000%2Fprice-to%2F3000%2Fengine-size-cars%2F1l_to_1-3l%2Fsort%2Fpriceasc%2Fpage%2F2&logcode=p

15-02-2010, 20:51
I hadn't even thought of the Lupo! Great car :D

15-02-2010, 23:31
or theres this Ford Fusion (http://www.carsupermarketsw.co.uk/details.php?vehid=110)

You may as well chop your cock off now and be done with it.

15-02-2010, 23:52
What if I already have? Ok so fusion is bobbins. Clio it's gotta be then if my search tomorrow turns up nothing!

16-02-2010, 15:45
Ok crunch time:

1.3L (non zetec, 8 valve engine) Fiesta (basic, so no eletric windows or central locking or anything), v reg, 39k miles, 1 previous owner. Seems in very good nick. just realised its being advertised as a flight, but a flight should have alloy wheels, central locking etc iirc.
£1395 + mighty micra

1.2L clio 16v Dynamique, 51 plate, 77k miles, 2 previous owners, couple of parking dinks.
£1995 + mighty micra

I really dont know, comfort of clio for a little bit more, or the budget of a fiesta?

16-02-2010, 16:12
To give you an idea my mate has one of those Fusion things a 52plate in Blue with Privacy rears tagged up for 1950 or summit, i know it's less than 2 grand anyway.

16-02-2010, 16:18
how important are leccy windows to you Rog? As discussed the Clio does give you the va va voom edge ;)

16-02-2010, 16:23
I am leaning toward to clio, its just the little nicks in the doors putting me off, especially seeing as the rest of the car was immaculate, it really made them stand out... it was a lovely car...

16-02-2010, 16:34
If you're used to electric windows, you will really miss them if you downgrade! It's a small thing in the grand scheme of things but going from my Ka to my Mum's Suzuki Swift, it's so irritating having to wind down the windows. I've been spoilt :o

I'd probably go with the Clio out of those two regardless anyway though :)

16-02-2010, 16:46
The clio is mine... its far too easy to spend money these days.

16-02-2010, 23:19
You made the right choice IMO roge, hope you're happy with it

16-02-2010, 23:25
Cheers kate! last thing I need to hear now is "you should have got the fessie". Infact, if you went against your spouses word, Id have been very miffed ;)

16-02-2010, 23:26
if it's the one at top of page it looks very tidy :)

A Place of Light
20-02-2010, 13:22
Would like a focus, but tax is too much I think. 1.4l can be 125, a Clio 1.2 or 1.1 will do too

I'd have re-thought this if I were you.
You're really going to buy something other than what you'd prefer, in order to save £1.75 per week???
Jesus, how low are teachers wages these days?

20-02-2010, 13:29
Teacher's wages aren't particularly relevant in this matter - it's all about how much Pickers wishes to spend on his car, and it's yearly running.

Good call on the clio :) I'm sure it will see you on your travels nicely :D

A Place of Light
20-02-2010, 13:34
Teacher's wages aren't particularly relevant in this matter - it's all about how much Pickers wishes to spend on his car, and it's yearly running.

And you would consider less than £2 per week a deal breaker?

20-02-2010, 13:34
Totally agree with Jingo - it's about budget not salary. Maybe he just wants to put money away for a rainy day, or a house, or whatever, or doesn't want to spend more than necessary on a car that'll probably end up getting knackered by schoolkids. £1.75 might not matter to you, but that doesn't mean it doesn't matter to someone else.

20-02-2010, 13:48
And you would consider less than £2 per week a deal breaker?

The only ones I found had high mileage, and were much bigger than I want considering parking around my flat is a premium, so that coupled with higher running costs is most definatly a "deal breaker". It would be nice to have one, but my lifestyle at the moment wouldnt suit it. But thanks for your input.

Incidently, clio drove like a dream back to exeter, though now shes caked in salt and grit. damn winter driving! ;D

20-02-2010, 15:04
get out there and wash her then :p

20-02-2010, 15:57
And then post pictures! :p

20-02-2010, 16:07
And then post pictures! :p

I'll pop to sainsburys, do some shopping, hose it down, then snap away ;)
incidently, where is the best place now to upload images? I used to use google pages and just link direct to them, but its all changed now. i guess I;ve got my image shack account, but that seems slow and cumbersome!

20-02-2010, 16:52
Photobucket vote right here. Tis great!

20-02-2010, 17:28

20-02-2010, 18:11
That looks pretty damn good :) Are you pleased with it?

20-02-2010, 18:22
Some tosser has drawn all over your license plates! Nice looking car apart from that though :)

20-02-2010, 20:24
Nice, glad you went 3 door too :D

21-02-2010, 13:56
Really pleased yeah - its not super powerful or anything, but its a step up in terms of power and comfort nontheless! 3 door, had to be done. No real need for 5 door at the moment!!

A Place of Light
24-02-2010, 20:40
The only ones I found had high mileage, and were much bigger than I want considering parking around my flat is a premium, so that coupled with higher running costs is most definatly a "deal breaker". It would be nice to have one, but my lifestyle at the moment wouldnt suit it. But thanks for your input.

I agree, that if you can't find a tidy example then taking second best would be crazy. FWIW I think it's fair to say that all things being equal, the Focus is a better car (it should be, as it's from the next sector up from the Clio and is priced accordingly) but if you couldn't find decent examples then you made the best choice for you.....the last two words being the most important.
Nice colour, btw.