View Full Version : New addition to the house

30-01-2010, 21:51
My sister has been wanting a dog for ages now and after looking at quite a few others, we both finally found the perfect dog.

Let me present you to Charlie:


A 4 month old black Staffy who is utterly crazy and seems to love everyone.

We've got a cage for the night and when we are both out of the house and a bed for the living room for somewhere comfy to sit/sleep.

Unfortunately he has a cough at the moment due to being in the kennels but the RSPCA have being giving him some medicine, which we now have and should be cleared up by next week when we can introduce him to my parents dog. He has a fondness for trying to eat your hands/face when he gets excited, but stops as soon as you tell him. He's got loads off toys to play with to keep him entertained.

It's bloody hard to get a decent pic of him, as as soon as you try he races up to you for fuss, so only got a couple half decent ones.

30-01-2010, 22:14
Awww :D

30-01-2010, 23:47
*waves* Ello Charlie, you handsome chap!

31-01-2010, 13:13
Cracking name ;)

31-01-2010, 13:21
Hi Charlie. :cool:

Frank says Woof !!! :p

31-01-2010, 14:00
Haha he looks cool! :D

31-01-2010, 14:35
Last night was one of the hardest nights of my life. Put him in the cage and went to bed, he finally stopped crying/whining/barking and going mad at gone 1am, was really hard to not go down :( Should hopefully be slightly better tonight.

Oh, and he seems to like watching Stargate :D everytime we put it on he turns round to stare at the tv :D

31-01-2010, 15:16
Awwwwwesome :D I miss my dawggy muchly. Best company EVER!

31-01-2010, 15:52
I love staffys, he looks great :)

31-01-2010, 20:28
He looks ace :D

31-01-2010, 20:41
I want a Staffy soooo bad!

31-01-2010, 21:51
Reading up on crating a bit more and so far we have done everything correctly, also found out that putting the crate in a bedroom at night is completely fine as long as he stays in it. So we'll be doing that tonight which should hopefully keep him calmer than last night.

01-02-2010, 11:15
Last night went well. He was put in the cage in my sisters bedroom for the night and only cried for 15 minutes before getting bored and falling asleep, so it looks like we'll be doing this from now on. He'll be in my room tonight so he gets used to sleeping in different parts of the house.

When we left him this morning we put radio 4 on in the same room at lowish volume so he can hear people talking, no idea if this will help at all, but I'll be popping home at lunch to check up on him and eat.